Fireflies and Magnolias (36 page)

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Authors: Ava Miles

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction

BOOK: Fireflies and Magnolias
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But Rye…well, Rye left him alone when he said he didn’t want to talk about it.

The charity concert was only two weeks away when Clayton’s mama came by his office to talk to him. “The video spots with the women’s stories are ready. As you know, Susannah’s collage has been done for some time. I’m calling everyone together to see them tomorrow at the office. I expect you to be there.”

That probably meant she was inviting Amelia Ann, but he couldn’t force himself to ask directly. His belly quivered, and his heart, the one he was sure had stopped beating, sped up at the thought of seeing her again.

“There’s no need for me to be there,” he said to be contrary. “I trust y’all’s judgment.”

She gave him a glance he hadn’t seen since he was a child, one that told him she was a few seconds away from losing her cool. “You’re going to be Rye’s new manager soon. Time to step up to the plate and do what needs doing. Even when it’s hard.”

Her heels echoed in the hallway as she left him. So, it was official. Tomorrow he would see Amelia Ann for the first time since they’d broken up. Well, it would have to happen sometime. If she could stand it, so could he.

The next day, he was as tight as a drum. He jumped every time he heard the phone ring or the door open. June kept quiet around him. After delivering her summons, Mama had stayed clear, seeming to sense he needed his space.

Around one o’clock, he heard voices out front and rose to face the music. He stopped short in the doorway and leaned against the frame to hold himself up.

Amelia Ann was walking into the office between Rye and Tory, and her beauty blew over him once again. Her blond hair hung around her shoulders and trailed down her back. She’d lost weight, and her smile was strained as she greeted June. Like she felt his eyes on her, she glanced his way.

In those sorrowful depths, he saw his own grief and knew regret. He hadn’t doubted their breakup would hurt her, but seeing the effect it had on her felt like a fresh wound.

Part of him longed to wrap her up in his arms and inhale that potent magnolia fragrance of hers, but her betrayal was like roots holding him in place.

Tory walked over and greeted him with a hug. Rye shook his hand.

Amelia Ann only stood where she was and said, “Hello, Clayton.”

His only response was a nod, since hearing that sweet voice speak his name was enough to put him off center again.

Tammy and John Parker arrived a couple of minutes later, along with Jake Lassiter. Mama came out of her office, and soon everyone was greeting one another.

They would make it through this moment—and any others required.

For the sake of everyone here and all they held dear, they had no choice.

Chapter 41



The conference room in Rye’s offices featured a sturdy oak table surrounded by mahogany leather-backed chairs. Amelia Ann settled into a chair beside Tammy, who was tense with nerves. The closer the concert came, the more nervous she seemed to be about sharing her story with the world. But one thing she’d learned about her family was that all of them shared the same strong backbone. She was proud of her sister, and she knew Tammy would stand up there and do the thing that terrified her most.

Though Amelia Ann tried not to stare at Clayton, her eyes kept seeking him out. His face was haggard, and he had a black cowboy hat tucked over his forehead, almost like he was shielding his eyes.

To her surprise, Georgia sought her out. As everyone got situated around the table, Clayton’s mother came over and leaned down to hug her. “I’ve seen some mighty moving concerts in my time, Amelia Ann, but what you’ve envisioned for this one is genius…and it’s going to make people cry buckets. Thank you, from one woman to another.”

Her only reaction was to blink at the praise in Georgia’s voice. She’d expected the same cool reserve from her she’d sensed on the phone a couple of weeks ago. But any anger on Georgia’s part seemed to have dissipated. Too bad the same couldn’t be said of Clayton.

Susannah was the last to arrive, and when she came through the door, shock rippled across her face. Amelia Ann followed her gaze and realized she was staring at Jake Lassiter, who was seated next to Rye, a can of Coke in his hand.

What was that about? Well, she could always ask her later.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said as she made the rounds, hugging her brother first and then Tammy.

Amelia Ann rose and embraced her warmly. “Good to see you.”

Rye came around and picked her up off her feet after Tory released her. “Good to see you, sugar. Nice to have the McGuiness clan represented here today. Thanks again for helping out.”

“It was an honor,” she told him when he put her down. “I know you’ve probably heard it before, but what you’re doing with this concert is really special, Rye.”

Her brother ducked his head. “Well, now…your mama called and told me the same thing. I’m only doing what needs to be done. Let’s get to it, shall we?”

Amelia Ann watched Susannah awkwardly shake hands with Clayton, and then Jake rose and pulled out the empty chair next to his. “Susannah. Good to see you again.”

“You too, Jake,” she said softly.

“All right, Georgia,” Rye said once everyone was seated. “Tell us what we’re about to see.”

“I’d prefer it if Amelia Ann made the introductions since this was her idea. Then Susannah can show us her collage after we watch the features.”

Everyone swung around to look at her. Amelia Ann caught the look Clayton gave his mama. He probably wasn’t thrilled she was being so nice to her.

“I’d rather let the women speak for themselves,” she said in a small voice. “These are their stories, after all.”

Georgia nodded her approval and hit the button on the remote in her hands. The flat screen turned on and seconds later, the first woman appeared.

Amelia Ann knew their stories by heart, but seeing them talk about their tragedies and their incredible journey to overcome domestic abuse brought tears to her eyes. Halfway through Martha’s incredible story about going from abused wife to restaurant manager, the women were reaching for the tissues Georgia had thoughtfully placed in the center of the table. Rye kept shifting in his chair and scrubbing his face. J.P. wedged his chair close to Tammy and wrapped his arms around her as tears slid down her face.

She glanced around to see how the rest of their group was responding. Georgia and Susannah were both in tears, and seeing Clayton’s mama like that was a bit of a shock. Jake sat through it all without a change in his expression, but he extended a box of tissues to Susannah.

And reached for her hand at one point, Amelia Ann noticed, and her friend let him take it.

The one reaction she really wanted to see was Clayton’s. He’d told her how much the women’s stories had moved him, but there wasn’t any indication today. His face was impassive—almost like he didn’t even want to be there.

Which was probably the truth.

It felt like another stab between her ribs. They’d shared this dream together, and it hurt not to enjoy the final product with him.

She turned her attention back to Winnie and was smiling through tears when the woman talked about the pride she’d felt on the day she opened the door of her small accounting firm. These women had come so far, accomplished so much, and when Hazel finished her story, the feature showing her with the class of second graders she now taught after overcoming illiteracy herself made Amelia Ann want to cheer.

It was the first strong positive emotion she’d had in weeks, and she embraced it.

So, she clapped when the feature went dark and kept right on clapping, knowing that they were celebrating something special here: victory over tragedy.

Georgia sniffed as the others joined in with her, and Rye knuckled tears away from his eyes.

“Well,” Rye finally said when their applause stopped. “I don’t rightly know what to say. It’s powerfully moving. We couldn’t have hoped for better stories. Those women…those women…Clayton, I want them and their kids—heck their whole families—to sit in the front section with my family.”

Clayton nodded. “I’ll see to it.”

But that was the only outward reaction from the man who’d stolen her heart. He was like a hologram of his former self.

“Susannah,” Georgia called. “You’re up, darlin’.”

She blushed as she let go of Jake’s hand. “Like Amelia Ann so wisely said, I think I’ll let the images of these brave women speak for themselves.”

Georgia nodded and reached for a remote. She pushed a button and Susannah’s collage flashed onto the screen.

Amelia Ann had seen it before, of course, but only on a small computer screen. Then, it had moved her; now, it bowled her over. She had no doubt it would be even more powerful on the mega-screen at the concert.

“My goodness,” Tory breathed out loud.

“Good heavens,” Tammy whispered raggedly, and Amelia Ann wondered if she was imagining herself as she’d been, as she was now.

More tears flowed, and no one spoke for quite some time.

“Susannah, sweet,” Rye finally said after clearing his throat. “That’s…that’s the most shockingly beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time. And I know exactly which song I’ll use it for. Thank you.”

J.P. leaned forward. “You’ve outdone yourself, sis. I’m speechless.”

Susannah wiped her own tears away. “I’m glad everyone was as moved by these women’s journeys as I am.”

“You both done good,” Rye said. “Real good.”

“I think you just found another layer in that heart of yours, Rye Crenshaw,” Georgia said, finally standing up. “I know I don’t say it often, but I’m mighty proud of you, son. I couldn’t retire on a better note.”

Rye rose and grabbed her to him. “Dammit, girl, I’m going to miss you.”

She patted his back. “Me too, you big hick. Now let me go. You’re crushing my implants.”

Amelia Ann knew her eyes must have grown wider at that, and a few people coughed to cover their chuckles.

Clayton tugged on his cowboy hat, finally showing some emotion, even if it was only embarrassment. “Mama…for the love of God.”

Rye wandered over to Jake and sat on the edge of the conference table. “What about you, Jake? Do you think you’ll be able to sing after seeing one of those features?”

He didn’t speak right away, like he was searching for the right words. “I served with some pretty amazing men when I was in the military. I watched them do unimaginable acts of bravery. But those women…they might be the bravest of all.”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” Rye said, clapping him on the back. “All right, let’s run through the schedule. Clayton?”

Finally forced to interact, he ran through the schedule for the concert in a flat tone. He actually had to acknowledge her when he reached her part. Rye had arranged for her to make the introduction to the concert’s cause and give a short intro to the first spot. After Jake’s set, Susannah would introduce the second spot, and midway through Rye’s first set, he would make his own short speech and introduce Tammy.

“Are you okay with that?” Rye asked Tammy.

She nodded. “I have what I want to say written down. J.P. has read it. I kept it short. Do you want me to send it…to anyone?”

“You can send it to me,” Georgia said, “although I know what you’ve come up with is perfect. We’ll simply use the script to follow along so we’ll know how to cue the band once you’re finished.”

“I’ll be coming back on stage to hug her, Georgia, so that will be your cue.” Rye gave her a wink. “We’ll be in the wings supporting you, Tammy.”

Everyone knew what a big step it was, and Amelia Ann squeezed her sister’s arm and smiled at her. “You’re going to do great.”

“Okay, after Rye’s last set before the encore, we’ll show Hazel’s story. Then Rye has something special planned. That’s when we plan to unveil Susannah’s collage.”

“We’ll run through everything at rehearsal,” Georgia said, “so don’t worry about a thing.”

“There will be few dry eyes at the end of the concert, I expect. Thanks for coming today, everyone,” Rye said. “It’s going to be a concert this city won’t forget.”

Everyone rose and clustered into small groups talking.

“Didn’t I tell you everyone would love your collage?” Amelia Ann said to Susannah. “Thank you again for what you created. It’s simply breathtaking.”

“Yours were too. You did a wonderful job finding the women.”

“Their stories speak for themselves. I know I owe you a night out. I’ll give you a call when I’m...feeling more myself.”

Susannah glanced over at Clayton, who stood with his back to her, talking with Jake.

“I’m still praying for you,” her friend said, and the simplicity of the heartfelt words moved her. “We all are.”

There was a chair in her way as she went to join Rye, Tory, J.P., and Tammy. She was pushing it aside when a large hand assisted her. Her heart twisted as it recognized the shape of those fingers, the strength of that palm. Looking up, she glanced into Clayton’s eyes.

“How are you?” he asked in quiet voice.

The question threw her. Was this something he usually asked a woman he’d left brokenhearted? Anger she hadn’t fully realized she carried broke through any polite response Mrs. Augusta may have instilled in her. “Is this part of some
let’s be friends thing?

He cursed softly under his breath. “I was only asking because you look like you’ve lost a lot of weight, and there wasn’t much to you to begin with.”

Her weight? They were talking about her weight? “I’m a big girl, Clayton. I can feed myself.”

“Dammit, Amelia Ann…” he said in an aggrieved tone.

“Do you have anything else to say to me?” The anger spread through her veins, making her want to punch him for not forgiving her, for deciding to stop loving her.

Under his cowboy hat, his gray eyes turned the color of thunderclouds. “No. I shouldn’t have rightly said a word, it seems. Excuse me.” He cut around the table and strode out of the room.

She clenched her hands together. So, they were back to fighting, were they? Somehow that broke her heart even more than his coldness did.

“I wish he wasn’t such a hard man sometimes,” Georgia said, coming to stand beside her. She must have witnessed the whole sorry scene. “He gets that from me. We’re like crabs when it comes to pain. We retreat tight inside our shells when we’re hurt.”

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