For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance) (73 page)

BOOK: For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance)
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Libby says:
I thought I did, yes. I don’t want to think poorly of her; I love her. However, I can’t ignore what I heard, and I was too upset to discuss it before now. I’ve been fasting and praying for three days about this.

Aggie says:
Libby, you only heard the tail end of a story I was telling my mother. Vannie has a very black and white picture of relationships and in her mind, William asked first so he gets first dibs. Therefore, Luke is out of luck.

Libby says:



Aggie glanced at Luke, confused. Libby’s short response seemed out of character.

I don’t understand.

It’s not like Mom, and then it is. She’s protective of her ‘cubs,’ but she’s usually not unjust like this. I don’t know what to think.

Do I say something else, wait for her, what?

Give her a minute. She might be getting the kettle, answering the phone
things like that always seem to happen at the worst times.

They waited, Aggie’s hands hovering over the keys, wanting to type so many things but waiting for some kind of response from Libby. Luke absently rubbed her back and urged her to relax. At last, they saw the message that Libby was typing once again.


Libby says:
I’m sorry. I had to do something. I’m very sorry that I didn’t ask you at the time. I know you better than to think you’d give Luke any encouragement if your heart was settled on someone else.

Libby says:
I keep wanting to justify myself, but what I did and thought was wrong. Please forgive me.

Aggie says:
Of course, I forgive you!

Aggie says:
Isn’t she the best, Mom?

Aggie says:
He’s incorrigible!

Libby says:
I never could scold him for things like that. It’s all my fault, I’m afraid.

Aggie says:
I have a feeling I’d be the same way. He can be quite charming.

Libby says:
He knows how to endear himself to those he loves.

Aggie says:

Libby says:
That is an odd response. Why do you say that?

Aggie says:
Yes, Mibs, why do you say that?

Libby says:

Aggie says:
Because, he loves me. If he knows how to endear himself to those he loves, then we don’t have to worry about how to do this relationship thing. It’ll just happen.

Aggie says:
You should know, his ears are red.

Libby says:
That sounds like my boy.

Aggie says:

Libby says:
Let me guess, Luke?

Aggie says:
We’re fighting over the laptop!

Libby says:
Record the date. Your first fight.

Aggie says:
Does that mean we get to kiss and make up?

Aggie says:
That was Luke!

Libby says:
I believe that. No, Luke. You do not get to kiss and make up.

Aggie says:
Aw, ma!

Aggie says:
*Giggles* He looks crestfallen.

Libby says:
Thank you, Aggie.

Aggie says:
What for?

Libby says:
For being so understanding and forgiving. I broke trust with you.

Aggie says:
We had a misunderstanding. It happens. So, if you’ll just
help me figure out how to convince my heart that Luke is the only man for me, we’ll be set.

Libby says:
Just let him love you. It’ll work itself out. Don’t try so hard. You’ll only confuse yourself.

Aggie says:
I think we embarrassed him. He went to clean my kitchen again.

Libby says:
I meant to get to your fridge over the weekend, but we stayed busier than I expected.

Aggie says:
You have no idea how encouraging that is to me.

Libby says:

Aggie says:
If an experienced mom like you can’t get to it, then it’s not JUST because I’m incompetent. It might be part of it, but it means it might not be all of it. I really should go help him.

Libby says:
He probably wants to do this for you.

Aggie says:
He does, and as much as I love talking to you, I just thought it’d be nice to be able to work together again
even if it is just cleaning up Jell-O from all over my new cabinets.

Libby says:
I’m not even going to ask. Go work with my Luke. Have a wonderful time. Just don’t let him kiss you.

Aggie says:
Why ever not?

Libby says:
He needs to have to work for that.

Aggie says:
Well, this kitchen might qualify, but I didn’t have any plans for that anyway. He’s probably going to decide I’m so not worth it when that subject comes up.

Libby says:
Aggie, my Luke has already decided that you’re definitely worth it. Now get off this thing.

Aggie says:
G’night, Libby.

Libby says:



The kitchen looked exponentially better. Luke still rinsed and loaded empty containers into the dishwasher, but the floor and shelves were clean and the
no longer dripp
down the island and all over the floor. The overflowing trash can needed to be emptied, the stench of sour food nearly overpowering her, so she grabbed a new trash liner and went to work on it.

I’ll get that.

You’re elbow-
deep in furry plastic

Luke shut off the water and dried his hands.

And that is one heavy and disgusting sack.

He pointed to the island stools.



Flirting will get you everywhere but to the trash can. A guy has his limits.

When he returned, Aggie stopped him, her hand on his arm.

I miss working with you.

Come out with me tomorrow when I take measurements on the new house,

he invited impulsively. At the happy smile in her eyes, Luke shook his head.

Don’t look at me like that. I’m liable to do something I’ll regret.

Such as?


The warning tone in his voice enlightened her to his meaning.

Oh! Um, not a good idea. I’m under orders not to let that happen.


The disappointment she’d expected to see
hoped really
wasn’t there. Instead, an amused smirk played about the corners of his mouth.

How’d you know?

Mom has always encouraged us to reserve kisses for engagement. Actually, I think she’d be happiest with rehearsal dinners or weddings. She’d be very upset with me if she found out I’d, well…

Aggie nodded.

Well, I’m not risking the wrath that would be sure to follow if Libby found out I’d sullied ‘her Luke.’

Sullied. That’s an interesting choice of words for a guy. Isn’t that reserved for men trifling with young girls’ reputations?

She shrugged and tried to grab the liner, but Luke pushed her back in her seat.

I like working with you too, but let me try to make myself
in your life, ok? What happened today?

So, while he finished the kitchen clean up, Aggie described her day, the children’s sudden obsession with working ahead in their schoolwork, and the classes they’d start on Friday.

Vannie has a writing and lab science class, Laird has some kind of invention class and something called

Grammar for Geeks.

I don’t know what it means, but since he seems to struggle with it, I went for it. Tavish and Ellie are doing geography and a book club, and all of them, including Kenzie, are in art and music.

It might have been easier to send them to school.

What do you mean?

The familiar working of Luke’s jaw and the passing seconds did something to Aggie’s heart that she thought she’d have to examine later. Instead, she waited for him to answer, forgetting that he’d sounded disapproving.

Well, I thought part of the reason you’d chosen to keep them home was so you’d see them more? How is running them to all these classes going to accomplish that?

Well, I’ll still be with them, and it’s not every day all day. It’s just a few days a week. It’ll keep them with other kids their age and give them variety. The way they flew through their work this week…

She shook her head.

Luke, I’ll never be able to give them enough to keep them busy.

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