Finding Chris Evans: The 9-1-1 Edition (6 page)

BOOK: Finding Chris Evans: The 9-1-1 Edition
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Chris looked into her eyes, his fingers still against her chest. She was sure he could feel how hard her heart was beating. She hoped he knew it was all because of him.

“It’s funny,” he said. “There are no bright lights or music or games here and I’m feeling very excited.”

She grinned up at him. “Must be the sugar in the frosting.”

“Maybe.” Then he dipped his head and stroked his tongue over her skin, licking up the frosting.

Britt held her breath, her heart hammering, feeling dizzy suddenly.

He straightened and smacked his lips together. “Nope. Not the sugar. It’s all you.”

She stared at him for a moment as it hit her—they weren’t making it out of this kitchen with all of their clothes on. Or maybe at all.

“You’re sure about that?” she asked. “Let’s see.” She reached to the frosting bowl and scooped up a finger full with her good hand and then spread it down the side of his neck. She leaned in and licked the stripe of chocolate from his skin with a long, slow drag of her tongue.

He groaned softly and his hand tightened on her hip.

Then she tipped his head the other direction and licked up the side of his neck without the frosting. “You’re right,” she said breathlessly. “It’s not the frosting.”

Chris turned his head, his mouth hovering over hers. “It’s not,” he agreed. “But I still want to spread it all over your body.”

Their gazes met, then as if communicating telepathically, they both leaned back and began taking their clothes off. She was slower, only able to really use one hand to grip and pull, and had only gotten her shirt off by the time Chris tossed his shirt and pants away. He quickly went to work unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans, pulling them down her legs and throwing them over his shoulder. His eyes darkened as he looked at her in only her panties.

His gaze was hungry on her breasts and he lifted both hands to cup the mounds, playing with her nipples, making her moan and squirm.

“Damn, I like those sounds,” he told her. Then he dipped a finger into the frosting bowl and painted the chocolate over her nipples.

This was awesome. Britt said as much out loud. He looked up with a grin.

“And we’re just getting started.”

He scooped her up from the chair, depositing her on the countertop. He stepped between her knees and took her mouth in a hot deep kiss. And she realized she’d been right about them lining up—the counter was pretty good, but a bit too high for what she hoped was about to happen.

As his hands roamed over her body, he also smeared chocolate everywhere. Britt couldn’t have loved anything more. She was no virgin, but she’d never used so much as whipped cream with a guy before. This was…fun. And that it was happening with Chris was so…yes, awesome. He was almost playful. He was sweet. He was hot. And he was the best kisser she’d ever kissed.

She couldn’t get enough. Her hands began exploring him as well. She ran her palms over his shoulders, chest, abs, back, ass and then, finally, cupped his large, hot erection.

He pulled his lips from hers, breathing raggedly. “Damn, Britt.”

“I know.”

He lifted a hand and cupped her breast, teasing her nipple. She ran her hand up and down his hard length. He finally dipped his head to one nipple, licking and sucking the chocolate clean, and then some, before turning his attention to the other one. She squeezed her knees around his waist. He lifted his head and kissed her deeply. She gripped his butt and pressed against him.

Finally he pulled back and braced both hands on the counter, breathing hard, looking into her eyes. “We need to slow down.”

She lifted her brows. “Why?”

“We’re about to have sex on your kitchen counter.”


He laughed and shook his head. “I should have known this would go fast with you.”

She nodded. “Fast. Fast is good. So is hard.” She ran a hand down between their bodies again, over his cock. “And deep.”

He sucked in a breath and dropped his forehead to hers. “You don’t want some romance? Some seduction? Maybe a date first?”

Britt puffed out a breath. A date. Of course Chris would think he should date her first. “I’ll let you pay for the pizza delivery later.”

He looked at her for a long moment, then said, “Deal” before giving her another long, deep, hot kiss.

Then they got rid of her panties and then his boxers, and he pulled her forward and she grabbed his shoulders and…stopped.


She looked at him, wide-eyed. “What?”


Condom. Right. She didn’t have any in her kitchen, she was sure. What she wasn’t sure of was if she had any upstairs. Or even in the house. “You don’t have one?”

He shook his head. “I’m not typically this spontaneous.”

She couldn’t help it, she laughed at that. She could imagine that was true. And she kind of liked it. Chris Evans was not the type of guy to lose his mind over a girl or cover her in chocolate frosting or get this far without thinking about practical things like condoms.

That it had all happened with her made her feel special. That thought hit her suddenly. It wasn’t like he’d declared any feelings to her, but Britt knew him. He was a careful, thoughtful, caring, prepared guy even in the midst of traumas and situations where you never knew what was coming next. That he’d gotten this carried away with her meant something.

She swallowed hard.

Wow, she really wanted it to mean something.

“You’re not going to tell me you’re on the pill?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I don’t like taking things I don’t need.”

“You don’t need birth control?”

Britt gave him a smile. “I’m not typically this spontaneous about sex either.”


His surprise was understandable. She was actually very spontaneous. In almost everything. But not sex. She shook her head. “This is a first for me too, believe it or not.”

She knew she came across as reckless and even impulsive, but she wasn’t. Not really. Everything she did she did for a reason. She didn’t always think about that reason for long, or analyze it from every angle, or even consider the consequences too hard. But she always knew what she was getting into and why.

At work, if she charged into a situation, it was because someone needed her and because she believed the risk was worth the chance to save a life. If she did something spontaneous with or for her mother, it was to make her smile. Britt always had a good reason for the things she did. And having sex with Chris Evans was for the very good reason that…she liked him. More than she’d liked a guy ever. And because this was something new and different for him too.

Because, by God, if Chris was going to be spontaneous and fun, it was going to be with

“Tell you what,” he said, stepping back. “There has to be a convenience store around here somewhere.”

She nodded, not bothering to hide the fact that she was taking in every detail of his nakedness. “Two blocks east.”

He similarly let his gaze roam over her. He cleared his throat. “I’ll go and… get…”

She gave him a half grin. “Chips?”

“No. Uh…”


He shook his head and she laughed lightly. He lifted his eyes to her face and grinned. “Condoms. A lot of condoms.”

She nodded and slid to the floor. As she stepped close, his expression grew solemn. “If you change your mind while I’m gone, turn the outside light off. If it’s still on when I get back, I’ll know you’re still in.”

Britt frowned up at him. “Why would you think I wouldn’t still be in?”

“Just…if the moment passes. Or the sugar high wears off.”

Her heart thumped softly. “Do you think the moment might pass for you?” She knew sometimes there were regrets the next day. She knew lots of people woke up and, in the morning light, wondered what they hell they’d done.

That had never happened to her. Again, because she didn’t do this stuff lightly.

She ate too much candy and popcorn sometimes. She stayed out too late. She let her mother talk her into crazy stuff on the weekends—rock climbing and hikes and road trips—and she sometimes woke up with a sore back or a headache or late for work on Monday. But when it came to matters of the heart, she wanted absolutely no regrets. And sex was a matter of the heart for her.

Chris lifted his hand to her face. “No. I don’t think this moment will pass. It hasn’t passed in all the months I’ve known you. Now that I’ve…”

“Seen me naked?” she asked as he trailed off.

He smiled. “Well, that certainly doesn’t hurt. But now that I know you even better, it’s not going to pass.”

She swallowed hard at the look in his eyes. He looked serious and…affectionate. Or something. Wow. She’d wanted him before. She’d had a thing for him since day one. But now that she knew this sweeter, considerate, protective side she’d seen since her injury and, yeah, seen him naked—and felt his hands on her body, tasted his kisses, experienced what he could do to her—she might never recover.

She wasn’t sure she wanted to recover.

“Get a toothbrush for tomorrow morning too,” she told him. She took her extra key out of the bowl by the phone and handed it to him. “And you’d better hurry back,” she told him. “Because if you’re not back in fifteen minutes, I’m starting without you.” Then she slipped around him and headed for the stairs leading to her bedroom.

“I might want to take my time,” he said, his voice rough and sexy. “I wouldn’t mind walking in on that.”

Britt looked over her shoulder from the third step to find him watching her. “Bedroom is the second door on the right,” she told him, then continued up the staircase.


Chapter Four

Chris felt like a fourteen-year-old about to get lucky for the first time as he rushed to the convenience store on the corner, grabbed the condoms, and got in line behind the three women at the register.

“Oh, let’s play Lucky Larry,” one of them said, pointing to the Lucky Larry lottery game. “My neighbor’s daughter’s co-worker won a thousand dollars with that one.”

“But those are two bucks a piece,” another pointed out. “We could buy four of the Pick Twos for the same price.”

“No Pick Twos,” the third said. “Ellen never buys any of the Picks.”

“When was the last time Ellen won anything?” Number Two asked.

“She won five bucks a week ago.”

Number Two scoffed. “Five bucks. If that’s all I needed, I’d get a paper route. Mama needs some

Chris shifted his weight. He gritted his teeth. He cleared his throat to be sure they knew someone was waiting behind them.

They didn’t seem to care.

“Well, I’m going to try the Pick Twos and when I win five thousand dollars, I’m not buying you shit,” Number Two said.

Number Three laughed. “When was the last time you bought me shit?”

“I bought you that magazine the other day. By the way, what are the twenty secrets to making your man crazy in bed?”

Number One laughed at that. “She has to get a man before she can try out any secrets.”

Number Three nodded. “But I’ll be ready when I find him.”

They all laughed at that. The clerk rolled his eyes. “So what’ll it be, ladies?”

“Okay, how about we buy a Pick Two and a Lucky Larry and then we splurge on the Big Dipper,” Number Two said. “I’m feeling lucky.”

Which launched them into another discussion about the last time she’d felt lucky and how that had cost them each ten bucks.

Finally Chris couldn’t take it any longer. Britt was going to think he’d changed his mind. Or was going to start without him. Which sounded fine with him—he’d meant it when he’d said he would have gladly walked in on that. But at this rate, she was going to end up finishing without him too.

“One of each,” Chris finally said, pulling his wallet from his pocket. “On me,” he added, giving the three women a smile when they turned to look at him.

The women exchanged looks, then one looked down at the two boxes of condoms in his hand. Yeah, he was being optimistic.

She gave him a grin. “Oh.”

He wasn’t going to hide it. “Yeah. Kind of in a hurry.”

“Well, then,” Number Two said. “How about you spring for two Big Dippers?”

They all leaned onto the counter as if they had all night to hang out and tie up the line.

Extortion. In the Korner Kart. By three old ladies. Chris shook his head but tossed the money on the counter. “My pleasure.”

Number One cackled. “I’ll bet.”

Number Three also gave him a grin. “Just promise me it’ll be hers too.”

Chris chuckled at that. “Any reading recommendations?”

Three walked over to the magazine rack, grabbed one and handed it to him. “Are you a quick study?”

He glanced at the cover of
His Health
. “Five Things She Wishes You Knew” was the top story. He flipped the magazine open to the story and scanned the five things. He looked up at the women. “Luckily, I already knew one, two and five.”

The women hooted at that and finally turned to finish buying their stuff. As they headed out the door, he got a “have fun” and a “good luck.”

Two minutes later, Chris was out the door with condoms and the magazine. Because number three was really interesting.

The porch light at Britt’s house was on. He knew that when he’d left, they’d pretty much been in agreement that he would be back and that she wanted him to, but seeing the light made him breathe deeply. The whole night had been a surprise. A wonderful one in every way. Britt was funny and sweet and when she was at home, relaxed and having fun, she was even more tempting than when she was kicking ass at work. And she was way too tempting when she was kicking ass at work. So, somewhere around putting frosting in between layers one and two of the cake, Chris had accepted his fate—he was crazy about Britt and wasn’t getting over it. Maybe ever.

He let himself in with the key she’d given him, then locked the door behind him and took three deep breaths and climbed the stairs slowly—when really what he wanted was to charge up the stairs, shedding his clothes as he went.

Second door on the left. The door was partially shut and the light was on. He headed in that direction, his heart thundering in his ears.

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