Feel the Burn (47 page)

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Authors: Nicole MacDonald

BOOK: Feel the Burn
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Daron didn’t realize he held his breath and let it out in a rush when Nesha staggered to his feet and shook hard, shaking grit and stones from his dented armor.

‘Hey, friend,’
Daron thought. Nesha lowered his head and Daron stroked the age worn beak, grinning into Nesha’s eyes.
‘Glad to see you up!’

‘Glad to be up. That was not fun.’

‘You gave me a fright there.’

‘Me too,’
the griffon thought with a snort.
‘Let’s go home!’

Sito and Kerak were in the midst of fussing over each other, while Rumal watched in amusement, and Daron called out, ‘Come on, let’s get out of this hole!’

Rumal and Kassie climbed onto Kerak’s back and Sian lifted herself onto Sito. Daron settled onto Nesha’s back, smiling in relief and the animals launched themselves into the air, the girls using their energy to boost them. They hurtled up, air rushing past. Daron let loose a whoop of exhilaration at the speed. Clearing the high walls felt fantastic but the sight of the ravaged landscape shocked him. Daron stared at the valley feeling stunned at the results of the short but intense battle. It looks like the results of a decade long war, he thought not realizing Nesha heard until the griffon agreed.

‘Or even a hundred year war. The Elementals certainly leave their mark.’

The canyons Loi created looked like they would eventually swallow the valley. While staring down, a glint of red caught his eye.

‘Nesha! Down there, what’s that?’

Spotting it the griffon swooped lower, Kerak and Sito following, and the red spot revealed itself to be Loushka. One of the griffon’s wings dragged on the ground at an odd angle and Alek walked beside her, waving in wide slow arcs to catch their attention.


Chapter Forty

They landed around him and Alek felt instantly relieved when he saw the two girls. Kassie and Sian hurried to Loushka’s side and examined the broken wing while Kerak and Nesha crowded around, nuzzling Loushka and muttering soothing chirrups and hums. Rumal and Daron followed the girls and each took a moment to hug Alek, giving him a slap on the back—delighted and astonished to see him alive still.

‘And what’s this!’ Rumal said it with a smile in his voice, indicating Loushka’s back.

Alek’s grim look ended the jovial tone.

‘Cat. But something’s wrong, she won’t wake.’

‘And she sounds strange,’ Kassie added quietly while examining her. Alek glanced at Loushka, pleased to see her wing looking normal.

he thought.

‘Much. Can they help Cat?’

‘I don’t know.’

Cat’s red energy looked darker than it should and didn’t respond to his. She didn’t appear to register his voice either, whether aloud or through their link. Loushka found Cat first but when she couldn’t get her to wake the griffon left her and searched for Alek. But he’d had no success.

It felt so damn frustrating! His energy ran strong and he healed himself with ease but it didn’t work the same as the girls. He wasn’t able to heal Loushka and didn’t know how to help Cat, she’d always responded to his energy before. Alek hoped the girls would know what to do and he could assist in boosting their gifts. The silence while Sian and Kassie worked at Cat felt nauseating and Alek paced the rough dusty ground, kicking stones over the edge of the canyon they stood on. Rumal and Daron talked quietly near the griffons, dividing glances between the girls and Alek.

Sian walked over to him, her face hard with a frown and questioned him.

‘Was she talking when you found her?’

‘Yes, but gibberish. No language I recognized.’

‘She’s really hot.’

‘I know, is it a fever?’

Sian shook her head, frown deepening. ‘I’m not sure. And she hasn’t woken at all?’


Kassie joined Sian and Alek felt the hum of energy while they communed, before looking at him with eyes that didn’t hold the answer he wanted to hear.

‘We need to get back. Elena will know what to do.’ Sian said it confidently, with Kassie nodding in agreement, but Alek could feel the anxiety within them. He gave them a stiff nod and walked to Loushka. Cat thrashed beneath the leather strap he’d lashed her to the saddle with.

Alek stroked her head, fighting against despair. He felt as powerless now as he had when caught by that witch—useless and unable to protect her.

‘Please, kitten,’ he whispered, cupping her face gently. ‘Come back to me. We’ve done it. It’s all over, just wake-up!’

She calmed at his touch, her skin clammy and hot beneath his fingers and a faint moan of pain left her lips. With a hiss of fury Alek spun away, walking briskly in the opposite direction, hands in tight fists while he breathed hard and steady, trying to rein his emotions in. Movement on the scant earth bridges at the outer edges of the valley caught his eye and he glared at the retreating Arumites with a sudden desire for a fight. One way to work out the anxiety, he growled inwardly, eyes locked on the men. A nudge to the back made Alek turn and he found Loushka regarding him with sympathetic eyes.

‘Take my armor off, will you?’
The griffon’s tone sounded firm and she kept her eyes on him, waiting for him to turn back.

She knows me too well, he thought, giving the griffon a nod and rueful smile. They walked back to the others, already in the midst of removing armor. Loushka extended her wings and he set to unbuckling the straps, letting the pieces drop to the ground. It took some time and the strange thunderstorm stayed overhead, never getting worse, just the occasional flash of lightning and rumble of thunder. The winds didn’t increase and the rain remained steady, soaking everyone through. Alek went to unstrap Cat from Loushka, to remove the griffon’s back armor and discovered her hair sopping with water. Feeling remiss, he hunted out a small cloth from the meager supplies and carefully wrapped it around her head. Just when he slid her down from the saddle he felt a sudden surge in her energy and the cloth around Cat’s hair combusted with a flash.


Rumal, who stood with Kerak near Loushka, jumped at the flash and Alek hastily laid Cat on the ground.

‘What the heck was that?’

Ignoring Rumal, Alek knelt beside Cat when she started to thrash, strange moans and whimpers coming from her lips. He snatched her hands when she suddenly screamed and tore at her head.

‘Stop it! Catherine, STOP IT!’

The girls raced to his side, their hands glowing with energy and he released Cat, offering his hands to them. Kassie and Sian each grabbed a hand while they attempted to reach her. The energy around the four of them made the air feel alive and the others watching drew back, eyes wary. Alek felt the surge when he linked with Kassie and Sian, the strength of their energy enhancing his like he did theirs and the golden glow spread out around him. But Cat didn’t react. Their energies pinged off the unconscious girl, something within her blocking them, preventing them from healing her.


He dropped their hands and jerked to his feet, storming away in the other direction, not trusting his temper while fighting the urge to scream. The rough ground made it challenging and the exertion helped. Alek broke into a run, needing to push himself then spotted a crumbled body ahead. Crouching next to it, he gently rolled the corpse over and recognized the forest goblin as an ally. The goblin had taken a blade to the throat and Alek reached to close the eyes, sorrow extinguishing his frustration. He’d travelled with the Griffon Guard to the great forests in Benhyll and met the tribes that lived in the hanging canopies. Rain gently washed the blood and grime from the deceased’s face and he saw the necklace. A simple jumble of beads to those who didn’t know; it represented the dead goblin’s tribe and family. With care Alek removed and pocketed the necklace. Someone will get comfort from it, he thought and turned, ready to walk back when a loud whistle made him glance up. Standing still, he watched Phroma land before him and Gredel slid down.

‘Alek!’ The strawberry blond man’s face almost split with a beaming smile and he strode over, enveloping Alek in a bear hug. ‘I thought we must have lost you this time! Damn good to see you, friend.’

Alek hugged him back feeling an odd mix of emotions but at the very least, joy, for seeing his friend alive and well. When they separated Gredel spotted the body and made a gruff noise in the back of his throat before making the old motion of grief, head bowed and right hand curved, palm up to the sky, wishing the soul a prosperous new life when reborn. Alek showed the necklace while they walked to the group and the two talked about the trip to Benhyll, Phroma making the occasional interjection via Gredel. After ridding Phroma of her armor and fastening Cat well to the saddle, they all set into the air.

Within an hour they landed again, discovering Sabyn and Tomiar making their way on foot down the side of the valley. Before sliding down, Alek leaned over Cat, relieved to find she’d settled down.


The astonished way Gredel said the Northerner’s name dragged his gaze from Cat’s face and he blinked in surprise.

‘Is that an ardwyr?’
he thought to Loushka.

‘Looks like it, where did she find that?’

He forgot the ardwyr when he saw his cousin. Sabyn’s face with its deeply etched lines of pain pulled him away from his own anxiety. Alek slid off Loushka’s back and walked to Sabyn, locking his arms around his cousin’s shoulders and Sabyn hugged him tight, the agony and sorrow clear in that desperate grip.

‘I’m so sorry, Sab,’ Alek hoarsely said, throat thick with grief.

Sabyn didn’t answer and the sheer agony emanating from him caused Alek’s energy to hum. When they pulled back Sabyn shook his head, lips pressed flat and face scrunched while he forced the emotions down.

‘How’s Cat?’ he asked gruffly.

Suddenly Alek couldn’t speak, his throat thick again and he looked straight at Sabyn before swallowing hard, shaking his head.

‘Not great,’ Alek managed to say. Sabyn’s eyes showed sympathy in spite of his own pain and he squeezed Alek’s shoulder while they walked to where the others gathered. The ardwyr snarled when they drew near and both men eyed the creature. Leseach made a harsh sound in the back of her throat and the creature settled down.

‘We thought we’d walk to the ships,’ Rumal explained when everyone turned back. ‘Any survivors will likely need healing and the girls can do that.’

He looked expectantly at Alek for approval, as their leader, and Alek nodded.

‘Sounds good.’

Kassie squeezed Rumal’s hand while they walked and he stroked the back of hers with his thumb. She twisted, flicking a glance Tomiar’s way but had to look ahead again, her throat tight.

It didn’t seem real yet, or even possible. But glancing back to see the lock of black hair fluttering like a ribbon in the breeze against the griffon’s back made it horribly so. Sabyn walked with Alek, beside Tomiar, and both men looked solemn but the expression of absolute loss in Sabyn’s eyes caused tears to flow silently down her cheeks. Rumal’s hand squeezed hers when she sniffed and he tugged her closer. Kassie wrapped an arm around his back, eyes unseeing where they walked, while she relived that awful moment in Jenviet’s castle.

That sound and the sensation. Kassie shuddered and closed her eyes but it stayed there in her mind, replaying the moment when the darkness enveloped Loi’s green light and obliterated the link between the four of them.

Going back without her, it’s just wrong! The tears fell faster when she tried, even for a moment, to imagine life without Loi in it.

A sudden swell in the air and a shout of alarm from Alek made the two drop hands and run to Loushka’s side, as Sabyn and Alek yanked the ties loose on Cat. Alek threw the shrieking, but still unconscious girl, over a shoulder and raced away from the group with Kassie running after him. She flicked a shield around Cat when Alek lay her down and backed away.

A weird dark energy crackled out from Cat again, quite different to Cat’s normal brilliant red. This energy looked harsh and just wrong! Kassie waited while it built in strength and cringed when Cat’s back arched and she gave another awful pain-filled shriek before an energy wave snapped out, reverberating off the sides of the shield Kassie held in place. After the outburst Cat calmed, appearing to sleep. Alek gathered her into his arms, his face pale. The distraught look in his eyes when he met Kassie’s, made her swallow hard. After seeing Cat tied back on Loushka, Kassie walked to where Rumal and Kerak waited and the group continued.

Any improvement?
Sian thought to Kassie, concerned at her friend’s expression.

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