Fallen Star (46 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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Khan gasped and buried his face in her shoulder.

Fallon screamed for Sobehk with every ounce of mental volume she had.

Surprise and raw fury answered her.

Fallon gasped in relief.
We’re heading toward the Shinto gardens. But Khan doesn’t have a robe, and it’s full daylight!

Shock and hope pulsed from Sobehk.
You have him?

Fallon bared her teeth into the wind.
Of course I have him!
She felt a pulse in her collar.
Sobehk, that better be you!

It is.
Triumph and determination throbbed through the link.
I’m using the locater to find you.

Something pinged against the glider’s right wing, then the left.

Fallon blinked.
What in fury ...?
She looked in her rearview mirrors. Five flat black gliders were behind her, each carrying two riders in black uniforms. The passengers were pointing bolt-rifles. They needed cover, fast.

Alarm came from Sobehk.
Isabeau, what is it?

We have five gliders on our tail. I don’t think they’re happy that I took Khan.
Fallon glimpsed a path under the trees. She dove for it. The path was narrower than she had thought, and it had a lot of curves in it, but it was wide enough for the glider, and the shadows under the trees were a welcome coolness.

The Cheshire cat appeared just ahead.

The black gliders buzzed above the tree canopy.

Fallon smiled tightly.

Worry pulsed from Sobehk.
Are they shooting at you?

They were.
Fallon urged the glider along the twisting paths the cat chose, dipping low to avoid branches.
I’m following a path under the trees; they’re right over our heads.

Keep headed the way you’re headed. We’re close.
Anger and triumph shimmered from Sobehk.
When you come out stay low, very low.

Fallon’s brows shot up.
When we come out?

Khan groaned. “Where’s Sobehk?”

“He’s on his way; he says he’s close.”

“Bloody Chaos, my back is on fire!” He hissed. “I’m sunburned all to Chaos and gone!”

Fallon snorted. “They bit you and beat you, and then I stabbed both your shoulders, and you’re complaining about the sunburn?”

Khan snarled in her ear. “Just shut up and drive!”

Fallon grinned. Khan was in a pissy mood.
He must be feeling better.

Don’t forget, stay low!
Sobehk’s sending throbbed with white-hot anger.

Fallon was too busy turning into a sharp and sudden curve to answer. The path opened wide, ending in brilliant and treeless sunlight. They burst out over a broad blue lake.

A lake echoing with the sound of roaring turbines from a dozen deep-red gliders marked with black streaks roaring straight at her only two lengths higher.

Fallon dropped the glider as low as it would go. Water sprayed up from below, soaking them to the waist.

The red gliders roared directly over her head.
officers in gleaming red armor wearing sculpted helmets with broad, dark sun-visors were mounted in pairs on the gliders. The passengers had bolt-rifles in their hands. Their white braids flew out behind them. They howled and engaged the black gliders at Fallon’s back.

Rescue had arrived.

A red glider at the tail end with a lone rider swerved. He turned and dropped to fly at their side.
Get to shore.
Sobehk shoved the visor up on his helmet.
We need to get him under cove. His back is a mass of blisters.

Fallon couldn’t stop grinning.
, ‘Syr.

* * * * *

Within the palatial suite’s black and gold marble bedchamber, the silver-robed medic knelt among the gold sheets at Khan’s side and smeared clear gel all over his back. His face was lined with maturity, but his blue eyes were bright with humor.

Khan hissed and gripped the black pillows. “Shit, shit, shit ...”

The medic smiled briefly. “
Khansu, I promise the burning will pass within the hour.”

Lounging in a black velvet chair he had pulled to the left side of the bed, Sobehk rolled his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temples. The blue and white sleeves of his robes spilled over the chair’s arms.

Fallon, freshly showered and back in her red and black short robes, knelt at the edge of the bed on the black carpet at Sobehk’s feet. The shower had done wonders for her body’s aches, but not a damned thing for her splitting headache. Or her temper. Now that Khan was safely back, she was seriously pissed.

The medic finished spreading the gel and handed the white tube to his young assistant hovering at the foot of the bed.

The assistant bowed and slanted a quick glance at Fallon.

Fallon figured she was making the medic’s assistant nervous with her scowling, but the throbbing in her head was making it really hard to give a shit.

The medic sighed. “
Khansu, your sunburn will heal by tomorrow. However, your internal injuries will take more time. I suggest complete bed rest for two days before any exertions.” His gaze flicked to Fallon. “Any exertions at all.”

Khan groaned. “Great ...” He sighed. “I thank you for your kind attention,

“It was my honor,
Khansu.” The regal medic rose from the enormous marble expanse of a bed, bowed, and left with his assistant at his heels carrying his medical kit.

Sobehk leaned back in the black velvet chair and tugged at his blue and white robes. “Oh, no sex for two days.” He grinned. “I feel so bad for you.”

Khan growled. “Pain in my ass.”

Sobehk snorted. “You heard the master-surgeon, not for two days.”

Khan groaned and thumped his fist among the pillows. “Pest.”

Fallon narrowed her eyes at Khan. “I hope you get well soon so I can
kick your ass!

Khan lifted his head and glared at her. “What?”

Fallon bared her teeth at him. “What the fuck were you doing, throwing yourself into the lift like that? You stupid, egotistical

Khan leaned up on his elbows, bared his teeth, and roared, “I did it to protect you!”

Fallon came up on her hands and knees. She was so pissed she replied with a feral feline scream before she could get the words out. “You could have
Don’t you
do that again!”

Sobehk chuckled behind them. “Isabeau, you forgot the ‘I’m better at fighting than you.’”

Fallon growled. “I am better. I could have taken them!”

Khan growled. “What has that got to do with anything?”

Sobehk shook his head. “No, no, no, Khan. You’re supposed to say, ‘I’m the one that’s supposed to protect you.’”

Khan curled his lip. “That’s right, I
supposed to protect you!”

“What a load of crap!” Fallon snarled. “
do the fighting!”

Khan’s claws dug into the sheets. “I’m the master -- you’re the
I’m responsible for

Sobehk grinned and nodded. “Now we’re back on track!”

Khan shook his head. “What is this? A script?”

Sobehk smiled. “Something like that. You might as well memorize it. You’re probably going to be using it a lot.”

Fallon gripped the edge of the bed so she could get right up in Khan’s face. “Hey! You, orange-eyed, white-haired pain in my fucking ass! Listen to me when I’m bitching at you!”

Khan growled and focused on Fallon. “

, you arrogant bastard!” Fallon’s head throbbed so viciously she could barely see though her watering eyes. “
the bodyguard! It’s
responsibility to protect
skinny ass! So. Fucking. There!”

Sobehk’s brows shot up. “Uh-oh, that’s going to be a tough one to top, Khan.”

Fallon abruptly dropped onto her belly. “Because I’m fucking right!” She closed her eyes to deal with the pain in her head and the ache in her heart. “I love you, and I could have lost you, you shit.” Her breath hitched and she dropped her head. “Oh, bloody Fate ... I almost lost you.”

Khan’s anger bled out of his expression and his growl disappeared. “You didn’t lose me. You found me.”

She gasped for breath and let the tears fall. “Fate ... it hurts.”

Sobehk shifted behind her. “Do you need to feed?”

Fallon shook her head as the tears slid down her cheeks. “No. He does.” She whimpered softly. “My head is killing me.”

Sobehk snorted. “Then get naked, get in the bed, and feed him.”

Fallon didn’t bother to argue; her head hurt too much. She pulled off her robe, then crawled over the edge and in among the sheets.

Khan shifted to one side and lifted an arm.

She rolled onto her back and scooted closer so he could sprawl partway on top of her. His skin was burning hot. His warm lips brushed her throat. She sighed.

Khan lifted up, and smiled down at her. “I love you, too, you know.” He brushed the hair from her cheek. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

Fallon stuck out her bottom lip. “I shouldn’t have
to rescue you.”

Khan groaned and set his hot brow against hers. “Can we not be finished with this?”

Fallon winced. “Just bite me, damn you.”

Khan set his mouth on her shoulder. His tongue swept her skin and then his long teeth pressed.

Fallon cradled his head and pressed into his teeth.

He bit, hard and deep.

Fallon gasped softly. The pain was fierce, but welcome.

He pulled his teeth free, and his mouth covered the bite to suck at the wound. His hand moved up to cover her breast. His hand squeezed her breast with every swallow.

Fallon’s headache receded, and she moaned, clutching Khan to her. Heat coiled and tightened in her belly, and moisture slicked her thighs.

Sobehk dropped his robes at the edge of the bed and slid in beside Fallon. His hand covered her hip, then pushed her onto her side.

Khan moaned softly, rolling slightly onto his side. He did not stop drinking.

Sobehk pressed up behind Fallon.

She moaned softly. His cocks were rigidly hard and hot against her backside. “Oh, shit, you’re going to stick that big dick of yours up my ass.”

Sobehk pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and slid his hand between her thighs to bend her knee, setting it on Khan’s hip. “Yes, I am.”

Demanding carnal hunger swamped Fallon, and it didn’t matter that the larger cock was going up her ass; all that mattered was that she was about to be filled. She arched back toward him.

His urgently hard primary cock pressed at the entrance of her anus. It was slick with gel. He must have greased it when she hadn’t been watching.

“Open for me.”

Fallon sucked in a breath and pushed. The broad cockhead spread her and invaded.

He groaned, and his hand tightened on her hip. He surged deeper until his second cock reached the wet mouth of her cunt. He thrust and filled her.

Fallon moaned. His hot cocks filled her tight, right to the edge of pain, but he felt good. He felt right. She turned her head and Sobehk’s mouth covered hers.

Sobehk’s tongue swept against hers in a slow, drugging kiss, gently tasting and exploring. He slid out of her, and then rocked into her, out then in, in a slow, easy, comforting tempo.

Fallon moved against him in a gentle counter-rhythm that matched his kiss.

Sobehk’s hand slid down her thigh, then between her body and Khan’s to claim her clit. His fingers made leisurely, inciting circles as his cocks filled and retreated, building a rich, decadent pleasure that mounted into a thick molten wave of increasing passion.

The soft sounds and musky perfume of shared pleasure rose from their bodies.

The base of Sobehk’s cocks hardened and expanded, filling her and locking her tight. Tension and urgency crested. She moaned her need.

Khan’s clawed fingers dug into her breast, drawing blood.

Fallon’s breath stopped and release took her in a hot wave of pleasure that she gasped into Sobehk’s mouth.

A purr rumbled from Khan’s throat.

Fallon’s purr of contentment threaded with his.

Sobehk released her mouth to settle in closer. His lips brushed her throat, and his hand rose to cover Khan’s on her breast. His purr was so soft Fallon almost didn’t hear it. “My two hearts,” he whispered.

My two loves ...
She smiled and let sleep take her.


Chapter Forty-One


“Khan, are you out of your mind?” Sobehk paced the broad, arched, black marble hallway, blocking Khan from going toward the suite’s main doors. “We still don’t know who has the other half of the damned code!” His blue and white robes whispered with his agitated strides. “You can
let that boy in here!”

“We know that he is the target, so he does not have it.” Khan folded his arms. The black circlet around his brow and the black and gold thread of his long court robes gleamed under the hallway lights. He raised his brow. “Let me pass,
. He needs to know who has been trying to murder him.”

Fallon leaned against the bedchamber’s closed door. They had dressed her in Khan’s signature black, scarlet, and gold, but this time she was in floor-length robes over pleated black trousers. Both of Khan’s black-sheathed blades were in her red sash. It was the uniform of the court-level
, the bodyguard
to a prince.

Sobehk groaned and moved to the side. “Don’t get yourself killed.”

Khan smiled. “Isabeau will keep that from happening.” He moved toward the center of the broad formal hallway.

Fallon grinned, showing teeth. “I’ll keep him in one piece, whether he likes it or not.” She rolled away from the door and took her place one step behind Khan’s right shoulder.

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