Finding Chris Evans: The 9-1-1 Edition (7 page)

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“Britt?” he called, not wanting to startle her.

“In here.”

He pushed the door open and his heart lodged in his throat. The lamp on the bedside table gave the room a warm, golden glow. Or maybe it was Britt. She was lying on the bed, her hair down and spread around her, bare naked on top of the dark purple duvet. Yeah, it was her. Her smile, her skin, just
. Glowing. With happiness he hoped. And a healthy dose of lust. Everything in him felt warm looking at her. Not hot. Well, okay, hot too, but not
hot. He wanted her with an intensity that surprised him even now. But he felt
looking at her. Like he’d never been happier, like everything good about waking up each morning was wrapped up in the woman in front of him.

And that was the most poetic—and sappy—he’d ever been in his life.

Enough of that. She was naked and he had two boxes of condoms.

He tossed them onto the bed and started stripping his clothes. “You didn’t start without me.”

“Maybe I’m already done.”

When his clothes were in a pile next to the bed, he crawled up onto the mattress. “Then I guess I’d better get you going again.”

She squirmed as he ran an open palm up her leg. Her skin was so soft, he swore he could be content to just stroke his hands all over her for hours. But then she made a sweet little moaning sound, and he decided that there would be time for sweet, slow foreplay later. He kissed the spot right above her knee, then dragged his tongue to her inner thigh. Her legs parted and he smiled.

“I’m already going,” she said, breathlessly. “I haven’t
going since—”

Chris lifted his head to look at her as she stopped. “Since when?”

“Earlier. With the frosting,” she said.

But there was something about how she said it that made Chris crawl up the bed to stretch out beside her. He settled a hand on her stomach, rubbing back and forth, needing to touch her, but met her eyes. “Since when, Britt?”

She shook her head, her bottom lip between her teeth.

He grinned. “You’ve been working up over me for a while.”

She rolled her eyes and he laughed.

“I have to hear this,” he insisted. “When did you decide you wanted me?”

She sighed. “Your ego is already big enough. I’m not telling you that.”

“Oh, a long time then,” he said, loving that. A lot. He stroked his hand lower. “I can tell you when I first realized I wanted you,” he said. “If that would help.”

She pressed her lips together then, her legs shifting restlessly on the mattress, and nodded.

“I thought you were beautiful the first day you walked in. I realized you were tough and smart and funny and great at your job the first time we went on a call. But the first time I wanted you? When you grabbed a guy’s broken nose and held onto it while getting in his face and telling him that you were going to check up on his kid at school and if you ever even suspected that the guy had hit the kid again, you were going to chop his dick off.”

Her eyes widened. “You wrote me up for that!”

He nodded. “I had to. As your boss. It was inappropriate, according to the rules. That didn’t mean I didn’t respect it and like it. You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to do something like that.”

“But you never would. You’re always in control of your emotions. You’re always aware of the situation and the rules. You would never overstep.”

Chris nodded. “I’m always in control of my emotions. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel them. And I love your passion, Britt. I don’t let go like you do, but I find it very hot when you do.”

She watched him for a long second. He wondered if she was aware that she was arching up into his touch.

“That was really early on. I think that call was the third we were on together when I was in training.”

He nodded.

“So you’ve wanted me for a long time.”

More every time he was around her. But he thought maybe it was too soon to say that. Then again, there was something in her eyes as he looked at her now that made him want to wrap her in his arms and never let go. It was heat and…something more. Like he’d said something exactly right.

“I want you more every time I see you,” he finally admitted. “The more I get to know you, the more I can’t stop thinking about you. And I was pretty much at twenty-four-seven after knowing you for a week.”

Suddenly she shifted, moving on top of him and straddling his waist.

was an amazing position. And view. All of her was either against him or on display. His hands went to her hips, then slipped around to cup her butt.

“I never imagined you for a romantic, Chris Evans,” she said.

“Well, I did imagine you as a girl-on-top girl,” he said, squeezing her ass. “Then again, I imagined you in a lot of positions.”

She gave him a slow, very sexy smile. “I can’t even tell you how delighted I am to learn that you have a dirty mind.”

“You didn’t think I did?”

“I thought you were pretty uptight.”

“I am,” he admitted.

She laughed. “Yeah. Well, that’s why I’m going to have so very much fun getting you to lose control.”

“You think you’re up to it?” he asked, feeling heat shoot through his gut.

“I can get three-year-olds to sit still for stitches, I can get assholes to apologize to the friends they punch in the face, I can get eight-year-olds to wait patiently in line for the ball pit and I can get teenage boys to be polite to the snack bar workers. I can definitely make one uptight paramedic lose his mind in bed.”

He loved her. It was so clear to him that Chris felt like someone had just slapped him across the face. “Okay, hot shot. Bring it on.”

And she did. Before he realized what she was up to, she’d scooted down his body and lowered her head, taking a long, hot lick along his cock. Chris’ breath hissed out. Then she swirled her tongue around the tip and he felt desire building hot and fast deep in his gut. She sucked and licked and Chris’ fingers slid into her hair and tightened. But even in the midst of the best blow job of his life, he realized she was already the reason for the most intense emotions he’d ever felt.

And he wanted to be that for her too. Britt went hard, with passion, all in on everything she did. Being the cause of big emotions for her wouldn’t be easy. But it would be amazing.

“Britt,” he managed through gritted teeth as her hot, sweet mouth continued to work him over.

She hummed around his length, and Chris had to stop and breathe to keep from simply arching up into her mouth and letting go.

“Britt,” he said again, tugging on her hair.

“Mmm?” She looked up at him.

Her looking up at him with her lips around the head of his cock, her hand wrapped around his base, her hair falling forward, and her cheeks flushed with desire was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

“Come here,” he said roughly.

She frowned and lifted her head. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I want—” He wasn’t sure he could put it to words. He needed to show her.

“But I—”

“Come. Here.” He sat up and grasped her waist, hauling her up his body.

She straddled his lap as he banded an arm around her waist and anchored a hand on the back of her neck to hold her still.

“You’re amazing,” he told her. “You—” He breathed in deeply, on the verge of telling her he was in love with her. But he was sure that saying those words right after her tongue had been where it had been would sound less than sincere. “You’re amazing.”

“You said that,” she told him with a little smile.


She ran a hand through his hair. “Why’d you stop me?”

“You’re…” He swallowed. “You’re already the most fun I’ve ever had. I had to tell you before you thought it was all about your sweet mouth.”

She put that sweet mouth against his and kissed him deeply. When she pulled back, she said, “You don’t have to say that. I’ll put my mouth wherever you want it.”

“But it’s true. And—I want to be the best time you’ve ever had too.”

Her eyes widened. “In bed? Or outside of bed? Or—”


“Oh. Wow.”

Yeah, that was one way to put it. “Tell me what you want, Britt. I’ll do anything.”

She looked at him for a long moment. “I do have some things I’ve thought about. With you.”

“Like?” Chris felt like every fiber in his body was tight with need and desire—desire to be everything she’d ever wanted.

“You’re sure?”

“Anything, Britt.”

“Okay. I want to ride a roller coaster with you. And I want to go up in a hot air balloon with you. And I want you to come to my family’s next dinner and play board games with us. And I want to go away with you for a weekend where you let me plan the whole thing and it’s all a surprise to you.”

Chris had thought he’d already experienced intense emotions for her, but her listing all the things she wanted to do with him—easily and without having to think hard at all—made him feel things he’d never imagined. Especially the part about spending time with her family. He wanted that. All of it.

He cleared his throat. “I was expecting a list of naked things.”

“Oh, did you think you’d be dressed in the hot air balloon?”

He pinched her butt.

She laughed, then said, “Okay, I have a few—or a lot—of naked ideas too.”

Chris grinned at her. He wanted all of the non-naked things. More than he could believe. But the naked things were easier to handle right now. “Roller coasters and hot air balloons and families later. Let’s talk naked things.”

“I want you to be hotter and crazier than you’ve ever been before,” she said simply.

That rocked through him, heating his blood and making his fingers tighten on her hips.

She leaned in to put her lips against his. “I want you to let loose. Completely. No holding back. Go crazy with me.”

Chris swallowed hard. He didn’t let go easily. People who let loose ended up in the back of his ambulance. But he couldn’t deny that doing it with Britt was tempting. For one thing, that was her—fun, spontaneous, happy. But also because he could trust her. And maybe that was the bottom line. To really let go and grab onto the fun, he had to be with someone he totally trusted. “I’m feeling crazier every second here,” he told her honestly.

“Then tell me what you want. What will make you lose your mind?”

He wanted this so damned much. And it wasn’t like he hadn’t played this fantasy out in his head. A couple of times. Or a hundred.

“I want you at my mercy, doing whatever I say without argument, following my every command.”

Her pupils dilated but she gave him a mischievous smile. “So basically, me doing what I’m supposed to do at work but never do.”

“Pretty much.” He wanted that so much he was having a hard time holding onto his cool.

“You don’t get enough of bossing everyone else around all the time?”

But she wiggled in his lap, and he could tell she was turned on by the idea. “Never. And I want to boss

She chewed her bottom lip. “This is bedroom only,” she finally said.

“Fine. Because next time you’re defying me in the field, I’ll just think of you begging me to make you come.”

Her breathing had quickened and he waited, somehow, for her to say yes.

“Okay,” she finally said with a nod. “Let’s go crazy.”

He just looked at her. She was perfect.

“On your hands and knees, Britt,” he said low and firm.

That clearly surprised her and it took her a second to comply, but as she moved into position, Chris’ heart almost stopped. “So. Damned. Gorgeous,” he praised as he shifted into place behind her. He reached around and played with her nipples, making her squirm.


“Don’t move unless I tell you to,” he warned, running one hand down her back to her butt.

She nodded and he gave her a little swat. She gasped, then moaned. He ran his hands all over her from shoulders to ankles, pausing at her breasts and playing between her legs on each pass. Stroking and rubbing until she was panting and pressing into his hands, clearly wanting more than he was giving.

“What do you need, Britt?” he teased, running the pads of his fingers over the hot, wet flesh between her legs lightly.

“More. Touch me more.”

“I’ve got every inch of you on display and at my mercy,” he said. “What more can I touch?”

“Inside,” she said breathlessly. “I need you inside.” She moved her knees farther apart and arched her back.

It was the most tempting thing Chris had ever seen in his life.

He loved making her crazy and intended to hear her beg, but he couldn’t resist running his finger more firmly over the sweet, pink folds where she needed him most. He circled her clit and she cried out.


He slid a finger into her slick heat and relished the tight grip around his finger. He stroked her like that, taking her almost to the edge. She protested loudly when he withdrew his touch.

“Dammit! Chris!”

He rewarded her need for him by replacing his finger with his mouth.

She gave a heartfelt, almost relieved moan when he first licked her and within only a couple of minutes, she went up and over the peak of her first orgasm.

Thank you
,” she said with a sincerity that made him laugh.

But when she started to turn toward him, he swatted her ass again. “I’m not done with you.”

A shiver went through her and she said, “thank goodness” as she resumed the position.

He stroked her all over again until he finally got a “please, Chris, please. I need you. Now,” from her. He knelt behind her, rolled a condom on and thrust deep and hard, finding heaven even as he realized he’d just given her his soul.


Chapter Five

Britt grinned as Chris’ hands once again settled on her butt. It seemed that the indoor obstacle course at the Fun Zone was one of his favorite activities. Because of her thumb, she needed him helping her up and over any number of things and now, as they climbed up through one of the big tubes to the slide, he was “helping” her from behind.

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