Felix (The Ninth Inning #1) (18 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

BOOK: Felix (The Ninth Inning #1)
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“Look at me, Abigail.” His voice is gruff and I smell myself on his lips. His eyes are bright. Felix’s fingers are still in me and the palm of his hand is vigorously working on me. “Look at me,” he commands again and I do.

I’m shying away from his eyes, but he’s locked onto mine. I can’t look away. The connection is deep between us and my body begins to jerk as he finally hits the release button on the tension within me. I arch my back and yell his name. This time, I do have to shut my eyes as all the pleasure washes over me.

Felix slows his movements as the wave subsides and when he pulls his fingers out, I wince. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I’m still trying to find my breath.

“Is it bad that I really want to fuck you right now?” Felix’s words cause my stomach to flutter.

“Do it then.” I reach for his jeans and go to pull them off.

“No.” He grabs my wrist.


“Just no for now.” He pecks my lips. “I’m going to clean up.” Felix rolls off the bed and heads for my en-suite.

I don’t think I did anything wrong. However, I don’t know why he’s saying no to me when I’m right here and ready for him. I unhook my bra and slip on Felix’s t-shirt. His citrus scent consumes me. I crawl back into bed and wait for him.

When he comes out a moment later, he seems a little tired, but smiles when he sees that I’m in his clothes.

“Stay,” I softly beg.

“I don’t have anything to wear.”

“Take off your jeans,” I counter.

“That may lead somewhere we shouldn’t go yet.”

“Felix.” I pop up on my knees and pull him over to me by his belt loops. “Please.”

I can see him battling on what to do.

“Please.” I kiss him hard.

“All right, but no funny business,” he finally caves.

I smirk and he flips the light off. I snuggle deeper in the bed and I hear him removing his jeans. He slides into the bed and cuddles with me. I wiggle my hips against him, feeling the heat from his body, and he groans.

“Stop it.”

I giggle, lacing his fingers with mine and drifting to sleep.



WHEN I WAKE up, it takes me a moment to realize I’m not in my apartment and instead am lying in bed with Abigail. Thankfully, she’s not too cuddled against me. She’s lying on her back, her head facing the other direction. Leaning over, I place a soft kiss on her neck. She turns her head toward me, eyes still closed, so I press a kiss to her lips. A smile appears on her face as her eyes flutter open.

“Good morning. Want to go running with me?”

Abigail groans. “That’s how you choose to wake me up? No wonder you suck at flirting.”

I chuckle. “Would you have preferred I give you two options? We could go running or since we’re half dressed as it is, should we find other ways to get sweaty?”

“That would have been a little better,” she grins.

“Well, it’s game day and I need to do my morning run. Do you want to go with me? I could run my four and then come back for you and the last one.” I kiss her upper jaw. “Please say yes. While I love you in my t-shirt, you look even better in those tight, little boy shorts.”

“You run every morning. How is it different if you have a game?”

I shrug. “Not important.” I give her one more kiss before slipping out of bed to put on my jeans, which were laying on the floor. My grin widens when I catch her watching me. I lean onto the bed, kiss her again, and say, “You have four miles before I come back.”

She groans again. “Fine.”

I smile in victory before leaving. I decide that since I left her apartment shirtless, and she’s still wearing my t-shirt, that I would run shirtless this morning. Plus, maybe it could be motivation for her. After changing, I start my run.

Yesterday was pretty fun with her sisters and Harry. I knew I was in for it because of LA’s personality and she didn’t hold back either. I loved seeing Abigail with her family. It was a little odd because I felt like I fit in with them. It made me want to be that much more careful to not mess things up with her. When we made it back to her apartment and things escalated, I guess that’s why I told her not yet to sex. It was almost painful though to sleep naked next to her.

When I make it back to the complex, I grin as I see Abigail making her way toward the sidewalk. Holding back on sex was a stupid, stupid idea. God, she looks good. Those boy shorts and tank top will be the death of me.

“If I had known you were running shirtless, I would have come sooner.”

I laugh. “Well, let’s go.”

Abigail keeps doing better and better. At first, I wasn’t too sure about running with someone for this. These morning and afternoon runs started for me to have time for myself and to get lost in the steady motions of my body. Abigail doesn’t distract from that though.

We walk the last block back to the complex. I walk backward in front of Abigail, so I can appreciate how she looks better.

“Are you trying to show off now or something?” she asks, her hands on her hips as her chest makes the effort to rise and fall with her breathing.

“I’m giving you something to look at to make it through the last stretch.” I grin and she rolls her eyes. “Do you need me for anything today besides taking you to school?”

Her eyes glide over my body slowly before she shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

I begin to walk forward next to her. “I’ll meet you back here at eight then.” I give her a quick kiss before we go our separate ways to our apartments.



TODAY’S GAME IS against a tough opponent. The team has been doing extremely well so far this season. However, one of their best players was just injured and will sit this game out. It starts much like the rest of our home games, with me talking to Abigail and throwing her a ball.

“Are you bangin’ her yet?” Hector asks. “Because, really, why the hell not? She’s hot and you obviously have a chance since she comes to every game for you.”

“Will you shut up about it if I told you she’s my girlfriend?”

Hector slaps me and Blake on the shoulders. “Look at that. The two ugliest guys on the team have women and I don’t. Something is wrong with this picture.”

I glance at Blake, wondering if he’s dating Sofia, but he only smiles a little as he stares out over the field. There’s no time left for talking now. We take our places on the field and the game starts. My pitching is consistent, which is more than I can say for them. Their best pitcher is the guy who was injured. My batting, on the other hand, is decent. I don’t know about anyone else, but this is my least favorite part.

I want to be the one throwing the ball, not the one the ball is being thrown toward. The game is so much better and more fun when I’m on the mound. Maybe that’s a sign I should spend more time in the batting cage. I need to make sure this part of my game is up to par with the same standards I set for myself for pitching. Nonetheless, we come away with a win, the score being pretty close.

Back in the locker room after showering and changing, Hector walks over to me with Blake in tow.

“We’re going to a bar to celebrate. You coming?”

“Yeah, sure.” I grab my cell and keys and then we all drive separately to the bar Hector suggested. As we walk into the place, I text Abigail.


Don’t go to sleep yet, please. I’ll be there in a few hours for my post-game kiss.


I slip my phone into my back pocket as we take seats at the bar. The bartender comes over to us almost immediately. Her arms are both full-sleeves of tattoos, which are clearly visible because she’s wearing a strapless top. She has her nose pierced as well as three in both her ears, plus a bar at the top of one. Her black hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she flicks her gaze over each of us.

“What can I get you?” she asks.

We give her our orders and she walks away.

“Really, Hector?” Blake says. “She’s your type?” It’s then that I notice Hector is still watching her.

Without taking his eyes off her, he answers, “Beautiful women are my type and she definitely fits. Holy shit, she’s pretty.”

I glance back at the girl, seeing more tats on her back. She’s pretty, yeah. Blake shakes his head and laughs a little as she comes back, setting our drinks down in front of each of us.

“What’s your name, beautiful?” Hector asks, leaning towards her.

She smiles brightly at him. “My first name is Not and my last is Interested. Enjoy your drinks.”

Blake and I laugh as she walks away. Hector’s frown flattens and he glares when Blake says, “Looks like you’re not her type.”

“Unlikely. She probably just didn’t like that I called her beautiful. I’ll have her number before I go home.” He sounds so sure of himself.

“Good luck with that,” I laugh.

After our first drinks are gone, Blake and I get up to play a game of darts. Hector stays behind at the bar to order more drinks and to try again with the bartender.

I throw a dart and say, “Fifty bucks says he doesn’t even get her name.”

Blake glances at the girl. “He may be able to get that out of her, but there’s no way he’ll get her number. He’s not that good with women.”

“I’m hurt you’re betting against my odds, Blake,” Hector says as he sets three filled glasses down on a nearby table. “I’d expect it from Felix, but not from my wingman.”

“We aren’t betting against your odds. We’re betting on the fact that you have no odds,” Blake answers, throwing his dart. “Did she give us refills or did she send another girl?”

We look at Hector and wait for a response. “Another girl,” he mumbles, shaking his head.

I laugh, drink, and then take my turn with the dartboard. Blake and I play the game while Hector switches his attention between the girl and us. After our second round of drinks, we cut ourselves off and switch to water. We watch as he manages to get her attention and makes her wait on us. He still returns defeated.

“Felix sucks at darts. Play a game with me and maybe then you’ll have a better plan.” Blake chuckles as he hands Hector some darts.

I ignore Blake’s jab and check my phone. There’s a new text message from Abigail, so I open it.


ust a kiss? I would figure you had more in mind.


I reply back that I’m on my way as I say, “Hey, guys. I’m going to go. Unlike some of us, I have a girl who is interested. Good luck though.”

Hector glares and Blake chuckles. After paying my tab, I head home. Abigail’s text has my mind running rampant, making me even more eager to see her. When I finally reach her door, I knock four times and wait. She opens the door a few seconds later. I don’t waste a second. I cup her face, pull her towards me, and kiss her.

“Hey,” I say, pulling away much sooner than I want. “I think since I’m about to be gone for a few days and since I stayed here last night, that you should stay with me tonight. Want to?”

She nods. “Let me grab a few things and then I’ll come over.”

I grin, kiss her again, and then leave. By the time I’ve changed into a pair of pajama shorts, there’s a knock on my door. I can’t wait to spend the night with Abigail in my apartment. It probably won’t be much different than staying in hers, but I’m still excited. I lead her to my room. We finish getting ready for bed before climbing beneath the sheets.

Abigail’s lying on her back next to me while I’m on my side, my head propped up in one hand with my other trailing down her leg. I lean forward and softly press my lips to hers once.

“You know, I’ve been thinking and I’m pretty sure you’re addicted to kissing me,” she tells me in just above a whisper.

I kiss her again, letting my lips hover over hers as I talk. “Oh, I am. I think about it all the time and when you’re within reach, it’s impossible to resist. You don’t mind, do you?” My lips lift into a grin.

“No,” she answers with a shake of her head.

“Good.” I slip my hand under her shirt, letting my fingertips graze over her stomach. “What do you think of my bed so far?” My lips begin to travel along her jaw and to her neck as my thumb brushes over her nipple once.

“Is it new?” she breathes when I grasp her breast.

“Mhm,” I hum along her skin.

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