Read Eye of the Tiger Online

Authors: Diana Palmer

Eye of the Tiger (16 page)

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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She let him do it; wide-eyed, she watched him, felt his warm, callused hands easily disposing of her shorts, her lacy briefs, until she lay revealed and yielding on the cool sheets.

Keegan brought her hands to his body, pressing them against him, holding her eyes with his. “Take my clothes off, Eleanor.”

She didn’t know where she found the courage. She’d never in her life undressed a man for this reason, not even Keegan. Most of all she remembered the pain, and her hands hesitated after she removed his shirt and let it drop to the floor.

He tilted her chin up until their eyes met. “It won’t hurt this time,” he promised. “This time is going to be everything your first time should have been.”

She found the buckle of his belt, and even then she hesitated. He laughed softly at her fumbles and got to his feet.

“I’ll do it this time,” he murmured.

Keegan removed the rest of his clothing, while she
watched him, fascinated. Then he turned and stretched out lazily beside her.

“And they say dreams don’t come true,” he whispered as his hands traveled sensuously up her rib cage to cup her breasts. “They do. Oh, yes, they do…. Turn over and lie against me, little one. I want to feel every inch of you touching my body.”

He helped her, bending to kiss her open mouth as his hands moved up and down and around her soft, yielding body.

Eleanor lay still at first, accepting his caresses. But as Keegan found more intimate ways of touching her, she began to writhe. By the time his mouth had worked its way over her breasts and down her hips and thighs, she was crying.

Keegan had never aroused a woman to that state before. Most of them had been experienced, of course, and not as innocently accepting and eager as Eleanor. It excited him unbearably that she was so hungry for him. She must love him, he told himself. She wouldn’t be so openly receptive to his loving if she didn’t. The thought made him wild. He groaned against her stomach, and his fingers bit hard at her hips, lifting her.

“Want you,” she whispered brokenly. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back, her hands trembling on his hips. “I want you, want you!”

His mouth slid all the way up her body as he settled his weight along her legs and hips and breasts, feeling her soft body press deeply into the mattress. Eleanor trembled a little as he moved his body over hers, and he lifted his head to watch her, to make sure that he didn’t hurt her.

“Shhh,” he whispered reassuringly, brushing back her disheveled honey-brown hair. Her eyes were huge, frightened. “Relax for me, Ellie. Yes, like that, just relax and let me do the rest. Yes.” He smiled softly, feeling the yielding, the warm softness enfolding him with delicious ease. He shifted closer, feeling her nails bite into his hips as she surged up against him with a gasp.

“Oh, God, this is going to be heaven,” he whispered gruffly. “Don’t be afraid, but it’s going to get a little… rough…now, baby!” He groaned and shuddered as the fever began to burn in him. He clenched his hands under her hips, lifting her. “Baby, baby!”

Eleanor felt the rough movement of his body with a sense of awe, because it wasn’t pain she was feeling. It was something unbearably sweet. Her eyes closed in an exquisite shudder as he touched her in a way that made her body ripple with pleasure.

“Yes…do that,” she pleaded against his suddenly devouring mouth. “Yes, like that, like that! Keegan!”

She was crying now, whimpering, her soft hands clutching at his hips, his thighs, working magic on the long, damp sleekness of his back as his body rose and fell with hers in the sunlit silence of the bedroom.

Keegan never remembered what happened next. Eleanor was crying and he was on a roller coaster that he couldn’t stop. He cried out above her, his voice like that of someone in torment. His body arched like a bow, and his face contorted in exquisite agony as he cried her name.

She reached up, drawing him down against her,
comforting him, because she was blazing with tenderness and fulfilled desire, her face wet with tears.

“Keegan,” she whispered in wonder. Her lips touched his face, his eyes, his cheeks, his trembling mouth. She smiled. “Keegan.”

“Thank you,” he whispered shakily. “Thank you for trusting me, for giving yourself so sweetly. I never knew peace, until now. I had to show you, teach you, that it can be magic. A man and a woman can touch the sky.”

“Lovemaking,” she whispered. Her eyes closed. “You’re my lover.”

“I’ve always been your lover,” he murmured. “Only me. You’ve never known anyone else like this, have you?”

“No.” She stretched and sighed as he rolled away and leaned over her, smiling.

“Now let’s go see my colt,” he murmured. “And I’ll feed you supper.”

She’d wanted something more loverlike than that, and she had to force herself not to ask for it. Could he have loved her that way without feeling something for her? She didn’t think so.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll get dressed.”

“What a crime, to cover a body like that,” he murmured, watching her put her clothes back on. “My God, just touching you drove me crazy.”

“You look pretty good yourself,” she said demurely.

Keegan got up with a sigh and put his own clothing back on. When he finished, he pulled Eleanor close and held her against him for a long moment.

“I didn’t think,” he said quietly. “You aren’t on the pill, I gather?”

She swallowed. “No.”

He lifted his head, searching her eyes. “If we made a baby, I’ll take care of you,” he said, his voice deep and quiet.

Eleanor actually blushed. She pushed away from him because it sounded as if he had something other than marriage in mind. “We’d better get up to the farm,” she said evasively.

He studied her straight back, frowning.

“I didn’t get pregnant before,” she pointed out without looking at him. “There’s probably nothing to worry about.”

“There could be, if it happens again.”

“It won’t,” she said firmly, and walked into the hall. “One lapse doesn’t make an affair, Keegan.”

“I don’t want an affair,” he growled.

“Yes, I know.” She went out the front door, Keegan at her heels.

“Wait a minute,” he said shortly. “Let’s get this ironed out right now, Eleanor. You’ve got it all wrong!”

“No, I haven’t!” she returned fiercely. “You have. I’m a grown woman now, not a child. You won’t own me by seducing me!”

He seemed at a loss for words. He started to speak, stopped, tried again. “I didn’t plan what happened,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean it to happen….”

“You never do.” She laughed coldly. “I’m just handy. Handy, and stupid!”

He grimaced. She didn’t understand! She thought he
was using her. “For God’s sake, it’s not like that!” he burst out. “Please, baby, listen to me!”

“Look, there’s Dad,” she said, watching Gene Taber drive toward the house with her father in the car. She flushed, thinking what they’d have interrupted minutes before. Now, however, she was grateful for the interruption. She couldn’t even look at Keegan. How would she ever be able to sleep in that bedroom again?

Chapter Ten

forgot my pipe.” Barnett Whitman grinned. “Can’t get my ideas together without it, not if I’m going to build a halfway decent barn. Pretty colt, Eleanor, you ought to go up and see it.”

“That’s where we’re headed,” said Keegan. He caught Eleanor’s unresponsive hand in his.

“Wait, I have to change,” she protested.

“I have seen a woman’s legs before,” Gene Taber teased.

“But it’s so informal,” she persisted.

“Don’t you have a wraparound skirt?” Keegan asked.

Now how had he known that? She nodded and rushed off to drag it out of her closet. She wouldn’t let herself think. She didn’t dare. There would be time enough for regrets later.

She drew on her white wraparound skirt and tied it, filing out the door just behind her father. Keegan came
up to her as she stopped on the porch, and he held out his hand, watching, waiting. With a faint sigh, she put her own into it and felt his fingers contract, warm and possessive.

He smiled.

“Come on,” he said, leading her to the car. “We’ll drive up behind them.”

“You look better,” she murmured.

“Since I left the hospital, I expect you mean?” he asked dryly, smiling as she blushed. “Yes, I feel better, too. I never did thank you, did I, for telling Dad what to do.”

“He was upset,” she said.

He helped her into the passenger seat of the red Porsche. “So were you, I hear,” he said, noting her downcast expression as he closed the door.

Eleanor leaned back as she fastened her seatbelt and waited for him to get in and start the engine. Gene Taber had already driven off in his green Buick with Barnett beside him. It seemed the day for a family get-together, but all she wanted to do was…was stay with Keegan and never leave him, she admitted miserably. She couldn’t bear the thought of being alone again, of being without him for the rest of her life. Especially now. And what if she did get pregnant?

Involuntarily, her fingers went to her waist, pressing there in wonder as they drove up toward Flintlock. A baby would be nice. Someone to love and care for, someone to look after and fuss over. She smiled.

The man beside her saw that smile and where her fingers were resting, and he smiled, too. He began to whistle softly, glancing sideways at her and smiling.

She glanced at him and looked away again. Smug, wasn’t he? she thought bitterly. He’d had his way, and now he was satisfied. He’d be off in search of a new conquest.

“The colt is out of Main Chance, by Straightaway,” he told her. “A Triple Crown winner if I’ve ever seen one. Beautiful conformation.”

“Wasn’t Straightaway the reason you escaped from the hospital?” she asked slyly.

“I had to. O’Clancy damned near took him home.” Keegan pulled into his driveway and followed his father’s car back to the garage, pulling in beside the Buick. “Feeling all right?” he asked unexpectedly, his blue eyes concerned as they searched her face.

“Of…of course,” she faltered.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, his voice softer than satin.

She shook her head, and he nodded, apparently satisfied. He got out and helped her out.

“We’re going to look over the layout for the barn,” Gene told them. “Barnett swears he’s up to it. Then we’ll meet you in the house for supper. Mary June’s fixing ham, by the way. She swore up and down that we’d never see another piece of chicken as long as we live after your near miss, son.”

Keegan chuckled as he locked Eleanor’s fingers in his. “Suits me. I think I’ll sell my stock in that chicken packing plant we own shares of, too.”

“I don’t blame you, boy.” Barnett grinned.

The older men wandered off across the yard, and Keegan drew Eleanor along with him into the spacious stable with its wide, woodchip-covered aisle. He
stopped at a middle stall and pushed Eleanor in front of him so that she could look over the gate. There, in the stall, was a sleek, beautiful brown mare with a small, spindly-legged colt.

“Isn’t he a beauty?” he asked proudly. He put his hands on her shoulders, idly stroking them. “A fine young devil, all nerves right now. He’ll be a sight to behold in a few months.”

“He’s a champion all right.” She sighed. “I’ve always loved horses, even if I don’t know one bloodline from another.”

“I could teach you that,” he said, his breath fanning her hair. “I could teach you anything you wanted to know. And before you fly at me,” he added when she turned, glaring, “I don’t mean sex.”

That stopped her. She stared up at him breathlessly, her whole body reacting in sensuous pleasure to the intensity of his gaze.

“For God’s sake, don’t look at me like that,” he said harshly. “Don’t you realize even now the way you affect me?”

She didn’t, but when he drew her against his long, lean body, she got the message.

“Don’t pull away,” he said quietly. “You belong to me now. You know everything there is to know about my body and how it responds.” He smiled at her warmly. “Besides, you’re a nurse.”

“That doesn’t make me any more confident, actually,” she confessed. Her hands touched his chest through the shirt and she felt him shudder as his heartbeat increased. She pressed her fingers against him, feeling the soft, bristly pressure of chest hair through
the material, feeling him stiffen. She looked up, fascinated by the newness of the relationship they were sharing, by what had happened.

“How do things stand between you and Granger?” he asked.

She shifted restlessly. “I don’t have to tell you that.”

He tipped her chin up and searched her eyes. “After this afternoon, I have the right to know,” he replied. “You gave me something Granger’s never had from you.”

Something he would never have, but she couldn’t tell him that. She bit her lower lip. “I’m very fond of Wade,” she said, which was true. She studied his shirt button.

“And how do you feel about me?” he asked.

“I…want you,” she confessed, closing her eyes. Well, it was the truth, after all. She did want him. But she wasn’t about to tell him the rest of it, that she loved him and she’d never get over him. She’d experienced him totally as a man, and her heart was now his.

His hands smoothed up and down her bare arms, strong, warm, possessive hands. “Only want, Eleanor?” he probed.

She lifted her dark eyes to his. “What are you waiting for, another breathless confession of undying love?” she asked with a harsh laugh. “Wouldn’t that be history repeating itself? Isn’t physical desire enough for you, Keegan? We’re both adults, after all. And I’m sure you’re relieved to know that I’m not going to throw my heart at your feet a second time.”

He flinched slightly, then lowered his eyes and looked down at her hands, still pressed tautly against his chest.

“Wouldn’t you like to try loving me again?” he asked softly. He lifted his eyes back to hers, searching them in silence. “I might be a better proposition this go-around,” he remarked at last. “God knows, we’re both more mature now.”

Eleanor squared her chin and stared at him for a moment. Then, “Desire isn’t enough to build a relationship on,” she said. “You told me that four years ago, don’t you remember?” She laughed bitterly.

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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