Fallen Star (31 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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came back through the door in a rush of rustling silk.

Fallon turned to see him heading for Khan at the bed. She frowned and took a single step toward him.

The medic’s gaze darted to Fallon. His eyes widened and he froze in mid-step.

Fallon stopped, her gaze locked on him. He didn’t move, so she didn’t move either.

swallowed. “
” His voice was soft, but a little high.

Khan turned toward the medic. “Yes?”

The medic did not approach Khan; he simply held out his hand. His gaze remained locked on Fallon.

Khan walked over and collected the squeeze-tube he held out. He examined the tube. “Ah ... This is perfect. My thanks,

The medic bowed, slowly. “Yes,
. Anything else,

Khan focused on the
, and then followed the medic’s wide gaze to Fallon. He smiled briefly. “Thank you, that will be all,

bowed again and fled in a sedate hurry.

Khan shook his head and sighed. “Half their size and the terror of the staff.” He collected one of the sitting pillows by the round table and walked toward the bed. He tossed the pillow down on the left side of the bed’s rim, then leaned over to tug one of the black sheets free.

Sobehk grumbled but remained asleep.

Khan smiled briefly then knelt to spread the sheet out over the pillow and the floor. “Isabeau, come.”

Fallon moved to Khan’s side. She impulsively pressed her lips to the side of his throat.

Khan jumped, smiled, then caught her hand and guided her onto the sheet, turning her to face the bed. “Down. Lie down.”

Fallon knelt and spread out on the sheet, her head resting on the pillow.

Khan and bent over her and smeared something cool and smooth across her back with long delicious swipes. “You are to stay here. Don’t leave Sobehk’s side until I return, or he wakes.”

Fallon nodded, too comfortable to form a reply.


Lulled by the warmth of his palms, Fallon closed her eyes and loosed her rumbling purr.


Chapter Twenty-Seven


The door to Khan’s chamber opened.

Fallon’s eyes snapped open. The dozens of small chamber lights were cut down to a sparse three, making the room quite dim. Deep shadows filled the corners. According to her inner chronometer, it was well into ship’s night. She lifted her head from the pillow.

Sobehk moved among the pillows, but did not awaken.

Khan stepped in and moved toward the round table. His shoulders were slumped and he seemed tired, but he carried a tray.

Fallon sniffed.
. Her stomach growled.

Khan set the tray down on the round table, looked over at her, and gestured that she come.

Fallon didn’t need a second invitation; she was starved. She lunged off the pillow and bolted. She stopped at the last second, nearly skidding on the carpet.

Khan rolled his eyes and gave her a tired smile as he tugged off his over-robe.

Fallon lifted her hands to help him with his robe.

Khan shook his head. “Eat. I’m going to take a shower.”

Fallon sat as she was supposed to, on the carpet, and applied what manners she had. At least until Khan disappeared into the facility. As soon as he was out of sight, she lifted the small bowl to her mouth and wolfed the food down as fast as she could shovel it in. She could not believe how hungry she was. It was good, too. So good she used her tongue to get the last of it from the inside of the bowl.

Somebody chuckled behind her.

Fallon froze.
Shit ...
She calmly set the bowl down, applied her napkin, then turned to face the bed.

Sobehk was bent over the edge of the bed, half in and half out. His chest rested on the carpet with his arms folded and his chin propped up on his palm. His eyes were only half-open, but he was grinning. “Hungry?”

Fallon swallowed. “Starved, actually,

He chuckled tiredly. “I could tell.”

Fallon looked back at the tray. She had eaten every scrap.
Uh-oh ...
 She turned back to face him. “Was I supposed to save any ...?”

Sobehk snorted. “No. I had supper, you didn’t.”

Fallon frowned. “But that was hours ago ...”

Sobehk waved a hand. “The medication I’m on kills my appetite.” He smiled. “Tomorrow night, however, you’d better keep a close eye on your bowl, or I’ll finish it off for you.”

Khan came out of the facility, nude with his creamy mane completely unbound. “I am burning with exhaustion, and the both of you
be in the mood to chat.”

Fallon stared at the long fall of silk streaming over Khan’s shoulders and wondered what it would feel like in her hands and against her skin.

Khan stopped and raised his brow at Fallon. He turned on his heel and disappeared back into the facility.

Fallon looked at Sobehk in confusion.

Sobehk rolled his eyes and shrugged.

Khan emerged from the facility and walked over to Fallon. He held out a bone-white round hairbrush. “Would you mind brushing my hair for me?” He smiled.

Fallon’s mouth fell open. “I’d love to!” She snatched the brush from his hand.

Khan sat down on the edge of the bed next to Sobehk. “Since you’re both awake --” He stretched his legs out onto the blankets and crossed his feet. “-- we might as well discuss our respective parts once we get to the station.”

Sobehk sat cross-legged among the pillows and tilted his head to look up at Khan. “What do you need me to do?”

Fallon sat cross-legged behind Khan and ran her fingers through his creamy hair. It slid through her fingers like water. She picked up a double handful and buried her face in it. It smelled clean and of Khan. It smelled ... sexy. She brushed at the ends and moved higher, stroke by stroke.

Khan’s brows rose and he glanced back at Fallon. “Sobehk, you need only be yourself, a
enforcer on sick-leave with a
to sell. Isabeau is your rather unstable and only half-trained

“That’s not even stretching the truth.” Sobehk smiled.

Fallon took a moment to shoot Sobehk a narrowed glance. She drew the brush down Khan’s mane in long sweeping strokes. She swept her other hand after it to smooth it down.

Khan sighed in obvious enjoyment. “I have a suite reserved for our use in the main enclave one door away from the
chambers where my officers will be housed.” He leaned back on his hands. “As your handler, I’ll be beneath notice.”

Khan’s creamy mane spilled across Fallon’s thighs and into her lap. She was forced to shift back to keep brushing.

Sobehk snorted. “You could never be beneath anyone’s notice.”

“You’d be surprised.” Khan’ voice soured. “I’m a certified
, because I spent a full year tracking down an illegal drug ring by posing as a student. They certified me four months after I broke their ring, because they never uncovered my actual identity.”

Sobehk’s brows rose. “I’m impressed.”

“So was the home office. It was my first assignment.” Khan smiled. “I’ve been working in secrecy ever since. I have four separate DNA-coded legal identities, including my original as a fully-trained
. Luckily, I was known as Khan in that one, too, so we’re less likely to have an accident. My actual identity is rarely used anywhere but in the
main office and heavily encrypted.”

Sobehk’s smile disappeared. “No one knows who you are, even on this ship?”

Khan looked away. “The senior officers are aware that the
Moon Blade
is my personal transport. Beyond that?” He shrugged. “I do not occupy the master suite and I do not wear my rank and status visibly, so the majority of the ship’s staff assumes I am simply a
lord-officer, and nothing more.” He tilted his head. “A few lords within the
offices know my true identity. I’m generally recognizable only in one of my other identities.”

“Great Mother, I can’t imagine living like that. Hiding who you really are.”

Fallon swept the brush down Khan’s hair and smiled tightly. She could. She’d been hiding all her life. It was safer that way. If they didn’t know you, they couldn’t find you.

Khan smiled. “It’s really not that bad. It makes my function easier to accomplish.”

Fallon frowned. Function? Just what did Khan do? She figured he was a high-ranking cop, but what existed beyond that?

Sobehk shook his head. “What about friends or lovers? Do you use a false identity for those, too?”

Khan looked away. “It is far simpler and safer to simply do without.”

“You? Do without
” Sobehk frowned. “I find that hard to believe.”

Fallon’s brows shot up. With Khan’s appetite? She found it hard to believe, too.

“Considering my ... position, I am not a
person to know.” Khan looked down and took a deep breath. “And personal security remains an issue. I have too many secrets.”

Sobehk winced. “That can’t be doing good things for your temperament.”

Khan abruptly smiled. “It has been recently remarked that I have been almost pleasant in the past few days.”

“I bet.” Sobehk smiled grimly. “So, when do we arrive?”

“The day after tomorrow is the auction.”

Sobehk frowned. “One day doesn’t give me a whole lot of time to train Isabeau.”

“You labeled her as feral.” Khan snorted. “I sincerely doubt they’ll expect very much.”

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Not.
Fallon tugged hard on the brush.

Khan winced and flashed a narrowed glance back at her. “Of course, I expect her to exceed expectations.”

Fallon smiled and brushed in long smooth strokes.

Sobehk focused on Fallon and flashed a sudden grin. “I’ll see to it.”

Fallon stopped briefly, remembering her last training session with him -- and the whip.

“I’m going to give you her collar codes.”

Sobehk’s smiled disappeared.

Fallon stilled. He would have control over her again. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it. It was odd, a mix of happiness and wariness. Happiness that she would have a direct connection to him, but at the same time ...

She lifted the brush and dragged it through Khan’s silky hair more slowly, frowning. Khan didn’t use the collar, much. She distinctly remembered him using it to punish her, but beyond that ...? She didn’t think he had. Sobehk, on the other hand, had used the collar a lot. And yet he hadn’t punished her with it, not once. Well, he’d set the punishment control, but she had the feeling that he’d found it ... distasteful.

Khan sighed. “She’s really quite good at this.”

“Khan, you need her codes.”

Khan snorted. “Sobehk, I’m giving you access to her codes, not autonomous control.”

Fallon couldn’t stop the odd feelings of both security and betrayal that spilled through her. She wanted to be with Sobehk, but she felt safer with Khan having control. She tilted her head and sucked on her bottom lip. Her feelings weren’t making any sense whatsoever!

Khan turned his head and caught Fallon’s eye.

She stopped.

He leaned back and lifted his chin, focusing on her mouth.

Fallon blinked. It looked like he wanted a kiss. She set the brush down, shifted to his side, and leaned toward him, brushing his lips with hers.

He smiled and his tongue stroked her bottom lip.

She opened her mouth to taste him.

Khan pressed more fully into her mouth. He gasped and pulled away to stare at Sobehk. “What in Chaos ...?”

Fallon jerked back, startled.

Sobehk lifted his head from between Khan’s legs. “What? I wanted to see what you tasted like with all that metal in you.”

Khan scowled. “You could have warned me.”

“Now, where’s the fun in that?” Sobehk grinned. “You never complained before.”

“I’m not complaining now, just ... surprised.” Khan smiled and lifted his brow. “Are you suddenly feeling energetic?”

“I wish.” Sobehk rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what the medics have put in me, but it kills my appetites.” He sat back on his heels and looked down at his completely uninterested anatomy. “All of them.”

“I see.” Khan shook his head then smiled. “Your mouth seems to have plenty of energy.”

Sobehk smiled sourly. “That’s about the sum total.”

“I could bite you?”

Sobehk jerked back and his eyes narrowed. “No. Thank you.”

Khan’s brow rose. “Very well then, how about putting that mouth of yours to good use?”

Sobehk frowned. “I thought I was?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of ...” Khan twisted sharply and caught Fallon around the waist. “Using it on Isabeau?” He pulled.

Fallon yelped and sprawled facedown across Khan’s lap. She kicked out. “Hey!”

Khan knotted a hand around her braid to keep her there and gave her ass a light swat. “Be good.”

Fallon choked in shock. The swat hadn’t hurt -- but it should have. She frowned. Her back felt warm, and a little stiff, but it didn’t burn. It didn’t even sting. What had he put on her?

Sobehk’s brow rose. “That’s not a bad idea. I haven’t had a taste of her since she went Prime.”

Khan grinned. “Can you make her scream?”

Sobehk smiled broadly, showing teeth. “Absolutely.” He raised his brow. “You should have heard her when I had her tied over my glider.”

Fallon gasped then turned and growled. “You didn’t have to mention that!” She snapped her long teeth at Sobehk. “You bastard!”

Sobehk eased out of range and smiled. “You say that like it’s a surprise.” He looked up at Khan. “And you?”

Khan twisted sharply, pressing Fallon down onto the carpet beneath him. “I’ve been dying to fuck her tits.” His head dropped, and he nipped at her nipple.

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