Felix (The Ninth Inning #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

BOOK: Felix (The Ninth Inning #1)
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“So, why did you want to be a professional player? Was it a life long dream or just something that happened?”

“A little of both, I guess. Like I said, I didn’t always play. Baseball saved me and gave me something to strive for. Once I realized that, I turned my life over to baseball, so to speak. It became my life and I gave it my all, which led to me playing as a pro.”

The oven beeps and I go and get the pizza out and quickly cut it. I grab a couple of beers out of the fridge and sit everything on the kitchen table with some paper plates. If he wants fancy, then he’ll need to go somewhere else.

“I understand what you mean. Books and school saved me. After my parents died, I threw myself into school, but I burnt out quickly and the depression set in after that. I was constantly crying and didn’t want to get out of bed. Annie and LA let me moan and groan for a little bit, but then they jerked my ass out of that bed and got me going again. Not sure where I would be without my sisters.” I’m not sure why I told him all of that. I’m shocked that I just spilled my guts out to him. “Are you close to your brothers?” I need to change the topic.

“Yeah, we talk often and since I’m the youngest, I don’t really have a choice about being close to them.” He chuckles all sexy again. “But we’re close. My parents always made us apologize and make up after we fought. Plus, they’re pretty cool; nothing too annoying about them.”

“Are they going to come to any of your games? I bet it will be hard considering how far away they are now.”

“They usually pick a game or two during the season for all of them to come see.” He gulps his beer. “So, you like books and school. What else? There’s more you like to do, or would like to do, right?” He takes another piece of pizza.

“I may or may not like reality TV. The dumber they are, the more I watch them. LA got me hooked years ago and I watch all of them. It’s a sick, sick thing.” It almost feels like I need some type of rehab. “Other than that, it’s school, school, work, school, home. It’s an exhausting life I lead.”

“Sounds like it needs a little spicing up. Do you ever do anything crazy or impulsive?”

“Absolutely not,” I say firmly. You’ll never catch me being any of those things. “Although, I’m currently a good luck charm for some baseball team. Trust me when I say that’s as crazy as it gets around here. I’m not like LA. She does all that sort of stuff. I’m more of the stay-at-home girl. I know it sounds stupid, but that’s me. I’m sure you can tell me all sorts of tall tales that you’ve done.”

“I may have a few up my sleeve. Whenever I get burned out from working so much, I usually find a way to let loose. Not always a smart idea, but,” he shrugs, “it does the trick.”

“I guess each person has their own thing, right?”

We finish off the pizza. Well, Felix had most of it and he helps me clean up the mess. As we were walking toward the door, I wonder if he was serious about running together.

“I’m asking out of curiosity, not that I’m actually going to go, but how far do you run in the morning?”

“Five to ten miles depending on when I wake up, but I was only going to do a mile with you.” He leans against the door.

“You run five to ten miles for fun? Oh no, I would die of a heart attack.” I shake my head roughly back and forth trying to get the delicious image of him sweaty and with muscles bulging out of my head. “Ugh, my legs hurt thinking about it.”

He laughs. “I’d ease you into it, Abigail.”

“Well, I do need to exercise more. The only cardio I get is strolling around campus eating a candy bar, so I need to do something else. I could probably, maybe, do a mile in the morning, but afterward, I will have to be air-lifted home.”

“You may be out of shape for running, but I’ve seen your legs. They’ll get you home just fine.” He smirks. “If not, I can carry you and then give them a good massage to make it better.”

“Wow, you are seriously laying out some horrible flirting skills. I’m so glad you’re not doing that professionally.”

“You know, I’m starting to think you’re just trying to resist my irresistible charm.” His grin deepens. “Might as well give in now.”

I know the game he’s playing and I step up to him, almost touching his chest. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m a good luck charm and I have lots of powers. I can resist just about anything.”

“Can you?” He grabs my hand and closes the distance between us. I gasp as his soft, full lips kiss mine. His touch is firm, but not too hard. I can tell he likes to be in charge as slides his tongue into my mouth and he laces his hands with mine. When he breaks away from me, he says, “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

And then he walks out.



I’M NOT SURE what to think when I get into Felix’s car in the morning. The whole evening and most of the night, I was trying to figure out what the hell happened. Was he playing around with me? Does he like me? Does he want to be my boyfriend? So many questions in my head are causing me to have a massive headache. I almost skipped class, but I have a test coming up and I can’t do that.

“Good morning, Miss Abigail.” Felix opens the door for me.

I smile at him and slide into the seat. When Felix gets in, he begins to tell me about a new endorsement from a baseball mitt company. I only half listen to him because I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. Is he going to kiss me when I get out of the car? Is he going to hold my hand? Does he want to kiss me or hold my hand?

Oh, this sucks.

Felix pulls up to the English building and I’m thankful I can get out of this nightmare-ish hell I’m currently in.

“Will you need a ride to the game?”

I shake my head. “I already told LA I’d ride with her.”

“You’re going to be there, right?”

“I promised you already.” I roll my eyes.

“Don’t forget that I can’t pick you up today.”

I nod. “See you tonight then.” I rush away as fast as I can and into the building.

My head's still spinning when I reach the classroom and flop into my desk chair. Why are guys confusing? Why can’t he just tell me what his intentions are? That would be simpler.

“Hey, Abigail.” I turn to see Warren leaning over toward me. “Do you have those notes on Jane Austen?”

“Warren.” I twist in my chair to look up. “This is a graduate level class. How is it you’re still not taking notes?”

“Maybe I like borrowing yours.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes. Warren Boyle and I have had numerous classes together, but I’m not sure how he passes because he’s always asking for my notes.

“Here and hurry up.” I give in and hand him my notebook.

“Let me make it up to you.”


“I’ll buy you a cup of coffee after class.”

“Well, I’m not the type of girl to turn down coffee.” I giggle. “Sure, why not?”

Warren smiles and the professor comes in to start class. I scribble down almost everything he says and highlight several passages in the book. Before I know it, the forty-five minute class is over and I’m walking with Warren to the small coffee shop on campus.

He’s a nice guy and not bad looking at all. His sandy-blonde hair is long and he keeps it hanging. Sometimes, I’ve seen him put it in a ponytail. I prefer hair like Felix’s, that messy out of bed look. It’s got the sex appeal. Warren’s eyes are green. I wonder sometimes if they’re contacts because I’ve never seen that shade of green before. I think it’s rude to ask, so I never have. I like Felix’s shade of light brown.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I comparing everything to him? He’s nothing to me, but some baseball player who kisses me and thinks I’m his lucky charm.


“Yes.” I look up from stirring my latte.

“I asked you how the semester is going for you.”

“Oh, sorry. It’s okay. I took more classes than I should have, but I’m ready to be done. How about you?”

“The same, actually. I’m ready to get out into the real world now.” He sips his Americano.

“That’s why I’m going to enjoy this summer. Fun and relaxation is my plan.”

“That sounds like a good plan Um…” he shifts in his chair. “Are you dating anyone right now? If not, I was wondering if we could go to dinner and a movie sometime.”

That’s a million dollar question, isn’t it? What’s the deal with Felix and me? Is what we’re doing considering dating?

I’m a nut case. We’re not dating. He’s using me to be his lucky charm and that’s all. What does that make me? A doormat? Oh, that’s not going to happen. I’m not going to let him do that to me and deter me from living my life. Warren is a nice guy who goes to my school. What is Felix? A baseball traveling-all-the-time star. Who knows who or what is in his hotel room when nobody's looking?


“Really?” Warren face is a mix of shock and happy.


“What about Friday?”

“Let me check.” I pull out my phone and flip to my calendar.

“Are you so busy you have to consult your calendar?” he jokes.

I giggle. “I’ve recently entered into a committed relationship with the Memphis Angels and I need to make sure there isn’t a home game.”


I look up. “Oh, I mean, I have to be at the home games for this season.”


“One of the players has dubbed me his lucky charm and I gave my word that I would be at the games for him.” I shake my head.

“That’s the strangest thing I think I’ve ever heard.”

I laugh. “Well, the more you hang out with me, I’m sure you’ll hear more because I’m full of them.”

He chuckles. “I’ve been warned then. Thank you.”

“Friday looks good. What time?”



And just like that, I have a date who isn’t Felix Hernandez.



OUR KISS RUNS through my mind as I catch sight of Abigail and LA taking their seats. Seeing her makes me want to kiss her again. Her lips were perfect against mine; her tongue tasted so sweet, and her fingers interlocked with mine. Pulling away took a lot of effort. I grin with the memory when they both wave at me, LA holding a beer in one hand and Abigail holding a hotdog in one of hers.

“She your good luck charm?” Hector asks.

“That’s her,” I answer with pride. Let’s just hope her good luck didn’t go away when she missed a game.

“Who’s that with her?”

“Her sister.”

“They’re hot. Are you sleeping with one of them?” He pauses and his eyes widens as he asks, “Or both?”

“Her sister is married. The answer is no either way. Let’s focus, okay?” My mind does not need to be on sex right now. After warm-ups are over, I find Abigail and shout, “Can you catch?”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes.”

I toss her the ball and she catches it singlehandedly. “Didn’t spill your beer either.”

Abigail laughs. “I’m a pro.”

I get a kick out of the fact she follows along more than anything. I wink before disappearing into the dugout. Game on.

Coach doesn’t play me the entire game, but when he does, I’m awesome. There’s no way around it. My pitches are on target, going exactly where I want them to go. Batters are hitting, though. It doesn’t matter because the rest of the team is feeling the effects of my good luck charm.

The other team plays well, but by a small margin, we win. The high is still carrying me around on cloud nine. When I make it back to the complex, I run up to Abigail’s apartment and knock.

When she opens the door, I cup her face and kiss her. She’s too surprised at first to kiss back. I swipe my tongue over her lower lip, and the shock wears off. Our kiss deepens. Abigail moans when I gently bite her lip before pulling away.

“That was for being one beautiful good luck charm. I’ll see you in the morning for our run.” After one more quick kiss, I leave her standing there.


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