Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot (29 page)

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Authors: Annie Sprinkle Deborah Sundahl

BOOK: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot
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Chapter 7
is for women but should be read by both men and women because of the knowledge of pro-sexual herbs and supplements contained in that chapter. I also want to add that most of the herbs and supplements will work for both men and women.

Chapters 8-10
are for women and contain exercises that will guide women through finding their G-spots, how to have a G-spot orgasm and finally how to experience female ejaculation.

Chapters 10-12
are for both men and women and will teach thrusting techniques and techniques to maximize G-spot stimulation and clitoral stimulation during intercourse as well as sexual positions for G-spot stimulation during intercourse.

Throughout the manual there are high quality computer generated illustration of sexual positions and techniques because I believe that a picture is worth sometimes even more than a thousand words. And can convey to you in a glance what would take a page or two.

So without further explanation let’s get started!

Chapter 1 What is the G-Spot?

The G-Spot is actually a mass of spongy erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra internally know as the urethral & pariurethal sponges. The G-Spot was named after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg who was one of the first doctors to bring attention to the area when he published an article in 1944 locating the area. While the attention and awareness brought to the G-spot is has increased over the last 50 years the spot it's self is not new and has been around as long as women have been and as been known of by the Ancient Taoist and Tantric Sex practitioners as evidenced in their writings where they make references to both the spot and female ejaculation. There are a few books about the G-spot most of them will bore you with a long history of scientific studies. That is not my goal here. This is a “How To” manual so I will leave the history essays and scientific studies to those other books and concentrate here on what I find most useful. Because I don’t believe it’s necessary to have to read through 30 pages of history and another 50 pages of footnotes and scientific documentation about the G-spot in order to learn how to have a G-spot orgasm.

Where is the G-Spot?

This question seems to cause much confusion for many men and women. In a long running survey that I have on the web (which I will share with you later in this manual many of the responses) where I ask women if they have had a G-Spot orgasm some of the women have even responded with answers like " Oh yeah, my G-spot is my feet!" Or "Mine is on my leg!" While every woman may have very pleasurable spots or locations all over their bodies THOSE ARE NOT their G-Spots!

The G-Spot or as I have heard it termed even more accurately the G-Spot Area or GSA is located on the front wall of the woman's vagina about 1 ½”- 2" inches inside right behind the clitoris and pubic bone. Most of the time the spot is in the 11:00 to 1:00 O'Clock position if you are looking at her from the front. ( See Figure 1 Below)

The G-Spot swells during sexual stimulation and is between the size of a dime to a nickel, however the whole area or region around the G-Spot may be very sensitive to sexual stimulation hence forth the term G-Spot Area or GSA as I will refer to it from time to time.

Later in this manual I will not only give you exact instructions on how to locate the G- Spot on your partner (or on your own body) with your hand and how to stimulate it properly manually and during intercourse. But first I want to give you a little background on the phenomenon of Female Ejaculation first.

Chapter 2
What is Female Ejaculation?

Until recently female ejaculation has been thought to be the property of either porn queens or has been dismissed by in large to be urination or incontinence, even though the ejaculate does not have the same appearance, smell, or chemical properties as urine.

This is mostly in part do to ignorance and may be a little envy on the part of men with the attitude of "NOW THEY CAN EJACULATE TOO! What's next?", who would rather just dismiss it or brush it aside than to feel intimidated or threatened by it. It is a shame that people fear what they don't understand rather than to explore it to gain knowledge and insight.

Another block to the mass education and acceptance of female ejaculation is the fact that many feminists, and sex educators fear that if female ejaculation becomes accepted as normal then women who don’t have ejaculatory orgasms may somehow feel pressured to ejaculate or be viewed as some how lacking or deficient because they are unable to ejaculate when compared to women that do ejaculate.

But as time goes on we find that women have a far greater capacity for sexual pleasure than ever thought of before i.e. multiple orgasms, G-spot orgasms, and now female ejaculation.

So this promising new territory in female sexuality has been passed over, and rarely explored in depth for whatever reason. If you were to ask most gynecologist or medical doctors about female ejaculation they would most likely will tell you that it's just urine. Most medical doctors really don’t know much about human sexuality other than just the basic function and related diseases. If extensive studies have not been published and that particular doctor has not read them (and most doctors are too busy to read all of the studies) they will just fall back on what they learned in school or heard from another doctor. This has been the case with female ejaculation as it has been dismissed as urinary incontinence at the time of orgasm. Just as if you ask a doctor if penis enlargement is possible they will tell you it’s not except for surgery. Which I know for a fact is absolutely false (To learn more about non-surgical penis enlargement go to
). Doctors are not trying to mislead you, it’s just that many are not well informed about certain aspects of human sexuality.

It has taken many years just for the G-spot to come in to it's own let alone the possibility of female ejaculation. Many woman have experienced female ejaculation for years, and others have occasionally experienced it, but had buried this sexual treasure so to speak, to avoid ridicule and shame from their lovers and society for the fear that there was something wrong with them. And still many women have never experienced it for they did not even consider the possibility.

No longer in this age of information do people want to be kept in the dark, they want to explore and experience and know the truth. Now is the time!

This manual is written for both men who truly love women and who want to be able to bring the woman in his life incredible pleasure greater than she has ever experienced before, and to guide her in to new uncharted territory, in a new era of sexual awakening. And for women who wish to explore their own sexuality and locate their own G-spot and experience female ejaculation alone and or with their lover.

The goal of the this manual is to inform and educate you and your partner, and to present to you a clear and easy to understand formula and technique, a road map if you will into the uncharted territory that you can use to help yourself or help the woman in your life achieve an honest to goodness ejaculatory orgasm and incredible pleasure beyond anything she has experienced before.

Still, not a lot is known or understood about female ejaculation. In some cases only G- spot stimulation will induce an ejaculatory orgasm, in others clitoral stimulation will work just as well. And there are some women who ejaculate every time they have any type of orgasm, clitoral or G-spot. And for other women it rarely occurs at all.

We also find that of the women who do have ejaculatory orgasms, quite a few of them only are able to do this alone and not able to do so with a lover. This could be due to not being relaxed enough with their partner or for fear of judgment from their lover. It is also possible that for whatever reason they are not reaching a high enough state of arousal or receiving adequate stimulation when they are with their partner.

With all of these variables it's no wonder that we have been at a loss, except for the occasional hit and miss or the squirter (a woman that ejaculates with every orgasm, as she has been slangly termed). With medical science being focused on disease rather than pleasure not to mention the lack of attention paid to woman's health issues in general, it is no surprise that the medical community is not the place to look for answers.

So it seems to be left to us the explorers, the lovers and the squirters themselves to inform those willing to listen and try something new.

In actuality female ejaculation is not new at all, it's been around as long as women have been around. The ancient Chinese Taoists called it the
Yin Tide
, and in the eastern practice of Tantra, the fluid is called
or divine nectar and it was regarded to be very beneficial to both the woman and her lover. I personally believe that female ejaculatory orgasms are more a forgotten ability than a new discovery.

Below is an attempt to answer some of the more common questions on the subject: How do ejaculatory orgasms differ from regular orgasms in feeling?

Regular orgasms:

  • Have shallow contractions that the women can feel and the man can barely feel to moderately feel on his penis or fingers.

  • Generally last in duration from a few seconds up to a minute and may also come in multiples.

  • There is a release of tension and a sense of relaxation, the woman can hold the orgasm back once it starts if she wants to.

    Ejaculatory orgasms:

  • Have deep rhythmic contractions, almost convulsions that start deep within the vagina and uterus. You can visibly see the contractions. They look like the vagina is trying to turn itself inside out by pushing the muscles out.

  • The woman’s vagina will try to push the penis, dildo or fingers stimulating her G- spot out of her.

  • They last much longer, and may have multiples for up to 20 minutes, if stimulation is continued.

  • Ejaculation occurs, and the fluid may travel anywhere from ½ inch to 3 feet and may reoccur with each orgasm if stimulation is continued.

  • There is a much deeper release and relaxation during and afterward. Experiences ranging from an incredible release to an out of body experience, have been claimed.

  • Once the ejaculatory orgasms start they are effortless unlike conventional orgasms that women sometimes try too hard to have. With the ejaculatory orgasms, it goes on auto pilot.

Where does the fluid come from?

There has been much speculation and controversy over this question. Considering the volume of fluid that is sometimes ejaculated (any where for 1 tsp. to 1 cup or more), some believe that it is urine and that it comes from the bladder, but lab tests have shown that this not true and that the chemical make-up it similar to that of male prostate fluid.

It is now believed that the fluid comes from the pariurethal sponge which is the female equivalent of the male prostate gland which lies behind the G-Spot and is composed of many pariurethal glands, which are similar in structure to the glands that make up the male prostate gland. When the G-spot is stimulated the pariurethal sponge swells with the fluid until the point of ejaculation, then is expelled and passed out the urethra.

Another theory that currently exists is that it is some form of chemically altered urine. I do not subscribe to that theory. But even if that is the case urine is sterile and would not causes any harm.

How much comes out?

Volume will differ from woman to woman, just like it does for men. The amount ejaculated on average is 2-3 tablespoons up to a cup in a single session.

Do all women have the capacity to Ejaculate?

At this point in time this is not known scientifically however in both Taoist and Tantric schools of thought, it is believed that all women are capable of the sacred orgasms which bring forth the
yin tide or amrita.
I must add that there are many variables both physiological and physiological, one of them being the number and size of the pariurethal glands of the particular woman in question. Each woman would have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. I personally believe that most, if not all women do have the capacity to ejaculate and can learn to do so, or I would not be writing this manual.

In fact recent studies done in Spain by researchers Francisco Cabello Santamaria and Rico Nesters suggest that all women do ejaculate but that the quantity and ability to emit or squirt the ejaculate out varies from woman to women. Meaning that some women may product very small amounts of ejaculate ( only a few drops) and other may produce up to a cup. Also if a woman is producing a significant quantity of ejaculate, but her sexual muscles are not strong enough to force the ejaculate out it may just dribble out of her vagina never to be seen. This is one explanation of the wet spot that many women have underneath them after sex.

In the next chapter you will read real life experiences from my anonymous survey of over 10,000 women who have had G-spot orgasms, ejaculatory orgasms both from clitoral and G-spot stimulation.

Chapter 3

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