Feel the Burn (32 page)

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Authors: Nicole MacDonald

BOOK: Feel the Burn
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I wrinkled my nose at him and managed a half smile.

‘Oh good, you do that.’

The crowd started to settle and spread out, the performances done and I saw Gredel across the way. He held up the stack of cards in a questioning gesture. Ignatius saw too and smiled at me.



The usual group gathered for the card game; Belsesus, Larvaste, and Chaieth, several goblins, and the other members of the Griffon Guard along with the girls. It took a bit of organizing, with three card decks being utilized before they really set into the game.

Ignatius felt strangely calm while the evening unfolded. He’d set the first events carefully, arranging to do watch before Leseach, knowing how she liked to one up him and it would be right before the medicine kicked in. A quick check while the others organized the card game revealed the lizard carcasses had vanished, so either the ardwyr had followed or something else lurked in the tunnels. Either way it would work with his plans. Rashid decided to join the card game and Ignatius hoped to use that to his advantage shortly.

‘Psst. Which one?’

Kassie covertly held her cards to Rumal, watching all those around suspiciously, not thinking to look up. If she did she would have noticed the goblin studying her cards with a mischievous expression. Rumal, however, noticed and with a quick grab hauled the creature down, much to the amusement of those in the circle. Ignatius took the moment to shift the bottle of poison, keeping it handy and out of sight—just as Leseach came up with the mug of nellor.

It went without a hitch.

Offering to take the mug, Ignatius graciously gave up his spot by Rashid, who naturally invited the Northerner to sit, explaining the game. In a quick move, while Rashid’s explanation distracted Cat, Ignatius tipped the contents of the bottle into the mug, swirling it carefully. Cat still liked a moment’s privacy in the evenings and Ignatius walked with her to the tent, tucked in an alcove that sheltered them from the sounds of the cave while offering Ignatius a simple direct route to the tunnel without having to step over anyone.

‘You know,’ she said dreamily and he glanced around to check no one watched, knowing she’d fall asleep soon. ‘You’re a very good singer.’

She slumped against him. In an easy motion he dipped through the tent flap, an arm around Cat and got her onto the bedroll. Without hesitation he rolled the sleeping girl over, tugging at the mail suit and quickly stripped it off along with her boots. Leseach would expect her to sleep in her undergarments.

Counting in his head, he had her ready and under the covers in less than fifteen seconds. A moment later, he walked casually to the card game.

‘Is she down already?’ Leseach asked in surprise.

Ignatius nodded.

‘She wanted a good sleep for tomorrow.’

The card game only lasted a few more hours and then he bunked down. To sleep until his turn on watch came.


Rumal’s lips brushed Kassie’s forehead and she nodded silently, swallowing when fear threatened to overwhelm her for a moment.

‘It’s normal, love.’

He didn’t say anything else. There wasn’t anything you could say, really. Kassie wriggled tighter into his arms and breathed deep, inhaling his scent, while desperately wishing with all her might that this wasn’t actually happening. Rumal stroked her hair and tightened his arms around her. The sounds in the cave suggested most were having a hard time getting to sleep. But it crept up, making her eyelids heavy, and the harder she tried to fight it the more determined her body seemed to be, dragging her down.


Chapter Twenty Four


A voice broke into his sleep and he sat, blinking at the light of the torch.

‘My shift?’


With a nod of thanks to the Nyjen, Ignatius stood and accepted the lamp, waiting while the man found his bedroll, then made his way to the high point of the cave, where those on watch stood. With so many armed and ready soldiers, only one person on watch was necessary. The next part of his plan would take some time so he waited until satisfied that everyone slept, griffons and dragon included, then made his way to the tunnels. Nothing revealed itself and he went a distance down each of them, wondering what ate the lizard bodies. With no dirt or even sand he couldn’t track it, but that too boded in his favor. He killed a few more lizards and scattered body pieces around the tunnels, knowing that whatever ate them before would provide the distraction he’d need soon.

I just need half an hour, he thought. Enough time to get it done and everything looking like it should. With that in mind, he moved back into the cave to his bedroll, slipping the second vial and fully charged avine charm in his pockets.

The time came.

Ignatius stood and looked to Cat’s tent, feeling the throb of blood in his wrists while the anticipation grew. The alcove he’d recommended to Leseach for the tent acted like a dead zone, no sound reflecting into it or more importantly, out of it. Moving silently to the tent he whispered, ‘Leseach?’

The tent flap opened and the tall blond alien climbed out, her pupils widening then narrowing in the dim light. When he handed the torch to her he jerked his head toward the tunnels. The Northerner went still for an instant then twisted to look.


Ignatius frowned, working the mounting tension.

‘I thought I saw something, here, give me the torch, you get another hour’s sleep.’

Leseach didn’t budge.

‘Not at all. I’ll investigate it, you watch the Princess.’

It wasn’t a question and he glowered at her, pushing past the desire to grin. The Northerner kept that calm, steady look and moved past him.

‘Sleep well, Ignatius.’

He watched while she stealthily walked amongst the sleeping soldiers, taking the long way around the tunnel. When she vanished from view he counted a long slow measured count to fifty then turned and stooped, climbing into the tent.

Alek appeared in my dreams and I couldn’t help the tears that trickled down when I reached out. He felt gloriously real under my hands.


‘Hush, kitten, I’m here. Let’s not wake your companion.’

It hurt, that reminder that I dreamed but I didn’t care. I needed this, I needed him. I nodded and beamed when he leaned forward to kiss me. It felt wonderful but in the same moment, wrong. He didn’t smell or taste quite the same, his voice sounded a little different and I felt an instant of panic when part of my mind recognized that my memories had begun to fade. It made me cling tighter, hands smoothing over his chest feeling the light tangle of hair and I lifted my lips to his again, sighing when he wrapped his arms around me solidly. I could feel my bare skin on his even though I knew in the back of my mind that I wore my woolen undergarments. I forced those annoying reminders away, wanting to pretend his existence right at the moment. The caresses felt real, the kisses too, trailing heated paths over my shoulders and breasts. His hair felt real beneath my fingers, and the muscles in his shoulders, and a giggle slipped out when he tickled my wrist with his lips. Needing to confess to someone, I whispered the fears out to him.

‘I might be joining you soon.’

Alek paused to look at me and lowered my wrist. He reached to cup my cheek and pull me close, his eyes concerned but kind.

‘What do you mean, love?’

My throat seemed thick and I avoided his gaze, tracing my fingers over his arm.

‘Tomorrow we fight. And I don’t think I’ll…I mean I might not…’ I couldn’t finish the sentence and looked up to him.

Ignatius simply stared at her for a moment while he collected his thoughts. The light from the glow of the unlit lamp beside the bedroll revealed tears sliding down Cat’s cheeks and he tipped her chin up, kissing away the saltiness when the right words sprung to mind.

‘No, my love,’ he murmured. ‘No. You have a life to lead, a kingdom to rule. I’ll be here waiting. I’ll always be here.’

A shudder ran through her and he realized she cried in earnest now.

‘But I don’t want too. I want you. I want to be with you.’


He laid her back on the bedroll and bent his head, gently rubbing his nose against hers.

‘You have to, kitten. You’re the last of the Thalian line. I need you to do this for me. You need to be strong, as strong as I know you are. Promise me, kitten. Promise me you’ll live.’

His tone sounded desperate but Ignatius didn’t care. There was no way he’d go home without her, and years of fighting had taught him that those who wished to die usually did. He stroked her hair back and stared into her vacant gaze.

‘Promise me, Cat.’

‘I promise,’ she whispered the words and another tear escaped each eye. Ignatius smiled at her in relief, feeling his heart lift when she smiled back, her expression transforming from the childish sad face to a sensual passionate one, pupils excessively large.

‘Now,’ he murmured against her lips. ‘Where were we?’

The time constraint frustrated him, he didn’t want to rush this. Beneath his hands she sighed while he stroked then cupped each breast before bending to suck a nipple into his mouth. Cat arched her back with a whisper of a gasp, forcing the breast deeper into his mouth and slid her hand into his hair.

‘Harder,’ she urged with a tug, in a voice that made him harder. He complied, sinking his teeth into the plump flesh and flicking his tongue over the erect nipple. She didn’t hesitate at all, explicit in her demands, and wrapped her naked thighs around his waist, strong enough to hold there, pressed against the crotch of his night shorts. She giggled seductively when he groaned, feeling the inward pull from his aching cock where it throbbed between them.

‘Al,’ she half grumbled, pressing against him again.

That word incensed him for an instant, and he tensed, waiting for it to pass—the sudden pounding fury that made him want to clutch her face, make her say his name. A careful exhale let the fury vanish. He lifted his head and bit at her lips, thrusting his tongue in her mouth and took his vengeance in that demanding forceful kiss, even though she gave it back just as hard.

Soon it will be my name, he promised himself. My name, and I’ll make her scream it.

Ignatius is a dithering old fool, Leseach decided as she crouched in the last of the tunnels. Yes something lived in them, but nothing that offered any threat. She’d traced each of the tunnels as far as she could and other than the recent remains of a lizard, hadn’t found anything else. With a sigh, she crouched, resting on her ankles and held the torch up while peering either way. Still nothing.

Might as well go back, she thought, making her way out of the winding tunnel.

I could feel my frustration building. With each touch and kiss I lost him a little more and I fought against it, clinging tighter, demanding more, hating to feel him slip through my fingers while that horrible sleep drug pulled at me. Alek appeared to realize it and kissed me gently before moving to strip his shorts off. He froze and a look of shock spread over his face, then he disappeared. My heart sunk when I fumbled at the sheets suddenly over me, trying to find him, my mouth working at his name but no sound came out and the darkness pulled me down.

The single footstep gave him warning and in a swift move he’d flicked the covers over Cat and shifted back into the darkness, crouched and ready. His heart hammered when he watched the tent flap flick open and Leseach peer in. She couldn’t see him tucked in the dark corner. Silently, he groped for the charm and glass vial, feeling some relief at the soft feather and cool glass. He knew if she didn’t pull out soon, this would be bad.

The long blond plait swung in and Leseach leaned in, then sniffed. His heart gave a cold thud of dread when he realized what she would smell. In a wild moment of hope, he thought she might dismiss it but she moved further in, her frown evident even in the dim light and she stared at Cat. Who mumbled in her sleep and rolled over, the cover falling off, revealing bare skin.

With a snarl Leseach twisted his way and Ignatius gripped the charm, feeling it vibrate, and barged past the woman, racing for the tunnels.

The instant she sighted him Ignatius vanished, literally vanished! He slammed into her side and she stumbled, mentally tracing the footsteps she heard.

The tunnels, he’s gone there.

With a quick glance to check no other bastard males hid in the tent, Leseach leaned over the Princess, tucking the covers around her.

I will kill him for this, she thought, the fury mixed with despair at failing in her post, and snatching her bandi swords she slipped out the tent, running silently to the tunnels.

Ignatius stilled his breathing when she set foot in the tunnel and froze, not wanting to make a sound. The charm obviously worked for she spun his way, eyes narrowing, but didn’t pounce. She did, however, inch closer, sniffing.

With an inward curse he started moving away, watching where he placed his feet. He knew all too well how skilled the Northerner was at hand to hand combat, and unlike him, she carried weapons.

But I have at least five decades on her, he estimated, I should be able to get her away from camp. Sweat gathered on his brow while he moved deeper into the tunnel, the hand with the charm groping the way along the dark walls, the only light from Leseach’s torch and he didn’t want her any closer. His other hand cradled the vial, the only possible chance for survival.

The musky scent of that rutting bastard mixed with the scent of the Princess made him easy to follow and only served to enrage her more. Leseach let her eyes expand, stretching her abilities to their full potential in the dark tunnel, ears pricked for the slightest sound and edged further along. Then she caught it, so slight, a tiny flicker within the light of the torch—and that scent. Her lips drew back when she bared her teeth, knowing she had him against the tunnel wall.

‘Exactly what was your plan, Ignatius? How did you think you would get away with it? She would have known by now if she was with child, I would have known.’

Leseach watched the section of wall and dropped the torch to the ground, fingers casually flexing while she rolled the handles of the bandi swords in either hand. The wall before her shimmered and Ignatius appeared. Without hesitation she lunged.

The sound of glass breaking registered just before a familiar sting spread over her chest and Leseach hit stone, not feeling a thing, her vision black due to falling face down. For the first time in her life Leseach experienced a sensation of absolute terror when she realized she could feel nothing. Her brain knew she need to breathe, but her body wouldn’t respond.

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