Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3)
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The half-vampire, half-demon’s lips went up on one side, exposing a brilliant white fang. The move accentuated his chiseled jaw. I wanted nothing more than to lick my tongue along its length.

Going over to my dresser, I busied my hands, realizing I’d been doing that a lot lately. I turned my back to Daire, hoping by putting him out of my direct line of sight my hormones would cool. No such luck. The smell of his aftershave lingered in the room, no matter where I stood.

“Did Kieran have any words of wisdom about my little problem?”

I heard the bedsprings of the mattress creak from his weight as my damnable bodyguard made himself comfortable.

“He doesn’t know how to reverse the spell, but he did order me not to leave your side until the matter is resolved.”

I whipped around. “I don’t think so. Having you around me so much is not good for my well being.”

Chapter 14

My body was infused with sexual energy. I didn’t know how to get rid of it, but I did know I didn’t want to use Daire for release, despite his being so handy. I opened my dresser and dug through the overstuffed drawers until I found my under-armor. Glaring at Daire, I stomped out of the room.

A light tap on the bathroom door sounded before Daire said, “Sydney, do you need my help in there?”

I heard the unspoken innuendo in the tone of his voice. Whipping the door open, I snapped, “No, I don’t need your help unless you can fix this curse.”

Taking the stairs two at a time, I grabbed my keys and stuffed them into the side pocket of my cargo running pants.

“Where do you think you’re going? It’s nighttime, if you haven’t noticed.” Daire stood with a hand on the front door. He had another thing coming if he believed he could stop me from leaving the house.

Tying the laces on my black and purple running shoes, I said, “I’m going for a run.” Motioning for him to get the heck out of my way with a flick of my wrist, I snarked, “Not that you’d know anything about exercising, I’m sure.”

Daire stepped away from the door while he unbuttoned his dress shirt. He then kicked his shoes off and folded his shirt, making a pile next to the front door.

With his well-toned muscles flexing, making my hands itch and sweat, he said, “My sweet, I know a lot about exercising. If you’d let me help you, we wouldn’t have to leave the house.”

The bastard wiggled his brows. Groaning, I left the house, not waiting to see if he’d follow. I knew he would.

His bare feet didn’t seem to mind the street covered with soupy wet snow so I didn’t mention it. If he wanted to show off his supernatural immunity to the cold, more power to him.

After running a few blocks in silence, my side began to cramp. I stopped and bent over, trying to catch my breath while white clouds puffed from my mouth.

Daire continued running in place, and I was sure he did it to annoy me. “What’s the matter, Selected, you done already?”

Taking a deep breath, I concentrated on leveling my air intake. “No, I just haven’t been running for a while with everything going on. I’ve got a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

Turning away from him to continue on, I was determined to run despite the cramping. Daire grabbed my arm to stop me. I sighed, but was grateful for the reprieve. He positioned us to face one another.

“Sydney.” His breath felt hot on my face as he spoke. Before I could interrupt what he had to say next, his lips met mine. I didn’t struggle against his hold or fight when he enclosed me in his arms.

His tongue was warm and seductive as he slid the length of it along mine. Daire was a great kisser, but I still had a slight touch of guilt from my immense enjoyment of the feel of him against me to fully enjoy it. Feeling the length of his shaft grow along my thigh inspired me to deepen the kiss, making any feeling of guilt melt away into an array of pleasurable sensations.

When I began to lose my ability to think straight, I broke the kiss with an abruptness that confused us both.

Daire scowled as he put his hands on his hips. The gesture made the muscles in his chest flex.

I swore into the night air at Rage for putting the cursed spell on me.

When I started running again, Daire’s footfalls were heavier than before. It was clear I’d pissed him off.

“Daire,” I said while attempting to keep my words level, not letting on how much I was struggling to breathe while running. “We need to focus on the curse. I need you, as my bodyguard, to do whatever it takes to get rid of it.”

He remained silent for a few blocks but kept in step beside me.

Finally, with a curt nod, he said, “I understand. You think your attraction to me is only because of the spell.” He gave a rough laugh, not bothering to hide his anger. “Won’t you be surprised when the spell is broken and you melt into a pool of putty in my hands.”

I didn’t appreciate the confidence oozing from him. I also didn’t like the fact I’d felt the strong attraction between us the moment I’d fallen into his arms at the palace upon meeting him.

Daire could have a point, and I worried he may be right, but there was no way in heck I’d admit he had a serious effect on my senses, spell or no spell.

“Don’t be so sure of yourself, vampire demon.” I smiled, and then I took off running with a renewed gusto.

His laughter followed me down the dark street. Turning back, I watched while the tense expression left his face, replaced by a smile of his own. “You know, Sydney, I’m not the coven leader.”

“So, what does your station have anything to do with what’s going on?”

He slowed the pace and, again, I was grateful.

“I don’t have the political concerns my boss does. You wouldn’t have to worry about where my loyalties lie. If we were together, you’d be my priority, no one else’s.”

A shiver coursed down my spine. I thought of what my grandmother went through, having her heart broken because Kieran, the vampire she’d fallen in love with, had stomped on it. The man of her dreams had chosen the coven over her because he thought it would be better to remain in a position of power instead of demanding that they were allowed to stay together.

I didn’t want to put myself in the same position. I knew I’d find myself having to deal with heartache if I chose to be Blake’s life-mate, despite his arguing he’d never choose anyone or anything before me. Blake was destined as the next leader of the Midwestern Werewolf pack, and he could never change that.

Daire had no such aspirations or worries.

I didn’t need him pouring on advances stronger than he already was. I struggled with his lusty glances, and it didn’t help when he showed his glorious body every chance he got. Even with the moon high in the sky, his skin glowed a light golden color, making me want to lick the length of him.

“Daire, let’s cool the talk about us until we take care of the spell.”

He shrugged as we continued to run back toward Aunt Judith’s.

“Don’t forget, you also have to think about the prophecies when choosing a mate. I don’t need you to ensure the existence of my people as they do, or to gain ability I don’t already have.”

I slowed the pace further to a comfortable jog. “Where is all this coming from? Besides, I don’t know if I’d ever be able to believe you. Don’t all vampires want to walk in the sun?”

He slowed, too. “Sydney, you’ve seen me in the sun. I don’t need you to share blood with the coven leader to fulfill the prophecy. I already enjoy to rays of the sun. Don’t forget, you also have to think about the wolf prophecy.”

I stopped jogging but continued at a quick clip to the house with Daire next to me. “Don’t you worry about who I chose to be with, because it’s none of your business.”

Taking the steps to the front door of the house, I said, “Good night, Daire.”

He stuck his foot in the doorjamb before I could close it behind me. “Sydney, are you going to sleep right away, or do I have time before you call me to your dreams?”

His words weren’t laced with the typical cavalier tone, but genuine curiosity.

“I won’t be going to bed any time soon, so you can go find amusement elsewhere.”

I tugged on the wooden door. He pushed the door against my hand, making his way into the house.

Stepping back, I said, “I didn’t invite you in.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I didn’t ask to be invited. I’m your bodyguard and my boss says I have to stay by you. Whether in your dreams or in reality, you’re stuck with me.”

I went into the kitchen with Daire following close behind. Spotting a yellow sticky note on the refrigerator, I read Aunt Judith’s note saying she was spending time over at Meredith’s. She said not to wait up because she didn’t know if she’d be sleeping over there.

Crumpling the note in my palm, I walked over to the garbage pail to toss it where I saw three empty cans of protein shakes. I smiled with relief at the evidence of Aunt Judith tackling her weight loss problem.

That’s when I noticed a path of offensive debris on the pristine white floor, leading to Daire’s bare feet.

The thought crossed my mind to offer him use my shower, but images of his naked body with droplets of water beading on his bare flesh flashed across my mind, making me think better of that idea. I’d rather deal with a dirty floor than see Daire wrapped in nothing but a towel with glistening wet skin begging me to lick the drops off his body.

“I need to clean that.” I shook my head with frustration.

Daire stood with his hands on his hips, not seeing what he’d done wrong.


I motioned to the filthy floor. The trail led from the kitchen door strait to his feet.

Opening the linen closet next to the food pantry in the kitchen, I grabbed the mop. A cold sweat broke out over my body and the hairs rose along my arm as I closed the door.

I turned toward Daire to warn him but he was already coming at me just as agonizing pain bloomed in my midsection.

Doubling over, I landed on my knees as the wooden mop handle clattered to the floor next to me.

“Sydney, what’s wrong?” Daire rushed over and knelt beside me.

I could feel the blood drain from my face. Daire put his palm against my cheek.

Leaning my face against the coolness of his hand, I moaned. “Rogue.”

That’s all I could get out before another wave of pain hit my gut as my stomach lurched. Hot bile rose and vomit erupted from my body as my muscles flooded with spasms.

Daire positioned himself so my head rested on his thigh once there was nothing left to expel from my body. He traced his fingers through my hair as I shivered from the rogue’s nearness. Whoever lurked close to the house wanted me dead. That was the only reason possible for my having such a violent reaction to their nearness. My Selected powers were growing. With them had come the ability to withstand rogue’s nearness better. What I was experiencing was excruciating, but I hadn’t lost consciousness, yet.

“Sydney, I’m going to leave you here. I need to go outside.” He lifted my head with gentle care so he could get his leg out from underneath me.

I grabbed his hand. “Don’t, the rogue can’t get passed the wards on the house.”

My body heaved while I shook on the cold, tile floor. Picking me up, Daire carried me upstairs to my room. He returned from the bathroom with a cool washcloth. He surprised me as he dabbed at my flushed skin. I didn’t know vampire-demons could be so kind.

That feeling hit me again, like someone was watching me while I was sleeping. My eyes popped open. Blake sat in the chair next to my bed, staring at me when I woke.

No smile.

No warm morning salutations.

My throat felt sore from projectile vomiting. “Blake, what are you doing here?” My voice sounded like a frog’s, low and croaking.

I surveyed my room and relief swept through me. Daire hadn’t left any evidence he’d spent most of the night with me.

Blake’s eyes narrowed. “Sydney, there was report of a rogue vampire in your area. I came to see if you were okay, or isn’t my checking up on you permissible any longer?”

His voice had a hardened edge to it, making me want to pummel him with the pillow resting next to me.

I uncovered myself from the bedspread and glared at him. I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up without giving him an explanation of the previous night’s events. In my mind, he didn’t deserve one.

Toweling off my hair, I padded back into the bedroom not knowing if Blake would still be waiting.

He was.

He stood next to the window. The early morning sunlight came through the glass panes, bathing him in a warm glow. Once seeing his taut, muscular body over the view of my bed, the material from the towel began to feel rough against my skin. I’d forgotten to gather some clothes before I left to freshen up.

Blake turned his head. His eyes turned amber-bronze in color. I could tell he appreciated the view of me in nothing but a towel. Rotating his body, he came to me in a blur, then he grabbed my head with one hand and the top of the towel with the other.

He tugged at the material. With a groan of compliance, I let it fall to the bedroom floor. Standing before him in all my naked glory, I didn’t mind. Only one thought raced through my thoughts.

I wanted to see him naked, on top of me.

Blake’s mouth traveled over my shoulder, sliding his warm tongue toward the center of my chest. With a feverish vigor, I helped him pull his shirt off. His shoes went sailing through the air.

“Sydney,” he growled in a low, sensual voice. “I want you. I need you.”

Blake’s breath grew as ragged as mine. He kissed my skin until the back of my legs hit the mattress. I hadn’t even realized we’d moved.

I closed my eyes, relishing in the sensations of his hands moving over my body. Blake’s fingertips were warm and strong. He caressed my flesh as he continued to roam.

The sensuality of the force spell kicked into high gear. I wasn’t sure if it was me or the spell urging me on. I no longer cared. Being intimate with Blake felt right.

I wrapped my legs around his torso as we both fell onto the bed.

I had no idea of when he’d taken his pants off, but his bare skin met my own, accompanied by the length of his hard shaft pressing against my core.

“I can’t wait,” he groaned as he slid his length inside me.

We moved our bodies at a rapid pace as I felt the pressure build in my lower abdomen. Blake continued to undulate his hips as he went up onto his knees. When he placed his hands under my backside while never missing a stroke, that’s all it took.

Stars exploded behind my eyes. I yelled out.

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