Falling Dragons (#3 Moon Shadows) (15 page)

BOOK: Falling Dragons (#3 Moon Shadows)
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“Are those two at it again?” Slazzamar reappeared with Darren following in after him. He smiled at Opie. “Our small armada is gathering at the U.K. office.”

Neman nodded. “Good, how many are on board this time?”

“Fifteen on standby, but if we move quickly enough we can stop Jones from using the key.”

“You two, finish this later. Right now we need to move. Can you teleport, Ophelia?” Opie checked with her dragon then nodded. “Good, follow through my port. Oh, bring your new fiancé with you.” Neman smirked at Simon, who rolled his eyes. Opie cracked her knuckles and moved to grab Simon’s wrist, but he wrapped his arms around her instead, nuzzling into her hair.

“You and I are going to talk once this is over, about who protects whom in this relationship.”

Her grin widened. She glanced up, meeting his gaze. “I look forward to it. By the way, I haven’t said yes, yet, Mr. Quickdraw.”

Neman had gone. She used her powers to locate and follow through his same teleport.

Chapter 13

“You’ve got to be kidding. It’s here?”

Simon folded his arms, not liking one bit that Opie still stood by his side. What was the point of having Slazzamar kill him to break the tether when she was still by his side! What the hell was he thinking, telling her she was going to be his wife? He’d utterly lost his mind. He watched the sway of her hips, in the sexy camouflage outfit she’d changed into, as she walked towards one of the tall grey stones. All blood raced to his hardening cock. Would he never get enough of this little firecracker of a woman? According to his lower half, no, so he might as well bring his mind into alignment with his dick’s thinking.

“Stonehenge has been one of the great human mysteries, but thankfully their minds don’t expand as far into thinking it was built by gods rather than humans. More importantly, humans haven’t thought that it may be a marker for what hides underneath,” Neman explained.

“Your father built this?” Opie’s hand pressed against the cold stone. Simon saw a shudder move through her body, instantly knowing she was cold. He moved in and wrapped his arms around her, sharing his warmth.
She hates to be cold.
She glanced up, her green eyes flashing with gratitude. His once stone cold heart melted a bit further. Gods, he could live for her smiles alone.
I am such a sap.

“He and a few of the other gods thought it would be amusing to leave the stones here and let the humans keep guessing. Nine thousand years and the gods are still laughing at them.”

As it was late evening, the tourist attraction was fenced off, but they’d teleported in right next to the ancient structure.

“This way.” They followed Neman. Simon spotted the square hole in the ground which laid dead centre of the stones.

“Not too late for you to head back to safety,” Simon added quietly, squeezing her hand.

“Don’t start this again. We are in this together, partners remember? Partners fight for each other, no matter the cost.”

As noble as it was, he still wanted to be a warrior and protect the woman he loved. “Alright, but no getting hurt this time.”

“Same to you, buddy boy. I just hope there’s enough room for me to shift once we’re down there.”

Neman paused just above the dark hole. All three of them stared down into the darkness.

“All we need now is a white rabbit with a pocket watch,” Opie quipped.

“Don’t you dare change into an Alice in Wonderland outfit!” Simon warned.

“Spoil sport.”

Neman glanced between them, clearly amused by their banter.

Slazzamar appeared without Darren, dressed now in battle garb. He hurried to catch up to them.

“Darren is helping Jonah organize the rest of the stand-by team. So, is this ‘stand around and stare at the menacing hole’ time? Or are we going to kick Jones and demon arse?”

“Why can’t we teleport down?” Opie glanced at Neman. “I thought prisons were easier to break into than get out of.”

“Considering the clientele trying to break them out and cause havoc? But, nothing is infallible, even when created by gods. So be warned, there are booby traps down there.”

Everyone gave Neman a dry look. “If Jones and his bunch of ego apes are down there already, I’m sure they’ve left a clear path.” Slazzamar rolled his eyes and stepped over into the darkness.

“You know, sometimes I think I preferred him as the coward sneak.” Neman shook his head.

Simon snorted. “No, you don’t.” He glanced down at Opie. “Ready for some more adventure?”

“Ready! I was born ready. Let’s do this!” She followed after Slazzamar. Simon sighed. “Sometimes I wish she was the same timid woman who fell on me a few days ago.”

Neman lightly punched his shoulder. “No, you don’t. Go, get in after your woman and kill anything that gets in your way.”

A malicious grin curled Simon’s lips. Oh yeah, he wanted this over with, knowing there was one place where he ruled over his little dragon woman. He wanted, no, he needed a few centuries planted between her thighs.

“With pleasure.” He jumped into the hole.

* * * *

Paved by a trail of bodies, just as Slazzamar had said, Jones and his band of demons had already cleared the way using their own people as fodder. Opie pitied the brainwashed humans as they passed a third body impaled by spikes, their face frozen in a look of pain and horror.

Deeper in they went. They could hear the sound of chanting and see soft candle light not too far ahead.

“Looks like they started the party without us.” Slazzamar lowered his voice to a hushed whispered.

“They started it, but we’ll end it.” Neman quickened his pace. Even with his large frame he made little sound as they hurried ahead.

The root infested tunnel led out into a huge chamber in what appeared to be the inside of a pyramid structure. Jones stood on a raised platform in the centre, surrounded by, with a quick count, twenty or so demons. All of them were in their human disguise, but they couldn’t hide their glowing red eyes and the bone chilling demonic tone as they chanted.

“What is it with gods and ziggurats?” Slazzamar stared up to the ceiling.

“Mind on the task, Slazzamar.” Neman pointed. “Simon, take those on the right; Slazzamar, the ones on the left, and I’ll take the middle bunch. Ophelia, as soon as you are clear, shift and take Jones down.”

She rubbed her hands at the mere thought of wrapping her claws around Jones’ neck and squeezing until his eyes popped from his head. She saluted. “You’ve got it.”

Simon grabbed her arm before she could move forward. She glanced up at him, his blade already drawn and gripped in his hand. “Be careful, alright?”

With her best loving smile, she nodded. “You too, big boy. I expect to enjoy some serious dragon slaying tonight.”

“Gee, you two, can you leave the foreplay alone and go kill something?” Slazzamar rolled his eyes. In his hands he gripped two long and sharp stiletto blades. His eyes flashed momentarily from lavender to red, showing his demon side before he sprinted forward.

Neman and Simon ran, engaging their targets in a flurry of sword swiping and jabs. Opie followed and allowed the change to ripple through her. Her dragon burst free, seeing easily in the darkness, pinpointing her prey.

A roar replaced the chanting as the demons defended against Slazzamar, Neman and Simon. Jones glanced up and Opie spotted the amulet dangling in his hand. His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed in anger as she gained ground towards him. She batted a demon out of the way with a swipe of her claw when it tried to get in her way, but the split second cost her.

Jones grinned and placed the amulet on the stone, “Army of the Gullu, I grant you freedom. Be released and obey!”

Opie dove forward and felt the fury of her fire spring forth from her throat valve, directing the flames at Jones.

The boom of a shockwave hit everyone, knocking even her large, more solid dragon form, sideways. She shut her mouth to stop from accidently singeing one of her friends before rolling back onto her feet.

Silence fell until Jones’ insane laughter filled the cavern.

“You fool!” Neman boomed, jumping to his feet and advancing on the deranged human. “You think a mere human can control a Gullu army! Why do you think the gods imprisoned them here in the first place? I am a god. My father is a god, but even he couldn’t control them. It took six gods combined to put them in there and seal it!” Neman grabbed Jones’ coat, yanking him to his feet.

Opie rolled back onto her four feet. She felt Simon’s hand slide along the scales of her neck. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

Opie shook off the sudden need to flee as a heaviness of their impending doom filled the air.
‘Fine. We’re in deep shit aren’t we?’

Simon sighed as the ground began to shake, and a roar of what could only be stampeding feet filled the chamber. It even had the remaining demons scampering to get the hell out of there. Slazzamar was quick to jump on them, decapitating them before they even reached the entrance.

“Depends on your depth measure. After fighting for the North Gods, I’ve been in worse situations.” He withdrew a second blade hooked on his belt without taking his eyes off the widening black hole in the centre of the entrance. “Opie, stay in dragon form. If any come out, don’t hesitate, burn them. Slazz, go get our reinforcements. Neman, is there any way to stop them before they get out?”

“No, we’ll have to fight what comes out. However, we can get them back in using this.” He tossed the laughing Jones onto the ground and picked up the glowing amulet. “I’ll need the blood of six gods on this. It’ll suck them back in, like pulling a plug on a drain.”

“Then don’t fucking stand there, go get it done! Opie and I, and the reinforcements, will hold them off as long as we can. Slazzamar, please hurry.”

“The teleportation seal broke along with the prison seal, now go!” Neman stared at the spinning amulet “This is going to cost me and piss my wife off. Gods don’t give away anything for free. Oh, whatever you do, don’t let any of them bite you.” He shrugged and vanished with the Amulet.

Jones screamed. “Bring back my amulet! They are my army, mine to control!”

“Jones, it’s clear you were beat around the head with an idiot stick as a child! The control was all lies Gremlock fed you. He used you to get here. Damn good thing I cut his fucking head off!” Opie yelled at him.

“No, I was promised! I will rule all the realms and I will live forever!” Jones crawled forward to the pit. “They will obey me, I am their master. I freed them!” A black figure, distorted and grotesque, crawled from the pit. Its red eyes glowed bright as it took in its surroundings, landing on Jones. “Mine! You will obey me, demon.”

Black drooling demon lips curved up into an evil smile showing sharp, jagged teeth. Opie shuddered then winced as the demon snapped his jaws at Jones, tearing his head off at his shoulders, making his body fall forward and into the pit.
So much for his control.

“Opie,” Simon growled, his eyes on the singular demon.

‘On it.’

Fire burst forth, roasting the demon who’d just swallowed Jones’ head. It screamed and flailed wildly, finally falling back into the pit. More and more came up and out of the pit, swarming like spiders freed from a nest. Simon jumped in, slashing and stabbing what Opie missed with her dragon’s flame.

Panic swelled.
‘There are too many, even for me!’

‘Keep calm, love, you can do it. Just keep breathing that wonderful fire of yours.’
His presence inside her mind helped calm her pounding dragon heart.
‘Slazzamar had better turn up soon, or I’ll have you roast his arse.’

Opie’s dragon snorted. She swiped her tail at the three demons coming in at her side before letting them have her fire. They screamed, running around like headless chickens, trying to douse the flames. The acid of their blood made them light up brighter than firecrackers on Guy Fawkes Day.

“Miss me? Whoa!” Slazzamar ducked a demon who’d taken a flying leap at him. Quick with his blade, he turned and sliced off his limbs before taking its head and ending it with a quick jab through its heart.

“Where the fuck have you been!?” Simon yelled.

“Well, invitations needed to be written and handed out.”

Opie heard Simon’s growl inside her head. Opie’s anger swung at Slazzamar for a second.
Stop your yapping and do more killing, it’s like a frikken tea party with you two!’
Opie screamed into Slazzamar’s head.

“My lady, what kind of demon killer would I be if I couldn’t...”
. “...kill....”
went his blade. “...demons!’’
. Another demon down. “Darren can make the tea when we get home.”

Five more strapping, muscled-up men brandishing different kinds of blades suddenly appeared. One stood seven feet tall and had thick horns poking out the side of his head.

“Laddie! Quite a party you’ve got going on here,” declared the horned newcomer in a thick Scottish accent and brandishing double sided barbarian axes. The big brute leapt into the fray of swarming demons, laughing as he swung his dual axes until the eight demons were nothing but bubbling acid at his feet.

More and more came from the pit. For every one they destroyed, two more took its place.

“Who be yer pretty lady dragon, lad?” The creature, who looked like a demon himself, smiled at her.

“Don’t flirt with the dragon, Belshazzar. Simon will tear your horns off and shove them somewhere real uncomfortable.”

“Aye, always the way, canna demon never find true love?” He swung his axe at another demon.

A large blue dragon and an even bigger red one came trotting forward. Opie glanced around to see a third golden dragon.

Step back now, princess. Let us fight. You’ve done exceptionally well to hold them off.’
The gold dragon nodded his head at her, stepping in front of her, shielding her from the new wave of demons.

Sweat and demon blood covered Simon’s clothes, panting, he moved to Opie’s side as she stood in shock. Panic ripped through her, making her body quake in fear. Dragons had found her! Goddess! They would now drag her back to the Dragon Realm and back her father!
No, no, no! ‘I’m not going back, no, no, not going back!’

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