Finding Forever (6 page)

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Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Urban

BOOK: Finding Forever
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“You being real tough over the phone. Now when I see you don’t let it be a whole ‘nother story.”


“Koran, please, Joan didn’t raise no punk.”


“A’ight, Whitney, we gon’ see how bad you are.”


“I guess we will then,” she countered, laughing.


“What time you wanna meet?” he asked, ignoring her last comment.


“Seven will be fine.”


“A’ight, I’ll check you later then.”






Finding Forever


The sun began to set, cascading a pink and orange tint in the sky as Koran stepped out of his silver Audi A8. Koran prepared himself to be cussed out twice in one night as he crossed the street. He was sure Whitney was pissed. It was almost eight o’clock when he left the house and hopped in his car. Trina had made another surprise visit and hounded him from the second she walked through the door. She’d screamed, cussed, threatened, pushed and poked until he couldn’t take it anymore. Koran hated to put his hands on her, but Trina was the type of girl you couldn’t talk to. He’d warned her numerous times to stop fuckin’ wit him and leave, but she just wouldn’t listen.


It seemed like the more he reasoned the more irrational she became. When Koran tried to turn on the radio, Trina turned it off. When he tried to enter his closet, she’d block his path. When he hopped out of the shower to retrieve his clothes, they were crumpled up into a ball on the floor. The last straw came when Trina took her hand and mashed him in the back of the head. Koran was livid. Before he knew it he’d turned and slapped her face with so much force she fell to the floor.


Thankfully, Malik wasn’t there. Koran would’ve never been able to forgive himself if he had been. He already felt bad, so bad that he picked Trina up from the floor and held her tightly until she calmed down. Koran didn’t want to lead her on by showing her affection, but holding her and saying I’m sorry was the right thing to do. No woman, under any circumstances, deserved to be hit. Koran was raised better. His mother would’ve turned over in her grave if she knew of his poor behavior.


One thing Koran did know was that things between he and Trina had to change. Neither of them could continue down the path they were going. They couldn’t continue to live a lie for the sake of Malik. It wasn’t healthy for him or for them.


The Drunken Fish in the Central West End was packed with people. It was hard for Koran to spot Whitney until a mystical cosmic energy guided him in her direction. She was alone, sitting at a table for two with the most adorable pout on her face. Koran couldn’t help but stand back and admire her for a second. Whitney was always on point when it came to fashion. Even when they were younger she knew how to put outfits together. She was never the type that had to do a lot to look well, but that day she was more stunning than ever.


Her copper colored skin glistened in the candle light. Whitney’s hair was pulled up in a sleek ponytail with one big curl on the end. A small pair of gold star earrings gleamed from her ears. Soft purple eye shadow, bronze blush, and clear lip glass by Bobby Brown decorated her face. On her body she wore a lavender off-the-shoulder mini-dress with side ruffle detail. Her size seven feet arched high in a pair of tan and metallic four-inch peep toe leather heels by L.A.M.B.


“What’s up, babe?” Koran wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed her cheek.


“Don’t what’s up babe me. You’re late.” She half-heartedly hugged him back.


“I know, I know, my bad. I got caught up.”


“Mmm hmm, tell me anything.”


“Straight up, did you order?”


“Yeah, I got us some Japanese Chicken Wings and Shrimp Yakitori.”


“Sounds good, I’m hungry as hell. I ate nothing all day.”


“So what took you so long and don’t lie?” Whitney asked, taking a sip from her drink.


“I told you, I got caught up.”


“So I guess you’re not gon’ tell me the truth.”


“Man, whateva, I am tellin’ you the truth.”


“Uh huh.” She laughed.


“Here’s your appetizers,” the waitress announced. “What would you like to drink, sir?”


“Let me get a Grand Marnier and pineapple juice.”


“I’ll be right back.”


“This looks good.” Whitney rubbed her hands together, excited.


“It does.” Koran took a couple of the wings and put them on his plate. “I’ve never been here before. This is what’s up.”


“You haven’t?”




“This right here,” Whitney said, pointing to the Shrimp Yakitori, “Is that deal.”


“Nah, this chicken is what’s up.”


“Let me have some.”


“Get one.”


“This is good, babe,” she agreed, taking a bite.


“Babe? Look at you. I guess you ain’t mad at me no more.”


“What- and- ever.” She giggled.


“Don’t front. You know you can’t stay mad at me,” he said as the waitress placed his drink on the table in front of him.


“How’s everything?” the waitress questioned.


“Really good.”


“Great. Well, let me know if you need anything.”


“Will do,” Koran assured her as his cell phone began to vibrate.


It was Trina. Koran sent her call straight to voicemail.


“So Whitney . . . now that it’s just me and you and we can finally talk privately . . . tell me . . . why did you really leave?”


“What are you talkin’ about? I told you why I left.”


“No, you told me the version you wanted me to know, not the truth.”


“So now I’m a liar?”


“You said that I didn’t. I just know there’s more to the story than what you’re tellin’ me.”


“Well, I don’t know what more you’re lookin’ for ’cause I’ve told you everything.”


“So ya’ll really just packed up and left because your ole’ dude got a job out of state?”


“Yes! What more do you want me to say?” she quipped with an attitude.


“I want you to tell me the truth. Whitney, I know you better than anybody. I know when you not keeping it real.”


“Look, I’m tryin’ to enjoy my evening wit you. I’m not tryin’ to argue,” she stressed, frustrated.


“Who’s arguing?”


“In a minute we gon’ be, so let’s just drop it?”


“I don’t want to drop it. You owe me some answers.”


“I don’t owe you shit,” Whitney snapped. “As a matter of fact . . . whateva.” she waved him off.


“Whateva,” Koran repeated in disbelief.


“Nigga, you ain’t deaf, yeah, whateva. You know you got a lot of nerve, Koran. First, you come an hour late. Then you badger me about some shit that happened eight years ago. I told you what happened, so if you don’t believe me that’s on you, ’cause frankly I don’t give a fuck,” she spat, throwing down her napkin.


Whitney shot him the evil eye, grabbed her purse and left the restaurant, heated. For a second, Koran sat dumbfounded. Did she really just up and leave? he thought. Maybe his aggressive approach was wrong, but, fuck it, he had questions and Whitney was the only person who could answer them. “This broad got me fucked up,” he spoke underneath his breath. Leaving enough money on the table to cover the meal and a tip, he got up and followed her outside. With his hands in his pockets, Koran looked to the left in hopes of spotting her, but came up with nothing.


Looking to his right, he caught a glimpse of her dress flowing in the wind as she crossed the street in a hurry. Not willing to lose track of her, Koran looked both ways and ran out into the street despite oncoming traffic. He got a few honks and threats, but he didn’t care. He and Whitney had unfinished business. She was halfway to her car when he caught up with her. Taking her by the arm, he grabbed her tightly and pulled her to the side of a building.


“What the fuck is your problem?”


“Koran, let me go.” She rolled her eyes, unfazed.


“Fuck nah, you wanna act like a child, I’ma treat you like one!”


“I’m not gon’ tell you no more. LET ME GO!”




“I knew this was a bad idea,” she said more to herself than to him. “I knew I should’ve never started back fuckin’ wit you. I should’ve never given you my number. We should’ve just left the past in the past.”


“How the fuck you gon’ say some shit like that to me? Especially after all the bullshit you done put me through! Whitney, you left me! I didn’t leave you! But you know what? It’s all good.” Koran licked his lips and backed away. “I’m trippin’, we ain’t even supposed to be doing all of this, my bad.” He turned to walk away.


“So it’s like that? You done? You just gon’ walk away?”


“Are you conscious?” Koran spun around with an angry look on his face. “Whitney, you just walked away from me! What the fuck more am I supposed to do? I ask you questions, you get offended, so I’m done! You got me up here raising my voice, coming all outside of myself, and that ain’t me. So like I said, it’s good.”


“So you good without me?” She walked up and caressed his face.


“Maaaaaan, this is bullshit.” Koran shook his head.


“Nah, tell me . . . are you good without me?”


“Do you know all the bullshit I went through since you left? Half the shit I’m going through right now I wouldn’t even be having to go through if you would’ve stayed yo’ ass here like you was supposed to!”


“What stuff?”


“That ain’t even none of yo’ concern, ’cause remember, you don’t give a fuck!”


“I do, Koran, but—”


“But what? What excuse you done came up wit now, Whitney? Huh? ’Cause I ain’t for the games, ma. If this ain’t where you wanna be then go head!”


“This is where I wanna be,” she spoke softly as her lips brushed up against his. “You know that.”


“Then why you keep taking me through all of this unnecessary bullshit?”


“Shhhhhhhh, just be quiet.”


Whitney was fully aware that she would regret the decision she was making later, but in that moment everything was how it should be. Koran had taken control and pinned her against the wall. Whitney couldn’t escape him, nor did she want to. To be in his embrace was heaven. She felt so small.


For a brief moment they gazed into each other’s eyes, secretly praying that the feeling arising in each of their souls would never fade. Koran missed the way her skin tasted, the way his tongue flicked against it while they made love. Kissing her neck, he bit softly, causing her mouth to release moans of pleasure. He could feel her heartbeat pound against his broad chest as he unzipped his pants.


A look of excitement danced across Whitney’s face. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around his back and held on tightly as he placed his hands on her butt and lifted her up. A wonderment of pain and indulgence seeped through Whitney’s body as her skin scraped against the rough surface of the brick wall. Gasping for air, she held on tightly and wrapped her legs around his back, allowing him access to her hidden treasure.


Immediately, the overwhelming sensation of his dick being suffocated took Koran’s manhood as he entered Whitney slowly. She was so tight his heart sank to his feet. Tears filled the brim of Whitney’s eyes as he rocked inside her at an unhurried pace. This was making love, the pure definition of it. What they were creating was crazy black magic. Neither cared that someone could walk by and see them. This moment had been predestined in time. Sweet, sticky cream covered Koran’s dick as he thrust himself deeper and deeper. Whitney wanted to scream. Her back arched so high it felt as if her breasts were pressed up against the moon. Koran was exploring crevices that were unknown. The folds of her pussy ached. The faster he pumped the wetter she became.


An orgasm was approaching. This feeling hadn’t come over her in years. The sensation was blinding. Finally, she was letting go of everything. All of her fears and doubts were now being thrown to the wind. With Koran was where she wanted to be. His long strokes had her in a daze. Hot cum dripped down from her walls, saturating his dick. He was cumming, too. Neither cared that he’d exploded inside of her. All that mattered was the moment and that they were back together.


“I love you,” she admitted, opening her eyes.


“I know you do.”


Finding Forever


The song “Bed” by J. Holiday came to mind as Koran lay on his back, enjoying the sunlight as it peeked through the blinds. Whitney lay on her side, nestled securely under his arm. Her naked body kept him warm and that was how it had been all night. For hours, they’d made love with the light from the moon as their guide. Their encounter was so intense it seemed as if it was their first time. After cumming numerous times, Whitney finally lost consciousness and drifted off to sleep.


Koran couldn’t even join her. Trina blew up his phone the entire night. His voicemail was full of hysterical rants and raves. He wondered how he was gonna tell Whitney about Trina and Malik. They’d come so far, but once he revealed his secret everything would change. She was sure to leave him, this time maybe for good. Koran didn’t want to chance that. He couldn’t lose her twice. It would kill him.

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