Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 (78 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945
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Chiang Kai-shek, Madame.
Song Meiling

China: anti-Japanese lasting resentment in,

; British attitudes toward,



; casualties in World War II,
; Chiang as representative of,
; Chiang as symbol of unity in,
; Christian missionaries in,

; Churchill and,
; class differences and friction in,
; as Communist state,
; Cultural Revolution in,

; financial and tariff autonomy in,
; 14th US Air Force in,
; Gauss as US ambassador to,





; Germany ends alliance with,

; Germany loses territories in,
; Great Depression in,
; Great Leap Forward,
; historical relationship with Japan,

; and Hong Kong,
; Hurley as US ambassador to,

; imperial history of,

; increased US military presence in,

; Japan defeats (1895),
; Japan invades.
Japanese occupation of China; Sino-Japanese War; Japanese Army’s espionage in,
; Japanese attitudes toward,



; Japanese imperialism in,



; Japanese occupation of.
Japanese occupation of China; Sino-Japanese War; Japan’s extraterritorial rights in,
; Johnson as US ambassador to,

; Kwantung Army attacks,
; in League of Nations,
; Manchuria as separate from,
; Manchus rule,

; mobilizes for war with Japan,

; modern economic reform in,
; modernization of,

; neglected role in World War II,





; nonaggression pact with Soviet Union,
; NRA unifies,

; opium trade’s effects on,

; OSS in,

; and Outer Mongolia,
; peasant revolution in,

; political pluralism in,


; political reunification of,
; postwar relations with Japan,
; postwar status of,

; poverty in,

; and principle of self-determination,
; reinterpretations of the war in,

; relations with US,





; republican revolution in,
; resists Japanese occupation,
; rise as global power,

; role in Allied strategy,





; Roosevelt and relations with,

; social and economic instability in,


; social reforms in,

; SOE in,
; sovereignty over Manchuria,
; Stilwell as commander-in-chief in,

; Stilwell commands US forces in,

; supplied from India,


; and Tibet,
; unifying effect of war in,
; US attitudes toward,




; US denies ground combat forces to,

; US loans to,

; USAAF in,
; war memorials and museums in,

; warlords hold power in,
; war’s psychological and social effects on,


; Wedemeyer as commander-in-chief in,

; and Western imperialism,







; Wilkie visits,
; in World War I,

China, Republic of: Japan pressures,
; militarist takeover of,

; Sun as president of,
; warlords hold power in,

; Yuan as president of,


China Campaign Committee,

“China Lobby”: in US,


Chinese air force: Chennault trains,

Chinese army.
National Revolutionary Army (NRA); Red Army

Chinese Army in India (“X Force”),

Chinese Communist Party (CCP): allies with KMT,


; analysis of victory over KMT,

; Chiang refuses to compromise with,


; Chiang’s suppression efforts against,





; Civil War victory by,
; Civil War with KMT,


; and civilian welfare programs,
; competes with KMT,
; competes with National Government,

; cooperates with National Government,




; Davies on,

; establishes Red Army,
; factional fighting within,

; and food supply,
; formed,
; high morale and discipline in,

; Hurley opposes,
; Hurley’s contact with,

; and inflation,

; intellectuals in,

; Kang Sheng as head of security for,

; land and production reforms by,

; Mao attacks leadership of,
; Mao heads,



; minor military role of,

; National Government blockades areas controlled by,

; negotiations with Japanese,
; “New Fourth Army Incident,”

; OSS and,
; popularity with civilian population,

; possible US support for,
; postwar consolidation of,

; postwar mythology of,

; progressive taxation by,
; proposed coalition with National Government,

; Rectification Movement in,



; relations with Allies,
; resists Japanese occupation,
; Service on US contact with,

; Soviet Union supports,
; Stilwell on,
; Sun and,

; US contact with,

; US relations with,
; use of terrorism and torture by,

; Vladimirov on,


; war’s effect on ideology of,



; wartime expansion of,


; Xu Wancheng on,


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