Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot (46 page)

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Authors: Annie Sprinkle Deborah Sundahl

BOOK: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot
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Due this exercise a for a few days and then try the following variations below.

Variations on Self Exploration and Masturbation Exercise #2

The goal of these variations is to learn what turns you on and what feels best to you.

  1. Do the exercise, but this time really use your imagination and add your fantasies.

  2. Try the exercise watching a porn film that really turns you on.

  3. Invite your lover to watch you. He/She will love it!

Self Exploration and Masturbation Exercise: Peaking #3

This exercise can be done with your hands or with a vibrator. The goal of this exercise is to teach you how to take your self to a very high level of arousal which is required for female ejaculation and will also increase your orgasmic capacity.

  1. Start off as you did in the other exercises and use the techniques as described in either exercise #1 or #2 or both.

  2. Bring yourself to the very edge or peak of where you are just about to have an orgasm and then stop all stimulation for 30-90 seconds and let your arousal decrease and drop for down a couple of levels.

  3. Then resume stimulation and bring your self to the edge or peak again and then stop as you did in step 2.

  4. Repeat this process over and over for at least 3-5 times. Or even more try 3, 5, 7,

    10. Each time you will build your arousal up higher and higher without having an orgasm you are building up the sexual tension. And when you finally allow your self to have an orgasm you will fill like you are going to explode in orgasmic ecstasy.

  5. Now after you have peaked several times 3 to 5 times at least! Allow yourself to have an orgasm and continue the stimulation all the way through the orgasm. And have an absolutely Fanfuckingtastic orgasm!

Variations on Self Exploration and Masturbation Exercise: Peaking #3

The goal of these variations is to learn what turns you on and what feels best to you.

  1. Try this exercise once with your hand.

  2. Try this exercise with your vibrator.

  3. Do the exercise, but this time really use your imagination and add your fantasies.

  4. Try the exercise watching a porn film that really turns you on.

  5. Invite your lover to watch you. He/She will love it!

Chapter 9
Getting Up Close and Personal with Your G-Spot

Many women know of the G-spot or GSA (G-Spot Area as in some women it’s more of an area than a spot) or may have even had their lovers stimulate their G-spot but really don’t know where it is or how to stimulate it themselves. If you do know where your G- Spot is then I would say that you are ahead of the game and are to be congratulated. If not follow the simple instructions below to find and become acquainted with your G-spot.

I want you to refer back to figure 1 on the XX page of this manual so that you can get a mental picture of where your G-Spot is located. Now that you have an Idea in of where your G-spot is located in your head you are going to find it in your body and experience what it feels like.

How To Find Your G-Spot Exercise

Take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to do this exercise. All you need to do this is some privacy, a small mirror and some massage oil or lubricant like Astroglide, Eros, ID Millennium or KY if desired. Stay very aware of what you feel and keep all of your attention on your own body and what you are feeling do not fantasize at this point.

  1. Find a nice quite private space like your bedroom or a place where you will not be disturbed. You should be either reclining back or sitting up but not laying down completely. Place a mirror in front of your vagina so that you can watch what you are doing.

  2. Bring your self to the very edge or peak of where you are just about to have an orgasm and then stop all stimulation for 30-90 seconds and let your arousal decrease and drop for down a couple of levels. You must stimulate yourself to high level of arousal so that your G-Spot will swell or you will not be able to feel your G-Spot.

  3. Slowly slide your two middle fingers into your vagina (with your hand palm up).

  4. Slowly curl your fingers back toward your palm.

  5. You should be able to feel your fingers hook around and over your pubic bone. The area where the indentation is behind the pubic bone is where the G-Spot Area begins.

  1. Your G-Spot itself, will feel like a little bump, mound or slightly swollen area that will have a rough or ridged texture the size of a nickel to the size of a quarter. The G-spot itself is not actually on the front wall of the vagina but rather can be felt through the front wall of the vagina.

  2. Apply pressure to your G-Spot and see what sensations come from that. Also feel all around your G-Spot in front and behind and find the most sensitive spots and what type of sensations they create. Make mental notes of everything you experience.

Stimulating Your G-Spot

Now that you know where the G-Spot is located you need to know how to stimulate it properly in order to experience a G-Spot and/or an Ejaculatory Orgasm. This once again may be a new experience to you and will bring you much closer to your own body and sexual capacity. Your only goal at this point should be exploration and pleasure.

Strokes For Stimulating Your G-Spot

Before we start the exercise I want to give you a few techniques for stimulating your G- Spot so that you will have them at your disposal when you do the following exercises.

There are several different strokes that you will be using to stimulate GSA with your fingers. As you read below do the strokes in the air with your hand and visualize them. Or practice on your other hand by turning that hand palm down and make a loosely closed fist and insert your fingers into the opening between your thumb and index fingers. This will help you to understand the strokes better. Also be very careful if you have long or sharp fingernails as your could injure yourself.

Light Strokes

The first stroke you will use is either this one or the one below. With this stroke you will also use very light pressure with the pad of your finger. But the stroke is a forward and backward motion following the contour just inside the opening of your vagina to your G- Spot located right behind your pubic bone. You do this very slowly and gradually increase the pressure. Then move to the stroke below.

Light Circles

With light circles you will very lightly rub your G-Spot with very light circles with pad of your first, middle or index finger. Then you will very slowly and gradually increase the pressure and after a few minutes you will add a second finger.

Press & Release

In this stroke you press firmly on your G-Spot with the pads of either your first two or middle two fingers from the first joint all the way to the third joint. So that you are using the entire surface of the under side of your fingers. Hold the pressure for 10 seconds and then release for 10 seconds and then repeat. Do this several time every once in a while to break up any routine and keep the stimulation from becoming routine.

Firm Strokes

If you have already been using one of the techniques above you can move right in this stroke. This basically the same as the “Light Strokes” motion above except this time you are using firm to very firm strokes. Using either your first two or middle two fingers you slide your fingers along the contour along the GSA in your vagina to your G-Spot located right behind your pubic bone. Stroke firmly back and forth. You must be already very aroused for this stroke to be pleasurable otherwise the firmness of the stroke could cause discomfort. Another variation is to part your fingers slightly while doing the stroke and massage on both sides of the G-Spot, which may be more comfortable because you are not pressing directly on her urethra. Try it both ways and see which you prefer.

Come Here Stroke

After you have warmed up with one of the other strokes you can start to use this stroke. With either your first two or middle two fingers inside your vagina you bend your fingers toward your palm making a “come here” motion like if you were motioning for someone to come toward you. With each stroke you will run your fingers along on the front wall of your vagina massaging the GSA in a pulling motion like you are pulling your G-Spot.

Try shallow and deep strokes covering different areas along the GSA to see what you prefer. Also try different variations of speed. Start slow and then slowly speed up as you get closer to orgasm.

Tapping the G-Spot

This very similar to the motion above but while you are making the “come here” motion you also move your hand up and down very fast. Your goal is to firmly tap your G-Spot with your finger tips/pads while you are moving your hand up and down stimulating the entrance of your vagina.

Hitting the G-Spot

In this stroke you are sliding your fingers in and out and hitting your G-Spot or GSA with the soft pad/tips of your fingers with each stroke. Aim your fingers at the G-Spot not just straight in and out. This is a moderate to fast stroke.

Vibrating Stroke

With this stroke you are combining the “Come here Stroke” and “Tapping the G-Spot” but you are making very short and quick movements not the full strokes like in the other two. Your movements should be so short and fast that your hand is actually vibrating.

You will then be hitting your G-Spot/GSA with the small vibratory strokes. Your hand and arm will get tired pretty quickly. So this is not the first stroke to use but late in the game. I another way to use this is the variation below the “Pulse Stroke” which will enable you to use this longer.

Pulse Stroke

This is the same stroke as above except that you pulse it for 3-4 stokes and then pause for 1-2 seconds and then pulse another 3-4 strokes. Repeat this for as long as you desire. If you are about to cum then move to the “Vibrating Stroke” for continuous stimulation while you are having your orgasm.

    1. pot Stimulation/Masturbation Exercise #1: Manual Stimulation

      Take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to do this exercise. All you need to do this is some privacy, a small mirror and some massage oil or lubricant like Astroglide, Eros, ID millennium or KY if desired. Stay very aware of what you feel and keep all of your attention on your own body and what you are feeling do not fantasize at this point. Do not concern yourself with ejaculation at this point if it happens that is great if it does not that is also great because ejaculation is not your goal yet. The only goal should be exploration and pleasure and possibly a G-spot orgasm.

      1. Take a hot bath or shower to relax your muscles.

      2. Find a nice quite private space like your bedroom or a place where you will not be disturbed. You should be either reclining back or sitting up but not laying down completely. Place a mirror in front of your vagina so that you can watch what you are doing.

      3. Sit down on the bed and just relax and let your self go. Have no expectation just experience and explore.

      4. Bring your self to the very edge or peak of where you are just about to have an orgasm and then stop all stimulation for 30-90 seconds and let your arousal decrease and drop for down a couple of levels. You must stimulate yourself to high level of arousal so that your G-Spot will swell or you will not be able to feel your G-Spot.

      5. Stimulate your G-Spot using one or all of the techniques above manually using your fingers.

      6. Stimulate yourself until you have an orgasm or for as long as it feels good. Make sure that you use enough lubrication so that you don’t rub your self until you are sore.

Using a G-Spot Dildo/Vibrator for stimulation

For some women the angle of self manual stimulation with their own fingers can be quite awkward, so they choose to use a dildo or
G-spot vibrator
that is curved to reach the G- spot easily and make self stimulation more pleasurable. In the next exercise you will be using a G-Spot dildo or vibrator that has been designed specifically for G-spot stimulation. But first I am once again going to give you some techniques to use with the vibrator.

If you do not own a G-Spot vibrator/dildo you can buy one at your local adult toy store or you can buy them online from clicking the following link.
Click Here To Buy!

G-Spot Vibrator/Dildo Stimulation Techniques

It does not matter if you have a dildo or a vibrator the techniques will be done the same way. I suggest that you buy both and use the techniques and see which you like best the vibrator or the dildo. Also make a mental note on which of the following techniques you like the best.

Inserting the G-spot Vibe/Dildo

I suggest that you apply some lubricant to both your vagina and the vibe. Because of the shape of the G-spot vibe you can’t insert it straight in, so you want to insert it with the curve facing the top wall of your vagina and clitoris.

Tease Yourself

Before you insert the vibrator; use it all along your vaginal lips. Play with your clitoris and bring your self almost to the edge if your orgasm and then stop. Do this several times.

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