Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot (43 page)

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Authors: Annie Sprinkle Deborah Sundahl

BOOK: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot
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And with those tips you now have all of the knowledge and techniques that you need to bring your partner to an explosive G-Spot Orgasm and possibly a Female Ejaculatory Orgasm as well. All that you need to do is to practice. I do suggest that that you read the rest of the manual in its entirety including the woman’s section that follows and the section on sexual positions. And share this manual with your lover. If she does the exercises in the woman’s section of the manual it will make the path to G-spot orgasms and female ejaculation even easier for her.

Chapter 6
Techniques for Women to Increase Orgasmic Capacity

I want to explain that since this book is about sex and erotic experiences and not a medical book I don’t want it to sound or read like a medical book. While I will use medical terminology from time to time I will also use the slang to describe sexual situations and anatomy at times. The reason for this that I write from the heart and from my feelings and I want you to feel what I am saying and saying the word “Vagina” does not always have the same feeling or impact that it does when you say the word “Pussy”. I have never met a women that said to me “Eat my vagina” Or “Lick my genitals” It does not have the same feeling, passion or impact. And It also takes you from a sexual state of mind and puts you in a clinical state of mind which is not where you want to be when your goal is incredible orgasms. I apologize if this offends you in any way. But if you are offended by the words “Fuck” or “Pussy” you have far more problems standing in your way of great orgasms than this manual can help you with.

Before we get to the G-Spot techniques I want to cover a few things that I feel all women need to know from a man’s point of view.

Too often woman complain of inadequate lovers, when they don’t really even know their own bodies. I mean how can you expect a man to give you an orgasm if you can’t even give yourself one. Now this does not apply to all women. There are many women out there who are very in touch with their bodies and are very easily orgasmic and they are to be applauded. But far too many women place the responsibility for their orgasm on us the men. Now when I teach men sexual techniques I teach them how to give a woman an orgasm and to take most of the responsibility for her orgasm, but it should be our choice, not by default that we as men should be responsible for your orgasm. I mean think about it we are already responsible for our own orgasms. If we climax too soon you don’t say “I made him cum too soon.” No, you say HE came too soon. Why should we be responsible for your orgasm when you are not responsible for ours? So we end up being responsible for both controlling ours and providing yours. Which is not really fair now is it?

Now in truth we want as men to take the responsibility for our lover’s orgasms and to bring you to orgasm over and over again. But it should be our choice not a requirement. And it should be reflected in your attitude toward us as such.

Now on the other hand there are many women that deny themselves pleasure by putting up with selfish, unskilled lovers and wonder why they are not having orgasms and being sexually satisfied. I don’t feel that any woman should put up with not being sexually satisfied, and or with a selfish or unskilled lover.

So what is the answer?

Taking Responsibility, Communication, and Sexual Self-Exploration

You should take responsibility for your own orgasms by becoming more in touch with your own bodies and learning what it is that you like and don’t like and communicating it to your lover in a seductive and non-confrontational manner. So he can learn what you want and desire and how to fulfill you sexually. Men are not mind readers, and all women are different in what they desire and when they desire it. One day you might want one thing and the next the complete opposite. So if you clue us in on this then we will all be enjoying a much more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience and sex life.

First you need to learn how your own body responds to different stimulation, what feels best to you. Allow yourself to let go and just enjoy your own body. Find out what your hot spots and trigger points are. And build up your orgasmic capacity yourself.

Then you need to communicate this to your partner so that he or she will be able to please you the way you want to be pleased. Now I know that some women are looking for the perfect lover to unlock her sexual pleasure for her. This is more fiction than reality for several reasons. You may or may not find that perfect lover and if you do, what happens if he leaves? You should never make your pleasure completely dependent on anyone else.

Let’s be honest. You have a fantasy of your perfect lover, and a fantasy will always out shine reality because a real person is not able to read your mind and know what you want automatically. That is something that has to be developed over time with your lover and is also the reason sex should get better over time and the more you have it with someone.

I once heard of one young college girl who slept with over 170 men looking for that perfect lover that would just do everything right. I doubt she ever found him.

In truth most men are not very good lovers especially young men 16-22 as they are not very in touch with their own sexuality yet and often suffer from premature ejaculation and performance anxiety. They really have not even learned how to use their own penis yet. And usually those good looking athletes/jocks and the popular or famous guys are usually the worst in bed. Why? Because they have so many women after them they really don’t care if they please the women or not as there is always another woman waiting in line to have sex with them.(Of course there are exceptions. And if you find one you are very lucky! Treat him right!)

I feel that one of the causes of so few women experiencing orgasms during intercourse is that most men don’t have the staying power or technique to bring them to orgasm during intercourse. (That is why I sell a manual on the subject at http://www.greatlovers.com) And that is precisely why you need to take responsibility for your own orgasms.

The other reason is that many of those same women are not in touch with their own sexuality and might even fake orgasms. NEVER FAKE, ALWAYS COMMUNICATE!

Communicating with Your Lover

Now I want to tell you that you MUST communicate with your lover and let him know when you are not enjoying it and when you are. Let him know what works for you and what does not. Never lie to a guy just to save his ego. And faking an orgasm is a false communication telling him that what he is doing is working when in fact it is NOT!

Now the best way to do this is by telling him what you like rather than saying what you don’t. If he starts to make love to you and you keep saying “I don’t like that” or “That’s not right.” He is libel to just get up and say “Fuck it!” and walk out! Remember when a man is taking the time to try to please you it is a gift and if you reject his gift, it can be very insulting to him especially because sexual ability is a big part of a mans self image. Put yourself in his place. Think about how would you feel if someone rejected you sexually.

So you must use an approach that will not be demeaning or confrontational. Tell him how good it feels when he does something that feels good by saying it in a seductive rewarding way i.e. “Oh that feels soooo good, keep doing that!” or “Yeah, just like that baby!”

If he is doing something that you are not so crazy about don’t just say stop or lay there bored, or tell him what you would rather have him do. Instead say “You know it would really drive me wild if you were to .” or “ I want you to so bad I can’t stand it!” or “It turns me on so much when you .”

Now if your partner still refuses. Have a talk with him at a non-sexual time and explain your desires and lack of sexual satisfaction and what is that turns you on and what it is that turns you off.

If he still does not make any effort at all to improve his skills. It’s time to leave and find another more considerate and skilled lover. This does not mean to find an additional lover but rather to end the relationship and find new lover.

No matter what
laugh or make fun of your current or ex-lovers. If you do that you don’t deserve to have a lover at all! You don’t know what it’s like to be a man and want to please your lover and to suffer from premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or to have concerns about your penis size. For the most part and to satisfy most men all a woman has to do is show up and get wet. For me that is not enough, I want a woman who is a very active participant in bed. But most men are happy if you look good and are just there.

Now that I have gotten all of that out of the way let’s get on with G-spot simulation & Female Ejaculation.

As a woman you are much closer to the experience of a G-Spot orgasm or female ejaculation than we as men will ever get no matter how much we love it or want to help

our partners experience it. It happens in your body and you are once again the one who is ultimately responsible for your orgasm.

Sexual Pleasure Is Like A Muscle

The more you exercise it the stronger and it gets. You are allowing your body more and more pleasure each time and learning what your capacity for sexual pleasure is. This is also partially due the fact that when you have an orgasm you are actually using/exercising your sexual muscles which play a big part in your orgasmic response and are partially responsible for your orgasmic capacity.

Your sexual muscles are the muscles of the pelvic floor, your PC or Pubococcygeus muscle and your vaginal & anal muscles which are all connected and play a big role in sexual response and orgasmic capacity.

If you have weak sexual muscles you may have a hard time having an orgasm or at the very least you are not having the strong and powerful orgasms that you could be having. To have powerful mind blowing and especially female ejaculatory orgasms you MUST have strong sexual muscles. The good news is that there are a few ways that you can strengthen your sexual muscles, which I will outline for you below.

Kegel Exercises for strengthening your PC and other sexual muscles

Kegel exercises or just Kegels for short are named after Dr. Arnold Kegel the gynecologist who first advised the use of the exercises. But in truth they are much older and have been practiced by the ancient Taoist and practitioners of the art of Tantric sex for thousands of years. The Taoist and Tantric versions of the exercises also dealt with energy circulation as well. Where as the Kegel version was only concerned with muscle strengthening.

What I am going to teach you is combined version of both types and an additional exercise as well.

Basic Vaginal Strengthening Exercises:

Flex your PC muscles (vaginal and anal muscles) as if you are sucking your vagina and anus up into your body. Hold the flex as described below and the release and relax your muscles as described below then repeat.

The first exercise we our going to do is the:

Quick Flex:

Flex your PC Muscle as tight as you can and hold it for 2 seconds then completely relax the muscle then repeat. That is one rep, wait 1 second between reps.

Slow Flex:

Flex your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for 15 seconds then release slowly, completely relax the muscle. That is one rep wait 5 seconds between reps.

Super Flex:

Flex your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for as long as you can up to 60 seconds then release. That is one rep wait 30 seconds between reps.

Push Out:

This exercise will help you develop the ability to ejaculate and expel the ejaculate from your body. In this exercise you are going to push out with your vaginal muscles like you are trying to push an object out of your vagina slowly and hold it for 5-10 seconds then release slowly, completely relax the muscle. That is one rep wait 5 seconds between reps.

The Program I recommend:
(Do this program once a day)

Quick Flex: 20 reps. (work up to 100 reps.) x 1 set. Work up to 4 sets over time. Slow Flex: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.) x 1 set. Work up to 4 sets over time. Super Flex: 1 reps. (work up to 10 reps.) x 1 set. Work up to 4 sets over time. Push Out: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.) x 1 set. Work up to 4 sets over time.

Just as with any exercise program you should start out slow and build up over time and work up to 3 or 4 sets of each of the above exercises. in this case over about 2-3 weeks to prevent excessive soreness. After being on this program for 4-8 weeks you should have increased your PC muscle tone. Which is required for mind blowing female ejaculatory orgasms!

Advanced Variation:

Another way to do these exercises and get even better results is to do them with a dildo or your fingers inserted into your vagina.On the
Push Out
exercise try to push the object out of your vagina.

Never insert any object into your vagina that would be hard to remove or become lost inside your vagina.

The Best Thing Since Oral Sex For Women’s Orgasms!

There is a new product on the market, which is absolutely amazing in the results it provides in vaginal strengthening. It is called a Kegelmaster 2000 (see figure 8 below) and it is really amazing.

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