For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance) (68 page)

BOOK: For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance)
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Looks like he’s not the only guy you missed.

An involuntary glance out the screen door verified Tina’s assertions, but Aggie wasn’t aware that she was so transparent. She whispered silly nothings into Ian’s ear, tickling it with her breath and slipped into her guest room, grateful for Luke’s speed in finishing it.


Martha tried to


the earbuds from her ears.

I just got these things to stay in too!

Sorry. We’re back.

Stating the obvious was a brilliant way to ensure she felt as foolish as possible.

Did you have a good time?

We did. That girl really opens up when there’s no one else around. She’s a walking question!

A knowing look covered Martha’s face.

I know what you mean. Last summer they went camping for two weeks just outside of town, and Dad and I took a few days with each of the older kids at our house. I don’t think that girl stopped talking the entire time. ‘What was Mommy like when she was my age?’ ‘Did Mommy like to read books or watch movies more?’ ‘Did Mommy have lots of friends?’ ‘Did Mommy always want a large family?’ ‘Did lots of guys like her when she was in school?’

Of course
the guys. I’m terrified that we’re going to have a boy-crazy dynamo on our hands.


the older woman began, watching her youngest grandchild cling to her youngest child in a way that visibly moved her,

I think this home-schooling thing might help with that. She’ll have more time to come to terms with it all before she’s flung into a world where it’s expected
and so young these days!

That’s true. She sure seems obsessed by who likes me and why. Who I like and why. When will I marry someone? Why won’t I marry William? Why don’t I love Luke as much as he loves me? When will she know she found the right guy if I’m having so much trouble?

You’re having trouble?


Aggie giggled.

You know, Vannie seems to have a very black and white approach to things. If someone loves you, you should love them back unless they’re unlovable. When I asked why, she said because we shouldn’t ‘prefer’ one another like that. So, I guess it’s a first come-first served situation at the smorgasbord of love. Luke is out of luck. William got there first, after all.

A knock interrupted the mother-daughter conversation a few minutes later.

Aggie, can I talk to you?

Luke’s face looked confused.

Sure! Mom, do you think
Aggie shook her head.

Nope. This boy isn’t letting me go anywhere tonight.

Stepping into the hallway, she closed the door behind her.

Is everything ok?

Luke shrugged.

I don’t know. Mom seems upset. She just asked if I’d take her home, apologized for not bringing the car
she never does that if we’re both coming
and said she’d go wait out there for me.

That seems strange. I hope she’s feeling ok. So, what can I do for you?

I was wondering if you were too tired for me to come back later. I think Tina is staying, so I don’t want to interfere, but…

She’ll probably have to turn in early so she can get up early and be back at school.

She smiled up at him, unaware that her expression made him swallow awkwardly.

I brought back a
to watch.
adapted from
Louis L’Amour’s books. I thought it’d be fun for Tavish, but I want to preview
first. We could make popcorn…

That almost sounds like an invitation.

Aggie looked at the little boy snuggled in her arms.

You’d think a man would know an invitation when he heard one, wouldn’t you?

Ian’s face never left hers, but he nodded and said,


There you have it. The little man has spoken.

Luke’s hand rested on Ian’s head for a moment. She saw reflected in his eyes the desire to touch her in some affectionate way. Just as she saw his hand move past Ian’s head toward her face, he dropped it with a smile.

I’ll be back then
as long as you’re sure.

Luke, I made an invitation. I’m not going to beg.

What was meant as teasing sounded all wrong.

Oh, Luke, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right.

See you after a
while, Mibs.

A sense of disappointment washed over her as he left. As much as she tried to discount it, Aggie knew she’d hoped he’d make that gesture.

Thanks, Luke.

He turned, halfway down the hallway, and paused.

What for?

Everything! You just do… everything for me
us. It’s unreal how much you do for us. Thank you.

He retraced his steps, hands settled on his hips as if preparing for a battle instead of an acceptance of gratitude. His forearms flexed as if he forced them to stay in place.

You make it so easy, Mibs. You make it so easy.




I don’t know, Aggie. We were in here working on something, she went to check the dryer, came back, packed up her stuff, and took it to Luke’s truck. I have no idea what got into her, but she was weird.

Tina kicked off her shoes and shut the window almost all the way.

It’s getting a little cool.

Aggie sighed. It’d been too much for Libby. For weeks, she’d given so muc
h of herself, her time, and her
self to Aggie’s family, and now Aggie felt terrible.

You know that verse that says to leave your friend’s house or he’ll get sick of you and hate you? I think it works with help too. Aggie’s paraphrased version goes something like this, ‘Don’t let dear friends help you too often or you’ll become a burden and they’ll want to stay far away from you.’

That doesn’t sound scriptural, Aggie. What about the verses about bearing one another’s burdens and such?

Dunno. So, what time do you have to be at school tomorrow?

I’m not going back.


Tina shook her head.

Nope, I decided I need a trimester off
well, almost off. My Ed Psych class has an online version that my professor said I could transfer to
he’s fixing that up for me
but I dropped the rest of them and told my advisor that I’d be back next trimester, but I needed a break.


You’re not going to like this…

Tina warned.

Oh no. If you are getting back together with Rick

Not that bad. Nope, I’m staying here and helping you for the trimester.

As usual, Aggie’s thoughts flooded her face before her words could formulate in her throat.

You can’t do that!

I can, and I did. It’s not a purely selfless act of peace and goodwill.

I’ve got to hear the rationale on this one. Do tell.

Tina’s eyes sparkled.

How can I get to know William better if I’m halfway across the state?

Wow! That was fast.

Nuh, uh! I’ve been waiting to make sure you were decided against him, took a week to pray about it, and then decided. You need help, and I want to know if he’s the man I hope he is.


Aggie knew her friend had shown interest, but this sounded more serious than she’d ever imagined,

I had no idea you were so… attached?

I’m not
but I think I could be.

Tina’s eyes sparkled as she spoke and then clouded as a new thought came to mind.

Are you sure, Aggie? He’s a really great guy.
Yeah, I know
, he has some issues, but

I’m not interested.

The finality in Aggie’s tone surprised even her.

I’m just not, but I do agree he’s a wonderful man
when he doesn’t let his job take over his personality.

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