Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics (148 page)

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. For important literature on lying in antiquity, see the classic studies of Franz Schindler, “Die Lüge in der patristischen Literatur,”
Beiträge zur Geschichte des christlichen Altertums und der byzantinischen Literatur
(Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1969; originally published 1922); P. Wenzeslaus Sadok Mackowiak,
Die Ethische Beurteilung der Notlüge in der altheidnischen, patristischen, scholastischen, und neueren Zeit
(Zolkiew: Verlag der Dominakamer, 1933); Gregor Müller,
Die Wahrhaftigkeitspflicht und die Problematik der Lüge: Ein Längsschnitt durch die Moraltheologie und Ethik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tugendlehre des Thomas von Aquin und der modernen Lösungsversuche
(Freiburg: Herder, 1962). In addition, see David Satran, “Pedagogy and Deceit in the Alexandrian Theological Tradition,” in
Origeniana Quinta
ed. R. J. Daly (Leuven: Peeters, 1992), 119–24; Boniface Ramsey, “Two Traditions on Lying and Deception in the Ancient Church,”
. 49 (1985): 504–33; and the studies cited in n. 18.

. There are a number of important studies of Augustine’s view of lying, all of them eclipsed by Paul J. Griffiths,
Lying: An Augustinian Theology of Duplicity
(Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2004). See also Alan Brinton, “St. Augustine and the Problem of Deception in Religious Persuasion,”
19 (1983): 437–50; Marcia L. Colish, “The Stoic Theory of Verbal Signification and the Problem of Lies and False Statements from Antiquity to St. Anselm,” in
L’Archéologie de Signe
, ed. L. Brind’amour and E. Vance (Toronto: Institut Pontifical d’Etudes Médiévales, 1983), pp. 17–43; Thomas D. Feehan, “Augustine on Lying and Deception,”
19 (1988): 131–39; Feehan, “The Morality of Lying in St. Augustine,”
21 (1990): 67–81; and Feehan, “Augustine’s Own Examples of Lying,”
22 (1991): 165–90.

. Translation of Mary Muldowny,
Augustine: Treatises on Various Subjects
FC, 16 (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America, 1952). All subsequent quotations of both this work and the
Contra mendacium
will be from this translation.

. Griffiths,
, p. 25.

. Ibid., p. 31.

. Ibid., p. 14.

6:18; translation of Mary Francis Macdonald,
Lactantius, The Divine Institutions
, FC (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America, 1964).

. Translation of Edwin Hamilton Gifford (1903 tr.).

. Speyer,
Literarische Fälschung
, p. 96; Brox,
Falsche Verfasserangaben
, pp. 83–104. See pp. 132–37 above.

. Translation of Boniface Ramsey,
John Cassian: The Conferences
(ACW; New York: Newman Press, 1997). All quotations of this work will be taken from this edition.

. Among a host of studies, see esp. T. P. Wiseman, “Lying Historians: Seven Types of Mendacity,” in Gills and Wiseman, eds.,
Lies and Fiction
, pp. 122–46; Christopher Gill, “Plato on Falsehood”; Jane S. Zembaty, “Plato’s Republic and Greek Morality on Lying,”
26 (1988): 517–45.

. Translation of E. C. Marchant and O. J. Todd,
, LCL (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1923).

. Translation of Paul Shorey,
; LCL (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1937).

. Gill, “Plato on Falsehood,” pp. 53, 55.

The Philoctetes of Sophocles
. Edited with introduction and notes by Sir Richard Jebb (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1898).

. Translation in Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson
, vol. 2.

. Translation of Chadwick,
Contra Celsum

. Jerome,
Adv. Rufin
. 1.18.

. Jerome’s
Commentary on Galatians
ad loc. See his Epistle 112 to Augustine. I owe this reference to Maria Doerfler. See also Chrysostom’s
2 on Galatians. I owe this reference to Andrew Jacobs.

. Translation of Ronald Heine,
Origen: Commentary on the Gospel of John 1–10
, FC (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 1989).

. See also Origen’s
on Jeremiah, 19.15 and 20.3, where he strains to explain Jer. 20:7: “You have deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived.”

. Translation of Blomfield Jackson,
, series 2, vol. 3.

. Griffiths,
, p. 135.

. Translation taken from W. R. W. Stephens in
, series 1, vol. 7.

. For divinely sanctioned use of deceit in the early Christian tradition, one need only think of the bizarre crucifixion scene narrated, or so we’re told by Irenaeus, in the Gospel of Basilides, where Jesus, having pulled an identity switch with Simon of Cyrene, stands by and laughs while the Romans crucify the wrong man. The theme is reprised in the Pseudo-Clementines in the fateful switch of identity that Simon effects with Faustianus, a move that seriously backfires thanks to the clever intervention and manipulation of Peter.

. Translation of Joseph W. Trigg,
Biblical Interpretation
(Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1988), p. 259.

. Trigg,
Biblical Interpretation
, p. 263.

. See the discussion on pp. 94–96.


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