Felix (The Ninth Inning #1) (10 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

BOOK: Felix (The Ninth Inning #1)
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“That shouldn’t matter though,” I continue. “Obviously, it didn’t work out with any of them. Why do you keep putting me on a pedestal higher than yours? My job doesn’t mean I’m automatically in a higher league or however you’re thinking. And who says I have no intentions on asking you out?”

“Felix, you are in a different league. The baseball one and that sets you apart from me. Plus, I don’t know what your intentions are because all you keep doing is shoving your tongue in my mouth.”

As if that’s so terrible! Maybe I’ve been reading her wrong. She doesn’t sound like she’s interested in me at all. “Do you even want to go on a date with me, Abigail? Because you keep giving me reasons why it doesn’t make sense. That makes me think you wouldn’t want to if I were to ask. I can stop kissing you, too, if you want. If you really think we’re so different, then I can stop confusing you.” I can retreat into a platonic friend, if need be. I hope not though because I really like kissing her and I do want to take her out.

Abigail sighs. “Damn it, Felix. I’m confused because I
want to date you. Well, at least go out on a date. And excuse me, did I not tell you that you’re a good kisser? I’m sure you and your ego haven’t forgotten that little confession.”

“No, I haven’t,” I grin. “I’ve thought about it quite a bit, but now, you’re confusing the hell out of me.” I’m a good kisser, yet she made it sound like almost a complaint that I’ve been “shoving my tongue into her mouth.”

“I’m sorry about that because it’s not my intention at all. Why did you come over here? Did you need something besides our running schedule?”

“Well, I planned on giving you a kiss while I was here, since I’m so good at it and all,” I flash her a quick smile, “but now, I’m thinking I shouldn’t. Until we have a date first, so you know my intentions. Do you want to go on a date with me, Abigail?”

“On a real date? Not some baseball game either.”

“What kind of man do you think I am? Yes, a real date.”

She laughs. “Why, Felix? Why not some Memphis hottie or someone else? I’m grad student, for Pete’s sake.”

“Because you’re a hot grad student who is a great person and fun to hang out with. What more of a reason do I need?”

“You still suck at flirting, but that was sweet to say. All right, I’ll go on date with you. I will even text you numerous times to remind you of it,” she teases.

I laugh. “You won’t have to, but better safe than sorry. I should go though. I’ll text you tomorrow to let you know when this date will happen, okay?”

“Okay, but if you forget, I won’t be happy at all.”

“I won’t, but if I do, you have my blessing to send LA to beat me up.”

She laughs, shaking her head at me. I can’t help myself, needing my lips to touch her, so I kiss her cheek before I leave. Now, I need to figure out how to make my date way better than hers with that other guy, whatever she said his name was.



MY SHOULDER WAS a little sore yesterday and it’s bothering me even more today. Coach sends me to see the massage therapist before practice. Faintly, I remember Blake said it was a woman and I wonder what she looks like.

Her door is slightly ajar, so I push it open and say, “Hello?”

I stop short when I see Blake nearly jump out of his skin as the woman removes her arms from around his neck and fixes her shirt from where their make out session was getting hot and heavy.

“Sorry, I’ll give you two a minute,” I tell them, stepping back into the hallway and closing the door like I found it. Wow. Blake is seeing the massage therapist. Or, at least, kissing her.

They are talking quietly, but I can’t make out what. Suddenly, the door flings open and Blake glares at me.

“Say one word about this and you’ll regret it,” he threatens.


Blake seems satisfied, so he leaves for practice. I’m still going to ask him about this later. I’m way too curious. When I step into the room, the woman has regained her professional composure.

Her smile is wide and bright. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Sofia.”

I shake her outstretched hand. “Felix. Coach wanted me to come see you. I think I’ve aggravated a muscle in my shoulder during the last game.”

She pats the table and thirty silent minutes later, my shoulder feels much better thanks to her. I return to practice with instructions to come back afterward if it gets irritated again. Blake narrows his eyes at me and I grin. He’s back to being Grumpy, it seems.

Once practice is over and the locker room clears out some, I walk over to Blake, lean against the wall, and say, “Well?”

He glances at me. “Well, what?”

“I walked in and your tongue was down her throat and your hands were up her shirt. So, I ask you again, Grumpy, well?”

“It’s none of your damn business, Felix.”

“Have fun with that, then. Maybe she’ll make you stop being Grumpy so much.”

He shrugs, so I finally leave him alone. To keep from disturbing my shoulder, I decide not to workout today and head on home. I didn’t take Abigail to school this morning, but I did tell her I would pick her up. After a quick lunch, I head toward our usual pick up/drop off place.

She’s laughing at something the guy standing next to her said. I don’t even think she’s noticed I’m here yet. Is this the guy who took her on the date? A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth as I remember I’m a better kisser.

“Abigail,” I say to catch her attention once I’ve gotten out of the car and walked around.

“Good evening, Mr. Hernandez.”

“Are you ready to go?”

“Sure. Bye, Warren. I’ll see you Thursday night.” I hold the door open for her and she gets into the car. I walk around in get in myself.

“So, that’s the guy, huh?”

“Yes, that’s him. Why? Are you jealous?” She giggles.

“Nope.” But then I remember she’s interested in him enough to be going on another date with him, and I add, “Well, maybe just a little. I’m glad your date with him is on Thursday though.”

“I don’t want to have two dates on the same night. That’s too much hassle.”

“Don’t worry. Our date will be Friday. Will that work for you?”

“Perfect. What’s the plan for our date? Please don’t tell me you're taking me to a batting cage either.”

“I’m disappointed you think so little of me, Abigail.” I’m half teasing, half serious. “I’ve never taken a girl to a batting cage on a date. And I’m not telling you our plans yet.”

“Really? Well, I can see that since I’m sure the girls you dated before all wore high heels and designer clothes. Hey, why won’t you tell me?”

“Maybe it’s more because I don’t think that would be fun instead of the type of girl they were.” I wish she’d stop thinking of me as what she’s seen online instead of the guy she’s met in person. “Give me a little credit. I spend too much time around baseball to include it in my plans when I want to have fun, especially with a girl.”

“Okay, okay, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Could you at least tell me how to dress?”

“Nicely? Anything will work.”

“As long as I don’t need running shorts and sneakers, I’m good.” She winks.

I laugh. “You definitely won’t need those.”



MY HEAD HURTS from reading so much. I finish my test and hand in my blue book to the professor before heading out the door. Felix is gone until Friday morning and LA said that she would be a few minutes late to get me.

I spot an empty bench outside the building and I’m glad it isn’t as muggy today. The sun is hot and bench burns the back of my thighs as I sit on it. I flip through some emails and a few texts messages from Annie. She’s officially dating someone and I couldn’t be happier for her. It’s nice to see her acting giddy and silly. It’s a different from her motherly-serious side and it’s sweet to watch.

“How did you think it went?”

I shade my eyes to see Warren standing above me. “Not bad. I’d be happy with a ‘B’. What about you?”

He chuckles as he takes a seat next to me. “I’ll be happy if I spelled my name correctly.”

I laugh at his joke. “I’m sure you did better than that.”

He shrugs. “Are we still on for tonight?”

“Yes. My sister is picking me up in a few and I’ll see you a couple hours, right?”

“Yep.” He smirks. Warren’s features are much different than Felix’s. Warren’s are softer and he doesn’t have that constantly furrowed brow. Felix’s are strong, taut, and almost off-putting until you get to know him. They’re complete opposites, but still both kind.

“Okay.” LA’s red Nissan pulls up and she honks. “I’ll see you tonight.” I rush off to the car.

“Who’s that nerd?” LA asks as she pulls away.

“He’s not a nerd. That’s Warren.” I buckle my seatbelt.

“Good thing you’re not seeing him anymore.”

“Who says I’m not? Actually, I have a date with him tonight,” I inform her.

“Wait, what happened to Felix?”

“I’m seeing him tomorrow night.”

“All right.” LA pulls the car over and throws the gearshift into park. She turns to me and stares me down. “Where is Abigail?”


“My little sister doesn’t date two guys. Where is my sister?”

“Really, LA?” I roll my eyes. “I’m not dating both of them. I’m just
them. Besides, I’m not sure how things will go with either of them. They know I have dates with another guy. I’m not lying to them.”

LA shakes her head. “I don’t know. I think you need to dump Mr. Nerd and date Mr. Hottie-Baseball-Player.”

“Leigh Ann, stop please. You’re the one who’s always bitching that I’m not out doing stuff with the opposite gender. Now that I am, you’re mad? Make up your mind, lady!” I raise my voice to her.

LA raises one brow. “Who are you? Have hit your head lately?”

“Stop, LA. If anything gets serious with one and not the other, I promise I won’t string one along like some girls would. I’m not like that. Right now, I’m having dinner with male friends and that’s it. Okay?”

LA stares at me for a few moments, and I’m not sure what she’s thinking. I don’t think I’ve seen LA silent before and it scares me a little. She knows I’m not
girl who has numerous boyfriends and pits them against each other. I would never do that. Warren knows about Felix and Felix knows about Warren. There’s nothing serious on either end. Hell, if I don’t send reminder text to Felix, he won’t even show up.

“My vote is for Felix.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course it is and I’ll take it into consideration. Now, will you please take me home? I have a date to get ready for.” LA groans, but she does put the car in drive.

When I arrive at my apartment, I dump my books out and quickly run a mental check to make sure that I have nothing to do right then. Surprisingly, I don’t have anything and I feel a small ping of accomplishment. I lay out my outfit for the night and jump in the shower.

When I’m done, I wipe away the steam on the mirror. My hair is up, twisted in the towel, and my robe is tied tightly around me. I walk into my bedroom and see my phone flashing.


Felix: Have fun on your date with the bad-kisser


Ugh! Why did I even tell him?


Me: Thanks. Have a good game.


I send the reply and then go back to getting ready. As I dry my hair, I think about Felix and his lips. And his body. And his eyes. Oh, shit, now I’m wishing I could see him naked. I turn off the hair dryer and try to focus on putting on my makeup. I wonder if Felix likes girls who wear a lot of makeup or if he’s the type to like a ‘natural’ girl. I bet he’s a big boob guy. Well, then he definitely wouldn’t like me and my B-cups.

Why am I thinking about Felix? I’m going on a date with Warren. I try to think of Warren being naked. He’s not in bad shape. Obviously, he isn’t as big as Felix, but he has muscles and a strong body. I’m sure he isn’t cut like Felix either, but I bet the pictures I saw were photoshopped. I’m certain Felix doesn’t look
good under that baseball jersey. Then again, I’ve seen him in a tank top when he’s running. Maybe he is that built.

I slip on my black dress pants and my light pink blouse. I don’t know what Warren has planned, so I choose flats instead of heels. I check my phone again and there’s no reply from Felix, but as I look at the time, I’m sure he’s warming up for the game. I hope he does well tonight since he’s pitching and I’m not there.

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