Fear Familiar Bundle (106 page)

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Authors: Caroline Burnes

BOOK: Fear Familiar Bundle
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"She never gives up, does she?"

"Not until the vows are said."

"Oh, Mary." Sophie's voice was filled with sympathy. "If we can make it through the rest of this night, everything will be fine, you'll see."

"I believe you're right," Mary answered, wondering if she could possibly last for another hour or two.

"Madame Sianna asked us to be quiet and to prepare ourselves," Clarissa said. She was across the table, having taken the seat beside Madame Sianna. Darren was between her and Chancey, and he was staring across the table at Sophie. Mrs. Daugherty was taking in every aspect of the room, her gaze carefully avoiding the place where Madame Sianna would be sitting.

"I think we should be quiet, also," William said. Reaching under the table, he found Mary's fingers and squeezed them. "We want to give Madame every benefit of the doubt."

"Good." Clarissa smiled. "What shall you do if you discover Mayfair is haunted, William? Will you sell the estate? I don't believe Mary is quite up to living in a haunted castle."

"I don't believe I'm going to have to worry about that." William looked up as the door opened and Madame Sianna returned. She took her seat and ordered everyone's hands on the table, little fingers touching the person's on either side to make a circle as palms were placed flat on the surface.

"Maybe we should reconsider this." Mrs. Daugherty glanced around the circle. "I'm not sure this is going to be fun."

"Hush, Emelda," Clarissa ordered. "You have to experience different things before you pass judgment on them. Now, let Sianna continue."

"This is the unbroken circle," Madame Sianna began. "We are the living, the circle of life. Together we can call forth spirits from the other side."

Across the table, someone moved abruptly.

"Do not disturb the circle," Madame Sianna warned. "We can call the spirits back over to us only if we remain united in the endeavor. Should one single one of you betray us by breaking the unity of the circle, for any reason, the results could be grave."

Silence fell around the room. "Before we begin again, I am going to light a candle. Candles purify the air. They burn away the bad thoughts and deeds." She got up, went to the enormous bag she'd brought with her and extracted one large candle and several smaller ones.

"I can get someone to bring you more candles," Mary offered.

"These are blessed," Madame Sianna said. "You are generous to offer, but it is much better if we light the room with a brilliance that has already received special blessings. Sometimes the dead are difficult to see. They may be only a shadow, a glimmer of light, maybe even the touch of a chill that traverses lightly over the skin."

Mary felt such a chill as she listened to Madame Sianna. William was sitting beside her, perfectly fine. But the idea of a ghostly possession clung in her mind until she felt actual dread at what Madame Sianna was about to do.

Chancing a look at Sophie, Mary felt her heart drop to her stomach. Her friend was terrified. Totally erect, Sophie was staring into the large candle that Madame Sianna had placed in the center of the table. The skin across Sophie's face was tight with…anticipation? Mary couldn't actually call it fear. Not exactly. But it was almost as if Sophie felt something that no one else in the room felt.

"Now." Madame Sianna walked to the light switch and hit it, throwing the room into near darkness. Candles along the mantel and the windows and the single candle in the center of the table gave the only illumination. "We shall begin."

She resumed her seat, putting her hands on the table to complete the link of human flesh.

"There is someone here among us. A definite presence. He has been here for a long, long time. Someone filled with anger, yet weary. Someone who looks to the heart of his kinsman to see that all matters are worked out for the best. He has been dead a very long time, but he cannot rest. He cannot rest without finding, first, the woman who holds his heart— and wears his ring."

Even though Madame Sianna was a perfect hoax, Mary felt her stomach knot. The ring that had been left outside her bedroom was hanging around her neck by the chain that came with it. She'd never had a chance to talk to William about it. The urge to remove her hand from the table and touch the ring was almost overpowering.

"Do not break the circle," Madame Sianna intoned.

Mary gasped, and she felt Sophie stiffen on one side while William started forward in his chair on the other. She slipped her little fingers farther up their hands to indicate that she was fine. Both settled back into their chairs.

"This spirit is very strong." Madame Sianna's voice had changed. There was now a hint of concern in it. "He wants to come back. Even though he knows that it is not allowed, he is determined. There are things he did not finish, goals left unattained. These trouble him. He was a man of great wealth and power, and now he sees what he has built beginning to decay."

"How do you mean, decay?" Clarissa asked. Her voice, spoken into the dark quiet of the room, was as shattering as a slap.

Madame Sianna's voice was terse. "Please do not ask questions. As I learn more and more about this spirit, I will tell you. When you ask questions, you break my communication with the spirit. Often they won't come back."

"I— "

"Be silent. Concentrate. This is a very troubled spirit. He is so desperate, I sense that he would try anything. Possession, reincarnation. Even though he knows it would be stealing a soul and transplanting it with his own. He is a man torn by such battles." There was the sudden intake of her breath. "And he is very desperate. Desperate in his heart!" Her voice grew stronger and she began to speak faster. "This is a dangerous man. Barbaric, uncivilized." She exhaled rapidly. "He is also very determined. He will do whatever it takes to have his way. Whatever."

Mary felt as if the ring were burning into her skin. She knew it was just her imagination, heightened by the powerful suggestions Madame Sianna was making. Glancing at William, she tried to determine what he was thinking. Outwardly he seemed perfectly calm, even amused. Those expressions could be deceiving. She'd seen him change in a matter of a few moments.

"Shall we call this barbarian into our midst?" Madame Sianna asked. "He would make an appearance. He wants to tell us something. And he wants…to return."

Mary wanted no such thing. She didn't want Slaytor MacEachern called into the room. Not for any reason, and not even in jest. She started to break the circle, but she felt William's hand restrain her, signaling her not to interrupt.

"I see him clearly now," Madame Sianna continued, unaware or ignoring the distress Mary clearly signaled. "He is a handsome man. Warlike. Savage, but handsome. Dark of hair and light of eye, he bears a small scar on his right temple. It is the mark of a childhood game with a friend. That scar no longer troubles him. Something much deeper eats away at his soul. Now he is unable to rest because of his heart. His love. They have been separated! The woman he loves…There is danger!"

William's eyes locked with Mary's and, with a look, he urged her to remain still. He— and Clarissa, Darren, and Chancey, at least— knew that the medium was perfectly describing the legends of Slaytor. He could imagine what it sounded like to Mary. Especially with his own unexplainable "attacks." But he wanted to see how far Madame Sianna would take her little charade.

Mary studied William's eyes. He was calm, in control. The pressure of his fingers on hers let her know he did not want her to interfere in the séance. So be it. She wasn't afraid of ghoulies or shades— only of hurting William. If he was content with the proceedings, then she would remain silent.

"A cold wind blows from the past," Madame Sianna was saying. "Such anguish. Such anger." Her own voice was twisted with emotion. "This man has the force to reach across the centuries to touch us here and now. He does not need my aid to return to this world. He comes and goes at will. He seeks an answer, and his quest gives him strength. He seeks…"

Sophie rose slowly to her feet, but her hands never left the table. "I hear you," she said softly.

Across the room, Familiar sprang up, his back arched and his fur standing on end. Mary watched in horror as her friend turned to the closed door.

"I hear you." Sophie tried to go forward, but Mary held her wrist and Dr. Sloan grabbed the other one.

Before Mary could make a move to halt the séance, the door creaked open. "Lisette, where are you?" the voice was thick with brogue and laced with anger. "Lisette, where is the ring?"

"I'm coming." Sophie struggled to free herself of Mary's grasp.

"Stop it!" Mary's words were directed at Sophie, but they were also appropriate for the séance. "This has gone far enough." She shook free of William and put both hands on Sophie's shoulders. With a quick motion, she shook her friend, and then very calmly slapped her across the face.

"Oh!" Sophie's shock was complete. "Mary, what was that for?"

"Keep her here," William directed as he sprang from the table and ran to the door that was only slightly ajar. "I'm going to find whoever is in this house, and he is going to pay a handsome price for this prank."

Mary wanted to go with William. She couldn't, though; she had her hands full with Sophie, who was sobbing uncontrollably. To her relief, Familiar darted after him.

"What was I doing?" Sophie asked again and again. "What was I thinking? I could hear myself, but it was almost as if I had no control of my own thoughts and certainly not my actions. This place is haunted. You can deny it till the cows come home, Mary Muir. No matter what you say, Mayfair is haunted, and by the very devil himself."

Mary pushed her friend into a chair. "Blow out those candles and turn on the lights. We've had enough of this."

"I quite agree." Emelda Daugherty's support was unexpected. She pushed back her chair and went to the light switch. "This was in poor taste, Clarissa. Very poor taste. I hold you responsible for this foolish night," she rattled on as she blew out all the candles.

Mary turned to confront Madame Sianna, who was sitting placidly at the table.

"You may find this amusing, but you've frightened my friend. Whoever you brought along with you to play the ghostly voice of Slaytor, William will find him, and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't press charges against both of you."

Madame Sianna's eyes were deep and sharp. "Mayfair is haunted, Ms. Muir. My advice is to get your friend and your things and get out of here as quickly as possible. Take William with you and don't let him return. The spirit I saw wants your fiancé. He wants his life, his body." She leaned forward, her voice almost a hiss. "His very soul."

"Get out." Mary felt a sudden fury. "You won't frighten me or William. I don't know what's behind all of this, but it's a hoax."

"The spirit world is no hoax. Guard yourself if you choose to stay here. But you can't protect William if he stays. You will lose him as he falls more and more under the spell of his ancestor. I've asked for no money here, nor would I take any. My advice is free. Heed it, or suffer." She picked up her bag. "I'd like to leave this place, Clarissa. I'm raw from exposure to this spirit. Raw and bleeding. That seems to be what Slaytor MacEachern constantly leaves behind him, brutalized people."

"Darren," Clarissa interjected. "Get Sianna's things. We should be going right away."

"I think I'd like to stay. William might need…my help." Darren stared at his mother.

For a split second she hesitated. "If you're ever to get anything you want, Darren, it would be best if you listened to your mother. Perhaps you can come back later and help William." Her smile held no sweetness.

"Whatever you say, Mother." He stepped away from her and began to gather the psychic's bags and candles.

"Mary, see if you can find William." Dr. Sloan's voice was calm but commanding as he put his hands on Sophie's shoulders.

"Yes, dear. He looked distraught," Mrs. Daugherty said as she assisted Dr. Sloan. "Find him."

Mary rushed into the hallway, but there was no trace of William or Familiar. A sense of loss and despair made her want to strike out. If William was out in the night again, she would find him. There had been no sign that he was having an episode, but there was no way to tell what had happened to him since he'd left the turret room.

As she turned the corner and started down the stairs, she almost ran into Abby and John Connery. Kevin was behind them.

"What's wrong?" Abby asked.

"There's no time." Mary tried her best not to sound panicked. "Would you see the guests out, and make sure the psychic goes. And ask Dr. Sloan to stay with Sophie until I can return."

"Certainly," Abby said. As she spoke, John turned back down the steps to attend to his duties at the door. "And you?" Abby asked. "What are you about?"

"William may need my help. I'm going to find him."

"Be careful." Abby's voice was fearful. "There's strange things happening at Mayfair. Strange and terrible."

"I'll be careful." Mary hurried to her room, took off her dress and found clothes suitable for riding. The one thing she had absolutely no desire to do was crawl up on Shalimar's back for another midnight ride. Her thighs were still sore and aching. For William, though, she'd ride bareback through hell.

Boots clattering on the steps, she hurried downstairs and out into the courtyard. The stables were strangely quiet and she remembered that Kevin was in the castle. If William had already left, no one probably knew which way he went.

"William." She spoke his name loudly as she walked toward the horses. "Are you here?"

Silence answered her.

She continued into the barn, feeling comforted by the sounds of the horses munching hay and shifting in their stalls. She stopped at Blaze's stall. The stallion was still there. William was not out riding. She turned back, caught by the silhouette of someone standing in the barn doorway.

"Hello, Mary," Chancey said as she walked inside. "Lovely dinner party. I'd declare it a smashing success. The gossip won't subside for weeks. Now, there's an asset for William."

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