Filthy English (41 page)

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Authors: Ilsa Madden-Mills

Tags: #Filthy English

BOOK: Filthy English
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Declan? He’d been the nicest of the entire lot of them.

I didn’t have time to argue with him. I just wanted to go. “I’m fine. I’ll see you soon.”

He grabbed my arm to stop me as I turned, uncertainty written on his face. “Elizabeth, wait. There’s something I need to tell you that I should have said a long time ago . . .”


I put my hands to his lips. I suspected what he wanted to say, and I wasn’t ready to hear it—or respond to it. “Don’t. Not now. I can’t handle any more tonight.”


Dirty English is


Available on



Reading Order:

Very Bad Things

Very Wicked Beginnings

Very Wicked Things

Very Twisted Things


Dirty English

Dear Reader,


Hearing from you is very important to me. Honestly, it makes my day because I love to talk about my characters like they are real people (they are in my head!). So please drop me a line on my website or on Facebook. Book reviews are like gold to indie writers, and you have no idea how we relish each one. If you have time, I’d appreciate and love an honest, heartfelt review from you. Thank you for being part of my fictional world.


Ilsa Madden-Mills

and USA Today best selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap. She's addicted to dystopian books and all things fantasy, including unicorns and sword-wielding females. Other fascinations include frothy coffee beverages, dark chocolate, Instagram, Ian Somerhalder (seriously hot), astronomy (she's a Gemini), and tattoos. She has a degree in English and a Master's in Education.

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For more information about the next book and to order signed books, please visit my social media sites:


Ilsa Madden-Mills Facebook


Ilsa Madden-Mills Goodreads Page


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There are so many fantastic people in the indie world that made this journey possible. Please know that my gratitude in no way lessens as the list continues.


First of all, this book was ONLY written because my readers demanded it, and for that I eternally grateful. I didn’t even realize Dax had a story until you told me he did. Writing him was tough, because I’d loved Declan so much, but once I figured out
Dax was and what drove him—I fell hard. I hope you did as well.


For my husband who has stood by me every step of the way. You and me, babe, against the world.


For author Lisa N. Paul—thank you for all the giggles and lunch dates that we’ve never even had in person. Most of all thank, you for being my dear friend and being there every single day. Let’s go smoke.


For author Tia Louise, my twin brain, my signing buddy—thank you for the friendship, advice, and encouragement. I can’t imagine a unicorn without thinking of you. Someday, my friend, we will ride one together.


For all the girls in FTN, I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for making me giggle every single day.


For the girls in Tribe who have encouraged me and lifted me up. We are new friends, but I love you already. I’m here for you, and all you have to do is ask. Mwah.


For Rachel Skinner of Romance Refined, my awesome and sweet editor who is extremely tough on content and exactly what I need. For Katherine Trail of KT Editing for the fast copy edit.


For Jimmy and Jenn Beckham, Pam Huff, and Julie Deaton—thank you for proofreading and helping me polish.


For Christine Borgford of Perfectly Publishable for doing a phenomenal job with formatting.


For Miranda Arnold of Red Cheeks Reads: my wonderful and talented PA. HOLLA! Haha! So happy we connected through our love of
Very Bad Things
. Thank you for being a go-getter for me. Race to the end, baby!


For the admin girls of Racy Readers: Erin Fisher, Tina Morgan, Elizabeth Thiele, Miranda Arnold, Stacey Nickelson, Sarah Griffin, Heather Wish, Lexy Stories, Pam Huff, and
Suzette Salinas
. You ladies are responsible for the great reader group we have. It’s one of the best ones ever, and I thank you for your constant support, ideas, and love.


For the ladies of The Rock Stars of Romance who worked tirelessly and answered all my questions and offered advice: Lisa and Milasy…you are the best!


For my Ilsa’s Racy Readers Group: you may be last on this list, but you are the BEST. You picked me up when I got knocked down and made me laugh when I needed it the most. Thank you all for every shout out and each review you posted. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself in our group.


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