Falling for the Wrong Twin (15 page)

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Authors: Kathy Lyons

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #romance series, #twin, #Falling for the Wrong Twin, #entangled publishing, #brazen

BOOK: Falling for the Wrong Twin
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At least for this moment.

“Sorry,” he said, pushing the word through his suddenly parched throat. “You’re very beautiful, and I’m struggling to keep my hands to myself.”

“That wasn’t your hand that was moving,” she said tartly. “And flattery will get you exactly no where.
Stay still

He dipped his chin in a nod, and then stopped. She’d said

“Very good.” Then she slowly, gracefully, folded herself down onto her knees before him. God, what a beautiful sight. Her golden skin and lush hair--curling wildly now in the damp--folded before him.

“I’m not pulling everything off you, though I considered it,” she said. His pants hung open, heavy because of the belt, and his dick tented the silk boxers underneath. “By the way, I approve of the silk,” she said, as she stroked too lightly along the dark material.

Then she touched him. He’d been watching her, half mesmerized by her beauty, but still aware enough to tense. She was quick and efficient as she pulled his dick free via the slit in front. He felt the cold air when it hit him, but more than that, he focused on her long fingers and the fire she left wherever she touched.

“I think--” His voice came out too hoarse and he had to clear it before he could continue. “I should brace myself.”

She looked up, her hair falling away from her face while her eyes reflected the golden glow from a streetlamp. He touched her face then. He couldn’t stop himself from stroking along her cheek. It was the tenderest of caresses, and he watched her blush at his touch.

“I’m going to worship you when this is done,” he whispered.

Her eyes widened. “I haven’t done anything yet.”

He shook his head, struggling for the words to explain. “You’re… you’re playing with me. You don’t know how rare that is.”

She tilted her head. “Are the women in Peoria blind? Stupid?” Then her expression shifted into understanding. “Or did I just catch you at a vulnerable time?”

He shrugged. He didn’t know the answer. He only knew that even as she was asking the questions, she was stroking him. Her fingers were light but no less erotic as she caressed him up and down. His bottom tightened, his breath shuddered inside him. Crap, he wasn’t going to last long.

“I think I better hold on.”

She grinned at him. “Grab what you can, Mike, because I’m about to fulfill one of my most secret fantasies.”

He swallowed, unable to process the infinite possibilities that were suggested in that statement. He braced himself against the wall on either side of the alcove. It wasn’t an ideal position. It was too wide and left him standing there spread open. His chest muscles rippled and his belly tightened.

Then he chanced to glance down to see the look of awe on her face. She thought him handsome, he realized. And looking down, he was pleased that his work had often kept him too busy to eat. From her angle, his chest would be front and center. Then her fingers surrounded him, her grip firm, and he lost all coherent thought.

Her gaze shifted to his dick as she used both hands on him. Not stroking. Not really gripping. Just moving him into position as she opened her mouth. His mind began a quiet pleading:
God, yes! Now. Fast. Please
. But he said nothing and tried to curb his impatience.

She opened her mouth wide and slowly, carefully leaned forward. He watched in hunger as his dick disappeared into her mouth, but damn it, he couldn’t feel it! He knew the hot touch of her breath, but nothing more. And her hands were pulling back, giving room for her to surround him without actually connecting.

Then she went slower. Good God, he was going to die from the anticipation.

Finally he connected. His tip hit the back of her throat and he shuddered at the glorious sensation. But he kept still. His thighs were screaming with tension, but he didn’t move as her fingers slid to his very base and her lips closed hot and hard around him.

Yes! God, yes!

Until he realized it was just her lips and the back of her throat. She pressed her mouth down, not touching him anywhere else. Then she did the oddest thing: she rolled her lips up and down his stem. Just a tiny bit. Enough to make an imprint.

Then suddenly she pulled back and away.


He stood there hanging out in the cold air, his dick straining for her and he saw what she’d done. And damn, one look at her face told him she was pleased with the result.

Dark red lipstick stained a circle around his dick.

“I’ve always wanted to do that,” she said as she admired her work from every angle.

He looked down. Hell, it did look…erotic. Like a dark red brand. She’d claimed him, and right now, he was into it.

She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with delight. “You’ve been very patient. Do you want your reward now?”

More than he wanted his next breath. But he knew this game, and for now, he was willing to indulge her. So he dipped his head. “Whatever pleases you, my lady.”

Her laugh was musical and filled with delight. “You are good at this, aren’t you?”

He didn’t answer, just let his silence serve as acknowledgment. So with a last impish grin at him, she leaned forward. He thought she’d take him deep like before. He thought she’d just surround him and start sucking, but again, she surprised him.

She held him gently--too gently--then began to lick him like he was a lollipop. A short swipe, then a longer stroke. Then a sharp nick with her teeth. God it was incredible. The most amazing thing he’d ever felt, and she was barely getting started.

Shit, he wasn’t going to last. His butt had started contracting, thrusting him deeper into her mouth despite his efforts to stay frozen. But he did it, which meant he slid in her hand a little. She tightened her grip, and his mind whited out. So good. So tight.

He began to thrust. He couldn’t stop it. Harder. Deeper. God, yes.

She tightened her grip even more, then suddenly, she plunged down.


She surrounded him and began to suck.

He heard his breath, harsh and guttural. He was trying to hold back. Trying to--


Anna couldn’t help but saunter a bit as she and Mike walked back to Miranda’s Place. Given what they’d just done--and how glorious she felt--it was a wonder she wasn’t dancing as they walked. But then that was part of the fun. They’d just been down and dirty in a public alley, and yet here they were walking side by side as if they were just strolling back from church.

She giggled, then pressed her lips together to hold it back. She looked at Mike’s face, saw a matching shimmer of happiness in his eyes, and she couldn’t hold it back anymore. She grinned. So did he. A second later they were both laughing.

A few minutes later, they rounded the corner and started up the walkway to the house. He stopped her though--before they were visible from the house--and he touched her face. He was planning on talking to her. She could see it in his eyes, but she chose instead to kiss him. Deep, penetrating, and with all her newly-discovered sass.

He groaned and folded her in tight. His arms gripped her, all but lifting her off the ground. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders and then into the soft waves of his hair.

And they kissed for long, drugging moments.

Until he pulled back. She let him. She needed to breathe, and if they kept this up, she would be climbing him right here where any child, pre-teen, or Aunt Tilde could step outside and see them. So they pulled apart--a little--while he pressed tiny kisses to her cheek then forehead.

“I want to keep seeing you,” he said.

She smiled. “Not a problem. We’re sleeping next door to one another.”

He groaned then, and she echoed the sound. Sleeping.
But she didn’t want to open her bedroom door to him. Not yet, at least. Not when his entire family would know. And from the slump to his shoulders, he felt the same way.

“This is going to kill me, you know,” he said. “Having you right next door. Lying there thinking.
. My brother is going to die laughing.”

“He’s going to do that anyway if he catches a glimpse of the lipstick.”

He stiffened. “Oh shit. No way. We may be sharing a room, but—”

“No washing it off! It has to wear off!” That had been her last order to him before they’d both started dressing again.

“Vampire,” he said. “Dracula. Spike. That sparkly guy. Whatever, I give. I can’t let my brother see--”

“Relax,” she said with a laugh. “You’re off the hook. You can wash it off, provided we do this again sometime soon.”

He leaned down and nipped at her throat. “I can pretty much guarantee that we’ll do this again.”

She pulled back and arched a brow at him. “Feeling pretty confident there, aren’t you?”

“Feeling pretty damn sure that I’m going to stalk you until we do.”

She pursed her lips, pretending to think hard about that. “I’m okay with that.”


He kissed her again, but this time he was the one who thrust deep, dominating her mouth until she was a wet puddle in his arms.

He pulled back with a reluctant groan. “We have to stop. I’d rather not face the inquisition with a boner hard enough to break rocks.”

She ground her pelvis against his very impressive erection. “Yeah, how we doing with that plan?”

He growled, then narrowed his eyes as he looked up and down the street. “There’s got to be another hotel around here somewhere.”

She pulled back. “There is, but it’s all booked up, remember? You tried to throw me out and so Bethany looked for me--”

“Yeah, yeah,” he ran a distracted hand through his hair. “Look, Anna, I’m sorry about that. I was just being--”

“Protective. I know. And you’ve already apologized about a dozen times.”

He sighed and dropped his forehead to hers. “Here’s my plan: we duck inside and run upstairs. If we move fast, we can avoid everyone but Aunt Tilde.”

She frowned. “Why Aunt Tilde?”

“She power walks and can be very focused when she wants to be.”

“Hmm,” Anna said. “That sounds terrifying.”

“It is. Trust me. Which is why you rush into your room, I’ll head straight for the shower.”

She stilled a bit, feeling a twinge of disappointment. “You’re that anxious to clean me off?”

“I’m that anxious to avoid talking to my family right now. And for your information, it’s going to be a

Ah. Well, that was different. “Okay,” she said. “But we’re going to have to face them tomorrow, you know.”

“I know. Just so long as it’s not--”

“Right now. Got it.” Then she pulled back, her expression softening as she tried to express the feelings behind her very inadequate words. “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you.”

He smiled down at her, and his knuckles grazed across her cheek. “Likewise, Anna Lopez. And for the record, you can fangirl stalk me anytime you want.”

She laughed. “I’ll hold you to that.”


They kissed again. And again. Until finally, they had to either find another shadowed alcove or head inside. Given that there were no hiding places nearby, they chose prudence and ran up the steps.

Five minutes later, she was inside her room. She listened for a moment as Mike made it into his. She heard him bumping around, and then--yes--the sound of the shower.

She took her time then, meandering around her room while she relived every glorious second of the evening. Every. Glorious. Second. But eventually, her eyes got droopy. In time, she cleaned up and climbed into bed. She finally slept.

And dreamed.

Chapter 11

Anna picked through the mountain pass, the heat making her clothes stick uncomfortably to her body. Behind her, the mountain--a.k.a. volcano that was about to erupt--was rumbling ominously. She really needed an airlift out of here, but the ash cloud killed the engines of the last helo sent to get her. Which meant it was on foot or dead.

So given that, why was she heading for a dark cave half hidden behind heavy brush? Because this was a dream and she was a moron. It was incredibly weird the way she both walked through the dream and also hovered above it, a dry commentator on her bizarre actions. After all, she was a practical woman and nothing--repeat nothing--could get her onto a soon-to-erupt volcano. But all she could do was mentally shrug and follow along as she stepped into the dark interior.

The cooler air felt wonderful and she lifted her blouse up and down just to let the air brush across her skin. Her hair was tied up in a droopy bun and she pulled off her hat to use it as a fan. “Hello? Is anybody here?” she called.

She was just turning back toward the cave entrance when a creature leapt out at her. It sprang out from the dark like a demon, its face covered in bone white make up in a vague, gruesome design. She screamed in shock and reared back, bumping her head painfully against the rocky wall. It took another few moments of heart pounding horror before the “creature” resolved itself into Mike. Or was it Rick? She had no idea and that paint was making him look like a bony phallus.

Wait, a what? He’d painted his head to look like a white penis? Seriously? Freudian, much?

“That can’t be good for your skin. I don’t care what type of moisturizer you use, that’s just wrong.”

The man responded with waved arms and vaguely comical gestures. Was she supposed to be afraid? Of a big dick?

“Look,” Dream Anna said in calm tones. “I know this is all very scary and everything, but the volcano’s about to erupt.” She gestured out the door. “Big mountain go boom! You have to get off this mountain. You and your people must go.”

The witch doctor guy moved forward. For someone in white paint and a grass skirt, he moved very fluidly. She might have been impressed if the mountain hadn’t chosen that moment to grumble hard enough that she had to brace herself or fall. She looked out the cave opening in worry. Even knowing this was a dream, she couldn’t shake the sheer terror of being this close to an active volcano. The steamy heat was intense, the jungle sounds were creepy, and that was nothing compared to the silent knowledge that this whole place was about to be covered in lava. She turned back to the witch doctor.

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