For a Hero (19 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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“I know he is wonderful, and I know everyone knows, but I DON’T want everyone to know that he bit me!” Jenna was feeling on her neck, while simultaneously trying to hide it with her hair. “Is it really noticeable? Do you think Jay-Z noticed? Oh lord. He is going to tell Beyoncé and Kanye and soon it will be all over TMZ.”

“Stop overreacting. They’re never going to put you on TMZ. They might, however, rap about it. That would be cool, huh?”

“Oh, my life!” Jenna put her head down on the desk. “Will you go with me to the bathroom to put some concealer on it and salvage what dignity I have left?”

“Sure. Are you going to marry this guy?”

Jenna got up from her desk with Miranda. “Marriage? You saw a bite-mark on my neck and you ask if we are going to get married? Is that what a bite-mark says to you? Nuptials?”

“It’s not the only factor, but yes, a sweet girl like you willing to do things like that does tell me that this guy is worth committing to. Besides, he is a keeper. Are you going to marry him?”

“I don’t know, Miranda. I don’t think I’m the marrying type, at least not for someone like David. He needs his own Kate Middleton. We are two different caliber people. I have no explanation for why he still sees me, except for the fact that I try to get him to open up. Any affection he gives me is probably just gratitude.”

“Could you not put yourself down so much? That’s my job. This is the fourth time you have complained to me about this. It’s not true. Nobody thinks you are not good enough for this man except for you.”

They push the door open to the bathroom and stand next to one another in the mirror. Jenna begins to examine herself, her neck and the red circle of dots below her ear. They could hear a woman talking on the phone in one of the stalls.

“Yes, I swear to god. No, really, he was here. Chief Conlon himself. Oh my god, I know. He is so dreamy. He looked so much better in person than he does on T.V. He was bringing flowers to a girl in the office.”

Miranda nudged her friend, hoping she would pay attention.

“He was wearing these jeans that hugged his ass; I swear, it was hard to keep my hands off of it.  I can’t even describe to you how handsome he was. The girl? She wasn’t special. I have no idea why a man like that was bringing flowers to a girl like her. I don’t know for sure. I think she’s new. I haven’t met her yet. The turnover is high here; she’ll probably be gone in a few months. I’m not too worried about it.”

Jenna’s face tightened. She put on her mask. ‘Don’t let them see how badly you want to cry. Don’t show them, please.’

The woman comes out of the stall and noticed who was standing at the mirror. She hangs up her phone and starts to leave quickly and quietly. Miranda catches her. “You shut the fuck up, you jealous bitch! Just because you could never get a man like that doesn’t mean you have to put down Jenna! And besides, Jenna is a million times prettier than your skanky ass!”

She made a face like she was about to start a cat-fight, but Jenna’s lip was trembling. The girl noticed and bowed out of the bathroom. Miranda turned back to her. “Don’t listen to that nasty hooker. She just wanted to feel better about herself. That’s how women do, Girl. I know because I do it all the time. I’d do it to you if I weren’t your friend, but I am. So I can be honest with you. It isn’t true.”

Jenna couldn’t speak. If she opened her mouth, she was going to cry. She just hugged Miranda and squeaked out a tiny “thanks” before leaving. She held her composure. It was very hard. Eventually she found a vacant conference room. She entered, locked the door, closed the blinds, turned the lights off and started to weep. Memories of the men that had treated her poorly came rushing back. She wasn’t anything special, and David deserved special. The cross he bore made him vulnerable; he was latching on to her because she was the first woman he had allowed past the barrier that he had built around himself. His stepfather and Veronica had sown seeds of doubt in David’s heart and he had chosen to live a life of sacrifice and isolation, until her. But now that she had shown him how truly amazing he was, and how he had not harmed her with his passion, perhaps he could find someone worthy. Jenna simply wasn’t in David’s league and she never would be.  Ben and Mr. McBride and everyone else spoke lies and poison into her ears all over again. She doesn’t deserve a nice man that treats her right. It has to be so. Why would the whole world tell her that if it wasn’t true. Poor blind David just can’t see it. The cross he bears makes him think she is good to him, but she is just his nurse, not his soul-mate.

And then she remembered her promise. The good lord had decided that for a few precious weeks, she would get to taste what it was like to have a good man in her life, and what did she do? She made him a promise that she was destined to break. She has broken his heart; he just didn’t know it yet.

Her phone started to vibrate. She pulled it out. It said “David Conlon.” Dammit. What was she supposed to say to him now?”

She whimpered and blew her nose and wiped her tears and cleared her throat and did her best to make it seem like she wasn’t bawling her eyes out seconds before the call. “Hello?”

“Hi, Jenna!”

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m good, but you don’t sound happy. Have you had a rough day at work?”



“Wait, what?”

David laughed. “It’s not good that you had a bad day, but it is good that you had a bad day today. It will give me a chance to make you feel better. I have a surprise for you, Jenna. I know you love surprises.”

She smiled. Her good mood returned, somewhat. “Okay, I do love surprises.”

“I know you do. Come by the fire hall when you get off work today. Make sure to pack an overnight bag and bring walking shoes and a jacket.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise!”

“I don’t know if it’s such a good idea. I have. . .”

“No, no, no, no, no. I am not taking no for an answer. I’ll make it work. You had a bad day and I am going to cheer you up with my surprise. In fact, I am not even going to ask you to go. I am going to tell you to be there. Be there! See you tonight!” Click.

Jenna smiled again. She had been defeated by his joy. How was she supposed to be strong and save him from pain if he was always so irresistible? She left. She needed to pack her overnight bag.




David hung the phone up. This was it. Tonight, he was going to tell her he loved her. He leaned back in his chair behind his desk and just soaked it all in. This girl has changed the way he thought about so much. Maybe he could retire from all this. No more fighting fires for him, or dangerous situations asking him to throw his life in the way of nature and disaster. He closed his eyes and thought of his parents. For the first time, his memories weren’t riddled with guilt or shame. He remembered the way his mom and dad would look at each other when they danced or laughed and played. He smiled and thought of his Jenna. It was the same. This was the love that could give him what his parents had.

Today had not been his best work day, not much progress had been made. There was too much on his mind, he guessed. That was ok. For one day, he could rest. He had trained Hank well and Scott was quickly becoming the heart of the group. Those two were becoming fast friends. Maybe they could take over when David retired. He could do something safe where he could be with Jenna. Maybe he could buy a farm, get dogs, have kids. Didn’t that sound perfect?

In the middle of his daydream, he heard a knock on the door. Blaine, of course, it was just like him, the knock wasn’t a request for permission to enter so much as an announcement. He came in and sat across from David at the desk. “We need to talk.”

“Good to see you, too.”

“It’s serious, David.”

“Ok, close the door.” Blaine kicked it closed with his foot.

“My agency compiled the information on the stolen cars. We found something interesting. All of the vehicles were stolen within a one mile radius of this point.” Blaine had taken a map of east Austin and showed him with his finger the point to which he was referring. “What do you know about this place?”

“It’s an apartment building. Do you think that’s where my dad is staying?”

“This has nothing to do with your dad, David.”

David leaned forward. “What are you talking about?”

Blaine looked over his shoulder, as if to check and ensure the door was still closed. “Hank and Scott sure have been getting close. Have you noticed?”

“Yes, I have. Scott is nice and Hank is energetic. They are good for each other.”

“Did you have them checked out before you hired them?”

David paused before he answered. Is this related to the stolen cars? Is his friend following a different tangent? “Hank was in the Air Force. Scott came right out of NYU. They both came highly recommended, not a single black mark on their records. What are you saying?”

“It seems as though Hank and Scott have recently become roommates. They moved in together in this apartment building.” He said, pointing again at the map.

“You can’t possibly think they had anything to do with this.”

“Scott is your arson specialist. He has had training that could allow him to pull those stunts off without hurting anyone. Between Hank and him, they might have been able to acquire the information about your parents. Do either one of them have reason to be angry with you? Does one of them have ambitions for your position?”

“No. There is no way. I hand-picked those men and I trust them with my life.” David was becoming visibly bothered.

“You might actually be trusting them with your life as we speak. We don’t know what they could be planning next.”

“Stop it. Stop it right now.” David slammed his fist down on the desk, cracking it across the front. “It wasn’t them. I know it.”

Blaine softened. “I’m sorry, David. I knew how you would react. All signs are pointing to them. Maybe it’s just Scott, but not likely.”

David remained silent.

“It’s not definite. We don’t have any proof. I just thought I would let you know before we continued the investigation. I assume my agency can expect full cooperation from the department?”

“Yes.” David was sullen and stoic.

“I know you trust these guys, but I care about you, and I do not trust them.”

“You don’t trust anybody.”

“Of course not, I have also never been burned by anyone either. I would be terrible at my job if I trusted as easily as you. But that’s why I do what I do, and you do what you do. Relax for now. They will see me snooping around so nobody will try anything for now. How about let’s change the subject. What kind of desk will you get now that you’ve shattered this one?”

David turned his head toward his friend. “I trust you; I just wish you weren’t right all the time. And I’ll probably get a mahogany desk. I want to make the office as appealing as possible. I’m thinking of retiring soon. You know, before this conversation, I was considering asking Hank to take my place. Now, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I’m always right. The entire world could make leaps and bounds of progress if they just began taking my word as gospel. And what the hell? Retiring? Did you hear they were going to throw you a parade? Is this your way of thanking them?”

“I had no idea about the parade. It’s news to me. And yes, I’m thinking of retiring. Jenna helped me realize that just because my parents died, I don’t need to feel responsible for the whole world. She said that I was trying to save everybody because I couldn’t save them. She’s right. After this debacle with Hank and Scott is cleared up, I am going to leave and stay with her, maybe buy a farm.”

Blaine was trying to maintain his cool despite his boiling mind. “A farm? How much more cliché could you be? David, don’t retire. There hasn’t been a fire chief like you in decades. We need you. You don’t just save people, David. You inspire people to be better.”

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

Blaine groaned. Although his sarcasm was thick, there was real pain in there too.

Another knock and entry before David could make an invitation caused Blaine to immediately stand up.

David’s jaw dropped. “What are you doing here?”

Sara swayed happily around, as always, her short skirt dancing across her leggings. Her sweater had a flying bird on it wearing earmuffs and a scarf. Her blonde hair swirled around it. She jiggled in her place. “It’s cold outside, and you,” she slapped Blaine on the shoulder, “were taking too long!”

“The two of you are doing what together exactly?” David couldn’t believe the luck. He stood as well.

“Relax, Cousin. Blaine and I go on little walks and go out to eat together all the time.”

“Blaine, how long have you been going on little walks with Sara?”

“David, I was going to tell you later, I just didn’t want you to worry about it.”

“Sara, you know better than to get wrapped up with this scoundrel!”

She started to laugh. “I can go anywhere I like with whomever I want! I’m an adult. And Blaine has been nothing but a perfect gentleman since I’ve met him. I’ve had to slap his hands a few times, but it wasn’t a big deal.”

David took a swift step toward Blaine, but Sara jumped between them. “It was a joke, David. Everything is ok. He is your best friend, if you can’t trust him with me, who can you trust?”

“It’s because I know him so well that I don’t trust him with you. Look at you; you’re already wearing a short skirt and its mid-December. Next he’ll probably have you in a bikini or something.”

“He does have a pool at his place.”

David threw his hands in the air.

Amongst the squabble of the men, a little Jenna sneaks in behind them. The stress of the day has left worries and tension in her shoulders, but she was excited to see David regardless. Also, she really wanted to know what her surprise was all about.

While she watched them bickering, she thought to herself that she had never seen David anything but positive or focused. What could make him cross with his best friend?

“You’re not her father, Boyscout.”

“Blaine, I basically am! She is my responsibility. The only way I allowed her to move to Austin was if she let me keep an eye on her and if she LISTENS to me when I pass on elderly guidance.”

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