Fifty Shades of Grey Tentacles (3 page)

Read Fifty Shades of Grey Tentacles Online

Authors: Anita Dobs

Tags: #tentacles, #tentacle sex, #erotica writing, #parody erotica, #fifty shades of grey, #fifty shades of grey parody, #tentacle monster

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“Good for you!” Said Sarah encouragingly,
“These BDSM experts think all women will just do whatever they

“Yeah, I only sucked his cock for research

“Well that's par-for-the-course isn't

“It sure is.”

“I'm surprised he didn't try to get a look at
those pert tits of yours though.” Said Sarah, pointing down towards
them in the low-cut top I had also worn that day, simply because I
couldn't find anything else to wear in my full wardrobe.

“Oh he did.” I replied, “But it was all part
of the blow-job action.”

“Well that's OK then.” Sarah said, “As long
as he knows you have standards, he'll respect you.”

Sarah was right, as long as I kept my
standards of professionalism, Grey would come to regard me as a
submissive equal. I went off to my class, but spent most of it
wondering what the meeting with the board of directors would be
like, and what
Grey would expect me to do.




Arriving on the sixteenth floor again, Grey's
secretary spotted me walking-by as she was at the water cooler,

“Miss. James, follow me, they are already all
in the meeting room.” She said, leading me down the corridor.

Opening the door to the boardroom, I saw
eight men sitting at a large conference table, with one seat
glaringly untaken.

“Ah Miss. James.” Said Grey, standing up in
his Yves Saint Laurent tailor-made suit with gold cufflinks and a
daringly open-necked shirt, “I've already told the board all about
you, they are all very excited to hear your ideas.”

I still didn't know exactly what ideas they
wanted to hear from me, and was slightly nervous as I walked into
the room, but told myself to maintain a look of confidence that was
befitting of my position as an author of erotic stories.

“Erm, hi everyone, I'm Elle James.” I said,
waving at them and then doing a curtsy, and wondered why I had just
done so.

“Hi Ellie.” They all said in unison, waving
back at me.

Grey motioned for me to sit beside him in the
vacant decadent chair, and I did so, trying to make sure my
mini-skirt didn't rise too much, a little was OK though, just
enough to show the line of the suspenders I had worn that day for
no particular reason other than that they were convenient attire
for the occasion. At the head of the table, with me just beside
him, Grey began to address the group of mature directors, and some
well dressed and spunky young executives,

“So gentlemen, our goal today is to try and
come up with a new innovative line of candy that will revolutionize
the world of confectionery in the same way that the ipod did for
MP3 players.”

The gentleman all nodded and one executive
put forth an idea straight away,

“I've been thinking this over for some days
now Mr. Grey.” Said the obviously metro-sexual executive with
perfect skin, tapping his pen on the table, “Why don't we make a
kind of candy that is also an MP3 player?” He asked,

“There's a slight problem with your idea
Finley.” Grey said, leaning his broad shoulders over the table,
“Once they eat the candy, the MP3 player will be useless, and we'll
then get sued by people with electronic components in their

“Aww, yeah, I'd not thought of that Mr.
Grey.” Said Finley, scratching his head.

“Ten out of ten for effort though Finley.”
Said Grey, being conciliatory toward him.

I realized Grey had a laser-like mind that
could hone in on any weaknesses in an idea or in people. I wondered
if he saw my weaknesses, and if he would use them against me. I did
have a weakness for stamp collecting. I tried to imagine what I'd
do if he waved a one penny black - the first stamp in the world -
under my nose for my sexual favors.

“Anybody else?” Asked Grey, motioning with
his broad hands.

“Well,” began one of the older directors, who
was quite obviously not an 'ideas man', “why don't we re-invent

“What do you mean re-invent chocolate?” Asked
Grey, perplexed at the suggestion, “How exactly does one go about
re-inventing chocolate?”

The director repositioned his glasses over
his bushy eyebrows, and opened a folder in front of him,

“Our extensive research and sales figures
have shown us that people really like chocolate.”

“Go on.” Said Grey, intrigued.

“But the problem is, we don't hold the
intellectual rights to chocolate.” Said the director.

“Who does own the intellectual rights to
chocolate?” Asked Grey, getting to the main point.

“I think that'd be the Mayans Mr. Grey.”
Pipped in his secretary taking the minutes.

“I don't know them, they must be one of the
families out of New York.” He said, turning to her and wondering
why her eyebrows were raised.

“Send a letter off Miss. Jones, and see if we
can't buy the rights off them.”

“Erm, OK, I'll try Mr. Grey, but it might be
difficult bearing in mind they all disappeared mysteriously some
years ago.”

“Well, try anyway Miss. Jones! That is what I
pay you for after all.” He commanded.

I loved the way Grey handled her, she was
quite obviously trying to question his authority, but he wasn't
having any of it, and put her right back in her place.

“So Carruthers, back to re-inventing
chocolate. What exactly do you have in mind?”

“You see Mr. Grey, if we use the cocoa bean
for the candy, it'll obviously still be chocolate.”

“Obviously.” Agreed Grey.

“So, what I suggest is that we use some other
kind of bean to make chocolate.”

“Like what kind of bean Carruthers?”

“I was thinking the mung bean might do.”

“But if we make chocolate out of the mung
bean, then won't it then
be chocolate?”

“Exactly Mr. Grey! That's the point, we will
have re-invented chocolate into something totally different!”

“And what would we call it?”

“I was thinking Mungolate sounded quite

“Yeah… ” Chimed in another executive excited,
“And then we could have different flavors of Mungolate, like
strawberry Mungolate, Banana Mungolate, and also chocolate flavored

“I like your train of thought guys.” Said
Grey nodding, “It's definitely worth thinking about, but let's put
it on the back burner for the moment and hear some other

Sitting there listening to them all, I
wondered what I could add, I had been a lifelong consumer of candy
after all, so I did have some expertise in the area; but I knew
Grey was looking for something new, something special that would
launch the Grey Candy Group into the stratosphere and make all the
other confectionery companies submissive to them.

“Mr Grey.” I began, “I think you need much
more than just a new invention of some kind of candy.”

“What exactly do you mean Miss. James?” he
asked me, his eyes burning into me, searching for answers. It was
at that moment that I noticed another side to Grey, a certain
vulnerability in need of guidance.

“How about you actually begin with changing
the demographic you usually focus on, and instead choose

“Adults? Explain yourself.”

“I propose the Grey Candy Group makes a whole
new range of BDSM candies for the adult market.”

I could see the executives and directors
considered it a controversial idea, they were murmuring to each
other again, and looking at me disapprovingly; then one of the
executives directly said,

“That idea is preposterous! Totally

Mr. Grey then became incensed and shouted at
him in my defense,

“How dare you talk to Miss. James that way
Boris! You're fired!”

“But... Mr. Grey... I... ”

“Fired! Get out right now! I'll not have that
kind of rudeness directed at one of our consultants.”

Boris gathered up his things, and with his
head held down low walked past Mr. Grey who was glaring at him.

“And don't expect there to be a limo waiting
for you downstairs with a TV crew inside asking you inane
questions, this isn't 'The Trump Cock Tower' you know.”

“Yes Mr. Grey.”

“Oh, and Boris, make sure you're back at work
tomorrow at nine am sharp.” Said Grey.

“But I thought I was fired?”

“You are fired, for the day, now get

“Uh, OK, see you all tomorrow.” Boris said
weakly, turning and waving goodbye to all the others,

“Bye everyone.”

“Bye Boris.” They all said, in a lack-luster

I felt so proud, Grey had fired someone
because they had said something bad to me, he was becoming so
protective, and not only that, I was now apparently a consultant
for the Grey Candy Group! I still didn't feel good about his
secretary though, as I looked over at her and she was staring down
at her notepad shaking her head and rolling her eyes. If she wasn't
careful, she could be next, I hoped, and then I'd probably also
have to unwillingly become Grey's secretary. I'd do it though, out
of a sense of duty.

“OK Miss. James, I'm so sorry about that,
please go on.”

“As you know Mr. Grey, as a BDSM expert, BDSM
is really a hot topic right now, so I suggest we have a range of
candy shaped like whips, chains and licorice leather masks.”

“Hmmm, it's groundbreaking Miss. James, but
I'd expect no less from you.” He said, flashing his winning smile
at me.

“Also, I think if you had a range of S&M
candy it would really set the confectionery industry on fire.”

“S&M candy.” Said Grey curiously, “What
would S&M candy be Miss. James?”

“Well, when you eat this candy, it would
actually cause pain in your mouth, and as they say, there's a thin
line between pleasure and pain.” I said, with a flourish of my hand
to add emphasis,

“That is a truly innovative idea Miss.

“I also think after the range becomes
established, we could create a painful anal suppository candy.”

“A suppository candy Miss. James? But who
would actually eat it?”

“That persons partner. Afterward.”

“Ewwww!” The secretary suddenly said, in an
impulsive outburst, and Grey turned to her sharply and asked,

“Do you have something you want to say Miss.

She sighed and looked up towards the heavens,
“No Mr. Grey, a piece of my cucumber sandwich just went down the
wrong way.”

Grey turned back to the rest of them in the
board room and asked them what they all thought about the idea, and
staring at the table they muttered,

“Ya, amazing idea.”

“Hmmm, great.”

“Ya, smashing concept... sigh.”

“OK.” Said Grey, ”let me hear what we would
need to do to make this happen.”

All the directors started outlining ideas and
plans, while others told Grey, who was leaning back in his chair,
about projected figures. Looking at Grey, with his masterful
presence and chiseled features, I couldn't help but have a feeling
of warmth come over me. He was obviously developing strong feelings
toward me, and now I, to him. It had all been so unexpected and
unwanted, but perhaps fated. Some things were going to happen to
you in life, whether you wanted them to or not. His musky cologne
was wafting over toward me, filling my senses, and then he slowly
turned his head and looked directly at me as the others were still
talking, and winked at me slightly... then I had the strangest
sensation. On my bare ankle I felt something begin to slide up my
leg, up my calf muscle, and then tickle onto the back curve of my
knee. It felt smooth and wet, with some ridges on it. I tried to
stifle a gasp, and luckily managed.

I wanted to look down under the table to see
what it was, but it would have looked strange to the others there.
I looked at Grey, and he gave me a warm knowing smile, and then
looked back at everyone still talking to him in the boardroom. I
felt it wrap around my leg and then it began to slither up my
inner-thigh, it felt so good I bit my lower-lip, trying to control
myself. My hands gripped the edges of the desk and my lower body
shook, but not so much as any one noticed, as they were all
animatedly discussing BDSM candies. It then drew close to my pussy,
and through my silk panties I felt the tip of it gently caressing
my mound. I gasped, and then tried to cover it up with a cough.
Grey looked at me again, seemingly knowing exactly what was going,
and the look on his face told me it was OK, and not to worry. As a
virgin, I'd never actually been touched there before by anything
but my own hand, and some lusty jets of water from the shower head;
but now, something else was there, but it wasn't a human hand, it
seemed like what I could only describe as a tentacle.

My legs were trying to close, in order to try
to control the pleasure, but then I felt another tentacle wrap
itself around my other ankle and the two tentacles forced my legs
apart, as the tip of the tentacle slathered itself up and down my
shaven pussy, which I always kept trim, just in case. After what
seemed like endless strokes over my black panties, with me really
using all of my will-power not to moan in the boardroom in front of
everyone, the tip of the wet tentacle then found my clit and as the
wetness from it mixed with my own wetness through my underwear, it
began to flick itself back and forth over it, rapidly. I bit my lip
so hard and brought my head forward and down toward the table to
hide my face. It felt excruciatingly pleasurable, and I couldn't
take much more, when suddenly the tentacles unwrapped themselves
from me and allowed me to close my legs as I shuddered. Grey then
called an ending to the meeting, congratulating everyone on their
input and ideas.

“Miss James, please follow me to my office.”
Said Grey, standing up and rearranging his suit slightly.

I did as he told me to, I couldn't even think
straight at that point anyway, and I would have done anything he

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