Fledgling (14 page)

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Authors: Natasha Brown

BOOK: Fledgling
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“That’d be great Chance, thanks.” Ana hugged him, relieved at his understanding and compassion. They pulled away awkwardly from each other still unsure of the foreignness of physical closeness and flushed.

“Alright, are we ready?” he asked her, trying to improve her current mood. She turned around peeking out the cab’s rear window, inspecting the boat strapped behind them.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

As they began driving along the lake, Ana recognized the previous spot Chance had brought her, as they passed by it.

“Are we going somewhere new?”

Chance grinned at her, which caused her heart to flicker. “There are too many beautiful places here to take you to the same place twice.”

They continued driving for another five minutes before Chance parked and jumped from the cab.

Ana watched him carry the boat over his head down to the waters edge. She couldn’t help but notice his biceps bulging in exertion. Her eyes grew wide and she wondered if she appeared doe eyed and laughed at the cartoon character in her head.

When Chance returned he grabbed the oars and a basket from the back of the truck. Ana followed him down to the shore and helped load their things into the boat as she got in. Chance threw in the paddles first and started pushing the boat out before jumping in.

“So, I hope you like burritos. Something easy to eat, I figured.” Chance glanced at the basket that lay between them at the bottom of the boat.

“Sure, sounds great…better than frozen lasagna.” Ana chuckled, then thought about her mom and sister sitting at the table and felt a pang of guilt.

“There are a couple of islands in the middle of the lake. We could eat on one of them.”

“That sounds nice,” Ana said, her eyes lighting up. “It’s so pretty here. I thought it was beautiful in Colorado, but now that I’m here…I love it even more.”

“Yeah. There’s a ton of wildlife here and it’s secluded. But I can’t wait to travel and see more-learn more. Though I’m not as excited to leave Clark Bend anymore,” he mumbled.

Their eyes locked in the darkness.


Chapter 17.


He stared at Ana’s silhouette as he rowed toward a contour of land floating on the dark water; the fuzzy profile grew clear as they approached the island. Evergreens flourished, looming up into the deepening blue sky.

After arriving ashore, they climbed out in search of a place to picnic. Chance pulled out a large blanket from the boat and walked up the pebbly beach and in one sweeping motion, laid it on the ground. Ana set a camping lantern in the middle as he began to unpack their meal. Two silver aluminum wrapped burritos emerged along with a couple of drinks and napkins.

He beckoned for her to join him. When she settled on the blanket, a bunch of bright yellow flowers materialized before her eyes.

“Heartleaf Arnica.” Ana smiled and accepted the flowers from his outstretched hand, “Thank you.”

They ate beside each other, watching the indigo horizon darken, setting the stage for the impatient glimmering stars. Neither pressed to make conversation, and were perfectly content sitting in solitude.

After eating, they placed the remains of the picnic back into the basket and lay out to gaze at the evening sky.

“So, have you ever moved before, or is this your first time?”

“This is the first time I’ve moved out of state. We moved a couple of times before, but I’ve never had to change schools.”

“Did you have many friends?” Chance asked with a serious demeanor.

“No, not many close friends.
isn’t the hard part. Uncertainty-
what’s hard…” “Yeah, I agree. Uncertainty
hard.” He looked at her thoughtfully. “But…some things aren’t,” he muttered and his hand brushed against her fingers. Ana’s breath stuttered and Chance turned to search her eyes.

After recovering, she asked softly, “You know the night I came over for dinner? I noticed your grandfather react when he saw my necklace…do you know what’s up?”

Chance was surprised by the question and frowned considering his answer. “Well…my grandfather is very superstitious. The Thunderbird is sort of our family totem. He thought it meant something…I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”

Ana frowned and grew quiet. He could tell his answer didn’t satisfy her, so he broke her musing with his own question.

“It’s cool if you don’t want to talk about it-but I was wondering about your father…where’s he at?” He ventured. With no trace of any pictures in her house he wondered where her father was. He guessed it was a painful subject.

Ana paused then replied, “Well, Mom and Dad met when they were really young-just a little older than we are. My mom got pregnant with me and then they got married. They were never madly in love-they weren’t exactly made for each other and only stayed together for me. When things started getting rough, my mom got pregnant with my sister. Dad hung in for a while and when the fighting got too bad, he left. Mom says he was never mature enough to have a wife and kids. Anyways…we haven’t heard from him since. We’re happy together and don’t need him,” she winced bitterly.

Chance sat while she narrated the story and grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. Now he understood why her father’s picture wasn’t around and was thankful she answered without getting upset at him. The visible pain in her eyes made him regret his role in putting it there, triggering a spasm down his spine.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.


Ana dropped back onto the blanket staring up at the stars flickering in the night sky, and Chance lay back next to her looking up at the stars. Anger swelled as he thought about her father’s absence causing her pain.
How could he walk away from her? And leave her alone, unprotected? What kind of man was he?

Ana surprised him, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing,” he frowned.

“No, c’mon tell me?”

“I can’t imagine leaving someone I love.”

Ana lay in silence, listening to the lapping shore. Chance slipped his warm hand around her cold fingers and she sighed, “No, me either.”

He wanted to lighten her mood and started a conversation that would give her peace, “Say-you know any constellations? I can tell you a few Navajo constellations I know.”

Clearly happy to focus on something that brought relief and happiness, she pointed up above their heads, identifying a cluster of stars. “That one of course, is the Big Dipper.”

“To the Navajo, that’s known as the Northern Male. He represents the father and protector of the home.”

Ana smiled. “Really? Do you now more about it?” she asked enthusiastically.

Chance shook his head, “No, that’s all grandfather told me about it.”

“I can tell you more about The Big Dipper…if you want…”

“Sure, lay it on me.” Chance stretched back, folding his fingers beneath his head.

“So, um, did you know The Big Dipper’s also known as The Great Bear? The Greek myth says that Zeus fell in love with a beautiful maiden, Callisto…and had a son with her. She was one of his wife’s virgin hand-maidens, which naturally peeved off Hera. Trying to spare Callisto from Hera’s wrath, Zeus turned her into a bear to hide her. Callisto’s son was turned into a bear as well and is by her side-the Little Dipper.” She pointed up to the constellation. “Protected for all time…” She shook her head and as an afterthought, added, “But that’s really the PG version. It’s funny-Greek myths about the gods always seem to involve them misusing their powers. And with all that power, they were so obsessed with keeping it.” She rushed on, her eyes glittering, passionate about her story, “There was a prophesy that said Zeus’s dad would lose his power to one of his kids…so he destroyed them. Too afraid of losing his control. But Zeus escaped his father and grew up to save his brothers and sisters…and the prophesy came true.” Ana trailed off appearing self conscious after realizing how much she had been talking.

Chance had been totally absorbed with Ana, who glowed with excitement, completely in her element. He blinked, “Okay, I’m impressed. How’d you know all of that?”

Ana blushed in the darkness, “Well, my interest in constellations led me to Greek mythology. It’s way better than a soap opera.”

“So, what else? Tell me more.”

“Well…” Ana said embarrassed. “Do you know how to find Polaris?”


“Yeah, the North Star. See the Big Dipper? The two outer stars of the spoon guide you…” Ana pointed up, drawing her finger along an invisible line. “Then you can find the North Star just there…the point of the Little Dipper. Polaris is true north. No matter where you are in the world…it always points north.” Ana shrugged. “So, how do you know the Navajo constellations?”

“Oh, my grandfather only showed me a few. I just lucked out-you happened to pick one I know,” he commented sheepishly, laughing at himself.

Ana grinned over at him, but he was already staring at her.

Chance stood up, disquieted. A hunger grew deep within him and it took everything in him to suppress it. He held his hand out and pulled her upright gingerly. Something about her made her seem fragile, breakable. Reluctantly he let her fingers fall from his hands.


She felt almost light on her feet. It was a like a dream. Was this what it was like being normal? On a date, and falling in love?

“How about a friendly competition?” Chance asked with his eyebrow arched. “Know how to skip stones? Let’s say the first person to one hundred wins,” he proposed as he reached down, grabbing a round flat stone and handed it to her.

“Oh yeah? Wins what?” Ana asked laughing.

“Hmm…to be determined at a later date.” Chance leaned down and picked up a handful of smooth stones, dropping them into his pocket. He held his open hand out to the water. “Ladies first.”

Laughing, Ana squatted down with her arm held parallel to the water and skipped her stone across the inky mirrored surface.

“Ten, not bad,” Chance commented and followed her lead sending his stone out across the water.

They continued skipping stones counting along the way.

“Um, I get the feeling I just got played.”

“I’m what you could say, experienced. I used to take trips down to the lake near my old house, and I’d practice. It was something I did when I was angry or frustrated. I’m
good at it,” she said with a smirk.

“One hundred to eighty-two. Better luck next time,” Ana said, stepping towards him to shake hands. As she placed her foot down it slipped sideways across the surface of a slick rock, causing her to tip forward precariously.

Chance instinctively caught her within his ready arms. He lifted her upright, gazing deeply into her eyes. Ana’s mind went blank, except for one thing.

The scent of fir trees blew past, imprinting the moment in her senses. The breeze wafted by moving her hair, but not her focus. It remained on Chance, who held her so close it felt like they were the same living, breathing organism.

His captivating hazel eyes made Ana’s heart race, knowing what would come next. Chance’s face seemed to reflect her anxiety.

With intentional slow motion, he slid his trembling hands from their resting place at her waist, up her back and to her pale face. Simultaneously they took a deep breath, as their faces drew closer, holding each others’ gaze. In a moment of shared surprise their lips met in a tender dance, each cautious and tentative in unfamiliar territory. Both lost track of all sentient thought, dissolving into pure intoxication.

As Ana delighted in the moment, a lack of oxygen made her faint and her legs weakened. Chance, feeling her falter, released her face and held her around the waist. A concerned expression crossed his face, and Ana started groaning.

“Are you okay?” he inquired, breathless.

“How embarrassing,” she whimpered in exasperation. She almost fainted in front of him. Her fragile hands found a place to rest on his chest and she noticed his rapid heartbeat, reflecting her own. White spots filled her vision as she blinked repeatedly, trying to see clearly. “I forgot to breathe.”

Chance lifted his hand, running his fingers through her hair, shaking his head in bewilderment.

“Please breathe next time so I don’t have to row you all the way to the hospital,” Chance said in gentle vexation.

Hidden in the dark, he missed the look of guilt and sadness that crossed Ana’s face. She buried herself into his shirt, holding on tight, fearing this was the last good moment in her future. Chance held her affectionately, unaware of the turmoil that just erupted in Ana’s head from his innocent comment.

They moved away from each other; both seemed surprised and withdrawn after their kiss.

Ana hadn’t planned on taking things to this point. She felt guilty, like she was leading him on. In just a week’s time she’d be sharing her news with him and assumed at that point he would either be mad at her for not telling him sooner or would leave, like her dad.
Having a sick girlfriend isn’t what every guy wishes for
, she thought to herself. She just felt so content and normal with him, she had a hard time stopping herself.

“Are you ready to head back?”

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