For Authentication Purposes (12 page)

Read For Authentication Purposes Online

Authors: Amber L. Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: For Authentication Purposes
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“Next time. It’s late, and I have to be here again in the morning to open.”

“You’re just going to go around like that?” She pushed up to sitting and adjusted her skirt, disbelief apparent on her face.

I kissed her once and stepped back to shrug. “I’m used to it by now.”

“Fine. But don’t say I never offered.” She was off the counter and on her feet before I could respond and maybe take back my decision. I mean, who would turn down a hand job at his place of work after closing?

Apparently me. I would.

Her footsteps were unsteady while we walked to the front of the store, and I thought about a million things that would make my dick go soft. I thought about sloths and how they were becoming extinct. I thought about what it would look like if a T-Rex was trying to brush his teeth. I thought about the first time I realized I liked a Taylor Swift song.

Then I walked by that damn book display at the front of the store. The book that made my stomach turn. Suddenly, there was no issue about going flaccid.

We were standing at Dawn’s car before either of us spoke again. “See you at school?”

It sounded so dirty when she said it like that, dressed in that tiny little skirt. I liked it more than I should have. My phone chirped in my pocket, and I grabbed it to see who it was that had been blowing up my texts while Dawn had been chasing her O. The minute I read the message I laughed so loud that Dawn jumped and looked at me in question, so I held up the phone and waved it at her for a second.

“Nolan just texted. Said that he’ll be in town this weekend with Candace.”

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth turned down like those aliens from
Sesame Street
that can just say one word every episode.

I gave her the side-eye. “Says he wants to help us with our fruit fly project.”


I placed my hand on her lower back and sighed, the smile never leaving my face as I leaned against the car. “They want to go out to dinner. Together. All four of us.”

And my stomach flipped a bit as I imagined what that would be like, trying to keep my hands off Dawn in front of my ex-stepsister.

We could do that. It wasn’t like she thought the arrangement was anything more than sex. It would be ridiculously easy to pull that off.



I closed my eyes and envisioned a place that was not an ocean. And a time that was not so far in the past. My heroine had changed as well as the location. Her hair was darker and eyes were smaller. She had fewer curves. Her lover was not as broad, but taller. His hair was still light but in a different hue. Eyes piercing blue and an angular jaw.

“Damn it.” I swore and opened my eyes as I tried to focus.

My Vlad and Iris were starting to look a lot like Warner and me.

Wardo had pretty much accused me of trying to pull a Mary Sue and doing a self-insert in my story as it was. If I kept it up, he’d be right and then I would have to tell admit it, too. And as it was, he could just fit his head through the door of my apartment because he was so damn cocky.

We were going to be meeting Nolan and Candace for dinner, and I was a little worried about how everything would progress. Warner had been a little off since Monday, and I was getting a weird vibe from him.

I mean. I had gotten a vibe from him. A physical one. But this was a different vibe. He was just acting strange.

All during class on Wednesday, he had been quiet and I wasn’t about to reach my hand into his pants to help him feel better. Instead, I turned the cold shoulder his way and we just did our lab work like we’d intended to. No speaking unless it was necessary. And I’d figured that he wasn’t going to come over afterward, like we had planned earlier in the week, so I just left without saying goodbye. I didn’t want to admit that it hurt my feelings a little.

When I pulled up to my place, he was already there, leaning against the wall next to my apartment building door. His eyes were smoldering, and I was pretty much mute under his gaze. So I just walked by him and up the stairs to my door, unlocking it and pushing it open to close it behind him after he’d entered.

It was like we didn’t need to talk anymore. I just took off my shoes, and he was behind me, his nose to my neck and hands tugging at my coat to get me naked as soon as possible. I leaned into him and let him do what he wanted to because it all just felt so damn good. We undressed, and he turned me to his chest to kiss me hard and deep. It took my sense of gravity away as I melted against him. He scooped me up in his arms and carried us to the bathroom where he started the shower and placed me inside the tub before he got in after me. Then he washed my hair as well as my body, his fingers played me like a finely tuned piano until I was trying, without success, to claw my way up his soapy, wet chest.

“Not yet,” he murmured in this low, gravelly voice that made my head spin a hundred miles an hour. Instead, he finished washing his body, swatting my hands away every time I attempted to touch him. When he was done, he wrapped me in a towel and lifted me off my feet to carry me into the kitchen.

I laughed and settled onto the countertop when he’d deposited me there. “What are we learning today, Professor?”

His eyes narrowed, and he sucked in his cheeks as he stalked toward me and pulled the towel from my frame, letting it land around my ass. I was caught off guard at his aggressiveness and leaned away a little as he pulled my knees toward him. He settled my feet on the two bar stools underneath my legs, spreading me wide open to view.

“I’m helping you, Bunny. I’m not your teacher.” His nose tickled the inside of my leg, and I felt goose bumps erupt over my thighs and higher as his teeth nipped at the ticklish place by my knee. His face tilted up to look at me, and I pressed my lips together as his wet hair caught the lighting in the kitchen. They made it shine as rivulets of water trailed down his temples, along his jaw, and down his neck. The drops disappeared lower down his chest into puddles on the floor, and I tried to move a little to see him, but he placed a firm hand on my hip to stall my advancement.

He exhaled long and warm before his face was pressing between my thighs. I fell back onto the Formica counter and rolled my eyes until they crossed from the intensity of his mouth on me.

My wet hair dangled above the floor as I gripped the towel beneath me, my hips arching into his face. He kissed me hard, unrelenting in his attention to my clit. His fingers were digging into the tender flesh of my thighs, keeping me open wide as he settled my heels on his shoulders.

His tongue lapped between my lips, sliding down, tracing my entrance before ducking inside, teasing my walls, tasting me from the inside. After making the circuit a few times he returned to my clit, sucking on it, flicking it, skimming it with his teeth.

His forearm pushed my knees back into my chest, and I squealed as he pressed his face into me with more vigor. I couldn’t help it, my back came off the table and I moaned, cursing him out loud.

Warner chuckled, his unoccupied hand slipping around my hip and lower to rake across the wet skin of my thigh, and in between, as he sucked and licked. He pressed a sticky kiss to the back of my thigh, and I felt his shoulders shudder against me.

“I knew your pussy would be delicious, Dawn. I just knew it.”

“Liar.” I began to whimper as his fingers made the ascent up the inside of my cheeks and his thumb pressed into my back entrance. I felt my stomach tense before a warm rush traveled downward and he made an approving sound.

“You like that. You’re twice as wet now.”

“Oh God.” My body reacted when he made the maneuver again. He slid his fingers upward once more circling my entrance slow and testing, letting his tongue dart out every once in a while teasing me until I almost couldn’t take it anymore. Even higher, they rolled with purpose, and he switched out licking, sucking, and touching me there until I thought I was going to explode.

Looking up for a moment, he smirked and then dove back in, attaching his mouth with force, my legs began to twitch and my back slid even further off the counter until I was sure I would fall. I tried moving back up the counter, but, he pulled me back, just to start all over again. I gave in to the sensory overload as Warner’s stubbly chin moved up and down between my lips and his tongue lapped higher and then lower to skim between my cheeks.

Before I knew it, his mouth was on my stomach, and his eyes were searching my face as his fingers teased my lips, light and fluttering. I trembled, anticipation outweighing any other thought in my mind.

“Please.” I gasped, letting my head fall back again as my eyes squeezed shut. “Don’t tease, Warner. I want your fingers.”

Two long digits inched inside me, and I felt my whole body go rigid, my legs tightening in spasms as he proceeded to go deeper. There was a slight pressure elsewhere, and I tried to place it, but there was so much going on that I couldn’t figure it out. And then his fingers were seated inside me all the way, making me feel full and achy at the intrusion.

“Tell me what you feel.” His voice was thin, seeming to come from too far away.

“I can’t.” I started to stutter, feeling his fingers begin to slide out. “It’s too much.”

He pushed them back inside me, and I panted his name out, realizing at that exact moment that he’d moved my wetness back far enough to give me the Shocker.

“You . . . damn it. Oh . . . I . . . I . . . Fuck. Me.” My words were coming out in spurts as my stomach tightened again. It was unlike anything I’d experienced with him before. I loved it and I hated it at the same time. I was losing control.

“Shh. You’re being so loud the neighbors are going to call the police.”

“Call them! I don’t care. Oh God. I’m sorry. No, I lied. I’m not sorry at all. I’m sorry-not-sorry. Oh my God.” I was trying in desperation to grab on to something, anything, to ground myself because I was about to explode.

Picking up the pace a little, he licked circles over my hipbone. “Dawn, baby, you’ve gotta tell me what it feels like. I need your words.”

“No, no . . .” My hands were pulling at my hair as I fought to get closer to him and farther away at the same time. It was such an intense pressure and so much pleasure at once that I was visibly shaking.

“Do it.” He was begging with a type of pleading in his voice I wasn’t used to.

“Why?” I cried out, waiting for the inevitable crashing wave of orgasm that was building so rapidly below my pelvis.

His left hand came up to the sensitive skin beneath my belly button and he slipped his long fingers back into their respective homes before he spoke with a tightness in his voice. “You have to tell me right now, because in about thirty seconds you’re going to black out.” He was tapping upward so hard that my words started to come out in the same rhythm.

“What?” I was trying to lift my head as he slipped his pinky from between my cheeks and twisted his two fingers that were inside my pussy. He curled them upward at the same time that he pressed down with his other hand from the outside.

The pressure he applied made my entire chest tighten, and I felt like I’d lost my air. My vision went dark before I experienced the most intense mixture of release laced with discomfort. Followed by pure, orgasmic bliss.

And then nothing.

He was kissing my palm when I came to. “Dawn? You awake?” Laughter was evident in his tone.

“What the hell was that?” I tried in vain to push up on limp arms.

“Shh, just rest,” he whispered, brushing wet locks of hair from my face.

I turned my head to see that I was in my bed instead of on the kitchen counter. Raising a weak eyebrow, I snorted. “You realize you ate me out in the kitchen, right?”

He sighed and nodded, trailing his palm down between my breasts to lie over my belly button. “The linoleum was easier to clean up.”

“What? Clean up? I, uh . . .”

“Yeah, I just mopped.”

I shot straight up, red-faced. “No.”

“It hit the refrigerator. I’m impressed.” He laughed, full and hearty. “You and Jemma have a lot in common now.”


My legs were tensing at the memory, and I blushed even though no one else was around. Who would have thought I’d be a squirter, too?

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