Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)
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He then moved to her ear and breathed across it as he whispered, “Call me anything you wish, but I am not without a heart.”

              She pushed on his chest, and his arms fell away from her. She stepped away and kept her eyes on the floor. “We shouldn’t have done that,” she whispered.

              He took a step toward her, but she stepped away and shook her head at him.

              “I have to go.” She then fled from the room and ran right into Trisha’s chest. Faith fell to the ground and let out an

              “Faith? What are you doing in here?” Trisha asked, helping her to her feet.

              “I-I, uh… I was going to the bathroom.”

              Trisha crossed her arms. “And you couldn’t use the bathroom in the guest cabin because?”

              “Sleepwalking, I guess.”

              Trisha sighed, exasperated. “Yeah, and that’s why you are coated in Nodin’s scent, right?”

              Faith blanched and hid her face.

              “Go back to the cabin,” Trisha said, giving her a hug. “It’s been a rough day for all of us.” 

              Faith nodded and gave her hand a squeeze before turning to go back.

Trisha watched her go, then dropped the smile as soon as Faith was out of sight. She marched up to Nodin’s door and knocked twice.

He answered with a scowl on his face. “Beta,” he said, baring his throat to her. He stepped to the side, allowing her entrance.

              “You had better explain yourself,” Trisha said, growling and tapping her nails on her arms.

              “Does your male know you are in another’s room so late at night?”

              “He does, and he approves. Now explain.”

              “I am not in the mood, female,” he snapped. He then turned his back to her, letting her know he didn’t consider her a threat. 

              Trisha snarled and grabbed his arm to spin him around. “Do not show me your back! I may be female, but I am your beta, and you will show proper respect.” She reached through the bond and called on her mate’s power, bringing Nodin to his knees. He kept his eyes on the floor as she slowly released him once her point was made. She then bent down on her knees in front of him and laid her hand on his shoulder. “Nodin, Faith is not one of us.”

              “I know that.”

              “Then you know there is no hope for you two. End this now. She has been through hell and back, and I don’t want you to be the straw that breaks her back. Stay away from her, because if you break her heart,” she said, tipping his head up to meet her eyes, “I will kill you.”

* * *

              Sera groaned when a
roused her. Her body throbbed, and she felt as though she had been hit by a truck.

              “Sera? Sera, my love, are you with me?”

              She slowly opened her eyes, momentarily blinded by bright white lights. She realized she was in a hospital. Cords and tubes ran from her body, connecting her to multiple machines. Someone squeezed her hand, and she turned to look at the man who was holding it.

              “There you are.” He smiled, his eyes shining with love.

              Sera frowned and pulled her hand away. She felt like she should know him, but trying to remember only made her head hurt. “Wh-who are you? Where am I?”

              His smile faded, and his head dropped in defeat. Long hair that fell to his shoulders cascaded forward, sheltering his face from her. “They said you may not remember,” he muttered.

              “What do you mean? They who?” 

              “The doctors. They said you might suffer from amnesia. You hit your head pretty hard.”

              “And you? Who are you?”

              “I am Ceo, your husband.”

              Sera gasped and looked down at her hand. Sure enough, her left ring finger was adorned with a large, princess-cut diamond ring. She looked up at him, trying to remember, but she couldn’t.

He sat on the bed next to her and sighed.

She looked at her supposed groom and frowned. She tentatively reached up and touched the scars on his neck. “Why do you have these?”

              “I was in a war, and my enemy got hold of me.”

              “I’m sorry.”

              He shrugged. “I have come to terms with it. I was able to silence them in the end.” He leaned closer to her.

Sera felt her heartbeat accelerate. “Wh-What are you doing?”

              “This is my last hope that you will come back to me.” He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips tenderly against hers.

She closed her eyes as the memories flooded her mind. A sharp pain pierced her mind, and she suddenly remembered their wedding night. She recalled the day she met him. It all flooded back to her, especially the reason why she had crashed. She laid her hand on her stomach, and tears fell from her cheeks.

              Ceo sat on the bed next to her, cupping her cheek. “Do you remember?”

              “I lost the baby,” she cried, leaning into his strong shoulder.

              He pulled her close, rocking her. “It’s all right, my love. You’re safe. You’re with me now, exactly where you belong.”

              “How could this happen? I should have been able to save the baby.”

              As Ceo wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumb, she closely observed him. He was extremely handsome, with deep, ice-gray eyes that seemed to stare deep into her soul. He had a harsh, sharp jawline dusted with scruff, and it suited him. His hair was long and black and wavy and reached his masculine shoulders. He looked like a god as he stared at her with sympathetic eyes.

              “You cannot prevent something that was meant to be. Things happen. Eventually, we will try again. You are only human after all.”


Newborn Deceit


I feel like a newborn, as though I am having to relearn life all over again. I remember my husband, the man who holds me close at night, yet I find holes in my memories, holes I can’t explain. How am I to continue living my life as if nothing has happened? How am I to act as though there is nothing wrong?
~  Sera Kalihan


era gasped as they pulled up to the large villa, near the ocean. “This is our home?”

              Ceo laughed from the driver seat and kissed her hand that he was holding. “Yes, dear. You absolutely loved this villa when we were house-hunting, and like I promised you the day I took you as my bride, I always give you what your heart desires.”

              “I still can’t believe I live in a house like this, in Italy of all places!”

              He chuckled as he pressed another kiss to her hand, but she didn’t really notice, as she was too busy ogling the villa. The walls were painted a faint cream, and the estate was huge. It reminded her of a large castle, with multiple outbuildings and smaller houses connected by stone pathways.

She smiled to herself as Ceo stopped the car and walked over to help her out. She was still sore from the crash and still walked with a limp. He grabbed their luggage with one hand and gripped her hip with the other, helping her up the steps to the large mansion. He opened the door for her.

As soon as Sera stepped through, the entire room exploded in a huge, “Welcome home!” shouted by several people she didn’t recognize. Nervousness seized her throat, and she felt her body begin to tremble slightly. She leaned into Ceo’s large body, trying to shield herself.

              “Whoa!” he bellowed, silencing the room. “Sera is still suffering from some memory loss and may not know you all. We must start all over again, my friends.” 

              The group all seemed to sag in disappointment, and Sera lowered her head, ashamed.

Ceo turned toward her and placed his fingers under her chin. He tilted her head up to look at him. “It’s okay,
mio amore.
You belong here, and you will soon be back to normal.”

              For some reason, his voice had changed, and when he spoke to her in Italian, images flashed quickly through her mind. Sera couldn’t focus on them because they moved too fast, but she knew they were good. A sense of warmness enveloped her heart, and she shivered at the soothing sensation.

              Ceo’s lips on her own pulled her from her own mind, and she jumped away. His brow furrowed, and she gave him a smile. “I’m sorry,” she said.

              “Where were you, little Snow?”

              “Lost in my own thoughts, I guess.”

              He smiled at her and cupped her cheek. “Come. There are some people I want you to meet.”

              Sera nodded, swallowing her fears.

The first woman who came forward was absolutely beautiful, and Sera instantly felt jealous of her. Her long raven hair looked like satin as it flowed down her back, framing her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a deep brown that reminded Sera of freshly turned soil. Her small lips were turned up in a smile that was calm and welcoming. She looked so much like Ceo that Sera instantly knew it had to be one of his relatives.

              “Hello, Sera. I am Calandra, the youngest of Ceo’s triplet siblings. It is an honor to meet you.” Then, after a pause, she added, “Again.”

              Though she was surprised to hear that Ceo was a triplet, Sera smiled and extended the hand that wasn’t wrapped in gauze. “The honor is mine.”

              Calandra brushed a strand of hair away from Sera’s face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You are just as beautiful as the day I first saw you. Ceolus took one look at you and laid his claim.”

              Sera laughed and looked up at Ceo, who was glowering at his younger sister.

              “Come, Lana,” a tall man said as he stepped forward and placed a hand on Calandra’s shoulder. “Leave our older brother alone. What can a man do when he is looking at a beauty like this?”

              He looked almost identical to Ceo. He had the same intense gray eyes and strong jaw that demanded attention. His long hair was cut shorter, in a boyish, messy style, as opposed to Ceolus’s, which was long and pulled back at the nape of his neck. His nose seemed slightly crooked, revealing that it had been broken more than once.

              He took Sera’s injured hand and gently pressed a kiss to her scraped-up palm.

Though it was slightly uncomfortable for Sera, she smiled anyway, thankful for the gesture of kindness. “Welcome home, Sera. I’m Corrado, the middle triplet.”

              “Pleasure.” Sera smiled, removed her hand from his grasp, and placed it on Ceo’s stomach, then leaned back into him.

              “How are you feeling?”

              “I am all right, just a little shaken and sore.”

              He smiled and nodded. “That’s understandable. After the car accident and the loss of the baby—”

              “Corrado!” Ceo said with a snarl that made his younger brother cringe. 

              “Ceo,” Sera said, gently patting him. “It’s all right. No one needs to tiptoe around me.”

              “Sera, I am very sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything so…so…heartless.”

              She reached out and placed her hand on his arm. “I am fine, Corrado. It’s all right. I lost our baby, and I got in an accident. That is the way things are.”

              Ceo pressed a kiss to her temple and gently rubbed her arm.

              “You’re a strong one.” Corrado smiled. “You belong together.”

              She nodded and smiled as the next member of the party stepped forward to introduce herself. As the day wore on and they sat and mingled, Sera felt herself growing tired. She sagged against Ceo on the plush couch, resting her eyes. She felt him slowly encircle his arms around her and lift, cradling her close. He whispered his goodbyes to his family as she carried her up multiple flights of stairs until she heard him open a door. Her eyelids felt like lead as he laid her on the bed.

She felt fur of some kind tickle her side, and she smiled lazily, running her fingers through it. She felt her sandals slip off her feet, and a thin blanket covered her body. The bed dipped with Ceo’s weight as he lay down.

She opened her eyes again and found him looking lovingly at her. “Hi,” she whispered.

              “Hey there. Are you comfortable?”

              She nodded, snuggling deeper into the blanket. “A little cold though.”

              “I can fix that.”

              She smiled as he scooted closer. His bare chest felt like a heater, and she moved toward him and rested her head on his arm. As she began to drift off, she heard the door to their room open. She kept her breathing even, not letting Ceo know she was awake.

Ceo let out a deep sound, one that reminded her of a growl. He shifted her more onto his chest, holding her close, as if to protect her.               “What are you doing in here?” he hissed quietly.

              “I’ve missed you,” a feminine voice crooned.

              “Paola, I believe I made it clear that whatever was between us is over,” he said stiffly.

              Sera fought the urge to pull away from him.
We’ve been married for three years. Why is there a woman in our room? I’ve been in the hospital for two months. Surely my husband has been faithful to me in my time of need. Surely…

              “Come, Ceolus. You know I can give you what that runt can’t,” Paola said, her voice sultry.

              “Do not talk about her like that!” Ceo hissed. The muscles in his chest tightened and flexed under her head, and he began to heave for breath. “She has more than you could ever offer.”

              “Ooh. I do love that gritty, angry tone in your voice. It’s so sexy.”

              Sera heard the woman’s voice getting closer, and she fought the urge to tense her body. She could smell the woman’s perfume as she stopped next to the bed. Then she felt Ceo’s arms tighten around her. Even though Sera could not see the woman’s face, she could almost hear the smirk on her lips.

“She doesn’t look like anything special. I am much prettier than her.”

              Sera knew she didn’t look good. Her face was still splotched with yellowish bruises, and her upper lip had a small scratch on it that had yet to heal. 

              “Shut up, Paola. Sera is twice the woman you will ever be!”

              “Nonsense! She isn’t like us and never will be. How can you possibly love someone like her when you could have someone like me?”

              “Because she is who I want.”

              The woman snorted. “How can you want
? Look at her! That face, that body…and look at this hair.”

              Sera felt the woman’s hand near her head, but she also felt Ceo’s arm leaving her hip to snatch something.

              “Try to touch her again, and I will make you wish you were never born. I told you we were over when Sera came home, and she is home now. We are over. Now leave us and do not come back.”


              “Now!” he said with a ferocious growl.

Sera heard Paola stomp her foot, and then the woman left the room in a hurry, slamming the door behind her. To make it look like she was still asleep, she whimpered slightly, and shifted, as if the loud slam had stirred her.

Ceo’s hand returned to her hip, stroking her through the blanket, shushing her quietly. “Shh. It’s okay. I will always protect you.”

              She settled again, though she really wanted to pull away from him in anger. He had been with the woman while she was in the hospital. The betrayal and hurt she felt burned her heart, and she rolled over until her back was to him. He tried to wrap his arm around her to pull her to his chest, but she whimpered, pretending the action hurt her bruised spine. He quickly released her and settled with his hand on her hip. He began to sing to her in Italian, and she felt her eyes roll as she fell into a fitful sleep.

* * *

Blood, so much blood. I’m just…covered in it. It burns, dripping into my eyes. I-I can’t see. What is that? Is it…breathing? Oh God! What is chasing me? I have to keep running, keep going. I cannot let it catch me! 

The dark, foggy forest around her seemed eerily quiet as her ragged breathing echoed into the night. Not even the insects were buzzing. It was as if she was completely alone, alone with a beast that thirsted for her blood and craved her flesh.

As she ran, branches of the dead trees whipped across her face, splitting her freezing skin with a razor sting. Her bare feet dripped with blood as she pounded the frosted ground, making her wince with each step. Her foot caught a upturned root, and she fell and felt her ankle snap. She screamed as she looked down and found her bone protruding from her bluish skin. She turned onto her stomach and attempted to crawl forward. Her breath puffed out in labored attempts as she crept along, streaking the ground with her blood.

She heard the
of a branch to her right, a telling noise that told her the beast had caught up to her. She grabbed a large, sharp branch and held it close to her, then sat up and flattened her back against a tree.

“Come on!” she screamed frantically as her tears froze on her cheeks.

              The large beast seemed to laugh at her as it made its presence known. As the huge wolf stepped into the moonlight, her jawed dropped. Its eyes glowed a deep blue as it stared at her, licking its bloodstained jowls. Its white fur seemed almost silver as it paced back and forth, just watching her. She had never seen anything like it. Not only was it the biggest wild animal she had ever laid eyes on, but a large red streak of fur lined the animal’s back, as if someone had painted it with a large brush from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail.

              It snarled at her and lunged, and she screamed. It dug its claws into her legs and bit her shoulder, then shook her like a ragdoll. She cried and tried to push the animal off her, but it continued to assault her, until there was not a shred of energy left in her body. When she quit fighting, the animal stepped back and began licking the blood from her body. It gripped the back of her sweater and began to drag her through the forest.

              Sera winced as she felt the dirt grinding into her open wounds, but she couldn’t find the energy to move. The forest floor beneath her slowly began to change into a smooth rock. She opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by boulders of all sizes. She realized then that she was being unwillingly escorted to the wolf’s den.

              The wolf dropped her with a heavy
, and her head smacked against the cold, hard ground. She looked up and saw the wolf rubbing up against a much larger black wolf. She whimpered as the wolf’s green, glowing eyes turned on her. He stepped closer and began to lick at her open wounds. She cried because it stung, and with every ounce of energy in her body, she kicked upward, hitting the beast in the nose.

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)
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