FIVE WILL GET YOU TWENTY (Food Truck Mysteries Book 9) (13 page)

BOOK: FIVE WILL GET YOU TWENTY (Food Truck Mysteries Book 9)
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Chapter 12



Though I’d been slow on coming to the correct conclusions about Thomas, I knew immediately a few things about Land. He’d suspected a long time ago that one of Pohler’s workers had also been the source of the phony twenties. Since Thomas had told us a story about being blackmailed over a relatively minor lie, Land immediately suspected him of being the culprit. Hence, he’d deliberately had Sabine fake a walkout at the business so a spot would be open for a new cook.

I wondered if he really doubted her abilities to work a steady job, but given her proficiency with weapons, I suspected that she too had followed a similar career path to her brother. Though, given her age, I wondered how that could be. Sabine had kept away from me, knowing that I was far too suspicious to be fooled by an act. She was afraid that she couldn’t convincingly portray a woman with a broken heart, so it was easier to have Land meet with her instead.

So, with only weeks left until the wedding, the food trucks would again be sufficiently looked after as we went on a honeymoon, which had been a major worry for me.

Land and I discussed what to do about Ryan Pohler’s food trucks. Mrs. Pohler had been ecstatic with us when she learned that Thomas and the mob had no claims on the trucks. They couldn’t admit that they had bought the trucks for Pohler; that testimony could be used against them in the money-laundering case. It was easier to say good-bye to the money than to tack another few years onto a sentence.

As a result, she gave us our choice of trucks. She was selling the rest through a food service dealer, but we took Curry in a Hurry post-haste. At the moment, we’re renovating the truck to make it up to Land’s standards. We’d discussed getting another worker, but we weren’t sure that we could handle another former employee of Ryan Pohler. So we’ve been talking to Paula Reyes about possible hires. She had some candidates who were not part of the Pohler team.

Detective Danvers was incredibly happy with the resolution to the case. When the Secret Service arrived, he’d had Thomas Booth/Borelli all wrapped up and ready for delivery. He took full credit for the bust. I didn’t much care. I had what I wanted at this point, and despite Sabine’s subterfuge over quitting, she apparently
done with the detective.

After this, I knew nothing would go wrong with the wedding. How could it?


~ To be continued ~

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