Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again (5 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Yip

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. October

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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She laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

She covered her mouth with her hand, glancing around their surroundings to see if anyone was watching them.

Matthew lifted his eyebrow, waiting for her answer. His long fingers caressed the rim of the wine glass, and somehow that action seemed sexy to her.

She leaned in. “Is this where you take all your dates?”

Shock penetrated his features for a split second before his face opened into a wide smile. “Only the really hot ones.”

“Hot ones?” Another chuckle ripped past her lips. She took a sip of her drink. “This is just funny for some reason.”

“Me taking you out is hilarious?” He frowned.

“Don’t laugh at me. I may have thought of you taking me out on a date once in a while.” She smoothed her hand over the napkin in her lap.

“And what happens on these dates?”

“Well….” She ran her finger over her fork, avoiding his stare. “We’d talk about my job and you’d tell me about your job then you’d tell me how beautiful I am and how you can’t live without me.” She finally lifted her gaze to meet his. The corner of his mouth threatened to curve upward. She glared. “Thank you. Please ruin this evening for me.”

He finally let out a chortle then reached for her hand. “I’m sorry. I am kind of nervous.”

She sat up. “Why?”

“Because…I’m here with you. You’re Jared’s sister. One of my best friends. And if I mess this up….” He let out a deep breath. “I don’t want to mess up this time.”

Her heart hammered against her chest. “Do you think this is wrong?”

“No, because it feels…right.” Matthew squeezed her hand and desire shone in his eyes. “Just like it did last time. I was stupid to run.”

“I think so, too.” Her breath caught as his finger trailed over her knuckles.

He moved in closer. “I really want to kiss you right now, but I don’t think it’d be smart to make a scene.”

Her insides melted. “I wish you would, but I agree. I wouldn’t want news to get around to my students that their teacher was being improper in public.”

He gifted her with a lopsided smile. “But improper in private is okay, right?”

She reached for her glass of wine. “Are you trying to seduce me, Matthew Hunt?”

“I believe I am, Miss Coleman.”

“Then why are we still sitting here at dinner?”

His smile turned evil. “Because I’m a gentleman, and I wouldn’t take advantage of a woman unless….”

“Unless what?”

She hung on to his words, excitement rising in the pit of her stomach.

“Unless she’s you.”

Jenesi laughed. “You’re a cad. Tell me you don’t use that line on other women.”

A look of innocence encompassed his hard features. “I swear, only you.”

“You’re so full of shit.” She straightened in her seat. “But I like it.”

He let out a guffaw, drawing the attention of the other patrons in the restaurant. “You’re a brat.”

“So you’ve told me on many occasions.”

“I’ll make you pay for it later.”

“Can’t wait.”

They shared a heated look before a high-pitched scream reached their ears.

“Matt Hunt, is that you?”

Jenesi whipped her head to the front of the restaurant to see the mayor’s wife rushing to their table.

Matthew groaned before he stood up from his chair. “Mrs. Mayor.”

“You’re home and you have not once visited me or Momo. Shame on you. He misses his hero.” Wendy hugged him, and then shoved her pet Maltese into his arms. “I heard you were injured. How are you doing?”

“Fine, ma’am.” He held the dog awkwardly, as if he didn’t know what to do with it. Jenesi covered her mouth to smother her giggle.

“Oh, posh.” The woman waved her hand at him. “I told you to call me Wendy. We’re friends. And you’re Momo’s savior. If it wasn’t for you, my poor baby wouldn’t be here with us today.” She took her dog into her arms and pressed kisses to its face. “Oh, darling, you have to come to the party that I’m throwing in a few weeks. The calendar came out wonderful. I’ve received copies, and my friends are making another donation to the charity in your honor. It’ll be great publicity for you.”

Matthew threw Jenesi a look pleading for help. “I don’t think that’s necessary….”

She glanced behind her to hide her smile, but not before she caught his glare. The expression on the mayor’s wife’s face almost threw her into hysterics.

The woman’s bottom lip quivered. “You’re our hero! You have to! Momo wouldn’t forgive you.” She paused then gasped. “I’ll have you sign the calendars. We could set up a table for you, and I’ll hire a photographer to take pictures of you and the guests. It’ll be the best party of the year!” She clutched Matthew’s arms. “Oh, please, tell me you’ll do it. Think of all the families our donation will help.”

“I suppose….” He turned to Jenesi. The mayor’s wife followed his gaze.

“Jenesi! I didn’t see you there. How are you doing, dear? Your dress is lovely.” Wendy redirected her focus to Matthew, her plea shining in her eyes.

Jenesi slid from her chair and laid a hand on his sleeve. “I don’t think it would hurt to show some support. It is for a good cause.” She thought of the calendar hanging in her room. No doubt the event would raise a sizeable donation. “And I’m sure you have a lot of female admirers who would be disappointed if weren’t the guest of honor.”

Matthew frowned. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Then it’s decided. Party starts at seven. I’ll send you the invite. There’s so much to do in the two weeks before the party.” Wendy jumped with joy. Momo growled and she quickly soothed him with more kisses. “I’ll let you two get back to dinner. The mayor’s waiting for me, and he’s never a patient man. Toodles.” She walked off before they could say anything else.

Jenesi peeked at him. He stared back. “What just happened?”

She bit her lip. “Well, I think you just promised her to strut around a bunch of hungry females who probably can’t wait to get their hands on you.”

He jerked back. “What?”

Settling into her chair, Jenesi sighed. “You’re the hot bachelor around here, besides Jared, when he’s home. They all know when you’re back. I walk into Liz’s spa and every single female in town is prepping herself in case she runs into you.”

Matt tugged at the collar of his shirt. “And I’m supposed to take this, how?”

She laughed at his expression. “I thought you’d be pleased to hear about it.”

“No.” He downed the rest of his wine. “Not that I mind parties, but I hate being the center of attention.”

She mimicked Wendy’s voice. “‘Think of all the families our donation will help.’”

Matthew chuckled. “I guess you’ll have to be my date, to protect me.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Your date?”

“Well, you can’t expect me to go by myself. I’d never make it out of there alive.”

Everyone in town would know there was something between them if they showed up together. It was one thing to go out to dinner, since they usually hung out when he was home, but to attend such a function as a couple? She bit her lip.


The waiter appeared with their salads.

She thanked the server and picked up her fork. “Don’t you think that is kind of moving a little fast?”

Matthew reached across the table and picked up her hand. “No. I wouldn’t want to go with anyone else but you. Besides, I don’t know when I’ll be called back to work. My leave is only for another month and a half.”

A pang nudged her heart. She’d known he wasn’t going to stay. His missions were unpredictable. He could be gone for days or even months at a time. He’d always been in and out of her life. But the idea of him getting hurt again made her sick. “Isn’t that a little too soon to go back to work?”

“I’ve been on leave for two months already.”

“I see.” She withdrew from his grip and picked at her salad.

“What’s wrong?”



“Don’t ‘Jenesi’ me.”

“Why are you getting mad?”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

She set her fork down on the table. “I just think it’s too soon for you to leave. You just got shot. And your wound isn’t fully healed.”

“I should be fine in a month and a half.”

That meant he’d be gone before Thanksgiving. She hated the idea. The short time she’d have with him was better than nothing, though, right? “I guess I’ll be your date just to save you from all those women.”

He relaxed. “You’d better.”

Jenesi trailed the tip of her stiletto against his calf. With a mischievous grin, she swept her hair over her shoulder, and his darkening gaze roamed over her bare shoulders and back to her lips.

“Who knew you were such a tease?”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”




Matt opened the passenger door and held Jenesi’s hand as she slid out of the car. He memorized every little detail, from her messy curls to her spaghetti-strap black dress, smooth skin to her long legs. She’d played on his control all night. He wanted nothing more than to carry her into the house and up the stairs to her room and love her for hours. But it was too soon.

Her hesitation in answering him when he’d asked her to the party worried him. Was she afraid to be seen with him? Concerned he was only stringing her along? They had a great evening, laughing and talking about past times, and he hated that the night was almost over.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he walked her to the porch and helped her unlock the door.

“You want to come in?” Hope shone in her eyes.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Not tonight.”

Disappointment encompassed her soft features. “Okay.”

She spun around to enter the house, but he caught her arm.

“Hey. It’s not that I don’t want to, but we shouldn’t move too fast.”

She gazed up at him. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“No.” Taking her hands in his, he held them to his lips. “I don’t want us to rush into anything. I want to spend more time with you and just see where this goes. Is that okay? You just said earlier going to the party together was moving too fast, and if I went inside with you….” As much as the words killed him, he knew he’d made the right choice when she gave him a reluctant smile. His heart thudded hard.

“You’re right. I want to make sure this works between us.”

He nodded. “Although I’ll be dreaming of you as I’m lying alone in my bed.”

Jenesi brushed her mouth against his. Heat strummed down his spine and sent tingles through his body. He cupped her cheeks and deepened the kiss. She rubbed against him, teasing him, tempting him.

“You’re killing me,” he whispered.

“Not as much as the thought of you leaving me right now.” She used her tongue to trace his upper lip. “You sure you don’t want to stay? I won’t tell anyone.”

He grinned and nipped her chin. “What are you doing after work tomorrow?”

“Waiting for you to come over.”

“Let’s go see a movie.”

She drew back. “Here?”

“No. The drive-in.”

“But then everyone is going to know that we’re on another date.”

He frowned. “So?”

Jenesi dropped her arms to her side. “Wouldn’t it be better to just watch a movie here? We can make popcorn, and I’ll pick up a six-pack of beer. It’d be better to relax here.”

He took her hand. Worry ate at him. Did she regret the night? “I’d rather go to the drive-in. It’ll be fun.”

She let out a reluctant sigh. “Fine. Only if you promise I won’t run into any of my students and their parents.”

“I’ll hide you.” He stopped. “Are you worried word would get back to your boss? Did you break it off with him?”

She gasped.

His eyes narrowed. “Jenesi.”

“Stop saying my name like that.” She paced the porch.


She paused three feet from him. “I forgot.”

“You forgot?” He raised his eyebrow, unable to stop the irritation rising in his chest. He called on his reserves for patience. Never in his entire life had he begged a woman to leave another man, but Jenesi belonged to him. And no way he was giving her up now. “Are you going to break it off or do you plan on stringing us both along?”

“No, it’s not like that. I’ll talk to Bart tomorrow.”

He pushed aside his aggravation, pulled her into his arms, and slanted his mouth over hers. He kissed her until she was breathless.

With one last peck, he released her. “Call me when you’ve taken care of it.” He pivoted on his heel and stalked off to his car.




She stood frozen, watching him drive off. Then it struck her. The audacity of the man! She should seriously just ignore him and pretend the night hadn’t happened. How dare he order her around?

So she’d forgotten about Bart. She’d been concentrating on their date and hadn’t even given her boss another thought. It wasn’t her fault. He was the one who’d bombarded her, asking her out that very day. It wasn’t as if she’d had reason to run and break the news to Bart right away, or that she was going to start seeing someone else. But then, what did she know about relationships?

She stomped into the house, locked the door, and trudged up the stairs to her room. Her anger slowly eased as she reached the hall. Matthew was leaving soon. And, like a fool, she’d let her fear get the best of her. Why did it matter if everyone in town saw them together? Sure, she’d be teased for months after he left, but did she really want to lose him before she even had him? And who knew when he would return again?
he returned.

She shook her head at the last thought. He always came back, no matter how long his missions took.

He wasn’t getting away from her this time.




Chapter Six



Matt lifted the bale of hay with the pitchfork and threw it onto the growing pile. Buckey whined, behind him, in his stall. The old horse was the only one left in the barn. All the others were in the pasture, grazing. “I know, boy. Women are so complicated.”

He’d tossed and turned all night, wondering where he’d gone wrong. Jenesi confused him. His mind had raked over every little detail and incident that had occurred, and he couldn’t understand why she was pushing him away. Their date started off with excitement, but after the mayor’s wife’s visit, Jenesi’s attitude had changed. It
hurt him to think that she didn’t want to be with him. Was she looking for a fling? Had that been her intention all along? Every woman he’d dated had sought something long term, except Jenesi. But did he really know what he wanted? Besides her?

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