For Her Pleasure (3 page)

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Authors: Patricia Pellicane

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance, #Short Story

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“What about tomorrow?”

“What about it?”

“Doug will be here when we wake up,” she whispered. “Will that upset you?”

“Better question, will it upset you?”

“No. I knew what I was doing. And I think we can live through it if it only happens this once.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Do you love me, Grady?” she asked softly, while leaning on her arm and raising herself above him. Her finger traced a heavy brow then thick lashes.

He smiled. “Do you think I do?”

“I think you did when we were kids, but I don’t know if you still do.”

“I do. I always have. Can’t see the day when I won’t.”

“I must have been crazy to give you up,” she said.

“You didn’t, not really. I was too young. I couldn’t have coped with a wife. I needed to go to school, to learn all I could at ranching. It was too soon for us.”

“But not now?”

“Now, the timing is perfect.”

“Can we do it again?”

“We’ll do it again in the morning. If you need more, I can take care of you.”

She grinned and asked, “Without waking Doug?”

“Let’s give it a try.”

* * * *

It was early. Birds chirped cheerily outside Annie’s window and the sun was barely a hope of light at the edge of the horizon when she awoke to find Grady’s mouth investigating her pussy. She smiled and allowed a soft moan of appreciation as her legs eased farther apart. “Lose something?”

“Yeah. I know I had my watch on when I got here. I can’t find it.”

She glanced at her nightstand and grinned to find it sitting there. “You think you left it down there?”

“It’s possible,” he said with a shrug. “It might even be in here,” he said, showing her where he meant as his tongue sank deep into her tunnel. “I was down here for most of the night, so I thought maybe.”

Annie laughed, pulled her pillow from under her head and hit him with it. Only then did she notice the bed held just the two of them. “Where’s Doug?”

“Took my truck. He had to go to work, but he said, if you want him, he’ll be back tonight.”

She didn’t respond.

“You want him?” Grady asked.

Annie shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you think?”

“I think it’s your party, babe. I’m in it for as long as you want.”

“With or without Doug?”

“Either way you want it. For now.”

She laughed. “What does that mean
for now?”

He didn’t respond to that but said instead, “I’m in no hurry to get to work. My men know what to do. You can give me a lift to my place later, can’t you?”

Grady owned the biggest ranch in the county and probably bypassed her father in wealth, though his was mostly in cattle and land, rather than ready cash. “How much later?”

“Maybe an hour or two.”

“Mmm,” she murmured, appreciating the fact they needn’t hurry. “We can get a lot done in two hours.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“Let me make a quick trip to the bathroom first,” she said as she pushed him back, slipped from beneath him and ran naked to the bathroom.

In the bath, she did what needed doing then unlocked the door and turned on the shower in silent invitation. She was brushing her teeth when the door opened and Grady stood there, all naked and gorgeous.

As he watched her, his dick lengthened. She smiled, delighted to be the cause.

“You’re taking another shower?”

She smiled, turned to face him then dropped the towel she’d wrapped around her. “I was thinking on it.”

“You don’t need another shower. I like the way you smell. I especially like the way you taste.”

“The reason you like it is because I shower.”

“Nope. When you shower your skin tastes like flowers. This morning, it tasted like Annie. I promise you Annie tastes better.”

He watched as she rinsed her mouth and stepped into the shower. “Come on. Help me here.”

“Really, you need help?” he asked all eagerness.

“I might not need it. Maybe, I just want it. Does that sound right?”

He slipped in behind her. Inside the large stall, he ran his hands up and down her body. “It’s gonna feel even better than it sounds,” he promised.

She leaned against him, enjoying the sensation of his hands, wet then lathered with soap, as they ran up and down her length. She moaned. “I can’t imagine why I waited so long for this.”

“You were married.”

“Sort of.” She shrugged. “In any case, I thought I was but it didn’t stop Charlie.”

“Charlie is a moron,” Grady said, dismissing the man with a shrug of a thick shoulder. “He needs to grow up. When a real man finds the one for him, nothing can pull him from her. Not another woman, not dozens of other women.”

He smiled as he watched her gaze widen. She half turned toward him.

“The fact is, you’re Annie, the prettiest girl in town. The one I’ve loved since I was a kid. The one I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. If Charlie was too dumb to know what he had, when he had it, that’s his problem.”

She reached for his sex.

“Wait! Don’t touch me now. Wait until I’m finished.” He turned her to fully face him then pressed her back to the cool tiles. “Don’t move.”

She smiled. “Can I do you when you’re finished?”

“Lady, you can do me any time you feel like it.”

It was heaven. “I’m never going to forget this for as long as I live.”

Grady smiled as his soapy hands moved slowly from her neck to her ankles then back, stopping along the way to do some serious investigating at a few extremely interesting places. She leaned against the tiles, her arms over her head and forced her legs to hold her.

“I think before I’m done, there are a lot of things you’re going to remember.”

Annie giggled then narrowed her gaze in warning. “Don’t make me laugh. I need to concentrate on what you’re doing.”


“Because concentrating makes it feel better.”

“How about this? Does it feel good?”

“Umm,” she moaned. “It feels lovely. I was so smart to bring you here. You wouldn’t happen to have a pair of handcuffs on you, would you?”

“No. Why?”

“I was thinking, if I could tie you up and keep you here, I could have this any time I please.”

“Would you like that?”

“Kiss me, Grady. Kiss me like you mean it.”

“I always mean it when I kiss you.”

His hands gather her up, lifting her higher so he could slide his dick into her. He pressed her hard against the wall and pumped into her.

“Jesus,” he groaned. “You’re like a damn drug. I can’t stop touching you, licking you, fucking you.”

“Good,” she managed on a tight gasp as he moved deep into her heat.

It didn’t take long. The few moments spent in the shower, touching one another had teased their senses and brought them to the brink within seconds.

“Damn,” he muttered into her hair, his body trembling, as she leaned against him, their hearts beating madly. “That was way too fast.”

* * * *

Later, standing naked before the bathroom mirror, they dried off. Then she loaned him an extra toothbrush, and he brushed his teeth. Next, he used her razor and shaved, while she worked with her blow dryer and brought her long, curly hair under control.

“What are you doing tonight,” he asked as he wiped away the last of the shaving cream.

She shrugged. He watched bare breasts jiggle with the movement. “Why? What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking I’d like to watch you shrug.” As he said it, his gaze never wavered from her breasts.

She laughed.

“I’m also thinking, I need a thick steak. Cory’s has the best in town. What do you say?”

“I’d say I love steak.”


“Is there another way to eat steak?”

He grinned. “There’s one thing.”


“I want to make sure you’re thinking about me until I pick you up later.”

Annie put down her brush and the dryer. She grinned as she moved toward him. He turned and she nestled herself between his legs, rubbing her belly against his softened sex, even as she marveled at the fact she’d managed to bring about the beginnings of another hard-on.

“Not a chance,” she said. “If I think about you, I’ll probably burn everything I make. I have a job to do.” Annie had opened a kitchen for the poor six years ago when the economy had taken a dive. Though things had gotten markedly better, many people were still out of work and hundreds still needed her help. Six days a week one could find her at the storefront in the middle of town cooking—sometimes for upwards of a hundred people. Usually it took hours to complete, but she had plenty of volunteers and always managed to provide people with at least one good meal a day.

He grinned “I feel like I’ve stepped into a wet dream. I never thought I’d ever touch you like this or kiss you or make love with you. I never imagined you’d be comfortable standing here naked with me. Damn, I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

She smiled and leaned into him. “Next week, I’m going to need your help. Families come in with dozens and dozens of kids on Christmas. Most will find nothing under their tree. This year, I had Mortimer Department Stores donate a truckload of toys or games for the boys and dolls for the girls. Plus, there will be even more food than usual. Could you get a few of your hands to help me?”

“Help you what?” he asked with a frown. “As long as it’s not a repeat of last night, I’d do just about anything for you.”

Annie laughed and set his mind at ease. “I need help wrapping the gifts, silly. Last night was wonderful. Thank you for that. But I won’t be askin’ for a ménage again.”

He nodded with a satisfied grin, dipped a little and brought her into his arms. He walked into her bedroom. “Just tell me what time, and I’ll make sure they’re at the kitchen, but for now, I need a little taste to hold me over ‘til tonight.”

“Grady, we just did it five minutes ago in the shower. You can’t be ready for more so soon.”

“I’m not, but I want to taste you just once more before I go. I want to think about you, while I’m herding cattle in from the north pasture today. Every time I lick my lip, I want to remember you.”

“Oh, taste me,” she said with a soft giggle, as if she was suddenly clear as to what he was about. “I suppose I have a minute or so for that.”

She cried out as he suddenly dropped her on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge. She laughed at his less than gentle treatment. On the floor, he knelt between her legs. “I wish I could tell you how beautiful you are. How beautiful these golden curls are,” he said as he fingered her pussy. He glanced up. “Can I shave it tonight?”

She swallowed and murmured a low, “Oh boy.” Then thinking on his words, she asked, “You just said it was beautiful. Now, you want to shave it?”

He shook his head in the negative. “You’ll scarcely know the difference. It’s so pretty, I just need to see a little more of it.”

Her gaze widened as she grinned. “That sounds interesting.”

“Just talking about it is getting you aroused,” he noted with a barely suppressed smile as his finger brushed against her hardening clit. “Look.”

Propped up on her elbows she watched her body’s helpless reaction to his words. “I know,” she said.

“I need a few licks then we can go.” He glanced at her window and the rising sun. “I should have been out of here an hour ago.”

She nodded in understanding. He didn’t want to leave, and she didn’t want to see him go. It was then she realized she hadn’t been able to stop touching him since they’d hooked up last night. Doug had been a pleasant addition, enhancing a night she’d always remember with fondness, but it was this man who really held her interest.

She’d come to him, her self-esteem shattered. Of course, it couldn’t be completely restored in one night, but Grady had clearly begun the process. She wasn’t about to rush into anything, but she had a feeling, he might be all a girl could ever need.

Her eyes closed in pleasure as she leaned back and his tongue hot, thick and heavy slipped deliciously into her pussy. “Take your time,” she murmured. “Take all the time you want.”

About the Author

Patricia Pellicane lives with her husband on Long Island in New York. Her six children live in neighboring towns as do most of her sixteen grandchildren. Her favorite hobby is reading. Patricia insists her ideas for stories come while doing dishes. “Could anything be more boring? It’s nearly impossible to keep your mind from wandering.” In a recent interview she was asked. How hard or easy is it for you to write? Patricia returned with, “Someone once wrote. ‘Writing is easy. All you have to do is put a sheet of paper in a typewriter and stare at it until blood forms on your forehead’. Sometimes writing is exactly like that. And other times it’s a wondrous happening where words flow from mind to fingers to computer screen almost without conscious thought. It doesn’t matter which way it works for you. Once a writer begins the journey, they’re hooked. It’s a drug and you can’t stop looking for that next story, that next high.”

Patricia’s fans can contact her at, [email protected] or stop in at her website at Click under
for a list of her twenty two printed published books and
About Me
to catch a glimpse of what Patricia thinks about life in general and more.

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Whispers in the Dark
by Patricia Pellicane

Twice, an intruder has broken into Callie Walker’s home and searched through her private things, a fact she was sure to report to the town’s marshal. When she comes across him in the dark, she can’t stop screaming and Marshal Hunter Slade comes running to rescue the woman he’s longed for over the past five months. He’s too late to keep the intruder from escape, but he’s just in time to have Callie in his arms—finally—as he comforts her. Their usual decorum is forgotten and the feelings each harbors for the other come crashing to the surface. The harsh glare of the morning might condemn them for their passion, but tonight… Tonight is it possible for Hunter to convince Callie that this is just the beginning of their Whispers in the Dark?

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