For a Hero (24 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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“Oh my god.”

“Ms. Conlon, this is amazing. Tell me more. I love hearing about David.” Her eyes darted mischievously over to him and told him non-verbally how much fun she was having at his expense. David was beet-red.

“Have you seen a movie with David?”

“No Ma’am. Not yet. Why? Does he really get into movies?”

“Does he ever. Every time we watch a romantic movie or one of those animal movies, I swear he cries.”  David groaned, but his mother continued. “Honey, we watched a romantic-comedy a few months ago, what was it? It had that handsome man in it that I like so much. Do you remember?”  She tapped her finger on her mouth as she gave it some thought. “Maybe you don’t remember seeing it through all the tears.”


“Oh yeah! ‘Return To Me’ was the name of it. It was a delightful show. And poor David had to get up and go in the other room cause he didn’t want me to see how it affected him.”

David got up. He went into the other room.

“Kind of like that?” Jenna asked with a smile on her face.

“Yes, exactly like that.”

It was poor timing, but it was welcome. David had received a text from Blaine. ‘I think I’ve found something. Give me a few hours to make sure. Call me.’

David called.

Back in the living room, David’s mom scooted closer to Jenna.

“Honey, how are you doing?”

“I’m doing really well, Ms. Conlon. Everything is lovely.”

“No no no. Not here. The visit is lovely. I’m talking about you and David. How are you two doing?”

Jenna was surprised she would ask such a personal question. “We’re good. What do you mean?”

“David is obviously preoccupied with something. And you seem like you have a lot on your mind, too. What is it?”

Jenna’s face fell. “How did you know?”

“Mothers have to know these sorts of things. You’ll figure it out one day.”

Jenna sniffled, struggling to maintain her composure. “It’s nothing. David and I love each other. There is just – I don’t know. Never mind.”

Ms. Conlon sympathetically rubbed Jenna’s shoulders. “Honey, I have something to tell you. David tells me you are new in town, and I can tell this is your first real relationship. I know David can be a handful sometimes. Yes, I love him ferociously like a mother should, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what it’s like to see him at his worst. He carries a load of responsibility on his shoulders and that can be a lot for you to handle, especially for a first relationship. I want you to know that no matter what happens between you and my baby, you are always welcome to come over here. You can always talk to me. You can just call if you like. I’m here. Put my number if your phone right now, I want you to know I’m always here for you.”

Jenna did as the older lady requested, entering her number as a contact. “Thank you,” she smiled, and with tears rolling down her face, she let David’s mom hug her.




“Did you enjoy meeting my mom?”

Jenna, whose mind was slinking through the truth that his mom must have seen in her, answered a little late. “Yes. Yes, I did. She is a wonderful lady. Thank you very much for bringing me.”

“Good. She liked you a lot too. I was very proud to see that.” David was driving in the night. The darkness made a solitude in the cab of the truck, giving each of them privacy for their thoughts. It was welcome.

“David,” she wasn’t sure how to ask this question, “would you mind if I go see your mother sometime? You know, just me?”

“Not at all. She’d love that. She likes to make friends out of my friends. I’m pretty sure her and Blaine talk on the phone once a week and she invited Hank over as well. It would be sweet if you visited.”

“Good. Thank you.” Both of their eyes searched the horizons. She watched the scenery go past, wondering how she could make herself feel better about all of this. His eyes scanned the Austin skyline ahead of them, hoping he was ready to protect him and her if everything went wrong.

There was more silence on the ride than they were used to. It wasn’t uncomfortable. They simply thought. Eventually, David’s truck came to his apartment.

“Is this it? It’s so big.”

“It’s not that big. For a loft, it’s fairly moderate.”

“I’m so excited to see the inside of it. You fixed it up all by yourself?”

David let her out of the truck and unlocked the door for her. “Fixed is a strong word. I am just doing what I can to make it livable.”

She climbed the stairs and down the hallway, and when she came through the threshold, she gasped. “David, this is beautiful. You did all this?”

It was very spacious. And the walls were white and icy-blue making it appear even bigger. The living area was massively tall, with a balcony above it where the bed was. Beneath the sleeping area was a dining table and a patio over-looking the city. There were a lot of glass and steel accents all around. It was both masculine and serene, the likes of which she had never seen before.

“It’s not that big of a deal. It’s a wonder what living alone can inspire you to do.” David said that like anybody without the distraction of a roommate could accomplish such wonders. “Well, I’m not exactly alone.” He pointed at a door. “Another group of people live in that loft. They are connected, but I didn’t need all the space. We don’t encroach on each other much. And don’t worry about disturbing them. They are hearing impaired.”

“All of them?”

“Yeah. They are very nice. But, tonight, I don’t want to introduce you to anybody else. I want you all to myself. If you will excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom and slip into something more comfortable.” He winked at her. “Please, make yourself at home.”

Jenna was happy to. Quartz colored sofas sat across from each other and on a glass table between them was a crystal chess set. It was in the middle of a game. She couldn’t tell who was winning, but both of the players had to be very good. The setup looked very complex, and for that matter, the pieces looked very expensive.

Against the wall was a plushy throne-like chair on a rise off the ground. In front of it was a glass pedestal similar to a music stand for an orchestra and on it was an open book. It was a journal, the best she could tell, but the words were not in English. She examined it, but the best she could figure was that it was some sort of shorthand.

In a back corner, she found a simple workout area. A bench, a stand, a bar, A LOT of weights and some adjustable dumbbells displayed how strong he was. She bet he used them every day.

And in the very middle of the space, between the dining and living areas, right in front of the balcony, was a six-foot tall glass statue. It was a couple rendered life-size. They were beautiful people. The man was wearing a military uniform and a captain’s hat cocked slightly to the side on his head. The woman that embraced him wore a flowing gown, elegant and simple. They were gorgeous. She looked closely at the man’s face. He bore a striking resemblance to David. She brought her hand to her mouth.



“Did you make this statue?”


“Oh my god! It’s exquisite!”

“Thank you. You are just being a gracious guest. They are my parents. I’ve only seen pictures of them, and what little recollection in my head, so they can’t be very accurate. But, imperfections aside, it’s how I see them. I’ll be right out in just a second.”

The detail was incredible. David’s father’s shoulders were broad, like David’s. His eyes were kind. His mouth was playful and strong. His mother looked like a storybook angel. They held each other like they were magically, truly, in love.

As long as she lived, she would wish she could see the world the way David saw it. “You are incredibly talented.”

He ignored her compliment. “If you think they look good there, you should’ve seen them in real life, before my flawed artist’s eye made a mess of them.” David stepped out, refreshed, re-clothed, and calmer. His presence was exciting and comforting.

“No, David. This is beautiful.” She walked into his arms. “You sculpt, you play chess, you keep a journal in some weird language, you build and design homes, you work out, you fight fires and save people, wow, David. What do you not do?”

“Well, up until recently, I didn’t spend too much time with girls.”

She playfully asked, “What happened?”

He picked her up and carried her to his bed. “I’m not sure. I think I got swept off my feet.”

They fell together onto his crisp white sheets; the masculine silver duvet had been pulled back already. “Are you sure? How many women have you brought back here?”

“Actually, you are only the fourth person that has set foot in this loft since I bought it. I did, of course, my mom has visited and Blaine stops by to give me a hard time occasionally. You are the only woman that has been here, Jenna. My mom doesn’t count.” David said with a shy smile, like he was telling her a secret.

She blushed. “Really? Only me?”

“Yes. Only you.” David pulled her face to his. He kissed her. Their lips touched softly, like gummy candies, and then they joined together. Their faces connected and their love moved them. “I can’t get enough of your lips.” He sucked them into his mouth and played with them with his tongue. It was only a moment before selfishness took over and he had to have her on top of him. Leaning back, he took her with him.

David wrapped his arms around her, securing her absolutely. She didn’t want to stop for breath. The kisses fed her starving soul and hungry heart. Her hands quivered with ecstasy as David feasted on her mouth.

“Mmmm,” She hummed a moan. These were the kisses of an erudite man, yet he had refused to take his pleasure with women, so afraid he’d hurt them. How lucky she was! There was magic in his kisses.  David’s lips firmly directed hers and moved unapologetically taking the love he wanted. They had kissed before, but this was different.

David pulled back and looked at her. Her beautiful face shone; her eyes sparkled. He cupped her head in his hands and wondered how he got so damn lucky.  Then, without warning, he violently spun over, trapping her beneath him.

David took what he wanted. He kissed her again, his exhalations coating her skin with warm, damp attention. His hot breath sent chills down her neck as he trailed passionate open mouth kisses down to her collarbone. Jenna’s hips responded to the love she was getting and they bucked up toward him, begging him to give her relief. Being desired, being craved was an addictive experience, but David wasn’t ready to give her what she asked for. He thrust his pelvis into her sex and pushed, but then he sat up, straddling her. He crossed his hands at his waist and pulled his shirt up over his head.

Jenna was mesmerized. God, he was beautiful. His abs, shoulders and chest were perfectly sculpted like an erotic suit of armor. 

David’s hands crept under her shirt and pushed upward. His thumbs felt solidly into her skin, massaging and caressing on their way to her shoulders and it seemed as though the shirt being removed was just a side-effect of his rubbing. His hands then sunk down her back, pressing into her muscle and taut flesh, causing her back to arch up. In perfect time to her movement, he bit into her bra and pulled it down as her tits were presented to him. Her pearly nipples popped out and she heard David’s breathing grow harsh at the sight. His breathing had been calm, but from the moment her breasts were unveiled, his fast, deep ‘damn’ made her nipples tighten.

The erotic vocalization made her own hunger grow. “Suck me, David, please,” she panted.  He smiled, and she knew he would not disappoint. His lips crawled across the surface of her mounds like delicate fingers that danced like a light wind. His tongue added touches of heat and dampness that made the sensation to die for.

As she thrust her chest upward, beseeching him for more, David pulled her bra down to her stomach, fully freeing her tits. Jenna almost moaned with ecstasy when his palms latched on to them and he began to mold and squeeze them, playing with her nipples. The forceful teasing vibrated in her pussy and she bit her lip in response. “God, this is so good! More!” She was at his mercy, pulled by her nipples like a puppet on a string.

David did not leave her hanging long. He pushed her breasts together, making the most perfect depth of cleavage between them. He slid his tongue into the space and enjoyed the suppleness of her flesh, the tangy, sweet taste of her skin.  Jenna couldn’t be still, she writhed with pleasure. As a reward for good behavior, he sucked both of her nipples into his mouth at once. He sucked on them hard. His tongue danced around them.

“Oh god!” Jenna’s body burned and pushed up through the air toward him. It was good, but that wasn’t the part that needed to be licked the most.

Her hands pulled his hair and worked into his scalp. She gave him gentle tugs down, trying to be suggestive but not demanding.

He got the hint, so he began to kiss further and further down her stomach. Never moving very fast, however, he made her wait a very long time. He lingered especially around her belly-button, driving her crazy with little licks and nips.

His fingers unfastened her pants, and with one mighty tug, they were off of her. Heat rose from her pussy, radiating toward his face and his mouth. It called to him. It invited him in.

With lust and love welling up inside of him, David lowered his face toward her sweet heat. His lips almost met her labia but halted centimeters above it, just breathing and teasing.

Jenna moaned. “David, please.”

He fell farther, but instead of right over her pussy, he sank down into her deep, upper thigh. Taking her flesh between his lips, he sucked on it, biting her gently.  His tongue swirled around the bite, licking the place where his teeth had scraped.  This was his form of exquisite torture, making her wait, getting close, so close, but letting her pussy grow hungrier by the second.

“You are driving me crazy!”

He responded with a simple “Mm Hmm.”

She groaned defiantly at him, but the sensation of his lips and tongue distracted her from offering any kind of resistance.

His nibbles moved slowly nearer to her honey and right as he was about to give all the pleasure to her that his lips were capable of, he changed course, biting and sucking on the other thigh, with only the air of his breath flowing down to make her creamy center more and more wet.

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