Forget Me Knot (6 page)

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Forget Me Knot
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“Where are the towels?” she asked, retrieving them when he gestured to a linen cabinet. She came back stroking the soft green cotton like she’d stroked Dorothy earlier. “These are fabulous. Where’d you get them?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. You’d have to ask Marilyn. She handles all of that stuff for us since Sera died.”

“I clearly need a Marilyn in my life.” Lacy muttered under her breath. He laughed as he helped her into the tub.

“I’d be willing to share her with you, but she’s not leaving the ranch, so that only leaves one alternative,” he said playfully. Her beautiful body sank down into the steaming hot water and she sighed.

“She’d love Chicago, but I have to admit, this place has its perks.”

Drannon was glad Lacy’s eyes were closed because it gave him a moment to just survey her. Like a mermaid, she lounged gracefully against the white porcelain tub, her rich red hair drifting on the lapping waves around her. It clung to her breasts, and darkened into a crimson stain that reminded him a bit of rubies.

“Are you joining me, or just watching?” Her question was soft, and her eyes were still closed, but Drannon could hear the amusement in her tone.

“I was just wondering how long it’ll take us to dry your hair after our bath. I plan on getting you pretty wet.” He stepped into the water and sat down so that he was facing her. The two seats were angled perfectly for the two of them to have a conversation while they bathed. Her delicately shaped knees poked up out of the water as she relaxed against the backrest, her eyes drifting shut.

“It will take awhile. It’s really thick.”

“Why do you always keep it braided?” he asked stroking his fingertips over her calf under the water.

Her eyes cracked open just a bit, and she shrugged, “It’s easier to keep under control when it’s in a braid, and it attracts less attention. You’d be surprised how many men are drawn to a woman with long hair just because they have some fantasy about it.”

“I have a few fantasies about it,” he teased, and she grinned.

“We’ll have to explore them later.”

“So if it’s such a hassle why do you keep it long? Wouldn’t it be easier to just cut it?”

“I’ve asked myself the same question a million times.” She paused, and then slid deeper into the water, “I suppose I could blame my own vanity, but if I’m honest with myself I think it stems from the fact that my father hated dealing with my hair when I was little. As a single dad he struggled to help me keep it washed, and brushed, and styled so he regularly made me cut it. When I was old enough to take care of it on my own, I promised myself I wouldn’t cut it unless
wanted to.”

As he listened to her talk, he pulled her foot up onto his chest and began rubbing the arch, enjoying her sigh of pleasure. The more he stroked her soft skin, the more she relaxed. He wouldn’t be surprised if she fell asleep. He wanted to ask her more questions about her father, and why she was raised by a single parent, but she seemed skittish about the subject, so he let it drop.

“You’re hired,” she murmured sleepily.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re hired as my personal masseuse while I’m on the ranch. I can’t imagine any other cowboy having better hands than you,” she teased, and he growled softly.

“You better not be imagining any other cowboy’s hands on you, period, or I’ll have to break his fingers.”

Her eyes popped open and she laughed. “You’d hurt a man just because I imagined him touching me?”

“Damn right.” He squeezed her foot then pulled her hard so that she slipped from her comfy spot and dipped under the water. When she came up sputtering, he moved her into his lap, pressing his firm cock up against her hot opening. “I might be a gentleman ninety-nine percent of the time, but there’s still the one percent piece of me that’s a jealous asshole. You’re mine, damn it.”

She wiped the water from her face, and stared back at him. Irritation followed quickly by surprise lit up her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and he thought for a moment she was going to let him have it. What he didn’t expect was for her to drop her mouth to his and press closer. This time
demanded, and he let her have her way with him. Her tongue stroked across his teeth before she nipped his bottom lip, and curled her fingers into his hair and held him close. When she finally paused for a breath his balls were throbbing and they were both panting.

“Damn,” he whispered.

“I like it when you get jealous; it’s fucking hot. I’ll make you a promise that I’m yours”—she paused and started to say something before shaking her head—“as long as I’m here.”

Drannon wanted to argue that she never had to leave, but this wasn’t the best time for it, so he reached up and wrapped his fist in her hair, pulling her lips back to his. He wanted to make sure she knew what she would be giving up when she left.

With Lacy lashed to him by her hair, he slid his other hand beneath the water to her spread pussy lips. She wasn’t as slick as before because of the water, but her clit was swollen, and she squirmed against his fingers when he stroked her. He loved the soft sounds of pleasure she made when he touched her, and he promised himself that he’d hear that sound a hundred times before she went back to Chicago.

While he was lost in thought, Lacy took matters into her own hands, literally. She wrapped her fingers around his hard shaft and pointed it in the direction of her welcoming cunt. Realizing that she was a woman on a mission, he accommodated her by rocking his hips upward while she sank down, swallowing his length with her body. Heavenly heat surrounded his cock, and they both groaned as they came together.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he murmured.

“So good,” she agreed, rolling her hips in a figure eight pattern that nearly made him come. Her devious grin assured him that she knew what she was doing as she repeated the move again and again, driving him mad with pleasure.

“Woman, if you don’t stop I’m going to—” his words were cut off when she repeated the motion and laughed at his corresponding groan.

“Going to what? Hold me down and fuck me? Please do.”

On the verge of explosion, Drannon took her at her word and grabbed her hips in his hands, rising from the water with her still attached. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and looped her arms tightly around his neck. He moved the five steps from the water to the vanity where he gently placed her ass on the cold marble countertop, and took her wrists in his hand, holding them high above her head.

“Just remember, you asked for it,” he said, slamming his hips forward and filling her completely. She was immobile in the position he held her, but he had all the freedom he needed to fuck her hard and deep.

Electricity seemed to crackle in the air, as her cries of pleasure echoed off the tiled bathroom walls, and he responded with grunts and groans of his own. He whispered dirty words, and encouragement to her as she climbed closer to climax. He wanted to watch her face, and see her eyes when she exploded around him, but at the last second, a zap of that electrical fire between them hit him hard. His vision when dark just as he emptied his balls deep inside of her spasming pussy.

Slumping against her, he could hear the racing rhythm of her heart in her chest as she tried to catch her breath, and he let himself imagine that she was as full of emotion as he was.

“That was incredible,” she whispered against his forehead.

“Damn right. Give me a bologna sandwich and a thirty-minute nap, and we’ll take it from the top.”

She giggled. “I don’t think so, big boy. It’s been years since I’ve had sex, much less good sex. My lady parts are going to be aching tomorrow.”

Drannon lifted his head and smiled down at her. “Well then, I’ll just have to kiss them better.”

He helped her off the counter, and held her against his chest until she steadied herself. He loved how she fit against him, and the sweet way she nuzzled her nose into the gap of his collarbone. How could she not see how perfect they were together?

“I better dip back in the tub and wash off before I head for bed. I don’t want to wake up with sticky thighs.”

He let her take care of herself while he cleaned up as well and went back in the bedroom. He fully intended she would sleep in his arms, but when she came out of the bathroom, she went directly for her clothes.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he snapped, his voice angrier than he meant it to be, and he cringed inside at the look of surprise on her face.

“The lilac room. I can’t be here in the morning for Marilyn to find, Drannon.” She tugged her jeans on. “It wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“She walked in on us earlier in the study, I’m sure she’s adult enough to deal with it,” he argued.

“That’s not the point. I don’t want my stay here to be awkward.”

“Are you ashamed of what happened between us?” he asked, anger and disappointment burning in his chest. “Don’t want anyone to see you with a mangy old cowboy?”

“What? That’s ridiculous. I just don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. I’m only here temporarily, so there’s no point in people whispering about us.” She wrapped her long hair in the towel she’d been wearing when she came out of the bathroom. Drannon was tempted to drag her back in the bed. He wasn’t ready to ruin whatever they had started though, so he just nodded, swallowing the bitter taste of rejection.

“All right, then. Sleep well.” Rising from the bed, he went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, effectively putting a wall back up between them.




The next morning found Lacy awake with the sun. Just as she had hoped, it looked magnificent streaming through her windows as it crept over the eastern horizon. From her view of the sky through the crack in the curtains, there wasn’t a cloud in sight. Perhaps the weather forecasters were wrong and the snowstorm hadn’t actually been as catastrophic to her vacation as she feared.

Tugging on a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, she made her way downstairs for breakfast, smiling when she heard Marilyn singing in the kitchen while she cooked. Cinnamon scented the air making Lacy’s mouth water.

“Good morning.”

The husky deep voice startled her and she stumbled on the second to last step of the stairs landing hard on her ass. “Ouch!”

Two massive arms slid under her shoulders from behind, and Drannon lifted her to her feet as he came down the last couple of steps. “Damn it, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She rubbed her now bruised backside and turned to face him. Her breath caught in her throat as he stared back at her with concern and wariness in his brown eyes.

“It’s okay, just a bruise. Good morning.” His eyes traveled down her arm to her elbow where it disappeared behind her as she rubbed her ache. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks. Scolding herself, she tipped her chin and forced a smile. “I was just going to get breakfast.”

“I really am sorry. I was surprised to see you awake so early. After last night, I was afraid you’d be in avoidance mode.” He gave her a wry smile, and she sighed heavily.

“No, not at all, and I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’m just not ready for everyone to know about…well, you know. I’m not normally the type of girl—”

His eyes narrowed as he interrupted her, “I never thought you were. Like I told you, this isn’t a regular occurrence for me, either. There’s just something about you that draws me in. Like a bee to honey, or a moth to a flame.”

“Or a spider to a fly,” she murmured, dropping her gaze.

Marilyn’s soft singing suddenly stopped, and Lacy looked up to find her in the doorway of the dining room watching the two of them as they stood at the bottom of the stairs. Her blue eyes were full of concern telling Lacy that the tension in the air wasn’t just her imagination.

“Is everything all right?” Marilyn asked, rubbing her hands on the towel she kept over her shoulder.

“Absolutely. I was just following that delicious smell down the stairs and slipped. Drannon helped me up, and he was making sure I wasn’t hurt.” Lacy said with all of the false cheeriness she could muster.

Marilyn’s smile turned into an O of concern. “I do hope you’re all right! We’re so far from town, and with the snow we got already, taking you to a doctor would be awfully tough. I can call Starla down on the Rocking Tree ranch and see if she can come over. She used to be a nurse at a big hospital.”

“No, no. That’s not necessary. I bruised my pride a little, that’s all. You said it snowed already?” she asked, frowning.

“Yes ma’am, about ten inches or so. The next round should start this evening, and Marty on The Weather Channel said it’s going to be a hefty one.” Marilyn said, nodding as though what she was saying was normal. Lacy couldn’t imagine getting this kind of snow regularly. How did people manage to get anything done in the winter months?

Determined not to let the snowstorm or the liaison with Drannon ruin her vacation, she smiled at Marilyn. “So, are you going to tell me what that sinful cinnamon smell is, or keep me in suspense?”

“It’s French toast, and I promise you’ve never had better. This was my mama’s recipe for it. Of course, back in her day they called it ‘nun’s toast’, but it’s the same rich, sweet treat. Have a seat. The other boys and I have already eaten, so dig on in.” Marilyn disappeared into the kitchen to get something leaving Lacy to take a seat at the table full of food with only Drannon for company.

Silence reigned as the two began filling their plates. Lacy’s first taste of Marilyn’s french toast melted on her tongue. She closed her eyes as a moan of pleasure slipped out. When she opened them, Drannon was watching her with amusement lifting his lips.

“Good, huh?” At her nod, he began eating, too. “No one cooks better than Marilyn. The woman is a saint. We’ve had many guests try to steal her away, but thankfully, she says Crawley Creek is where she wants to be.”

“I wish I had her talent. I can make a mean egg sandwich and heat soup from a can, but I’m no chef. It might’ve helped if I’d had a mom to teach me like Marilyn did.” She regretted the words the moment they fell off her tongue, and she nearly choked on her next bite of food when Drannon froze in place.

“Why didn’t you have a mom?”

It was the question Lacy avoided at all costs. The guilt rose up to overwhelm her, and she fought back tears as she took a quick swallow of milk to get the food down her throat. Drannon couldn’t have known that her mother was the one subject she hated talking about, especially since she was the one who’d brought it up.

“My mom died giving birth to me.”

Drannon’s fork clattered when it dropped to his plate and he inhaled sharply, all of his attention on her. “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I shouldn’t have asked.”

Lacy took a deep breath before she looked at him. To her surprise there was no pity on his face, only concern for her. “Thank you, but it’s been thirty years tomorrow, and I never knew her, so I can’t dwell on it. She had a weak heart, but she wanted children desperately. The doctor told her she should terminate the pregnancy because she might die having me, but she wouldn’t do it. She never even told my dad there was a risk. She died just a few moments after holding me for the first time.”

“I can’t imagine the kind of hell your father must have gone through. Gaining a daughter and losing a wife in the same day. He must be a strong man.”

“I think he was at one time, but losing my mother must have changed him. When I was young he was a good dad in the sense that I had everything I needed, but he shut himself off from a lot of things because he didn’t want to risk getting hurt again. He always seemed a bit too cold, and standoffish. By the time I was in high school we didn’t have much of a relationship.” She turned back to her food now that she had won the battle over her own emotions, and to her relief, Drannon followed suit.

“Does your dad live in Chicago, too, then?”

“No, he moved to Des Moines a few years ago because of his job. I see him every now and then, but we lead separate lives. I’m sure I’ll hear from him tomorrow for my birthday, but then, it’s unlikely I’ll hear from him again until Father’s Day unless I seek him out. We’re just not close.” Shrugging, she tried to play off the hurt that saying those words out loud caused her.

For years, she had wished for a different kind of relationship with her Dad, but he couldn’t forgive himself—or her—for her mother’s death. She could remember wanting to scream at the top of her lungs, “Why can’t you just love me, too?” but she never did, because she was afraid of the answer she might get from him.

“Tomorrow is your birthday?” Drannon looked surprised, “On Valentine’s Day?”

Lacy blushed again, and took a sip of milk before nodding. “It’s not a big deal. I’ve never really celebrated it. Between it being the anniversary of Mom’s death and a stupid holiday created by the gift card industry to empty our wallets, it just never felt like a good day to me.”

Drannon reached out and covered her hand on the table. “Everyone should celebrate the day of their birth. If your mom wanted you to live so badly that she was willing to sacrifice her own life, well then, I would guess she would want you to enjoy every passing year and celebrate it.”

Lacy returned his smile, but shook her head, “Thank you, but really, it’s not a big deal. I prefer to just get it over with.”

Drannon took a few more bites quietly watching her, before he spoke again. “You’re lucky to have either parent. Sometimes I wonder if my mom overdosed on purpose. I mean, it wasn’t like she had a great life…” He paused and Lacy felt tears burn her eyes at the sad look on his face. “If it weren’t for Abe and Sera who knows where I would’ve ended up. They gave me a home and a life, and when I needed it ten years ago, they gave me a second chance.”

Lacy heard the underlying pain in his words when he spoke about his adoption. He might love the Crawley family, but clearly, he also had a few unresolved feelings about being an orphan. She turned her hand in his and linked her fingers with his, enjoying the heat of his palm at it pressed against hers.

“What do you mean, they gave you a second chance?” she asked, knowing instinctively that this had something to do with the time he spent in jail.

A wrinkle appeared on Drannon’s forehead, and a haunted look filled his eyes. “In another lifetime, I went to college and got my degree in finance. I moved to Dallas and worked for a Fortune 500 company for almost five years before everything went to hell. I was accused of embezzling millions of dollars, and I was arrested. My dumb ass chose to sit in jail rather than call Abe and Sera and tell them I’d been arrested. So, I stayed in jail and got a public defender.”

Lacy shook her head, “And the attorney proved you were innocent?”

“No. After several days, the PD finally came in and told me about the so-called ‘evidence’ they had against me. It turns out my boss was the one who committed the crime, and he picked me to pin it on. The PD told me there was no way he could prove it, so I should take a plea deal.”

“Are you fucking
?” Her outburst took them both by surprise, and it brought a smile to his face.

“Just wait, the good part is coming. At this point, I realized that if I didn’t give up my pride and call the Crawleys for help, I was going to be spending a lot of time in jail for a crime I didn’t commit.” He paused, and squeezed her hand. “That was the toughest call I’ve ever had to make in my life.”

“I bet. So what did Abe do? I can’t imagine he was very happy with you.”

Drannon laughed. “No, he wasn’t, but he was a very proud man, so he understood where I was coming from. He brought in an expensive defense attorney who hired some sort of technical genius to pull the information from the computers at the company. It wasn’t a quick process, but they were able to prove without a doubt that the transfers weren’t made by me, so the case never went to trial, and I was released.”

There was a deep silence as Lacy absorbed all of the new information he’d revealed. He’d survived so much more in his lifetime than she had, and yet here she was pouting about not having a mother. It strengthened her somehow to know that he’d not only come through all of that, but thrived as he reached the other side.

“Thank you for telling me all of that. I’m not sure I could have started my life over the way you have, and I have to tell you, I’m impressed. You’re a strong man, and I’m sure Abe and Sera would be proud of how you’ve turned out.”

The warmth finally returned to his brown eyes, and he nodded, but emotion seemed to choke him up.

“You’re also very right about what you said, from what I know about my mom she wouldn’t be happy with me for not celebrating, and she would be heartbroken at how far my father and I have drifted apart. I don’t see it getting any better if I take the next step in my career and stay in Chicago. Dad hates the city, and he was relieved to be moving to Des Moines because he could live farther away from the crowds.”

“What’s the next step in your career?” Drannon picked up his fork with his left hand and began to eat awkwardly. It took her a moment to realize he was doing so because she held his right hand and he was right-handed. When she attempted to tug her hand away he held her firmly and even began drawing little circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. “Tell me, what big plans do you have for your future, sweetheart?”

“Well, if I land that marketing campaign I put a bid on, it will mean at least twelve months of steady work, but it will also mean I’m tied to Chicago because the company insists on biweekly meetings for status updates.” She was getting full, so she leaned back in her chair, flipping her long braid over her shoulder. Drannon’s eyes followed its movement, and she was reminded of how his fist felt in her hair. A shiver ran over her skin and she clenched her thighs together.

“When will you know if you got the contract?” he asked, his voice slightly deeper now.

“Any moment. They said they would have an answer by the fourteenth.”

“Wow. Tomorrow is a big day for you all around. Why exactly is a beautiful woman secluding herself on a ranch in the Dakotas for Valentine’s Day? You should at least be going out on a date to a lovely dinner in the city.”

Lacy snorted and then laughed. “I don’t date. Well, I mean I have dated, but every time I find a guy who seems nice on the outside, he turns out to be boring or nasty to the core.”

“I’m not sure if that was a dig at me or not, but I’m going to assume you’re generalizing because it makes me feel better,” Drannon said frowning at her.

Lacy laughed out loud. “No, it wasn’t directed at you, but you did ask.”

“It’s sad to me that you’re so cynical about relationships.” He spoke softly, pushing his plate away as he finished his food.

“How old are you?”

Drannon looked surprised, “Thirty-eight last November, why?”

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