Fireflies and Magnolias (42 page)

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Authors: Ava Miles

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction

BOOK: Fireflies and Magnolias
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He was a part of this now, and he bowed his head for a moment.

Thank you, Daddy,
he said again into the ether, knowing his daddy would hear him. He didn’t doubt that anymore.

A small hand touched his knee, and he looked down to see Annabelle swishing her pink dress by his side.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her blue eyes curious.

“Just sitting a spell,” he told her.

She hopped onto the couch. “Will you tell me a story?”

When she leaned against him like she wanted him to hold her, he awkwardly made room for her on his lap. He’d never been around children much, and while he’d been around these two plenty, he hadn’t really had a conversation with Annabelle before.

Those telltale nerves returned. “About what?”

“Do you know any stories about chocolate fairies?”

He wasn’t much for stories, and felt like a fish out of water until he met Amelia Ann’s eyes. She was watching him from across the room. The warm glow on her face told him she liked what she saw, which gave him the courage to soften into the moment.

“No,” he answered Annabelle, “but I know one about a beautiful princess and magical fireflies.”

“Oh, I want to hear!” she cheered and settled against his chest, adding new warmth to his already expanding heart.

Then he felt something, something he couldn’t rightly describe, a presence of incredible pride and love beside him. He couldn’t see it, but there was something solid about it just the same.

And he knew it was his daddy.

Hi, Daddy,
he said with his mind, and he didn’t jump when something patted his arm.

Sitting there with his daddy’s presence around him, he told that sweet girl the story he’d never told another soul—except for the woman who’d inspired it all and his mama, of course.

And it didn’t seem silly or crazy at all.

He knew in that moment he’d be telling this story to their kids and grandkids, and a whole new vision of his life stretched out before him—one he was eager to watch unfold with the beautiful woman who’d captured his heart.




To learn more about my upcoming releases like Susannah and Jake’s story called THE PROMISE OF RAINBOWS; and the next Dare Valley book, a connected series to Dare River, Natalie and Blake’s story, called A BRIDGE TO A BETTER LIFE, sign up for my newsletter



Dear Reader,


When I started writing about the Hollins family in COUNTRY HEAVEN, I knew there was a lot of fence mending needed to make these special people whole again. It has been an incredible journey watching everyone reconnect, support each other, find themselves, tell the truth, and forgive. This family continues to show me how everyone can change and that miracles can happen—just like those magical fireflies portend.


If you enjoyed this book, I would love for you to post a review since it helps more readers want to pick up this story and read it for themselves. You can write one on the retail site or on
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To keep up with my new releases and any book sales I have, please sign up for my
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. Between posting positive and uplifting messages to asking what you’d like to see in the next books, we’re all connected. Oh, and you know I post about food. I love talking about what we’re all cooking up.


Are you wondering about Susannah and Jake? I know I am. Already I am intrigued by this pair. Who doesn’t resonate with finding their soul mate? And Jake, well, he’s one of those rock solid men who’s perfect for Susannah. But why is he so hesitant? THE PROMISE OF RAINBOWS will be out this fall and answer those questions and more.


And if you haven’t checked out my connected series, Dare Valley, it all starts with NORA ROBERTS. Thanks so much for being part of our Dare family. I treasure you!


Lots of light,




Watch for the next Dare River story, THE PROMISE OF RAINBOWS (Susannah & Jake), out Fall 2015!

And the next Dare Valley book, A BRIDGE TO A BETTER LIFE (Natalie & Blake), will be released Spring 2015.



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The following books by Ava Miles are also available now.


The Dare Valley series:
(Meredith & Tanner)
(Jill & Brian)
(Peggy & Mac)
(Abbie & Rhett)
(Arthur & Harriet)

(Jane & Matt)

(Elizabeth & Terrance)

The Dare River series (connected to Dare Valley):
(Tory & Rye)


(Tammy & John Parker)

(children’s book)

(Amelia Ann & Clayton)


Ava now has a Zazzle Store where you can buy fun items from the Dare Universe.
Come check it out



About the Author


USA Today Bestselling Author Ava Miles burst onto the contemporary romance scene after receiving Nora Roberts’ blessing for her use of Ms. Roberts’ name in her debut novel, the #1 National Bestseller NORA ROBERTS LAND, which kicked off her small town series, Dare Valley. Ava’s books have reached the #1 spot at Barnes & Noble and ranked in Amazon and iBooks’ Top 10. Both NORA ROBERTS LAND and COUNTRY HEAVEN have been chosen as Best Books of the Year. Ava has also released a connected series called Dare River about the power of love and family. She’s fast becoming a favorite author in light contemporary romance (Tome Tender) and is known for funny, sweet, emotional stories, sometimes with a touch of mystery and magic. Ava’s background is as diverse as her characters. She’s a former chef, worked as a long-time conflict expert rebuilding warzones, and now writes full-time from her own small town community. Ava is a big believer in living happily ever after and writes about her own journey on The Happiness Corner blog every Friday on her website. If you’d like to connect with Ava or hear more about her upcoming books, check out the links below:


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Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

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