Fallen Star (32 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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Fallon yelped and bucked under him.

“Oh, that sounds nice!” Sobehk pursed his lips. “This will be a lot easier if we tie her down.”

Fallon twisted under Khan to look at Sobehk. “What?”

Khan laughed, his eyes bright copper and gaining in heat as he held Fallon down. “Now there is an excellent idea!”

* * * * *

“Guys, this isn’t funny!” Fallon tugged, but she couldn’t move much at all. Her arms had been pulled down and her knees bent to bind her wrists to her ankles. They had laid her out and tied her to the handles on either side of a long, narrow black trunk. A thick pillow was set between her back and the trunk’s hard surface, but her butt hung slightly off one end, and her head hung off the other. Her neck was cushioned from the trunk’s edge by a small tubular pillow.

Khan grinned and tugged at the pillow at her neck, apparently making sure it wouldn’t slip. He licked his lips. “Oh, I don’t know, all that wiggling is quite entertaining.”

Fallon tugged at her wrists and growled. “I will
get you both for this!”

Khan chuckled. “You’ll only be punished for it.”

Fallon twisted and got absolutely nowhere. She glared at Khan. “It’ll be worth it.”

Sobehk stood between her splayed thighs and stared down at her opened and exposed flesh. “Her cream is going to get all over that.”

“It can be washed.” Khan straightened and walked around to check the bindings on her wrists. “It was the only thing narrow enough to be comfortable and low enough for you to sit --” He smiled. “-- while you dine.”

“I’m actually more worried about her breaking it.”

“It won’t break.” Khan cleared his throat. “I’ve used it before.”

Sobehk’s brows rose. “Have you?”

Khan’s cheeks flushed. “Once or twice. On a layover.”

“For them, or for you?”

Khan swallowed and looked away. “Only two of my identities are as lords; the others are ... not.”

Sobehk chuckled, and his blue eyes narrowed. “Well then, perhaps this masquerade of yours will prove more entertaining than I thought.”

“We’ll see.” Khan lifted his chin and gave Sobehk a sly smile. “I think she’s ready. Shall we begin?”


Chapter Twenty-Eight


Strapped down on the narrow black trunk, Fallon had to lift her head to see a damned thing, but she could feel anticipation humming from Khan. Excitement threaded with anger, satisfaction, and desperation seeped through the link made by her collar.

Khan was definitely up to something.

Sobehk dropped a thick pillow at the foot of her trunk and knelt down. His warm hands cupped her thighs.

Khan lifted his leg, straddled her hips, and sat down.

Fallon grunted. He wasn’t that heavy, but that wasn’t the point. She was completely helpless. She hated being helpless.

Khan leaned over her and his long mane spilled down her side. He smiled. “I have seen how you handle pain. Let’s see how you deal with pleasure, shall we?”

“Pleasure?” Fallon’s brows shot up. “Think you can do that?” Her mouth curved into a sarcastic smile. “

Sobehk laughed. “I think she has your number, Khan.”

Khan grinned. “Oh, but I have hers, too.”

Fallon raised one brow. “Think so?”

“Simple observation frequently reveals more truth than outright torture.” Khan lifted his chin and turned his head sharply. His creamy mane spilled across her belly and breasts. He fingered a lock from his eyes, then spread his palms over her breasts with his hair trapped under them and against her skin. He slid his palms around her breasts, across her torso, and over her belly. “What do you think?”

Fallon inhaled as her nipples tingled and tightened. It felt like she was being massaged with the finest silk imaginable. Her toes curled and she groaned. “I think ... you’re ... evil.”

He chuckled warmly. “I can be.”

Sobehk’s hot, wet mouth descended onto her intimate flesh, and his tongue swept across her tender folds, drawing shivers. He pulled back and smacked his lips. “Damn, she tasted good before, but ...” He lapped, then smacked his lips again. “That is one incredible flavor. I could eat her all night.” He pressed his entire mouth to her and sucked.

Fallon gasped and tried to buck, but she was tied too securely. “Shit!”

Khan dropped down on her, trapping his long hair between their bodies. He cupped the back of her head and lifted her mouth to his. His lips brushed lightly, his tongue sliding in slow sweet forays against hers. And then he moved, his chest and belly sliding across hers, side to side in a slow, sensuous and stirring massage of warm, hard flesh and silk. The rings on his nipples flirted with her nipples. His brutally hard erections rubbed against her belly with delicious intent.

Sobehk sucked on her wet flesh with tender sweetness and moans of appreciation. His palms opened on her inner thighs and stroked in stirring circles against her skin. His tongue flicked and pressed across her clit with devastating skill.

Fallon moaned into Khan’s mouth as the hair rose on her limbs. She was literally being bathed in raw sensual pleasure. She could feel her body responding with rich cream.

If they kept this up she was definitely going to scream.

Khan lifted his mouth from hers. “Such a quick response.” Satisfaction purred in his voice. He tossed a glance over his shoulder at Sobehk. “I think we work well together.”

Sobehk released a sinister chuckle, but his tongue did not stop its sweet torture.

Khan’s head dropped to her breast and he caught her nipple in his flat front teeth. He pinched the swollen flesh, very slowly, in a bite of exquisite tenderness.

Fallon shuddered, racked by the intensity. Her core tightened with agonizing hunger. Her hands tightened into fists and her back bowed up.

Sobehk caught her clit in his teeth and tugged, very lightly.

Her breath caught. The intense pleasure from her nipple and the searing bolt from her clit met in her belly. She exploded into climax before she knew it was there. Her breath released in a scream.

Khan groaned and lifted his head. “Oh, that was very nice.”

Sobehk sucked noisily and moaned in agreement.

Khan smiled. “Again.”

Great Maker, she barely survived that one! Fallon gasped for breath. “I’d rather not ...”

“Oh, that’s too bad.” Khan’s smile broadened. “As I insist that you cum again.” His head lowered to her other nipple. His teeth captured her and began to bite down with devastating tenderness. His body moved against her in sensual sweep of silky hair and hot skin.

Sobehk pressed his mouth tighter and inserted two fingers. He curled them and flicked.

Still shuddering from her last climax, she rose hot and fast -- and much too intense. She shuddered hard in resistance.

Khan chuckled against her breast. “Oh, yes, resist. I like it when you resist.”

Sobehk focused his attack on her clit, sucking while flicking deep within her.

Fallon gasped and arched, her hands in tight fists and her toes curled hard. She moaned and tried to shift under Khan’s weight.

Khan sat up and slid forward until his rigid cocks nestled between her breasts. He cupped her breasts and squeezed, capturing his lower cock and plump balls between them. He rocked forward, slowly pumping his cock between the fullness her breasts. He moaned. “Oh, very nice.” The tips of his thumb-claws grazed her swollen nipples.

Fallon gasped as Sobehk’s mouth on her clit and Khan’s claws tenderly biting her nipples built a hot molten blaze in her belly. She was going to cum ...

“Isabeau.” Khan sucked in a sharp breath and leaned over, cupping the back of her head in one palm. “Lick me. Lick me as I fuck your sweet tits.”

Fallon opened her mouth and stroked the swollen flared crown of his primary cockhead brushing her lips. She lashed her tongue and tasted the titanium balls marking the bar piercing him. Liquid musk pearled on her tongue.

Khan groaned and slowly pumped his secondary cock between her breasts as she licked his primary. “Sobehk, she’s going to make me cum very soon.”

Sobehk lifted his mouth from her flesh. “Are you sure you want to cum? You don’t want to sleep in her?”

Khan’s gaze blazed red-hot and his smile was full of teeth. “Oh, I definitely want to cum.”

“Damn, I can’t see, even with the mirrors.”

Fallon caught movement in the mirrors and saw Sobehk rising to his feet. She looked up at Khan.

Every muscle on Khan’s body stood in sharp relief as he pumped his secondary cock very slowly between her breasts, while the head of his primary cock slipped in and out of her mouth. He licked his lips and his eyes narrowed.

Fallon’s brows drew together even as she licked. Whatever Khan was up to, he was about to get what he was after. She could feel his excited anticipation burning across the telepathic link.

Sobehk leaned over Khan’s shoulder. He sucked in a breath.

Fallon’s hips bucked in time to Sobehk’s fingers, still lodged within her.

Sobehk’s blue eyes widened, and the round pupils shifted into feline slits, then expanded into darkness. “What I wouldn’t give for a hard pair of dicks.”

Khan raised his brow. “If I bite you, you could take her mouth.”

Sobehk groaned. “If you do, I’ll probably cum right away, just from your combined scent.” He took a strong sniff and his eyes closed briefly. “Bloody Chaos, the smell ... you’re both right on top of cumming.”

“Yes, yes, we are.” Khan groaned. “Make a decision, now.”

Sobehk held out his forearm.

Khan snarled and bit down, hard.

Sobehk gasped. “Mother Night, Khan!” His eyes closed and he sucked in a sharp breath. “Bloody Chaos, your venom works fast.”

Khan released Sobehk’s arm and slid his tongue across the punctures. He slowed his thrusts and groaned. “Hurry, we’re right there.”

Sobehk moved to Fallon’s head.

Khan let Fallon’s head fall back onto the pillow at her neck. “Give her your secondary and take her tits; I’ll get her cunt.” He released her breasts and leaned back. His fingers sought then found her slick opening. “Mother Night, she’s wet.” He drove two fingers into Fallon’s flesh.

Fallon gasped and shuddered with the swift invasion.

Sobehk frowned. “My primary will spill all over you.”

Khan snorted. “So?” He glanced down. “Isabeau, open your mouth and close your eyes.”

Close her eyes? Oh, yeah, four dicks, and three of them were going to unload on her breasts and neck. She did not want to get cum in her eyes. Fallon closed them and opened her mouth. Warm, hard cock slid across her tongue. She knew that flavor.
 ... She closed her lips and suckled.

Sobehk groaned, and his palms closed on her breasts, enclosing Khan’s cock between them. “Gods, her mouth ...” His hips jerked, driving his cock deeper into her mouth; then he pulled back.

Fallon swallowed to keep from choking and sucked in a swift breath.

Khan groaned and shoved hard between her breasts. His fingers plunged within her, pressing insistently against her inner sweet spot.

Fallon moaned around the cock in her mouth as Khan’s thrusting fingers stirred the coiling heat in her belly to an angry, throbbing frenzy. She was right on the very edge.

A hungry growl was followed by a yearning moan.

Sobehk began a frenzied but shallow thrusting.

Khan, seated atop her and thrusting between her breasts, matched Sobehk’s swift rhythm. The sound of wet kisses and soft moans filled her ears.

She opened her eyes.

Khan had Sobehk’s hair in one fist and his mouth locked to Sobehk’s, kissing him with desperate ferocity. Sobehk was kissing him back, just as fiercely. Khan moaned and pressed his thumb on her clit, mercilessly hard.

Pleasure. So intense it was actually pain, and it hammered her. Fallon’s breath stopped, and she froze. Release exploded in a hot, wet rush and slammed up her spine in a cascade of fire. She closed her eyes and arched hard under them, her mouth opening wide on a muffled wail.

Khan gasped, froze, and shuddered. His hot cum spilled across her throat and spattered her cheeks.

Fallon jolted hard as his release speared straight into her mind and slammed her up and over into a second and brutally violent orgasm.

Sobehk choked, shuddered, and froze. His cock pulsed in her mouth, and he came. His hot cum spilled into her mouth and across her breasts and belly.

“Fuck ...” Sobehk’s cock retreated from Fallon’s mouth.

Khan chuckled. “You made quite a mess all over me.” His voice was very soft.

“I ...” Sobehk sighed. “Yeah, I did.”

Khan groaned and climbed off of Fallon. “We better get her loose, and all of us in the shower and then, most definitely to bed. I don’t know about you, but I’m dead tired.”

Sobehk was utterly silent as he helped Khan release Fallon from the trunk.

Fallon sat up and rubbed at her wrists.

Khan rolled up the thin cable they’d used, and a smile played on his lips. Cum was smeared all over his belly. It smelled like Sobehk’s.

Sobehk’s shoulders were slightly hunched, and his mouth was tight. He smelled of Khan. He took the cable from Khan without looking at him and turned away to set it on one of the red trunks piled against the wall.

Fallon frowned. Khan was very pleased with himself; she could feel it through the collar. But she could see that Sobehk was clearly unhappy about something.

Khan led the way into the facility and turned on the three showerheads. Steam filled the small, glassed-in room. He reached for the soap and began washing with undisguised enthusiasm.

Sobehk washed at a distant showerhead and kept his back to Khan.

Fallon tugged her hair from its braid and washed it and her body mercilessly.

Although all three of them occupied the shower, no one spoke. The facility held only the sound of splashing water.

Sobehk rinsed the last of the soap from his muscular body, then set his palms flat on the back wall. He sighed and pressed his brow against the wet metal, letting the water fall on his shoulders.

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