Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again (4 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Yip

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. October

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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“Doing what?”

“Acting like…like you want me?”

He moved around the kitchen island until he stood in front of her. “I missed you, and when I was gone, all I thought about was you.”

Her breath hitched. “So…is it guilt or something? Because I’m seriously over you.”

He jerked back. Over him? He didn’t like her words one bit. “
I felt like an idiot when I walked away from you.”

“So what do you want?” She bit the corner of her lip.

He almost laughed. Subtlety was not in her vocabulary. “I don’t want you seeing anyone else. I want to spend time with you. And I want

Her eyes widened. She hopped off the stool, downed the rest of her beer then set the empty bottle back on the counter. “I should get home.”

He frowned. “Am I going to see you tomorrow?”

She avoided his gaze. “I have papers to grade and softball practice.”

“Jenesi, what’s wrong?” He tried to pull her into his arms, but she evaded his touch.

“I’m really tired. We’ll talk later.”

Before he knew it, she was gone, out the kitchen door. Disbelief kept him still. She’d never run from him like this before. Had he scared her off? Had he truly ruined everything?

He heard her car start in the driveway and her wheels going over the gravel as she pulled out.

It wasn’t his intention to move too fast or scare her off. But, no matter, she was going to be his. And he’d have his answer first thing in the morning.




Jenesi checked her appearance once more in the mirror. Dark circles sat under her eyes, and no matter how much makeup she used to hide them, she could still see them. Exhaustion plagued her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Matthew, and even when she did fall asleep, she dreamed about him.

The man was the devil.

How dare he come back and uproot her? Why couldn’t he assume everything would go back to normal?

She glanced at the calendar hung on the wall between the doorway of her bedroom and the vanity. Purposely, she’d kept the page on Mr. October, thinking to throw a few darts at him, but with her chaotic emotions, she’d done nothing but glare at Matthew and recall the night before.

When he’d kissed her, she could barely remember her name. She’d known she had to hightail it out of his house before she broke down and agreed to whatever he asked for or demanded. But he’d said he wanted her.

From her one time in seducing him, all she’d expected was a night together. But he didn’t want her to see anyone else? Did she really care to see Bart anymore?

With a frustrated sigh, she grabbed her shoulder bag and purse and headed downstairs.

Today is going to be a great day. Today is going to be a great day
. The chant played in her mind with each step she took until the doorbell sounded. Dropping her bags at the bottom of the stairs, she crossed the foyer and peeped through the hole.

Matthew stood on her porch with his hands shoved into his pockets, a determined frown on his handsome face.

Today is going to be a

With a groan, she pulled the door open and pasted on a smile. “Hey, what are you doing here so early?”

His gaze appraised her, and tingles of heat ran down her spine. “Morning. I just stopped by to see what you’re doing.”

“I’m getting ready for work.”

He grinned. “I know. You usually leave at two minutes before eight.” He glanced at his watch. “You have twenty minutes before you need to leave. Coffee done yet?”

The audacity of the man drove her crazy. “No.” She made a move to close the door, but he slipped his foot against the jamb.


She didn’t like his tone of voice. Every time he said her name with that warning, she’d end up paying for it if she didn’t do as told. “What do you want?”

His eyes trailed over her one more time. “I told you what I wanted. But, right now, I could be appeased with a cup of coffee and an explanation on why you ran out on me last night.”

She cleared her throat. “I told you I had to work this morning.

“Don’t lie.” He slipped through the doorway, and Jenesi jerked back. Throwing her hands up, she stalked into the kitchen and filled two mugs.

“Don’t you sleep? Normal people who are not working usually sleep in.” She couldn’t help but feel irritable.

Matthew chuckled. “I don’t need that much sleep.”

“Well, you should be home resting like normal injured people do, then.”

“Maybe if you had slept over last night, I would have slept better.”

She knocked one of the coffee mugs over and cursed. Grabbing a towel to wipe away the mess, she threw him a glare. “I’m going to tell Jared to kick your ass for talking to me like that.”

Before she knew it, he came up behind her and brushed her hair off her shoulder. “Your brother probably would threaten me.”

Her breath hitched when he pressed his frame against her back. She closed her eyes as she leaned into him. His lips caressed her bare shoulder and hands rubbed her arms.

“You smell so good in the morning, like lilacs.” Matthew nipped her skin then changed his attention to her other shoulder.

“You’re driving me nuts,” she retorted. Her mind became fuzzy and her knees weakened as they always did when he touched her. His palm slid over her waist to her stomach and pulled her against him. His hardness rocked into her, and she let out a helpless whimper.

“Don’t ever run from me again, you hear?”

“I didn’t run.”

“You ran like I lit a fire under your ass.” He kissed her neck, his fingers wrapping around her hair.

“Okay, so I ran, but—”

“But nothing. All I’m asking for is a chance.”

Fear seized her as she spun around and pushed him back a step. “Chance for what?”

He studied her and lifted her hand to his chest. “Just to be together.” He kissed her fingertips. “I did a lot of thinking on my last mission. And all I could think about was you not being here when I returned. I thought of how you might be involved with some other man who had the privilege to kiss you, to hold you, and hoard all your smiles and laughter. It belongs to me. All of it. I want
to myself.”

She stared at him. Wanting was not the same as loving. But how could she resist him? Was there any harm to give them a chance until he got called away on another mission? She pressed her hand against his chest and could feel his bullet wound through the thin shirt. “Does it still hurt?”

Confusion crossed his features before he realized what she was asking. “Sometimes it aches, but no, it doesn’t hurt. The doctor got the bullet out and said I was lucky it hadn’t hit three inches to the left, otherwise I….” He shuddered and hugged her. “Let’s just take this slow and see where it leads. I was wrong to push you away last time. I hated how I had left things between us. I seriously felt like I had lost you.”

Her heart tightened. “I missed you a lot. I miss you all the time when you’re gone.” She should have been frightened, but somehow hearing the words loosened the tension in her chest.

He brushed his lips against her temple. “Let’s promise not to run from each other again.”

“Okay.” Relief spread through her body. A lightness overcame her, and she looked up at him. “Does this mean you’ll let me drive your Porsche around town?”

He blinked then laughed. “No, but I may let you ride in it with me.”

She crinkled her nose. “That’s not fun.”

“Honey, we’re going to have a lot of fun together.” He cupped her jaw and brought his mouth down to hers.

Jenesi rose on her toes to deepen the kiss and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. A sense of giddiness trembled through her as she slipped her tongue past his lips. He groaned. Desire blossomed in the pit of her stomach. Passion took over her whole being as she gave it her all.

Matthew slid his hand over her butt and lifted her hard against him. His aggression surprised her, but she loved it. She ran her fingers through his short hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. She couldn’t get enough of him. Part of her couldn’t believe he was actually kissing her again. Another feared where all this would lead to. But, no matter, she was going to treasure their time together.

He broke away and grazed his lips against her throat. She leaned her head back to give him better access.

“Jenesi, you have to go to work.”

She slowly came out of her haze as he nipped the skin above breast. Hot and bothered, she glared at him. “You’re evil. Why would you get me all worked up and then send me off?”

He allowed her to slide down his frame until her feet touched the ground. “I don’t think I want our first time to be on your kitchen floor.”

Her heart pounded against her chest. The thought of stripping him of his jeans and shirt left her wanting more, but she quickly recovered her decorum. She was a teacher, after all, and had a class full of students waiting for her. “Yes, it’d be improper.”

“You are the furthest from proper.” He kissed her on the forehead and patted her bottom to nudge her toward the door. “I’ll clean up this mess while you get yourself to school.”

“Okay.” She threw him a reluctant glance. “Remember to lock the door after you leave, please.”

“Will do.” His smile sent a bolt of pleasure through her.

When she reached the threshold to the foyer, Matthew called her name. “I’ll pick you up at seven for dinner. And don’t wear that dress you wore out with your boss.”

It was just like him to order her instead of ask. She should have been mad, but she couldn’t dredge up the irritation, at least not with the way his eyes trailed over her from head to toe. She’d no doubt ignite if he kept looking at her like that. “I’ll wear whatever I damn well please.”

Matthew let out a laugh. She turned around to hide her amusement, went to pick up her bags, and made it out the door before she chuckled to herself.

It was going to be a great day.




Chapter Five



Matt checked his appearance in the mirror and frowned. The tie he’d chosen felt like a noose around his neck. His palms were sweating, and his suit seemed tight. He wasn’t used to dressing up. Even his dress whites were more comfortable than this. Undoing the tie, he let out a frustrated sigh.

“Got a date tonight, Son?”

He spun around to see his dad at the doorway of his room. “I do.”

“Anyone I know?” Gerald took a sip of his beer.

Matt drew in a deep breath. “Actually, I’m taking Jenesi out.”

Surprise registered on the old man’s face. “The Coleman girl?”

“Yes.” He whipped the tie from around his neck and strode to his closet to hang it back up. “Am I making a mistake?”

“I wouldn’t know. Do you feel like it’s a mistake?”

The idea of entering into something more with Jenesi scared the shit out of him, but losing her scared him more. He desired her with his every breath. If it didn’t work out between them, it would be one thing, but he’d be an idiot for not taking the chance she was giving him. And it was Jenesi. He’d known her his whole life. “No. I want this.”

“Then you’re not making a mistake. She’s a good girl. Just don’t hurt her.”

His throat tightened. He’d avoided relationships until now. Knowing his mother left his father because of the military didn’t ease the fear. “I don’t plan on hurting her. I like her.”
Maybe more than like her

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re not getting any younger, and it’s about time.”

Matt froze, his hand gripping the closet doorknob. “Slow down, old man. I’m not jumping the gun. We’re just going on a date.”

“And dating usually leads to more, unless you plan on playing games with the girl.”

“No, I’m not. I’m serious this time.”


It wasn’t his fault that he’d never been in a long-term relationship. His job had always come first. “You ever think about Mom?”

The corner of his old man’s mouth curled. “Sometimes. Can’t fault the woman for finding happiness elsewhere when I wasn’t here.”

“But you didn’t even bother to go after her when you came home and got me.”

Gerald crossed the room and perched on the edge of the bed. “I did. I just didn’t tell you.”

Shock tore through him. Matt hung up the tie in his hand and closed the door before taking a few steps toward his dad. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was just easier to let you think I couldn’t forgive her. I visited her. We talked, and I realized she was happy. She wasn’t the same woman I had left behind. And it was for the better. I couldn’t give her what she needed, and I concluded that I wasn’t the same man she had married. The military does that to a person—hardens you up and makes it tough to transform back to civilian life after being married to the military for so long. And being a SEAL—you know how it is. It’s hard on family life.”

“Which is why she didn’t bother to see me either.” He couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice. It wasn’t that he hated his mother. He understood her selfish need to have her own family. But she’d moved on. Without him and his dad. He slid next to Gerald on the bed. “I asked you last week if you regret leaving the Navy for me.”

“Never. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. I couldn’t miss you growing into a man. Besides, there’s no point in dwelling on the past. It’s always been you and me, and it worked out just fine. Don’t you think?”

His throat tightened. “Thanks, Dad.”

“You’d better get going. Shouldn’t make the lady wait for you.” Gerald stood up. “How’s Jared taking it that you’re dating his sister?”

Matt threw his dad a look. “He doesn’t know.”

The old man started laughing as he headed out of the room. “Oh, this is going to be good.”




Her first date with Matthew Hunt.

All day, she’d done nothing but count the minutes until she’d see him. And now, here she was. Although she’d dreamed of him a million times, she couldn’t believe she was gazing at him across the white linen-covered table, over candlelight, and sharing a bottle of expensive wine. Dressed in a navy-blue suit, he drew the attention of every female in the room. And he was here with

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