Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)
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Chapter Twenty-Five



Three days, that was how long Rhett was in the hospital. Three very long, exhausting days. New Year’s Eve was almost here, and my plans to go out were the last thing I felt like doing. I really wanted to curl up and sleep for weeks.

Rhett was now back on schedule, and I was like a walking zombie. I needed a long, hot shower and a fluffy bed.

The moment Rhett fell asleep for the night, I gathered my things for the shower. Stepping under the hot water felt wonderful, almost orgasmic. It had been days since I got the chance to relax.

After finishing up, I made sure everything was locked up and walked down the hallway toward my bedroom. A loud slam on the side of the house had me spinning around, holding my hand to my chest. I stood very still, making no sound as I waited to see if it came again. Footsteps on the front porch, followed by someone trying to turn the handle, made me panic. I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my phone.

Dialing Reed’s number, I slipped into Rhett’s room.

He answered after the second ring. “Hey baby, I figured you’d be out by now.”

“Someone is outside my house, trying to get in.” I spoke fast. I was terrified. I could hear him moving around through the phone.

“Where are you?”

I took a deep breath. “I’m in Rhett’s room. Please hurry.”

“I’m on my way. Stay in there, push the dresser in front of the door and stay there.” I heard the squeal of his tires and knew it would only be minutes before he was here. “Talk to me, Kori. Can you still hear them?”

“There was a loud noise and then footsteps on the front porch. They tried to open the front door. Please hurry, I don’t know if they are still out there.” I was whispering, but the shaking in my voice was undeniable.

“Almost there, coming around the bend. Thirty seconds, baby. You stay there until I come to you, understand me?”


Reed let me go, and I sat in the darkness, listening. I held my phone tightly in my hand, waiting. It felt like forever had passed when I heard Reed’s voice on the other side of the door.

“Kori? Baby, let me in. Whoever it was, they’re gone.” I stood and walked to the door. I had the dresser in front of it like he said. The door was only open enough that I could see through the crack. “It’s okay, Kori. Open up, move the dresser.”

Seeing that he was there and alone, I slid the dresser to the side. He stepped into the room and wrapped me in his arms. “You okay?”

All I could do was shake my head. The adrenaline was wearing off, and I began to shake. “No,” I said against his chest. “I’m not okay, I was so scared.”

“I’m here, you’re okay.” He kissed my temple and soothed me by rubbing my back. “Let’s call and report it. Get the chief to put someone on patrol to keep an eye out. You need to pack some things for you and Rhett. You two are coming home with me.”

“No, it’s…” He cut me off quickly.

“I said pack some things for both of you. I’m not taking no for an answer. There is no way I am leaving you here. Now get moving while I call the station.” He stepped back and began dialing his phone.

All I could do was shake my head, damn bossy ass man. Secretly, I was glad he was making us leave. I had to appear a little stubborn, though. I couldn’t let him think he had full control. I stood in the same spot listening to him talk to someone at the police station. He noticed and walked in my direction, covering the phone receiver with his hand.

He was standing right in front of me and skimmed my jaw with his thumb. “Please don’t fight me on this. I’d feel better if you two were with me. I wanna keep you safe, please just let me do that.” He was pleading for me to be agreeable.

My stubbornness went right out the window. There was no way I could avoid that sweet grin of his. Of course letting him keep us safe was the route I would be taking. Hearing him ask instead of demand warmed my heart. “Okay.” I moved past him and began gathering some things.

They would be sending a patrol car out to check on my place and would continue to keep an eye out throughout the night.

The drive to his house was quiet. Rhett only stirred a little as we lifted him from bed and placed him in the car seat.

Once we were back at Reed’s and got Rhett settled back in bed, I followed Reed to his room. He slipped his shirt off and crawled into bed. Placing his hands behind his head, he watched me with a grin on his lips. “What are you smiling about?” I asked.

“Having you here feels right, feels good. No, the reasoning behind it isn’t one I wished for. I did wish for this, though, you both here in my home.” He continued to talk as I crawled into bed with him and straddled his hips. “This big ol’ house feels empty with just me and Diesel. On Christmas, with both of you here, it felt right. Rhett’s giggles and your laughter made this place feel like a home. Having you here in my bed, in my arms, makes me feel whole.”

I leaned over his body and placed my hands on each side of his face. Bringing my lips to his, I expressed my gratitude. Not only for coming to our rescue, but for being the man he was, the man I needed him to be. “I love you, Reed Jackson. You have become such an amazing man.”

I gradually lifted my nightshirt up and over my head, before bringing my lips back to his. He ran his hands up my sides and then back down. Feeling his fingertips hook the side of my panties, I helped him slide them down my legs. His hardness pressed against me, and I immediately began rotating my hips, pressing over him.

A deep groan ripped through his chest before he began to work his sweats lower. His erection rested over his stomach, between my folds. I began to use myself to stroke him slowly, kissing him as I moved. He gripped my hips and held me still. “Condom, you better get one, because I’m not sure how long I can wait. I wanna be inside you when you’re moving like that.”

I scrambled for a condom in the nightstand drawer and ripped at it with my teeth. He watched as I pinched the tip and began lowering it over his very impressive erection. Positioning him at my entrance, I began taking him in, inch by heavenly inch.

Biting down hard on my lower lip, I moaned as he reached the deepest point. Rotating my hips, listening to him groan, was so erotic. I felt so full, it was pure bliss. I brought my hands to rest on his chest. I began moving, stroking him.

His deep breathing sped up as he thrust upward to meet my movements with his own. “That’s it, damn, girl. You drive me crazy. Just like that, baby.”

His praise made me drive my hips faster and harder. He was so deep, and I could feel myself building to release. My legs began to tense, and my stomach contracted. His fingers dug into my hips, while he fought to hold off his own release.

“Yes, oh yes. I’m close,” I gasped as his hips lifted and he drove hard into me. “Yes, Reed, oh my god.” My body shook, and I gripped his shoulders. Riding out my orgasm, my body clenched tightly around him.

He flipped me over, continuing to thrust his hips hard and fast, sweat beading on his forehead, his breath coming out in small gasps. “Can I come? I’m there, right there.”

“Yes,” I moaned. His mouth covering mine, rolling his tongue over mine. He began pumping his hips in short thrusts just before slamming into me once more. My toes curled, and I threw my head back.

I felt his tongue lick the sweat from my neck just before placing a sweet kiss on my collarbone. Lifting my head, my eyes locked with his. Reed swept the damp hair from my forehead, and his eyes shifted over my face as he studied me.

He kissed me once more before he spoke, just above a whisper. “You’re it for me, everything I want. This is real for me, Kori, everything. I want it more than my next breath. You make me happy, both of you.”

He rested his forehead against mine for a few minutes before slipping from me and walking to the bathroom to clean up.

When he returned to bed, he curled up against me and placed his head on my chest. “I love you,” he said against the curve of my breast. The emotional high from the last hour was overtaking me. In this moment I was so unbelievably happy. I never thought I could be again, but I was so wrong.

I ran my fingers through his hair, combing through the softness. “I love you too, so much it hurts.”

I could feel him smile as his lips shifted against me. We lay there in silence, relishing the closeness of our bodies. The peacefulness of our love for each other, the completion of our worlds colliding together, bound us with such a deep connection.




“Let’s just go out for a little while. We’ll go to dinner, then meet everybody for a few drinks. After that we’ll come back here and break in the New Year together.” I looked up to meet his gaze in the reflection of the mirror. He kissed my shoulder gently, and I arched my neck to the side on instinct. He had that effect on me. It was as if our bodies knew one another. Mine had no hope against his; it was magnetic, almost uncontrollable. “Ben and Leann are looking forward to us being there. It’s their first night out since Chloe arrived.”

My gaze met his once more. He stood with his lip puckered out, and I couldn’t hold back the laughter. “Okay, fine, but I have a scheduled Skype with Richard and Molly in the morning. They wanna wish Rhett a happy New Year.”

Over the last month, Blake’s dad had made several attempts to convince me to come for a visit, promising that this visit would erase the memories of my last. The memories of burying Blake and being shoved aside like a piece of trash. The last time I was there, they didn’t even acknowledge that Rhett or I had any connection to their family. I was offered a check and asked to disappear.

He had continued to apologize for both of them, and Blake’s father called at least once a week. Tomorrow would be the first time I interacted with Molly since the funeral. I was definitely a little nervous about it.

“I’ll be right there with ya.” Reed whispered in my ear as if he sensed my anxiety. “Just off camera, supporting you. Okay?”

I nodded. “They want me to come to Boston, for a visit. Richard even offered to cover the entire trip. He wants me to feel comfortable coming there.” I shrugged and let my gaze shift to the floor.

“Do you wanna go?” he asked.

“I’ve thought about going to Blake’s gravesite. I haven’t been there since we buried him.” I blinked past the tears. “I know Rhett’s too small. It would be nice, though, to have a yearly visit. I want him to know that his daddy will never be forgotten. If we go every year, then he’ll know Blake’s memory is carried on. I don’t want to be the kind of person who walks away after the funeral and only talks about visiting their loved one.”

Reed traced his fingertip over my cheek and brought it to rest under my chin, tilting it upward. “Then we’ll go. You set the date, I’ll take care of the rest. But I’m going with ya, you aren’t making that trip on your own.”

I never took my eyes off of him. “Thank you.”

His lips softly skimmed my neck, sending chills over my body. “No need to thank me. I understand, and I know Blake will always be a part of your life. I know Rhett needs to have the presence of his daddy exist. I’m gonna do everything you need me to do so that happens. I love you two, more than anything. You both come first in my world, always.”









Chapter Twenty-Six



“Have the police found anyone lurking around out there?” Leann asked while she stared at me with wide eyes. The girl was feeling good and taking advantage of a night away from her newborn. “That is so scary. You’re out there so far from any other house.”

“They haven’t seen anyone in the last few nights. I’m thinking it was probably some homeless person, or somebody just passing through town. We’ve been staying at Reed’s since that night.”

“Oh, I know that, honey. That man is in heaven, and Ben has been hearing all about it.” I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked over her shoulder toward the bar. My gaze connected with him immediately. He smiled, winked, and tipped his beer back. My stomach fluttered, and I couldn’t help but smile in return. That man made my heart race.

“He’s been amazingly sweet, and he is so good to Rhett.” I turned back to face Leann. Both she and Maria were staring at me, wearing cheesy ass grins.

“Oh yeah, so good, huh? I bet that isn’t the only thing he’s good at.” Maria wagged her eyebrows, and Leann choked on her drink as she tried to swallow. Then she began coughing in between laughter.

We stayed much longer than we planned, but once we got here, it actually was pretty fun. Lucky’s was busy, and the band was great. The best part about it was Reed was well staffed tonight. This meant he was able to relax, have fun, and enjoy his night. Not that his eye wasn’t taking in the entire place over and over, observing his crew. He stood out in the crowd. Maybe I was just being biased, but he was so damn sexy.

“I’ll just say that I have no reason to complain. He is a very giving man.” I felt flushed with heat from the thoughts of his hands on me.

“I know what ya mean. Reed gives, so well.” My shoulders tensed at the sound of her taunting voice. That warm feeling that was just flowing through my body turned to ice. My stomach tightened.

Maria stood from her stool and started to come around the table, ready to defend my honor. Kimberly was such a hateful bitch. She had always been like that with me. Why, I had no clue. She set her sights on Reed when we were freshmen, doing anything she could to drive us apart. In the end, she succeeded.

This time, I wasn’t about to let the bitch win. It was time I stood up for myself. I held up my hand, stopping Maria and shaking my head. “I’m fine,” I assured her before I turned to face the town sleaze. She was smiling as if she had won some big prize.

“What game are we playing tonight, Kim?” From behind me, I heard Reed holler out my name, but I kept my eyes on her. “Your drama doesn’t work on me anymore. You are such a miserable person. If you would just stop trying so hard to interfere with the lives of others and focus on your own, you may find happiness.” I took a step toward her, bringing our faces only inches apart. “I will tell you this, though. I will never again allow you to interfere with my happiness. The past is just that, the past. Whatever happened between you and Reed is over. You can’t intimidate me, Kim, I won’t let you.”

“You’re pretty delusional, if you think Reed will stay faithful. He couldn’t back then, and he won’t be able to now,” she hissed. “I convinced him to stray once, and it won’t take much to get him to do it again.”

“Enough, Kim. It had nothing to do with you. I was drunk, pissed, and stupid. You could have been anybody that night. I fucked up the best thing in my life for a mediocre blowjob.” Reed’s voice boomed from behind me. His comment was rewarded with laughter. “I’m in love with Kori, and I always have been. That mistake I made will never happen again. You need to back the fuck up and leave my girl alone.”

I felt Reed’s hands rest on my shoulders, pulling me back against him. My back resting against his chest, I let the tension in my body go. He just declared his love for me in front of her and an entire bar of friends and strangers.

Kimberly’s face was golden. She looked a little green, and it made me smile. She really was a hateful bitch. At times I felt sorry for her. She had to be lacking something in her life to want others to be so miserable. Tonight, though, I felt confident—victorious. I had the right to take in the love from Reed, and I was accepting all he wanted to give.

She turned and stalked away as Reed’s hand snuck around the front of me, spreading out over my lower stomach. Letting my head fall back against his shoulder I looked up into his eyes. “You handled that with class, baby. I’m proud of you.” He kissed my lips softly. “I will never hurt you again.”

Spinning in his arms, I laced my fingers together behind his neck. “I’m not worried about that. I know you’re not the same guy you once were. You also know that I’m not the same girl I once was. This time I won’t be turning my back and walking away, not without a souvenir anyway. Something that you will miss very dearly.” I was not joking in the slightest, but it sure was cute that he thought so.

“Dance with me.” He took my hands in his and began leading me toward the dance floor. The music was slow and soothing. It was a song I didn’t recognize, but having Reed’s voice sing softly in my ear along with the band was kind of a turn on.

I found myself letting go more and more each day. I understood that it was time to open my heart once more. It was time for me to live and love, smile and laugh. I had a great man who adored me, and he made me feel special and appreciated. Blake would approve of Reed, I knew he would, because he treated me and Rhett so good.

“Whatcha thinking about, baby?” He tucked a loose curl behind my ear. “You look so deep in thought.”

“I was just thinking about how much I love you. How you’re so good to me and Rhett. We’re pretty lucky to have you.” A grin spread across his alluring lips, one that hit me hard. I stood tall, stretching up to kiss him, dipping my tongue in just enough to tease his. He groaned and tried to continue. I pulled back, and he let his head fall back. He knew I was teasing him; it drove him crazy when I did.

“You ready to go home?” Continuing to stare at my mouth, he licked his lower lip.

“I thought I was staying with you tonight?” I knew what he meant by
. He would have me and Rhett moved in with him in a second if I said let’s do it.

“It’s your home too. Even though you don’t want to admit it yet, you know it will be soon.” He was so damn cocky. I fought against the impending smile, but failed miserably as it spread out over my lips. “See, I told you so.”

“We only have about thirty minutes before the New Year. Don’t you want to bring it in with our friends?” I questioned as he trailed his hands down over my lower back until he spread them out over my ass.

He shook his head while looking at me with fierceness and complete lust. “I wanna bring in the New Year with me inside of you.”

Well, okay then, that was settled, and my legs were now wobbly. I had to admit his idea sounded pretty damn good.

After saying a quick goodbye to our friends, we rushed home.




“Oh my god, ah, yes.” I gripped his hair and threw my head back, arching my back. “Right there, don’t stop. Mm, so good, just like that.” I rotated my hips, riding out the orgasm as he continued to lick me like I was his last meal. The man had one wicked tongue and knew just what to do with it.

My body collapsed against the mattress, while I fought to regain my composure. Reed crawled up my body wearing a grin a mile wide. “What are you smiling about?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe the fact that I just had you going off like the Fourth of July against my tongue. Or maybe it was because I have the ability to make my girl go off more than once with only my tongue.” He grinned even bigger. “It could be that for a second I wasn’t sure if I was going to be smothered, but damn, what a way to go.” I slapped at his shoulder, and he chuckled. He turned his head sideways and pointed to the back of his head. “Seriously, though, babe, do I have a bald spot now? I think you may have ripped some out while riding my face.”

“Ha, real funny, smartass.” I glared.

“I’m just playing. I love that I can make you feel so good, you lose your mind.” He smashed his lips to mine while he ran his erection through my wet folds. “You want more?” he asked.

All I could do in response was nod. I wanted it all. After he grabbed a condom from the drawer, I stopped him by placing my hand on his forearm. “I’m on the pill, you don’t have to use one. Unless you’re uncomfortable with the thought.”

“Are you kidding me? Feeling just you with nothing in between us, that thought makes me harder.” He chuckled and dropped the condom on the floor next to the bed. “It’s just you and me, there is no reason for a barrier between us,” he whispered just before sliding inside me. It felt so different. I felt, at this moment, closer to him than I had ever felt.

He kissed me with such passion as he began rocking his hips, moving into me deeply. Reed was not lacking in the size department. He knew what he was doing, and like I said before, he was so giving.

“You feel so good,” Reed groaned out as he rocked in so deep.

My body convulsed and shook as a third orgasm erupted within me. I screamed out his name as he drove harder and faster. Our bodies grinding together, fighting to get all the pleasure we could.

“I can’t hold it off, I’m gonna go, baby. Can I come?” His back muscles tensed beneath my fingers and his ass beneath my feet as I pulled him in deeper.

“Yes,” I moaned, feeling his hardness twitch inside me as he emptied himself. His hips continued to rock slowly while he bit down on his lower lip.

Watching Reed come was without a doubt one of my most favorite sights. He appeared sexier, if that was even possible. The man was built like a god from all his manual labor. There was not an ounce of fat on his perfectly toned body, and he knew he made my mouth water.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna get hard again.” He grinned down at me, chuckling quietly.

I could only smile in return, because honestly, that wasn’t a bad thing. I had a feeling it would be impossible for me to not want him.

“I like the sound of that,” I cooed, moving my hips in a circular motion. “I’m not sure I’m done with you yet.”

He rested his body over mine and took my mouth in a heated kiss. Tongues rolled together, and I could feel him growing hard.

I moaned into his mouth, sucking on the tip of his tongue, mimicking what I wanted to do with other parts of his body.

“You are insatiable. I could get used to this, baby.” His erection filling me once again, we began to rock our hips together, losing ourselves in the pleasure of our union.

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