Falling In (36 page)

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Authors: Andrea Hopkins

BOOK: Falling In
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Chapter Nineteen


My palms are sweaty, and I’ve been continuously wiping them on my skirt the entire drive back from Eugene. I’ve been sitting in my driveway for at least twenty minutes now, staring at Jake’s house. I was so eager to get back here, to tell him I’m his. But now that I’m here, I’m suddenly petrified and nervous as hell.
This is huge
. I’m about to tell him that I gave up my entire life for him, for us. That’s a lot to take in. I take a deep breath, in through the nose, out the mouth, wipe my hands once more on my skirt, place them on the door handle, and woman the hell up.

Once I open the door, that urgency I felt earlier returns, and I practically sprint to his door. I lift my hand to knock, but it opens before I get the chance.

“Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting thirty minutes for you to get out of your car. I put Ben to bed early because I was going fucking insane in here! I almost came outside at least a dozen times, but I knew you just needed a moment. Didn’t think it would be thirty fucking moments. But—” I start to laugh at his rambling. I don’t think I’ve heard him ramble on like this before. He sounds like me when I’m nervous. “You’re laughing at me, aren’t you?” he asks, in part disbelief, part embarrassment.

“I’m sorry,” I say between giggles. “Only a little bit.” He shakes his head in frustration, but I swear I spot a smile trying to creep out of that mouth. “Anyway, can I come in?” I ask, still standing on his porch.

“Oh shit, yeah. Come in. Please.” He pulls me in through the doorway and right into his arms.

“Hey, you.” I whisper into his shoulder.

“I missed you.” He admits to my curls that are wild under his chin.

“I missed you, too.” I say honestly as his arms wrap tighter around me.

We stay silent for a few minutes, enjoying the time before everything changes.
Or we’re just stalling.
But that needs to stop. It's time we officially start what we’ve been dancing around since the day he moved in next door.
No more delaying. No more guilt. No more indecision.

No looking back.

“So, I talked to Cole. He and the kids are coming back tomorrow.”

Jake instantly lets me go and pulls away from me, taking a few steps backward. I shake my head, trying to stop him from going where I know he’s going. “Jake, I—”

“Don’t. Please don’t. I get it, okay? I saw it coming. Or at least I knew it was an option, you know?” He sighs dejectedly while shaking his head back and forth.

“Jake, you don’t understand.”

“Yes, I do. As much as it fucking hurts to admit, I do. It’s always been you two. You guys have a history and a past that no one can touch, no matter how hard they try. Fuck”

The pain in his eyes is twisting me in ways I can’t begin to describe. I walk closer to him, grabbing his hands into mine. His head is hung low. He won’t even look at me.


              “You don’t need to apologize, Evangeline. Like I said, I get—”

              “Would you just shut up for a minute and listen!”

              He looks up at me, confusion written all over his chiseled face.

              “Yes, Cole is my best friend. He’s the father of my children. He’s been there for me and with me through every bad and good thing that has happened in my life. I love him. I will always love him. I love him with every part of me, I can’t deny that.”

              Jake hangs his head down again.

              “But—” His eyes meet mine at that single, three-letter word. They glisten with wariness and hope. I smile as tears begin to rain down my face once again today. “But I’m not
in love
with him. I think, on some level, I always knew. I just needed someone to show me what it meant, how it really felt to be.”

“What are you saying?” he asks, his face now full of possibility.

“It was you. It
you. I want you. I choose you. I am so fucking in love with you Jake, I—”

He cuts me off by smashing his lips to mine, completely throwing me off guard. I can feel all of this man’s love seep out of his mouth and onto mine. It is all consuming and simply breathtaking. But he pulls away too quickly, breathing erratically just as I am.

“Wait a minute, I’m confused. You said earlier that Cole is coming home tomorrow?”

“He is. We need to figure out a plan to tell the kids, and discuss how this will all work out. Plus, he needs more clothes. He’ll probably go back to his parents soon after that, and we’ll just go from there.”

Jake’s growing smile is infectious. Reality finally setting in.

“So it’s really over? I can’t fucking believe it. You choose me? You’re mine?”

“Believe it. I’ve been yours since the day I barged in here with a cake. It just took me a minute to figure it out.”

Jake grabs my face in his hands again and just smiles at me with so much warmth and pure happiness, it makes me fall even harder for him. 

“I love you so fucking much, pixie.” He declares before kissing me again. This time his tongue comes out to play, stroking mine softly at first. But once a moan escapes my mouth, he doesn’t hold back. Before I know it, my back is against the door, a move that I’ve realized has become a thing with us—
thing. Only unlike the times before, we won’t be stopping ourselves until we have thoroughly explored each other. Jake’s mouth leaves mine as he deposits a trail of kisses down my neck and across the little cleavage I have. One hand grips my ass as the other grabs hold of my wild mane, pulling ever so slightly, just enough to send a jolt directly to my nether regions.

              “We can’t do this here.” He heaves before placing his lips behind my ear. “I want to see every curve of you underneath me. I need to discover you. Every fucking inch.” He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him as he begins to walk up the stairs, never taking his mouth off mine.

              We reach his room safely, having been carried in his arms like this multiple times already. I believe we’ve become pros at this form of transportation. As we make our way to the foot of his bed, he slowly releases me, my body sliding down his just as it did last night. He runs his hand down my neck, over my braless chest and down my torso, stopping at the end of my tank top. His green eyes ask the question I know his mouth has been dying to release for weeks. And with an eager nod, he pulls the shirt over my head, exposing my breasts to him for the second time—although, from the look on his face, it’s as if it’s the first time he has ever seen a pair of tits. His eyes come back to mine as he clips his index fingers inside the waistband of my skirt, shoving it down my legs, along with my generously soaked panties. His eyes devour the body that stands naked before him.

              I take a step closer, coming toe to toe with him, lean in and whisper, “Now it’s my turn.” I grab the end of his t-shirt and while standing on my tippy toes and manage to pull it over his head. I exhale as I take in each cut muscle and indentation. Yes, I’ve seen his upper half before, but hot damn, it never gets old. I run my finger down the center of his chest, eliciting goose bumps wherever I touch his smooth skin.

              I let my hands wander down the light trail of hair that begins from the bottom of his belly button and disappears into his tented cargo shorts. I hear a sharp intake of breath as my fingertips graze the skin just above his belt. The anticipation is palpable. I look directly into his intoxicating eyes as I begin to undo his belt. Our breathing, both heavy and in sync, fills the silent room, along with the sound of his zipper slowly going down. I let his shorts fall to the floor soundlessly next to my skirt.

              We both know what’s coming next. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest, it’s all I can hear. On an exhale, my fingers clasp under the waistband of his boxer briefs and with one swift motion, I pull them down his thick thighs, springing his impressive package free. I’m pretty sure I gulp, and quite possibly choke on my own damn saliva at the size of what he’s been hiding in his shorts.

Holy shit. That’s supposed to fit inside me?

“It might be snug, but we’ll make it work,” he says with a chuckle.

              “Shit, did I say that out loud?” I ask, wincing in embarrassment, no doubt turning a shade of pink I have never turned before.

              “I’m glad you’re impressed.”

              “How could I not be? Have you seen yourself?”

              He laughs again, dulling down the nervous energy that is flowing between us. “Fuck, I love you,” he whispers, running a hand down my cheekbone and looking at me like I’m this mythological being he can’t believe is standing in front of his face.

His pixie

“I love you, too.” I just barely get it out before his mouth is back on mine. He claims my lips while whispering everything he loves about me. My heart swells at the words, while my body craves for his as I feel his hard cock pressed against my bare stomach. “I need—” I try to speak, but words are failing me as his mouth moves down my neck.

“What do you need, pixie?”

“I need
. I need you inside me. I need you to fuck me, Jake.”

“God damn it, Evangeline. I’m trying to be romantic here. You can’t say shit like that, or else I
fuck you.”

“Then fuck me.” I say, wanting it more than ever. My legs are quivering and begging to be opened.

“Not yet. I need to take my time. I’ve wanted this for too damn long, baby. I need to make you feel how much I love you. How much I have loved you, since the moment you barged into my house and stole my damn heart right from my chest. I’m going to make love to you, and once I have made you come several times and I have thoroughly enjoyed and coveted every inch of you, then, my little pixie,
I will fuck you in every which way and for however long you want, until our bodies scream in protest and we can barely keep our eyes open, much less your legs.”

“Okay.” I squeak out, feeling his words caress my entire body. I’m desperately praying that he makes good on his promise.

Jake picks me back up into his arms, walks over to the side of the bed, and gently lays me down. I watch him as he stays standing by the bed, surveying my body, committing it to memory. His intense gaze raises goose bumps all over my skin, and the anticipation is becoming unbearable.

“Jake, please.” I beg, and not at all ashamed of it. I need to feel him.
. He doesn’t answer me, but his penetrating and focused gaze turns into a sly smile, and I know, finally, it’s time.

He walks gingerly back to the foot of the bed, never taking his eyes off of mine. Once he reaches his destination, he grabs my feet, yanking me down to the middle of the bed. He drops one foot, holding the other in his hands. He begins to kiss the sole, and then works his way up my leg. But before he reaches my thighs, he switches to the other and repeats. Only this time, when he makes his way back up, he spreads my legs open and climbs onto the bed. When his wet mouth hits my inner thigh, my whole body quivers. He darts his tongue out and starts to lick and suck his way up my thighs, stopping once he reaches the spot that is pleading for his attention.

I groan my displeasure, but he just laughs into my skin and continues his torture on my body. His greedy mouth moves around my pussy and up to my pelvis, then back around to my inner thighs, causing my toes to curl in both pleasure and irritation. I’m about to scream at him, when I feel his warm breath hovering over my landing strip. I look down and meet his eyes. They’re overcome with hunger and passion.

“Let’s see just how sweet you taste.” He says before embedding his face between my lips. As his tongue moves up and down, twisting and swirling around my clit, probing my entrance, his arms stretch out and begin fondling my erect nipples. I have never felt so many sensations at once. I arch my back and begin to buck my hips, moaning in pure euphoria as I feel an orgasm on the rise. Once he brings one hand down and slips a finger between my slick folds, pumping in and out, I come completely undone on his tongue, shaking violently against the bed, screaming out his name. “I’ve been dying to hear you scream my name like that,” he says before climbing on top of me and attacking my mouth with full force.

I can taste myself on his tongue, but it just makes me want him even more. I need him to slam that cock of his into me right this mother effing second, or I swear I will lose my mind. I tell him as much, and he chuckles softly.

“Patience, pixie. Patience,” he whispers against my lips before moving his down my neck, leaving tiny kisses and nips as he continues his journey down towards my breasts. As his large hand seizes one breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers, I cry out when I feel his hot mouth encompass the other engorged nub. He takes his time feasting on both tits, licking and suckling, lavishing each nipple. He’s gentle at first, but then, as if he can’t get enough, he begins to suck harder. Rougher. Between the breast play, feeling his hard as stone cock against me, and hearing the mixture of my whimpers and his moans, I’m about to come again without him even going near my ready and willing entrance.

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