Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot (28 page)

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Authors: Annie Sprinkle Deborah Sundahl

BOOK: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot
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Re: All About “Squirting” (
Fe male Ejac ulation

I finally mastered a technique that can usually cause my girlfriend to squirt. She also says that it's much more intense than a clitoral orgasm and her knees and legs are so weak afterwards that she has trouble walking.


[email protected] (Sexsage)

Me and My Grafenberg

This research focuses on clinical interest, anatomical structure, and histochemistry of the
fe male
prostate. Research concerning the phenomenon of
female ejaculation
is reviewed in terms of findings relevant to forensic medicine and ...



Fe male Ejaculation
& the G-spot » of Sex and Love

It took me some time to finish
Fe male
Ejaculation& the G-spot by Deborah Sudahl, not just because it's a longer book than most sex-ed books I've read (it.



Fe male Ejac ulation
, and Performance Anxiety « Sex Coaching

I've been receiving more and more questions regarding the g-spot and
female ejaculation
. In short – yes, I believe that there is an 'area' (call it whatever you like) that is highly sensitive and arousable. And I believe that many women ...



Re: All About “Squirting” (
Fe male Ejac ulation

I discovered how to make women squirt quite a while ago, and now it is one of my favorite parts of sex. My girl is so orgasmic, and so prone to squirting, I can make her do it with nipple orgasms sometimes. ...



Re: All About “Squirting” (
Fe male Ejac ulation

My hubby discovered he could make me squirt over a year ago. I squirt A LOT at once and when he keeps me cumming, I keep going and going... The drawback to this is very much like a male orgasm, I get very exhausted. ...



Fe male Ejaculation
=Prostate Fluid

Female ejaculation
is most likely due to unusually large prostate glands in females. The prostate gland happens to be right above the urethra which is above the anterior wall of the vagina -- the G spot.



Blag Hag: Fatwa de mands isolation and 101 lashings for 16 ye ar old

Physicians -- who were, by the way, as indifferent to Church doctrine as they could get away with -- conflated ovulation, orgasm and
female ejaculation
under the rubric of the "emission of the female seed". This was one side of a debate ...



Fe male Ejaculation

http://rapidshare.com/files/268105497/Squirters2_-_Female_Ejaculation.part3. ...



Divine Nectar: A Guide to
Fe male Ejac ulation
(DVD) tagged “orgasm

A Guide to
Fe male Ejaculation
. Divine Nectar: A Guide to
Fe male Ejaculation
(DVD) By Assorted. Buy new: $22.49 10 used and new from $14.75 Customer Rating: Customer tags:
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orgasm(5), g-spot(5), orgasm(5), dvd(4), adult(4), ...



Slutty Girlfriend Bathes Her Guy With Her Squirting Juice

leakingliquids. Sofia showed her new talent to her guy – the skill of squirting out her juices when she cums into a wild orgasm. She's gone even hornier, so much that her climax has been more explosive. Go check out those shooting ...


Guide To G-Spot Orgasms
& Female Ejaculation
Updated, Expanded, Revised And Illustrated

Copyright 2000, 2001 Greatlovers

All rights reserved. No part of this publication, text or images contained in this document, the text on this page or in this electronic file may be reproduced or transmitted in any way or form by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, e-mail, newsgroup posting, or any information, storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. We take this very seriously (we have sued before and we will again) and copying and breaking our copyright is punishable by fines in excess of $100,000. In addition to fines and imprisonment under the laws of software piracy if this is distributed electronically over the internet.

Nothing in this manual is meant as, or should be taken as medical advice. While the techniques described in this manual have worked well for many men & women including the author, we are all individuals and they may not be appropriate for you. Before trying any of the techniques in this manual you should consult with a licensed Physician and/or Sex Therapist.
This manual is meant for informational purposes only. Neither GREATLOVERS.COM nor the author shall be liable or responsible for any loss, damage, injury or ailment caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information or lack of information, or use or misuse of the methods or techniques described in this manual.
Contents Page
Introduction 4
Chapter 1 7

What is the G-Spot?

Chapter 2 9

What is Female Ejaculation?

Chapter 3 13

Survey Results (Women) : Real Life Experiences

Chapter 4 70

Survey Results (Men) : Real Life Experiences

Chapter 5 85

Techniques for Men to stimulate their partners G-Spot to orgasm & Ejaculation

Chapter 6 107

Techniques for Women to Increase their Orgasmic Capacity

Chapter 7 114

Supercharging Supplements for Women

Chapter 8 120

Sexual Self-Exploration for Women

Chapter 9 127

Getting up close and personal with your G-Spot

Chapter 10 136

Your First Female Ejaculation!

Chapter 11 141

G-Spot Stimulation During Intercourse

Chapter 12 143

Sexual Positions For G-Spot Stimulation During Intercourse

Resources, Bibliography & Suggested Reading 150
Bonus #1 (Page 151), Bonus #2 (Page 156), Bonus #3 ( 165)

Hi this is Mark Simon of the Greatlovers.com Network.

I get a ton of questions all of the time about "The G-Spot", like "What is it?", "Where is it?", "How do I stimulate it?". Well I am going to answer all of those questions in this guide to G-spot stimulation and I am even going to go one step further and cover the phenomenon of female ejaculation as it is very closely related to and for most women (but not all) caused by direct stimulation of the G-Spot.

My goal with this manual is to inform, educate, excite and motivate you. This manual is written for both men and women and to be shared with your partner or lover.

For men you will learn:

  • How to find your partners G-spot.

  • How to stimulate your partners G-spot manually with your fingers.

  • Thrusting techniques and positions for G-spot stimulation during intercourse.

  • How give your lover a mind blowing G-spot orgasm.

  • How to give your lover a wild squirting female ejaculatory orgasm.

    For women you will learn:

  • How to become more in touch with your sexuality.

  • How to take responsibility for your own sexual pleasure.

  • How to get your lover to do what you want and need him to sexually satisfy you.

  • About supercharging sexual supplements and herbs that will increase your sex drive and give you stronger and more powerful orgasms.

  • How to strengthen your sexual muscles, which will give you a tighter vagina, more powerful orgasms, and increase your orgasmic capacity.

  • Exercises to become orgasmic, multi-orgasmic and increase your orgasmic capacity.

  • How to locate and stimulate your G-spot during self-stimulation exercises.

  • How to give yourself a G-spot orgasm and squirting female ejaculatory orgasm.

I have written this manual to be as streamlined and concise as possible. For those of you who have read my other manuals you know that my style of writing is to the point and straight forward. I give you all of the information you need to know without loading you down without tons of fluff just to fill up the pages. The reason I do this is that my clients and customers want to learn how to improve their sexual experience and sex lives without having to read through hours of scientific studies, footnotes or reading every boring study done on the subject written in clinical terms and filled medical jargon that most people don’t understand. I have read all of those studies, footnotes, books and distilled it down to a workable and practical knowledge that I will impart to you in this manual by the way of techniques and hands on exercises that will give you first hand experiential knowledge of your partners or your own G-spot and female ejaculation.

I have been conducting an anonymous web survey with responses from over 18,000 men and women who have shared their most intimate sexual experiences with me and I will share with you excerpts from what I feel are the best and most representative of the majority of the surveys in this manual. You will read their real life sexual experiences and learn tips, tricks, and techniques that have worked for them and also see their shortcomings that you may also share.

Because I wish to keep this manual sexual in nature rather than clinical I do not always use the terms penis and vagina. I go with the feeling I have at the time. I might say the work cock or pussy if I feel that in my heart when I write. The reason for this is that I have never met a woman who has said to me “Give me your penis now!” Or “Eat my vagina!” Those words take you out of a sexual mood and put you into a clinical one.

If you are offended by this, then you need much more than this manual to help you have better sex. You need a shift in your consciousness about what is permissible and what is right and wrong in lovemaking. You need to allow yourself to let go and speak freely and get into the moment of the act. To go with the flow and one time be a slut or a stud in bed with your partner and at others to be a very loving gentle romantic lover. You need to let your self experience all of the beautiful colors of the sexual pallet.

Moving on, I suggest that no matter if you are a man or a women that you read the manual in it’s entirety and do the respective exercises according to your gender (if you are a bi-sexual women or lesbian you can do all of the exercises and the men’s section on how to stimulate your lover as well) I also encourage you to share this manual with your lover/partner as well.

As I said before I feel that both men and women should read the entire manual but I have tailored certain chapters for men and others for women and then made still others common to both genders.

Chapters 1 – 4
are common to both men and women and should be read by both.

Chapter 5
is exclusively for men and will tech you exactly how to locate your partners G-spot and stimulate it manually and during oral sex to bring her a G-spot orgasm and then a female ejaculatory orgasm. If you are a women I suggest the after you have finished the manual to go back and then read this section.

Chapter 6
is exclusively for women and covers techniques for communicating with your lover, taking charge of your sexuality, becoming orgasmic and increasing your orgasmic capacity. If you are a man I suggest the after you have finished the manual to go back and then read this section.

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