Falling (11 page)

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Authors: Tonya Shepard

BOOK: Falling
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I sit in front of my steering wheel wondering where I could go and glance up at the sky which is clear and blue. I wish my feelings for Connor were clear. Pulling out of the driveway I head towards town. I glance at Charlie’s and decide that a milkshake is just what I need, so I park and head into the diner questioning why I am driving around alone. Without focusing on anyone present, I head towards a booth in the back.  My mind is so preoccupied, I don’t see that some of the football team are eating at the booth across from mine. The waitress takes my order, and I continue to stare into space. All of a sudden, Blake drops into the seat across from mine.

“Hey Abby, you okay? You are staring off." I look at Blake and wonder when my life became all about what a boy thought of me.

“So, I have a crush on Connor,” I blurt out.

“Yeah, I kind of figured that out a few weeks ago,” he chuckles.

“I don’t know what to do about it. He has been such a jerk lately, maybe I don’t really know him. I thought I had forgiven him, but it is like I can’t make up my mind.”

“I forgave you for ignoring me. What’s the point in holding a grudge? Does it make you feel better, Abby?”

“I’m miserable. I don’t want to be mad at him, but I can’t seem to help it.”

“Have you told him this?”

“Some, I’m scared of telling him the truth. What he did still hurts because he means so much to me. I guess I would rather keep his friendship than deal with him rejecting me.”

“Abby, where is that girl that jumped in the seat on the bus and asked me out? Quit being scared. Take a chance, and if he rejects you, then at least you know and you can move on.”

“Yeah, that sounds like good advice. I wish I could be that brave.”

“The girl on the bus was that brave. Just go for it.” Blake says as he slides out of the booth and heads back towards his friends. I look around the diner for the first time and notice that several football players are eating. I check to see if there is a shaggy blond eating close by. I glance up at the door, just as Connor enters and moves towards Blake and his friends. I watch him as he sits down and laughs with his friends. It is time to be brave.  He must have felt me watching him because he turned around and looked right at me. I smile and slide out of my booth as I started in his direction. He met me halfway.

“I thought you were staying home.”

“I decided I wanted a milkshake, so here I am. I’m glad I saw you,” I swallowed and took a deep breath. Here goes, “I was wondering if you would like to do something today?" His eyes widen and then he smiles at me questioningly.

“Just you and me? Is this a date?” he teases.

“Yeah, just you and me,” I say, deliberately not answering his second question.

“What did you have in mind?”

“We could do whatever. We could go bowling or to the movies. We could go swimming at Blue’s, you pick.”

“Well we went to the movies the other night, so maybe bowling. That sounds fun.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan. Do you need to go home?” I say because he is still wearing the clothes he left the house in before football practice.

“Yeah, I need to take a shower and change clothes. How about we leave from my house in like an hour?” he asks.

“Okay, I will be there waiting for you.” We grin at each other. He goes back towards his friends for a second and then heads to the door to leave. He looks over his shoulder and waves at me. I sit back down in my booth as the waitress brings my milkshake. I thank her and then sit there in shock. Connor and I are going out alone. I can’t believe this is happening.




I look in my closet for something that is attractive yet looks like I didn’t put a lot of effort into the outfit. Finally, I decide on jeans and a fitted grey T-shirt. I sit on the couch in the living room waiting for Connor to finish getting ready. Deciding what channel to watch keeps me occupied until finally I stop on
, hoping it will keep my mind busy. I feel nervous and my hands are starting to sweat. The next thing I know, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and Connor collapses next to me with his arm along the back of the couch. He props his feet on the coffee table and gets comfortable.

“You mind if we just sit here a minute? Football practice took a lot out of me. I just want to relax for a second or two.” I can barely pay attention to his words as his hand grazes my neck.

“That’s fine, no hurry. If you would rather stay home, we don’t have to go anywhere.” I reply hoping that he doesn’t cancel on our plans.

“No, I want to do something, but I want to sit down for a bit,” he says looking at me. He continues to look at me, like he is trying to figure out a puzzle.  Our eyes meet and he glances at my mouth.  He runs his hand on the back of the couch up my neck into my hair.  I feel tingles run down my spine, and my heart is pounding so loud, I am sure he can hear it. His other hand starts toying with the fingers on my right hand. His fingers alone are driving me crazy.

“Abby,” he says taking a deep breath, “I have been thinking . . .” Leah and Miles come in the house at that exact moment. Connor drops my hand and lets out a huff as he rolls his eyes. I hear him mumbling something to himself but I can’t make out the words. I wish I could make Leah and Miles disappear. Why did they have to come home now?

“So what are you guys doing? Watching television?” Leah asks.

“Yes, genius, can’t you tell,” Connor replies sarcastically.

“Well, it started raining so it was no go on the picnic. So I guess we will just hang out with you guys. Are you two just staying here or do you want to go out and do something with Miles and me?" I can’t believe my luck. I finally get up the nerve to ask Connor to do something, and I can’t get rid of my best friend. Connor looks over at me a scowls.

“Well, Connor and I were thinking about going bowling." Connor frowns at me.

“That sounds perfect for a rainy day. Great idea guys,” Leah grins at me.  “So, you ready to go?”

As I stand up, Connor grabs my arms and whispers, “So I guess the "just me and you" goes out the window when Leah shows up?" He walks off before I can reply.

On the way to the bowling alley, I peek at Connor beside me. He flashes me an annoyed look. I stick my tongue out at him and scrunch my face up. He laughs and leans over next to my ear, “One of these days, I will have you to myself." My cheeks blush, and a shiver runs through me.

“Is that a threat, Connor?” I whisper as I inhale his scent. He always smells so good. I close my eyes and try to think about something besides how much I want to kiss him at this moment. When I open my eyes, he is looking over at me with a strange look. I start to wonder if maybe he knows what I am thinking. He winks at me as Leah turns around and announces it is time to bowl.

The bowling alley is busy, considering it is a Wednesday, but then again, there isn’t really that much to do in our town. As I am lacing up my shoes, Leah sits down beside me and gives me her best frown.

“Is something going on with you and my brother?”

“Not that I know of, why?”

“No reason, just a feeling I got earlier. Abby, I know you have a crush on him, but be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt. Connor dates a lot of different girls.”

“I know he does. We were just hanging out at your house and since we were bored, we thought bowling sounded like fun." There is absolutely no reason I need to tell Leah that I asked him out. She is right about Connor dating a lot. We aren’t really in the same league. I mean, I hardly ever date, while he dates a different girl weekly. Leah nods, but I know she is going to be watching me like a hawk.

As Leah moves to sit with Miles, Connor slides into the chair next to me. “Hey, I have an idea. Let's make this bowling game more interesting, how about a bet? Loser has to do something for the winner." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

“Okay, you first. What do you get if you win?”

“I know what I want, but I say we don’t tell each other until after the game. That way it will be a surprise.”

“It can’t be something too humiliating. “ I glare at Connor. He just grins and puts his arm around my shoulders.  He pulls me under his shoulder and hugs me to his side. He glances down at me with an evil look.

“Abby, would I do something like that?” he laughs and leans down to my ear. “I am definitely going to win." I can barely breathe with him holding me this close. As he pulls away, I feel his hand run down my back and across my butt. I glance and him, but he glances away.

“Connor!  Did you just . . .”

“What did I do?” he says innocently. Maybe I imagined it. As I turn back towards our lane, I glimpse Connor smirking to himself. I march up to him and poke him in the chest.

“I knew you did that on purpose,” he laughs. I glare and murmur, “Keep your hands to yourself." I feel a little shaken about him touching me like that. I mean I want his hands on me, but it completely caught me off guard.

“I will for now,” he says before he grabs a bowling ball and heads toward our lane.




Supper with the Sparks is always a lively affair and tonight was no exception. Allie recounted her trip to the mall, including a detailed description of all the things she and her friends purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks listened with an expression of patience and love for children. Leah told them about our bowling game and how Connor kicked everyone's’ butt. I never would have bet him if I knew he was such a good bowler. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. Connor caught the look and grinned at me knowing what I was thinking about. After supper, I volunteered to wash the dishes. I hear whistling and look over my shoulder just as Connor ambles into the kitchen.

“What do you want?”

“I was wondering if now was a good time to collect my winnings?” he brags.

“Yeah sure, what do you want?” I laugh as I finish washing the last plate.

“I want you to turn around and close your eyes.”


“Just do it. You owe me,” he demands with a flip of his eyebrows. He walks towards me, never taking his eyes off of me. He stops right in front of me. He is so close I can feel his body heat.

“No, you have to tell me what you are getting, and why am I closing my eyes?”

“I want to kiss you." I swallow and take a deep breath. I try to find something to say but my mind is completely stunned and empty. I look into his eyes and notice that I am not the only one nervous. Before I can say anything, he puts he hands on my hips and pulls me closer. He leans his forehead against mine, as if he is giving me time to pull away if I want to. I look at his lips and I feel so jumpy that I start biting my lip. Connor groans and gently runs his thumb over my bottom lip. He leans forward and softly touches his lips to mine. I grab onto his arms to steady myself, since all my leg muscles just turned to water. Connor tightens his hold on me and mutters something under his breath about trying all week, before deepening the kiss. I am totally lost in the kiss and my body starts to shake. Finally, Connor pulls away and just looks down at me with a look of disbelief. We continue to look at each other silently until we hear Leah walking towards the kitchen. Connor releases his hold on me and then turns and leaves the kitchen without saying a word.  

Chapter 13


I sit down at the kitchen table as Leah scampers towards the refrigerator.   She glances at me and immediately freezes. I am still trying to catch my breath back when Connor kissed me.

“Hey, you okay?”

I look at her for a second and continue to take deep breathes. Do I tell her the truth or keep it to myself? What would she do? And did that kiss mean anything?

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about things, nothing important." She continues to stare at me with a puzzled frown.

“You’re keeping something from me. I know you, and something is going on. Spill,” she demands.

“Leah, it isn’t anything,” I search for some way to distract her. “So, are you and Miles officially a couple?”

“I know what you are doing. You think you can distract me with talk of Miles. I am your best friend, Abby, you know you can talk to me about anything. Is this about your parents? What did they do now?”

“No, my parents are fine. I talked to them earlier and they are having a great time. They were telling me about a luau they went to. They have been different lately, better,” I smile at her.

“I’m glad, they needed to be better. I never said anything, but I always thought it,” she shrugs her shoulders.

“Thanks Leah, you are great friend,” I say as I hug her. “Well, I better go up and check on Allie. I also need to look over my homework, especially the math. We have our last competition tomorrow. I love hanging out with everyone, but I am so glad this is the last one.”

“I probably need to look over those math problems too. I think I will come over and keep you company while you do yours,” she
laughs. “Two heads are always better than one.”

“So are you and Miles a couple or not?”

“I think so. He is coming to the football game with us on Friday. You are going this week, right?”

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