Find Me If You Dare (Dreamcatcher Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Find Me If You Dare (Dreamcatcher Book 2)
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I dropped my hand from Kayla’s back and stood, helping her to her feet. We moved away from the table, and a minute later, it disappeared. Every Protector not used to magic jumped. The corner of my mouth rose. I couldn’t wait until they saw what else Trishna could do. Music filled the room—from where, I didn’t know—and, within seconds, the center of the corridor crowded with dancers.

“Let’s go!” Lian shouted, grabbing Ivan’s hand. Tabbi chuckled as he rolled his eyes and dragged his feet behind her.

“Want to dance?” Nolan yelled over the music at Samantha, who nodded and strutted across the room like a model on a runway.

Kayla sneered when they about had sex on the dance floor. My stomach hardened, and I slipped my hand into hers. “Come on,” I said, leading her to the middle of the room where we couldn’t see Nolan and Samantha.

I spun Kayla under my arm and smiled when she giggled. The last time we’d danced was at
in Rome, and that night, I’d nearly torn her clothes off in the bathroom of the club. Tonight, I was going to focus on having a good time and keeping my lustful instincts at bay. Who knew when the next time would be that we’d all party like this? Last thing I wanted to do was pull her away from a night with our friends.

But seeing Kayla’s hips shimmying back and forth was enough to get my thoughts whirling, and when she turned around and ground against me, my resolve died.

Her hips rubbing against mine, I let my hands wander down her sides, aching to kiss her neck like I’d done hours ago. She was so beautiful, so amazing. My palms clammed as my heart hammered. An image of her dress falling to the floor flashed through my mind, and then the music changed to a slower tune, and I let out a sigh of relief.

I spun her around, placing my right hand on her upper waist. With her right hand in my left, I led her through a slow waltz.

“Okay, wait. Where do I put this one?” she said, flopping her left arm around.

I took a step to my right, laughing. “On my shoulder.”

Kayla bit her lip. “This is so awkward.”

“Would you rather sway?”

“Kind of.” She scrunched her small nose.

I placed her right hand on my other shoulder and pulled her close, resting my hands on her lower back. To the right and left I rocked, spinning us in a slow circle.

“Better?” I asked.

“Yeah. I’m not graceful, remember?” She blushed.

I smiled and stared deep into Kayla’s hazel eyes. Trishna
wise for throwing this ball. This moment of calm and bliss was intoxicating, as was the girl in my arms. With her, I felt whole. Never did I want this moment to end.

I leaned in and kissed her softly, and as I pulled my lips off hers, I dipped her. Kayla squealed, holding my arms like a vise grip, tipped her head back, and laughed. Unable to wipe a silly grin off my face, I righted her.

Someone tapped my shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?” Nolan asked.

I glared at him. Did he really have to ruin this moment?

Kayla replied before I had a chance to speak. “Yeah, sure.”

Nolan eyed me with trepidation. But like a gentleman, I stepped out of the way. He grinned, and Kayla’s face lit up like a street lamp in a storm the moment Nolan took her hand in his. Already, she’d become attached to the dark-haired bloke. How much happier would she be if she knew he was her brother? God, her eyes would sparkle so bright I’d go blind.

I moved to the side of the room, crossed my arms, and frowned. The urge to tell her the truth was overwhelming.
But you promised, Daniel
, I told myself
I snickered, picturing two loons battling for my sanity, one on each shoulder, like in those ridiculous cartoons. Shaking my head, I stalked to the back of the room for a drink to silence my thoughts.

The whiskey burned going down, and I pushed my shot glass toward Bartholomew for another. How he’d ended up playing bartender, I didn’t know. But he definitely knew his alcohol. I’d asked for the strongest whiskey he had, and damn—my throat was still on fire.

“My spidey senses are tellin’ me there’s something wrong in that crazy ass head of yours,” Seth said, appearing out of nowhere.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” I asked, pounding the next shot and pushing the glass toward Bartholomew for another.

“All the girls are turnin’ me down, man. I don’t get it.”

“Ever think maybe they like to be treated like human beings?” Again, I swallowed the whiskey and flung the glass down the bar, nodding at a wide-eyed Bartholomew. He raised a black, bushy eyebrow before taking the glass.

“Think you maybe wanna slow down?” Seth asked.

“Unless you want a headache, I’d listen to Seth,” Bartholomew interjected, sliding a shot to me.

“Thanks for the warning.” I threw back the alcohol, wincing as it went down.

Seth snatched the glass from my hand before I could ask for another. “I’ve never seen you drink whiskey, let alone four shots of it.”

“Six, actually.”

Wow. Okay. Why?”

“Just having fun.” I tried to grin, but my lips barely moved.

Seth shook his head, then set the glass on the bar. I didn’t hand it to Bartholomew this time. Six shots of top shelf whiskey—back to back—after years of a beer here and there probably
been a clever idea. Already, my throat roasted with what was bound to be vomit later.

“Something happen with Kayla?” Seth asked.

“Other than the fact that she’s the number one target of the most powerful, vicious warlock in history and possibly the key to ending this whole war?”
And she’s going to kill me when she finds out I knew about Nolan’s secret?

“All righty, then. Sorry I asked.”

I leaned against the bar, watching Nolan and Kayla dance. Again, bats swarmed in my stomach. For all my many flaws, one thing I had never been was untrustworthy. No matter what, I couldn’t reveal the truth about Nolan. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, a pounding forming between my eyes. Damn whiskey.

The slow songs ended, and Kayla stepped away from Nolan, who returned to Samantha’s side. Her arms crossed, Kayla surveyed the room. Spotting me standing with Seth, she walked toward us, her hips swaying. I cleared my throat, straightening up—and tipped backward. Seth pressed a hand against my spine, pushing me forward.

“Lightweight,” he teased and stepped away.

“Why didn’t you come back for me? Nolan only wanted one dance,” Kayla said when she reached me.

“Sorry. Was chatting with Seth.” I opened my eyes wider and blinked a few times. Were my words slurred?

Kayla grabbed my arm. “Are you drunk?”

The alarm at the front gate sounded, loud and high-pitched. Someone not wearing Trishna’s Unity mark had entered Caelum. The music silenced, and heads whipped around.

“Daniel and Chad, follow me. Everyone else, stay here,” Trishna yelled, bolting from the room.

After kissing the side of Kayla’s head, I ran after Trishna, tipping sideways when the tunnel turned.
job, Daniel
, I scolded myself.
So pissed you can’t even run in a straight line.

I broke free of the passageway and jogged through the main corridor to where Trishna knelt next to a body near the entrance, checking for a pulse. As I got closer, I noticed the person’s shirt was soaked with blood, and in his left hand, he held a piece of paper. My feet felt like they were tied to cinder blocks as I neared the body—


I ran my hand down my face and swore.

“Is he…” Chad started.

Trishna’s fingers left Eric’s neck. “He’s dead.”

Chad pressed a fist to his mouth and stepped away.

“He collapsed as soon as he saw me. I thought I might have time to save him, but…” She motioned to her dead friend, her eyes sad. “Damn it!” Trishna smacked the floor.

I closed the distance in one step and touched her shoulder, my heart in my throat. “It’s all right. I’ll take it from here.” I crouched and placed a hand on Eric’s arm, then evaporated to the oversized corridor designated as our hospital.

After lifting Eric onto a bed—woozy as hell—I pried open his fist and pulled out the paper he’d been grasping. The message was Old English, but I was able to translate:
A voice like thunder said to me, ‘Come and see.’ I looked, and there before me was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out bent on conquest.

What the…?
I recognized the words. But from where? Church, maybe?

Closing my eyes, I sent Tabbi a direct message:
Do you have a Bible?
Being an orphan on the streets of Ireland in the 1700s, Tabbi had found cathedrals to be a great source of charity. She’d grown up listening to sermons and, after her death at the age of twelve, had continued her religion—unlike me. Hopefully she’d picked up a new Bible after leaving Rome.

Yeah, why?
she answered.

I need it. Hospital. Bring it to me as soon as possible.

Scanning Eric’s body, I searched for more clues. I checked his pockets, but there were no more notes, and his other hand held nothing. I shook my head. Richard could’ve delivered that note many other ways. Why use Eric?

I tipped my head, narrowing my gaze on the warlock’s shirt. The blood was centered on his torso. Hadn’t he been wearing blue when we were in Albuquerque? Why would Richard bother to give him clean clothes before beating him to a pulp? I rolled up Eric’s shirt—and froze.

On Eric’s chest and stomach, carved in capital letters:

I dropped his shirt and swore.

Tabbi, Seth, and Kayla broke through the door.

“What the—” Seth started.

“Oh, God. Eric.” Kayla covered her mouth and whimpered.

“Seth, Kayla, find Trishna and Bartholomew. Tell them to come here immediately.”

Seth nodded and took Kayla’s hand in his, dragging her from the room. Tabbi handed me her Bible, and I traded her the paper.

“Do you recognize this?” I asked, flipping through the pages.

“Um, yeah. It’s from Revelation.”

I looked up from the book. Tabbi’s green eyes were wide. “Damn, I knew I recognized the passage,” I said. “It’s in reference to the Apocalypse, right?”

Tabbi nodded. “One of the Horsemen. Uh…”—she rubbed her forehead—“I think this is from chapter six, maybe?”

Turning to the back of the book, I searched through Revelation until I reached the sixth chapter. Shit, she was right. Verse two. What kind of sick bastard twists the Bible?

Trishna and Bartholomew ran into the room. Their tan faces paled upon seeing the message left on Eric’s body. Tabbi handed Trishna the paper, and Bartholomew read over her shoulder.

“No, this can’t be,” he said, his Middle Eastern accent more pronounced by his fear.

“I can’t read this dialect. What does it say?” Trishna asked.

Tabbi translated then said, “Richard is manipulating the Biblical end times. These verses have to do with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”

“The what?” Trishna asked.

I clarified. “In the Bible, the book of Revelation mentions four ‘Horsemen’ who bring on… plagues, I guess, to signal the end times are near. Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.”

“This is why the Angels wanted us to go to war,” Bartholomew said, holding his stomach. “The four Magus… Richard didn’t just want them because of their birthday.”

say he manipulated their genes.”

Kayla and the other three—Alex, Margaret, and Adelynn—had all been born on October 31, exactly at midnight. And all four of them had been targeted by Richard and his Nightmares before Rome was destroyed. Now, his ultimate plan was starting to make sense. I gripped the edge of the bed as my legs weakened.

Bartholomew nodded. “Because he’s going to use them as his versions of the Horsemen.”

By the time I crawled into bed, it was nearing four a.m. My home was pitch black and quiet, except for Seth’s snores. For once, I was thankful for my supernatural ability to see in the dark. I really didn’t feel like waking someone by running into something and rehashing all the details from my four-hour meeting. We’d finally decided to call from the field all the Protectors who’d joined our fight—the rest would continue to guard their charges—and send nine teams scouting across the US for signs of Richard. “Operation Revelation” Trishna had called it.

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