Fallen Grace (The Death Dealer Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Fallen Grace (The Death Dealer Book 1)
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Grace tried to pull away but he held fast to her. “I don’t know if I can ever wear my hood again. I dreamed I was afloat on a river of blood last night. If I go out again to right ‘wrongs’, the sea will swallow me.”

The temple was empty. No one wanted to pray when there was money to be made or fun to be had. Jack sat in a pew and pulled Grace onto his lap. “Ridley was walloped. She couldn’t even see when they took her to the healer. She will be bruised for days, her nose will be tender for weeks, and she will carry those scars for life. But – and my little chick, this is key – she will live. So will Marcus. You saved two people. That is how you should view this.”

How can I live with the guilt of causing his death?”

By hugging Ridley, your friend, and remembering that you almost lost her.” He set her on the ground again and got to his feet. “Everyone is gathering to celebrate your birthday. Forget what happened for the evening.”

Grace smiled at him, even though she had to force it.

“The cook at the Angel spent all day at Jim’s request making you Shepherd’s pie with potato soup and an apple cake, and you aren’t even there to celebrate your own birthday.”

I felt I needed to come here first. I have been trying to think of something to offer so Diggery knows how thankful I am for her help. And to pray for forgiveness.”

She knows, and the gods look kindly on those who save lives. Now come on. The healers have allowed Ridley to come home. Everyone’s waiting and Ridley is eyeing your birthday food with a ravenous look. It could all be gone by the time we get there. Now that she is on the mend, she’s eating everything in sight. It’s rather disgraceful.”

Grace laughed and took Jack by the hand. “Then lead me to the feast. I would hate to have my birthday ruined because of a hungry little thief.”

Jack put an arm around her shoulder and began leading her out, but as they reached the door he stopped. “Before I forget, it seems Henry has been quite a busy man since I met him on the road. Did you know he sent a messenger to my mother?” Grace shook her head. “Well he did, and here’s the end result.” Jack produced a silver chain with a winged star pendant dangling on the end.

The symbol of Diggery?”

My mother is a firm believer in Diggery and her protection. She felt I needed this since I am a ‘lost soul.’ But I say you need it more. I have never met anyone who managed to get into more trouble than you do.” Jack took the liberty of putting the necklace around Grace’s neck and clasping it for her.

Grace kissed his cheek and laughed. “Let’s go get some apple cake.”

“If there’s any left to have.”

Grace laughed again and let him kiss her. His fingers laced with hers. Taking Jack’s advice and forgetting the unpleasantness for the evening, Grace found she was truly happy for the first time in months.

About the author:


Raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Katie Roman has been many things. Student, band geek, dog sitter, history major and consummate tea drinker, but above all things she’s been a writer.

Her debut novel, Fallen Grace, was originally released Fall 2013 through Whiskey Creek Press. Visit her at www.katieromanbooks.com.


Grace has come a long way since the summer of 2006, when she was first conceived. Her story began as a way for me to survive the summer when I couldn't find a job and had little else to do until school started again. I always assumed Grace's story would end up like all my other stories: written for fun and put aside when finished. Somehow Grace's story persevered, and over the next four years I wrote two sequels when my class work allowed. The sequels have since been trashed in favor of a different direction for Grace, but
Fallen Grace
has more or less stayed the same.

The 2006 draft was put on a forum site (which is probably long since defunct now) and it was well received. The members on that site provided plenty of feedback to help Grace along her journey. Katie Bailey has also been a source of help and inspiration in writing and continuing Grace's story. She is one of the first people to have read
Fallen Grace
and she is always among the first to read and comment on my manuscripts, providing feedback and encouragement in equal measure. I never would have published this without the help and support of my mom, who went through with a red pen to fix my typos and inconsistencies and told me to writing even when I didn't want to.

Thank you to Stacy Sanford, who took the time to help me edit this for the re-release. Her work on this has been invaluable and I am eternally grateful. And to Skylar Faith, whose cover art continues to take my breath away.  

It's been a long road for Grace and the people of Cesernan, and they still have more adventures to look forward to.

Also by Katie Roman

Mere Mortal

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