Finding Forever (11 page)

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Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Urban

BOOK: Finding Forever
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, save that shit you talkin’ for the next bitch.”


“Since you got that slick ass mouth and wanna have other niggas in MY crib, yo’ ass need to find yo’ own place so you can have all the niggas you want and do whatever it is you wanna do up in that muthafucka!”


“Negro please, my name is on the deed, so I don’t gotta go nowhere!”


“Oh, you gettin’ yo’ ass up outta here one way or another!”


“Alright.” She grinned. “If you want me gon’ so bad then you go and tell Malik that we gotta go! ’Cause I ain’t tellin’ him shit!”


“You a fuckin’ idiot,” Koran barked as he turned to find Malik standing at the top of the stairs in tears.


“Koran, please don’t make me leave! I wanna stay,” he wailed.


“Come here, lil’ man.” Koran met him at the bottom of the stairs and picked him up.


“I don’t wanna leave, Koran! I promise me and Mama will be good!”


“It ain’t even about that, man. Me and your mama dealing wit grown people stuff.”


“Then why can’t I just come live wit you?”


“Maybe you can.” Koran looked over his shoulder and shot Trina a look.


“That shit ain’t even happening.” She stepped in and took Malik from Koran’s arms. “Listen to Mommy, Malik. Koran don’t want us here no more. He don’t love us.”


“But Koran we’re sorry! Mama won’t be mean no more. Just please let us stay!” Malik begged.


Koran didn’t know what to do. The right thing would’ve been to stick to his guns and demand that Trina go, but the miserable look on Malik’s face tore him up inside. It was a known fact that the love Koran held in his heart for Malik stretched as wide as countries and was as deep as oceans. He hated to see him in pain, especially when he was the cause of it.


“You ain’t gotta go nowhere, lil’ man.” Koran wiped Malik’s face and kissed his cheek.


“That’s what I thought.” Trina sucked her teeth.


“You promise?” Malik asked to make sure.


“I promise. Yo’ mama’s right. This is her crib. I can’t put her out, but I can quit taking care of her. Her new man got that responsibility now.” Koran smiled with a devilish look on his face.


“First off, I don’t even know that nigga like that! And I don’t need no nigga to take care of me!”


“That’s what’s up, Trina, do you. Malik, I’ma holla at you later.”


“But I wanna go wit you.”


“Nah, stay here wit ya mama, okay?”


“Okay.” Malik held his head down.


“Chunk the deuce, nigga?” Trina quipped with her hand on her hip as he slammed the door behind him. “I hope this nigga don’t think it’s over ’cause if he do he got another think coming.”


Finding Forever


Rain drops the size of gumballs fell from the sky as strikes of thunder echoed loudly into the atmosphere. It was one of those nights when Whitney found it difficult to sleep. For hours she’d tossed and turned under the sheets. A feeling of helplessness consumed her. She hated the way darkness overtook her room. All she wanted was to rest, but her mind wouldn’t stop thinking.


It didn’t matter which way she turned; songs, ideas and fears kept choking her mind. She wanted to scream, she was so frustrated. She wished Koran was there. Being in his presence always put her at ease. Now more than ever, she needed his support. There were so many things she needed to say. Painful secrets plagued her soul. She wondered how he’d react if he knew of all the important things she’d neglected to say.


Sitting up, Whitney bent her knees up to her chest. The rain was driving her crazy. Screams of rage saturated her chest. She had to escape. Where was Koran?


At that moment she needed him to save her from herself. He was the only one who could dry her tears. Somebody had to be her strength. Whitney was just about to pick up the phone when there was a faint knock at the door. Her prince charming, her lover, her angel was finally there. Whitney ran as fast as she could, but the door seemed so far away. After what seemed like an eternity they were finally face-to-face. Whitney could breathe again, at least for a while.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” Koran questioned as she rushed into his arms.


“Nothing, I just missed you, that’s all.”


“I missed you, too.” He brushed her hair back and kissed her gently on the forehead.


“What are you doing here?”


“Man, it’s a long story. I don’t even wanna talk about it.” He let her go and stepped into the house.


“Okay.” Whitney closed the door, perplexed. “You hungry?”


“Nah, I’m straight. All I wanna do is lay down. You gon’ lay down wit me?” Koran extended his hand to her.


“Yeah.” She smiled.


Koran led them both into her bedroom. Once in bed, he lay behind her with his hand resting on her stomach. A slight grin crossed his face as he remembered that their baby would be born in November. A baby girl that looked just like Whitney would be the best gift she could ever give him. As they lay bathing in the essence of one another, Whitney closed her eyes and thanked God for blessing her with the man she hoped to one day call her husband.


“You ain’t gon’ never leave me, are you?” he asked out of nowhere.


“Why you ask me that?” Whitney placed her hand on top of his.


“Just answer the question.”


“No, I’m not gon’ leave you. What, you planning on leaving me?”


“Picture that.”


“Well, stop askin’ me crazy questions then.”


“And don’t think I’m on no sucka shit, but just lay down wit me until I fall asleep, a’ight? It’s been a long night.” Koran sighed.


“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?”


“Yeah, I’m good as long as I’m here wit you.”


“I feel the same way.” Whitney placed a loving kiss on the back of his hand. “I feel the same way.”


Chapter Six

U, Me & She

“Come on out, babe.” Koran leaned against the wall with his arms and legs crossed.


“I can’t believe you got me doing this dumb shit!” Whitney yelled through the bathroom door.


“Quit writing checks ya ass can’t cash, then! Now bring yo’ sexy ass on! I’m hungry, my dick hard and I want some pussy!”


“Don’t get stupid.” Whitney swung the door open.


Koran’s eyes bulged at the sight of her. Whitney looked sexy as hell in a black lace halter bra and matching rhinestone trimmed g-string. Her luscious breasts spilled from the barely there cups. Koran couldn’t wait to get his hands on them, but first she had work to do.


“You hot. . .but you still gotta go in there and fix me some Alfredo.”


“You’re an idiot. You’re really gonna make me cook in my lingerie?”


“You lost the bet, ma. We said that if you lost at spades you had to cook naked. But since you wanted to whine and complain, me being the nice guy I am, I let you put on some panties and a bra.”


“I’m gon’ get you back for this.” Whitney rolled her eyes and turned around.


“Get yo’ ass in there and cook.” Koran slapped her hard on the butt.


“Oww, nigga, that hurt.” she winced holding her butt cheek.


“You’ll be a’ight.”


“Do you want chicken and shrimp in the pasta?”


“Hell, yeah.” Koran brought a chair into the kitchen and sat down.


“So you’re gonna sit there and watch me cook, too?” Whitney questioned as she filled a huge pot with water.


“Duh, that was the plan.”


“I can’t stand you.”


The melodic sounds of Dwele drifted from the living room into the kitchen as Whitney switched around the kitchen in five-inch stiletto heels. Koran couldn’t take his eyes off her butt. The plumpness of her ass was ridiculous. With each step, her booty bounced and jiggled. Whitney was the epitome of what a real woman should look like.


She wasn’t skeleton skinny or outrageously obese. Whitney was thick, plain and simple. Koran drowned in her presence each time they were together. As the water began to boil, Whitney stood over the stove sautéing the Cajun flavored shrimp. The aroma in the kitchen was off the chain. Koran’s stomach growled, he was so hungry. What he didn’t know was if he was hungry for food or for Whitney, because both enticed his senses. Koran walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Whitney felt so small in his embrace.


“You gon’ let me get some?”


“You know you don’t have to ask.”


Koran quickly spun her around. Her lips barely touched his. He could see her chest heave up and down in anticipation. Whitney’s nipples were so hard they felt like needles prickling his pecks. A manifestation of desire consumed Koran as Whitney’s luscious pink lips assaulted his neck with tender sweet kisses. Flashbacks of her tongue tickling the tip of his dick overpowered his mind. He wanted her to suck it so badly. The mere thought made his penis stand at attention.


“Somebody’s hard.” Whitney smirked with a hint of lust in her eyes as she slowly lowered herself into a squatting position.


She yearned for the decadent taste of his manhood in her mouth. Koran’s dick was like a caramel sensation. Whitney wrapped her lips around the tip and pulled him in inch by inch until the tip reached the back of her throat. Koran couldn’t take it when she deep throated his dick. Even if he wanted to he couldn’t stifle his groans. Koran’s moans ignited a fire in the pit of Whitney’s stomach. Overcome with desire, she sucked harder and faster. Whitney had an insatiable appetite for dick. She could hardly compose herself.


She loved the way Koran’s penis slid in and out of her mouth with ease. Sucking dick alone could make her cum. The faster she stroked the more Koran’s knees wanted to buckle. Not wanting to cum yet, he stepped back. Nothing had to be said. Whitney already knew what was up. Koran wanted to taste the kitty.


She wanted him too. Her pussy longed for a good tongue-fucking. With both her thighs in his arms, Koran placed Whitney onto the countertop. In one swift pull he removed her g-string. Whitney was already dripping wet. Koran bent down so his face was parallel with her slit. Using his index and middle finger, he opened up her lips. Like a rose bud, she blossomed. The pink flesh of Whitney’s pussy drove him insane.


“You think you deserve this?” he asked before lightly licking the folds of her lips.


“Yes, I’ve been a good girl, daddy.” Whitney moaned, spreading her legs wider.


Koran was meticulously swirling his tongue around the bud of her clit, causing it to rise and fall in his mouth.


“I’m so wet, daddy.” She arched her back as sparks of adrenaline shot through her pelvis.


“You want this dick?” Koran gently bit her pussy lips, then licked her clit.




“You want it real bad?”


“I want it real bad!”


“So what you want me to do?” He tongue kissed her clit and played in her wetness.


“Oooooooh, daddy, why you doing this to me?” she shrieked, massaging the top of his head.


“Don’t be shy, tell a nigga what you want.”


“I want you to bend me over—”


“And, what?” he questioned plunging his fingers in and out.


“Fuck me real hard, until I cum all over yo’ dick.”


Whitney’s freaky words were all Koran needed to hear. Pulsating with desire, he gripped her waist and picked her up. He could feel her body whispering how desperately she needed him as he led her to the bedroom. Gently, he laid her on her back. Whitney watched intently with her index finger in her mouth as he undressed.


Koran’s physique resembled an African warrior’s. Muscles rippled throughout his chest and arms like ocean waves. Whitney’s pussy ached with anticipation for him to enter her. She wanted nothing more than to taste him on her tongue. Naked, Koran made his way over to the bed.


Fire roared in his eyes as he placed sweet kisses down her neck. With each of her breasts in his hands, Koran proceeded to tease her mountain peaks with his mouth and tongue. Whitney responded with a soft, “Mmmmmmmm.” She was so enthralled with passion she didn’t even realize that her stomach had met with the sheets.


Going with the flow, she arched her back and prepared herself for him to enter her wet slit doggy-style. Koran didn’t even have to check. Her shaking thighs let him know she was ready. An hour later they lay spent in each other’s arms. The food had burned, but neither of them cared. What they’d just created was far better than any food they could’ve eaten.


Finding Forever


A look of denial mixed with fear graced Whitney’s face as she made her way back into the waiting area of Dr. Chancellor’s office. This can’t be happening again, she thought, but a part of her had felt it coming. A part of her had died in a matter of seconds. Her body was numb. So many questions and concerns plagued her mind that she didn’t even hear the receptionist call her name.

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