Forget Me Knot (8 page)

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Forget Me Knot
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He moved toward her with that fluid grace that she found so arousing, and she couldn’t seem to move in protest. His hands slid up her arms to grip her wrists, and before she knew it, she was tied to the brass rails of the headboard. The rope was snug, but not too tight. If she struggled too much, she was sure to have rope burns on her wrists, but by the time she returned home, they should be healed. Giving him a mocking smile, she laughed.

“You think a little rope will tame me, cowboy?”

Drannon shook his head, “Nope. I don’t want to tame you. I prefer you wild and wicked, but this will keep you where I want you while I fuck you until you scream my name.”

His words made her hotter, and her body responded. Nipples that were already hard, grew even harder, skin that was already tingling now zipped with electricity. Desire blasted through her body as he rose over her and captured her nipple in his mouth, tempting and teasing her clit with the head of his cock.

He didn’t take her yet and proceeded to make her crazy by rubbing his cock in the moisture between her thighs and teasing her from clit to asshole and back. He squeezed her breasts with his hands, and teased them with his mouth, occasionally biting down on one delicate tip just to hear her moan.

The need that was growing inside of her again was powerful, and she found herself grinding on him and pleading for mercy. Her fingers were curled around the rope, and her thighs were stretched to the limit on either side of his spread knees. She was completely open to him, and she found it fulfilling in an odd way. The fact that he wanted her so much made her feel powerful, even though she was clearly in the submissive position at the moment.

When Drannon finally finished teasing her, he gave her no warning before he shoved his cock into her pussy hard, bottoming out against her cervix making her cry out.

His thrusts were desperate, his face tight, and her body was on fire. Never in her life could she have imagined wanting someone so much. His powerful body looked backlit by the shadows of the gloomy skies outside, and in her mind’s eye, it was epically beautiful.

They climbed to the top of a mutual climax. Like a musical crescendo she felt herself explode and heard her own lusty scream mesh with his groan of release. Never in her life had anything felt so right. His body collapsed onto hers, and he released her arms, pressing gentle kisses on each wrist before he rolled, taking her with him. She lay draped over his chest in the fading daylight and drifted to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat, surprisingly happy.

Chapter 9


A cool breeze over her body woke her several hours later. The room was dark but for the bright moonlight coming through the small crack in the curtains. Drannon lay on his side staring down at her.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” He pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead.

“What time is it?” She snuggled into his chest, pressing her nose against his collarbone. His arms wrapped around her naked form, and she realized he must have tugged the blankets off her to wake her up. “It’s dark, why are we waking up?”

“It’s almost midnight, but I wanted to show you something.” He hugged her tightly before he rolled her away so he could stand up. As she sat up she realized that he was already dressed, and wearing his boots, “Well, come on! The radar only shows a couple of hours before the snowfall starts again.”

Grumbling as she climbed from the warm bed and got dressed, she followed him downstairs and through the quiet house. When he handed her her shoes and coat, she gaped at him.

“It’s midnight; are you crazy?”

He laughed and knelt holding her shoe out for her foot. “Only for you, sweetheart. Let’s go.” She let him help her bundle up, puzzled as to what he could possibly want to show her in the middle of a nighttime snowstorm.

When he pulled open the front door, icy cold air and shock hit her simultaneously. Toto stood saddled and waiting in about two inches of fresh snow where the ranch hands had shoveled it clear just hours before.

“What is this?”

“We’re going for a ride. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. I’ll have you back in bed and warm soon.” Drannon led her to Toto’s side. The horse actually looked as perturbed as she would have been if she wasn’t so moved by his desire to surprise her.

Drannon launched himself into the saddle and helped her up so that she was seated in his lap, caught between his groin and the pommel of the saddle. His hard cock pressed against her ass and, she wiggled a bit trying to ease away from it. “Pay no attention to him, he’s been hard ever since a gorgeous redhead appeared on the ranch.”

“He has good taste.” She shivered a little, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the frigid temperatures or the feel of him pressed so tightly against her.

Lacy struggled to take it all in. The snow that had already fallen glittered like diamonds in the moonlight. There were clouds to the east and clouds to the west, but at the moment, they were riding under a clear sky with a beautiful midnight moon. Stars filled the expansive black sky, making the whole world seem endless. It was stunning.

Content to let Drannon have the lead, and still a bit sleepy, she nestled into him and enjoyed the intimacy of the shared silence. After several minutes, he turned Toto and led him through an opening in the tree-line. The moon disappeared behind a cloud and the trees seemed to swallow up the warmth of their embrace. The beautiful environment was suddenly a bit creepier, and she twisted to frown at him.

“How far are we going?”

She couldn’t see his face in the dark under the brim of his hat, but she could feel his hot breath against her cheek when he spoke. “Just another minute and we’ll be there. Trust me.”

For the first time, she realized she really did trust him. They’d only known each other for a couple of days, but she felt like she’d known him for lifetimes. Every story he and his brothers shared gave her new insight into the man who’d clawed his way from ruin more than once in his thirty eight years, and she found her respect and feelings for him growing.

How many times had she wished for a man in her life who was worthy of respect? Drannon Russo was one of a kind, and now that she’d had a brief taste of being treated like a queen by him, she wasn’t sure any other man would ever live up to him.

“Here we are,” he said, drawing her attention back to the present.

The sight in front of them brought a gasp from her lips, and Drannon chuckled. Spread out before her was the most magnificent view of a mountain range. A deep valley stretched for miles between the outcropping they stood on and the craggy steep slopes of the mountains. Snow covered every surface—trees, rocks, even a creek or river that ran off to the north of them.

“What is this place?” She asked breathlessly.

“Those are the Turtle Mountains. I wanted you to see the valley covered in snow. There isn’t a more beautiful sight in the world, except maybe in the late spring when the forget-me-not flowers bloom. It’s like a sea of pale blue buds, and the scent is heavenly.” He paused, and it sounded distinctly like emotion cut off his words for a moment. “Very few people get a chance to see it like this. Usually, the snow comes down so fast that all access to the valley is shut down for weeks or months. I didn’t have time to get you a gift for your birthday or for Valentine’s Day, but I could give you this, and I wanted you to have a memory to take with you that was just yours and mine. I hope you aren’t still mad at me for dragging you out of bed.” He rested his chin on the top of her head, and she could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek.

“Mad at you? How could I possibly be mad at you? This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love it. Thank you.” A tear rolled down her cheek, and then another and another. The tears chilled her cheeks as they sat in peaceful silence. Drannon held her without asking questions, and she felt a comfort and security in his arms that she had only ever tasted briefly. His care for her touched her in a way she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to describe.

After several minutes, it began to snow lightly, so Drannon set Toto on course back to the ranch.

“Why didn’t the Crawleys legally adopt you when you were a kid?” she asked. She felt his chest rise and fall against her back with a big sigh.

“For a long time, it was because I didn’t want them to.” His answer surprised her, but she held her tongue hoping for an explanation. When he stayed quiet she shifted slightly to look back at him.

“What kid wouldn’t want to be adopted?”

“You might be surprised. I was only meant to be on the ranch temporarily. When the social worker dropped me off, the plan was for her to find a more permanent place for me if she couldn’t locate any family members. You know, they never even asked me if I had any other family.” Underneath them, Toto huffed as if irritated by this bit of news. “I didn’t, so it didn’t matter.”

“What about your dad?”

“Never knew him. I’m not even sure my mom knew who he was. She never talked about any other family, so I assume there wasn’t any. Anyways, after a few weeks on the ranch, Sera asked me if I’d like to stay on. Vin was already here, and he and I clicked right away. She used to say we were like peanut butter and jelly—meant to be together. I’d never imagined having it so good as I did with the Crawleys, so I said yes. The state of North Dakota gave them guardianship, but I resisted starting the adoption process. I just wasn’t ready to give up myself. I thought that if I was adopted it would mean I wasn’t a Russo anymore, and my name was all I had left of my mom.”

“Oh, my God, that’s so sad.” She murmured, tears pricking her eyelids.

“I know it hurt Sera and Abe that I didn’t want to take their name, but they said they understood. Over time, lots of kids came and went, some stayed longer than others, but very few actually became part of the Crawley family, and none were ever legally adopted. The Crawleys didn’t need adoption papers to be great parents; they just needed kids.”

“Why didn’t they have their own?”

“Sera couldn’t. I don’t really know specifically why, but I know she was barren. Abe agreed to start fostering kids shortly after they got married because Sera was a born mother. She was great at it. Small in stature, but she had an enormous heart” —he chuckled—“and that doesn’t even compare to the size of her temper. I only remember her raising her voice to me a few times, because knowing I’d disappointed her hurt more than her anger. She was a great mom.”

“Sounds like it.” Lacy stopped asking questions, and just enjoyed the warmth of his arms around her and the sway of the horse. She was falling for Drannon. No doubt about it. He was everything a man should be. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside, and proud of who and what he was. Maybe he’d hit low points, but he managed to drag himself back to the top. She should take a page from his book and focus on getting her career back to the top instead of mooning over him.

“Tell me about your tattoo.” She was determined not to let her heart delve into the scary world of love.

He shifted behind her, and one of his hands covered hers on the pommel, instantly warming them through their gloves. “I got it after I came back to North Dakota. It took me being in jail for those four months to realize that pride is dangerous. When I left the ranch to go to school in Texas, I truly thought I was moving on to bigger and better things. Somehow, in my mind, I associated this life—being a cowboy—with poverty and a lack of accomplishment. By the time I learned how good I had it, I’d fallen a long ways. I fought with my ex-wife over ridiculous material things because she hurt my pride when she left me. I refused to seek help when I needed it because I was embarrassed to admit I needed it. It took a lot for me to admit that the only way I would ever really be proud of myself is if I allowed myself to grow. So, growth before pride became my motto.”

“And why is it in Italian?” she asked.

“Russo is an Italian last name, and the only thing I know about my lineage is that my mother was Italian. Her name was Elena Carlotta Russo, and other than that and her birthdate and death date I don’t know much else about her.”

“I’m grateful that I at least knew about my mom. There were times when I was young that I could get my dad started talking about the past, and it was really the only time he would smile. It almost always ended with him in a sad state of depression later, but it was worth it to see the memories through his eyes for just a minute.” She didn’t know why she was sharing such intimate details, but the more they shared, the more connected she felt with Drannon, and now that she’d tasted their bond, she craved it. “I had a doll that had long red hair when I was young, like ten maybe, and I used to pretend that my mother gave her to me because the doll looked a little like her pictures. I would talk to her, and tell her about my day…”

Drannon was quiet for a few moments, and the only sound echoing in the night was the rustle of the snow under the horse’s hooves. “I stuttered as a child. Really bad. It wasn’t until I moved to the ranch and found a stable environment that I was able to overcome it. I redirected my anger at my mom into fighting with the kids at school for awhile, but I remember Abe sitting me down after one particularly bad fight and giving me a talking to. He said, ‘Son, if you’re going to let those boys get you riled up because you say things in a unique way, then you’re going to spend the rest of your life fighting. You need to stand up and accept that you were gifted with more abilities than they were. How many people are able to say things like you do?’

Lacy couldn’t help herself, she laughed at the image in her head and the interesting take on a stutter. “Well, that’s one way to look at it.”

“Yep, it served its purpose. I worked hard to tame the stuttering and the temper, and before long, I was the biggest kid in school, so nobody messed with me.”

“I stayed to myself in school too. Not really because people picked on me, but more because they just weren’t like me. I liked to read and listen to music, and I really preferred to be alone.”

“So how did you end up in the big city then?” he asked.

“Work. I’ve been able to hide behind a computer, but in truth I was lonely.”

“You don’t have to be lonely anymore,” Drannon whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple as they both fell silent again, lost in their own thoughts. Emotions swirled through Lacy’s brain leaving her feeling off balance, and vulnerable. The closer she became to Drannon, the more she wanted to believe she really could have her cake and eat it too. He’d gifted her with a memory, but he made it so much more special by sharing himself with her. She’d never had anyone really want to just be with her for no reason other than they enjoyed her company. It was unsettling and fulfilling at the same time.

By the time they reached the front porch, she had her emotions back under control, and she kissed him soundly when he lifted her down off the horse.

“That was magnificent, Drannon. I’ve never had a better gift for my birthday. Thank you for taking me to see it.”

“My pleasure, sweetheart. I have to put Toto away, but you go on in and get warm.”

Lacy had a pot of coffee, and a couple of sandwiches made by the time Drannon came back in the house. He moaned with his first sip of the steaming drink, and he winked at her. “You know exactly how to keep your man satisfied. Hot coffee, good food, a pretty smile and hot sex. You’re perfect. Can I keep you?”

Lacy laughed with him, but the question echoed in her head. They ate their sandwiches amidst mutual teasing and affectionate touches. Later, as they made slow, sweet love—in his bed this time—she felt pieces of her heart melting and binding with his. She couldn’t imagine leaving the ranch after just a couple of days with Drannon. How much harder would it be in a couple of weeks?

As dawn was nearing, Drannon went to the kitchen to scrounge up another snack for them. When he came back, he informed her that Marilyn was feeling under the weather, and his brothers were handling the chores for the day, so they could stay in bed. Lacy watched the large cowboy as he settled a bowl of popcorn and a couple of sodas on his bedside table.

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