Fish & Chips (29 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Urban,Abigail Roux

Tags: #Mystery, #abigail roux, #Paperback, #Novel, #Mystery/Suspense, #gay, #Series, #glbt, #Suspense, #m/m romance, #dreamspinner press, #madeleine urban

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Ty finally took note of his reaction, and he placed his hand over Zane"s back, bent to kiss his shoulder, and then moved slowly to lean more of his weight against Zane"s body and whisper into his ear.

“You"re so easy.”

Zane groaned and curled his hands into the coverlet. “Guess you"ve got my number,” he said hoarsely.

Ty"s hand dragged across his shoulders and down his arm as Ty nuzzled against his neck. He kissed just below Zane"s ear, nipping at his earlobe and the ruby stud there. Zane hummed encouragingly and tipped his head to the side, exposing more of his neck as he pushed his ass up against Ty"s groin. Ty pulled at his shoulder, urging him to roll onto his back. He ducked his head to brush his lips against Zane"s as Zane shifted his weight and moved, his arms wrapping around Ty as he did. Zane bit gently at Ty"s lower lip and sighed, happy to feel his lover"s weight on top of him.

Ty moved until he was settled over Zane"s thighs, leaning into Zane heavily as he kissed him languidly. Both hands tangled in Zane"s hair, his elbows resting on Zane"s biceps and pinning his arms to the bed. Zane flexed his fingers and let his hands fall limp, investing himself in the kiss and the thrill of having Ty over him. Ty"s thigh rubbing against his aroused cock just made it more enjoyable.

The kiss became more heated as Ty moved his body against Zane"s, the soft material of Ty"s pants the only thing between them. Ty growled suddenly as he pushed up onto his hands and knees, and he hooked his elbows under Zane"s arms and dragged him into the center Fish & Chips | 185

of the oversized round bed. Zane"s pulse picked up, thinking about the possibilities. When Ty was truly hot and bothered, it could be an amazing experience, like being mauled by a lion without the fuss of needing stitches after.

Ty kissed him passionately again, rutting against Zane"s hip slowly as he worked himself up. Zane met his kiss with more enthusiasm, and he gripped Ty"s hips, encouraging him. Hearing Ty, listening to him pant and groan, was setting Zane on edge even faster than feeling Ty rub against him.

Ty pulled away from the kiss abruptly, pushing up onto his hands and knees again. Only this time he didn"t try to move Zane. He lowered his head and kissed at Zane"s chest as he crawled backward, Zane"s fingers dragging up Ty"s sides as Ty moved while pressing a tantalizing line of kisses down Zane"s stomach to his hip. Zane groaned and spread his legs, propping one knee up as he arched against Ty"s lips.

Ty happily moved to let Zane lean his thigh against him. He reached for the other leg, sliding it up until the backs of both Zane"s thighs rested against the outsides of Ty"s broad shoulders, his head between Zane"s legs. He ducked his head to kiss at Zane"s inner thigh as his hands wrapped around Zane"s hips. The tension heightened along with Zane"s catching breath, and he forced himself to keep his eyes open so he could watch the erotic sight. Ty was severely testing his self-control.

Ty looked up at him, his changeable eyes practically shining with mischief, and then he ducked his head once more and took Zane"s cock into his mouth. Zane swore under his breath as his body jerked, the hot wet of Ty"s mouth surrounding him. Once before—some weeks ago—

Ty had done this. He"d gone down on Zane, and Zane hadn"t even been able to see it because it had been so damn dark in those mountains.

He"d imagined what it would look like, though. But now… Christ.

Now he didn"t have to imagine. He could see his cock sliding between those full lips, see Ty"s tongue lapping at him. Zane was suddenly sure he didn"t have enough control to enjoy this as long as he"d like.

Ty arched his back, practically picking Zane"s hips up off the bed as he moved. His hand splayed across Zane"s lower belly, his fingers digging into Zane"s skin as his head bobbed rhythmically and he took 186 | Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

Zane"s cock in deeper, sucking and licking and letting the shaft slide between his lips.

Trying to draw out the pleasure was a fight in itself, and watching Ty work didn"t help. But Zane wouldn"t close his eyes, even as his entire groin tightened dangerously in response to Ty"s sucking. Zane was close, so close. He found his hips rocking upward as he tried to thrust himself into Ty"s hot, wet mouth. He reached down and pushed at Ty"s shoulder in warning, trying to draw the pleasure out at least a little.

Ty let him slide slowly out, looking up at Zane briefly as he let the head of Zane"s cock rest against his lips in a tantalizing display.

“Christ, you"re good at that,” Zane gasped out mindlessly.

Ty laughed almost soundlessly. Then he winked and proceeded to lick Zane"s cock from the head all the way down the shaft and back up.

He pressed his lips together hard, then forced Zane back between his lips.

A harsh cry ripped out of Zane as his back arched and his hands flailed, trying to catch and push at Ty"s arms in warning. But Ty tightened his hold on him, pinning him to the mattress and swirling his tongue around the head of Zane"s cock before bobbing his head up and down and sucking on him hard.

“Ty,” Zane ground out as he writhed, “I"m—” A rough gasp replaced his words as he lost the fight to hold back his climax. His orgasm swept over him, and he came while still in Ty"s mouth, spurting against his tongue, sending warm pulses to the back of Ty"s throat. The very thought and sight of it was driving Zane out of his mind even as he shot his load.

Ty didn"t seem to mind, groaning wantonly and continuing to suck him and swallow as Zane came. The pleasure went on and on, building until Zane cried out and jerked in Ty"s arms, trying to get loose as his cock turned so sensitive he couldn"t help but gasp and shiver.

Ty finally relented, lifting his head and loosening his grip on Zane"s hips to let him move. He sat back and watched, grinning as Zane shuddered and groaned and clutched at the bedspread. Ty licked Fish & Chips | 187

his lips and pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, trying not to smile. “You"re too easy,” he told Zane again in a pleased voice.

Zane groaned again as he shifted to lay flat on his back again, his legs still spread with Ty between his knees. “You think resisting you doing that is easy?” Zane managed to get out between breaths.

Ty reached out, ran his palm over Zane"s knee, then patted his thigh, and crawled up between his legs to kiss him. “It"s fun anyway,”

he murmured before kissing him again.

“Fuck yeah, it is,” Zane agreed fervently after their lips parted again. He liked the slight hint of himself on Ty"s lips; it caused the possessiveness in him to grow exponentially. He ran his fingers over Ty"s swollen lips. “I really wanted to see that up on that mountain.”

“Well, there you go,” Ty drawled.

“Probably a good thing I didn"t. I wouldn"t have been able to keep quiet.” Zane shivered again and pulled Ty down on top of him.

Ty gave a grunt and fell against him gracelessly. He pushed his face into Zane"s neck and growled, the sound low in the back of his throat as he ran his hands down Zane"s arms and tightened his grip around his elbows. The sound also sent an anticipatory shiver through Zane"s body.

He moved his hands to grip Ty"s hips, forcing them down against his own, shifting under them, and feeling Ty"s hard cock against him.

“C"mon, baby,” he whispered in Ty"s ear. “I want to feel you.”

Ty made another frustrated sound against Zane"s skin, pressing his body down into Zane"s demandingly. “I"ve gone a whole fucking week without breaking character,” he reminded Zane.

“And you"ve done a wonderful job,” Zane said before licking at Ty"s earlobe and sucking it between his lips.

Ty slid his fingers into Zane"s hair and gripped it hard, pulling Zane"s head back to kiss at his chin. “You"re going to make me fuck you, aren"t you,” he said in a defeated voice, though he didn"t really sound too upset about the prospect of falling out of the submissive mindset of the false Del Porter.

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Zane practically purred as he arched up into him. “I can"t make you do anything,” he said before sighing. “But I can"t fuck you so soon after you sucked my brains out through my dick.”

Ty snorted and pushed up onto his hands and knees to look down at Zane with a crooked grin. “You"re so freaking romantic. I don"t know how I keep my pants on.”

Zane grinned and laughed. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, kissed Ty longingly, and scooted back to lean against the headboard.

“Well then,” he drawled, injecting the darkness of Corbin"s voice into his own as he tried to slip into that hateful character, “give me a show, doll.”

Ty shook his head and crawled toward Zane again. “I refuse to do the accent during sex,” he claimed stubbornly as he grabbed the backs of Zane"s knees and pulled until he lay flat again.

Zane raised an eyebrow as he let Ty move him. He reached up and pressed his palm against Ty"s chest, dragging it down to his belly and farther to tease between his legs. “My my, feeling uppity tonight, are you? Two refusals so far. What"s next?”

“I didn"t say I refused,” Ty murmured before kissing him languidly. Zane slid his tongue messily along Ty"s bottom lip and cupped one side of his face in his palm, caressing gently. Ty could turn him hot and cold and back inside a minute"s time, and that was while fully clothed and often armed. In this situation he didn"t have a chance, and his gut cramped pleasantly in recognition of the fact.

Ty"s fingers trailed down Zane"s chest as he hovered over him.

His nose pressed against Zane"s cheek, and his lips just barely grazed Zane"s as he spoke. “You want a show?” he asked in a whisper.

Most of Zane"s brain checked out as he flushed with heat thinking about the many and varied connotations of that offer. “Yeah,” he rasped.

Ty remained motionless for a moment, and then he slowly glanced his lower lip against Zane"s before pushing up to kneel over him. Now, Ty was not what Zane would ever think of as an exhibitionist. But he had done a lot of things this week Zane never thought he would or could do. Ty slid his hands under the soft material Fish & Chips | 189

of the cream-colored pants he wore and pushed them down to his knees, exposing himself to Zane"s appreciative gaze. Ty didn"t attempt to remove them further, though, instead straddling Zane"s thighs as he let one hand drift across Zane"s belly. His other hand slid slowly up his own thigh as he watched Zane, who had to swallow hard. His eyes darted from Ty"s face to his hands and back.

They"d never been like this with each other: just watching, not even really touching. They"d always been satisfied by fucking out the arousal, though that was fast becoming only a temporary fix. Zane didn"t think there was a way he"d not want Ty anymore, and the quiet times they lay together were becoming more addictive. At this moment, there was no choice but to watch, and it was so intimate Zane could hardly stand it.

Ty"s hand moved slowly at first, his eyes fluttering closed and his head tilting back as he sat over Zane"s thighs and stroked himself. His other hand merely rested on Zane"s belly. He groaned softly, opening his eyes to look down at Zane again. Zane was riveted by the sight before him. Ty"s long fingers curled around his cock as he touched himself in the way that most pleased him. Zane had to remind himself to breathe as he moistened his lips. Ty spared him a knowing smirk before speeding his hand and moaning softly. The fingers on Zane"s belly began to curl, dragging against his skin as Ty"s head fell back and he pushed his hips forward into his own hand. Zane fought the urge to groan as his body reacted more quickly than he would have expected.

Then again, he"d never had this kind of visual, indirect stimulation to help him recover. Ty straddling him, his pants pushed down haphazardly, and his hard cock in his hand was the most debauched show Zane could imagine.

Ty"s eyes were closed again, his soft moans almost constant as he stroked himself. He climbed onto his knees and edged forward. The pants cooperated, sliding down his legs to his calves, and he placed his other hand flat on Zane"s chest as he lowered himself again to sit and rub against Zane"s groin. Zane"s hardening cock slid against Ty"s ass as he arched his body. His hand moved faster, and every inch of Ty"s tight muscles telegraphed his pleasure and how much he wanted Zane inside him as he touched himself.

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“Jesus,” Zane swore under his breath, his hands moving unconsciously to Ty"s thighs and gripping them. He was starting to ache now, the pressure of Ty"s weight and movement making it wonderfully worse. His eyes widened as he tried to take in as much of the sight as he could. Ty was moving constantly, writhing, unable to remain still as the pleasure built. His blunt fingernails dragged across Zane"s chest as his hips rocked. He groaned wantonly and gasped Zane"s name as his shoulders hunched and his body coiled.

Zane was speaking before he realized it. “That"s it, baby. Wanna hear you. Wanna see you come all over me. C"mon, baby,” he said hoarsely as he lifted his hips up to grind against Ty"s rutting.

Ty gasped and rocked down into Zane"s body under him, his hand squeezing hard as his entire body tensed. He gave a sudden shout, short and hoarse, and his shoulders snapped back as he began to empty himself onto Zane"s belly.

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