Exquisite Karma (Iron Horse MC Book 4) (3 page)

BOOK: Exquisite Karma (Iron Horse MC Book 4)
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Abruptly the vibrator in my panties, which had been a subtle and pleasant hum, rocketed up a notch or two, and I sucked in a harsh breath while my knees went weak and I leaned into him.

Beach held me tighter to his body and lowered his mouth to my ear, tucking my hair behind it as he whispered, “Is your pussy wet for your

The vibrations eased down and I had to fight the urge to bite his neck, hard. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

sure as fuck would like to know,” Sledge muttered from behind me.

Without looking, I threw an elbow into his heavily muscled sternum hard enough to make his breath come out in a huff of laughter. “Fuck off, and stay out of my personal space, you perv.”

“Hey,” Sledge said with a slight wheeze, a big grin lighting up his sculpted face as he stood next to a glowering Beach. “Not my fault you two can’t keep your hands off each other. It’s the best live sex show I’ve ever seen. By all means, carry on.”

Sledge had, unfortunately, walked in on Beach and me one night at the clubhouse when Beach had decided to fuck me while I was chained to his desk wearing a slutty secretary outfit. It had been hot—so hot, I’d had no idea someone had opened the door. No, I was too busy writhing and begging my
to fuck me harder with his huge dick. To make his good girl hurt.

When Sledge walked in to find Beach slamming into me from behind while spanking me with a ruler, the vice president had been so shocked he’d just stood there with his eyes bugging out before he turned around and left without a word.

I’m pretty sure we scarred him for life.

I’d hoped he’d be cool about it, and he had been—to a point. I mean, he never told anyone else in the club about our little naughty secretary scene, but he’d say sly little things like that and I’d want to punch him in his smirking face. And he kept buying Beach new rulers.


Beach dialed down the vibrator again to a background hum as he turned to talk to some dark-bearded guy with crooked front teeth I didn’t know.

Sledge chuckled and drew my gaze back to him, the thick lines of the black tattoos covering his body flexing beneath his white tank top and black leather vest. “Damn, I get a proximity hard-on just by bein’ around you two.”

As I glared at him, I took in his new look, having to admit it really brought out his light brown eyes beneath his thick black brows. Sledge no longer sported a mohawk, instead going for a totally shaved bald head that gave him a sinister edge. It made him look more intimidating, he had that total Latin thug look going on with all his tattoos and thick gold earrings, but he was also a good guy who worked his ass off to help Beach keep Iron Horse running in the free and clear. He also had a sweet as pie mother and five sisters he adored who I considered friends.

That meant I couldn’t kick his ass, like I really wanted to at times like this. “Go away, Sledge. Don’t you have some sweet butt to go bother?”

“Nah, I say suck, they say how hard. No challenge there. You’re a lot more fun. So is your cute little friend Marley. Just my type with those sweet, big brown doe eyes of hers. And that tight little ass…” he whistled then licked his lips. “She’s fuckin’ sweet.”

I snarled at him, no longer screwing around. “Stay away from Marley.”

He laughed, the asshole, then shook his head at me. “Ohhh, Mama Bear is protective.”

“I mean it, Sledge. Marley’s had a rough life even before she became a single mom. She needs someone safe and stable in her life.”

“I think she needs a man between her legs.”

“And I think you need to remember that I give douchebags titty-twisters.”

Sledge burst out laughing then rubbed his hand over his left nipple. “Fuck, I’d think you’re just talkin’ shit but my fuckin’ chest still hurts from where you assaulted me last week.”

“I assaulted you? Please, I was going to assault your lippy piece of ass that you let wander around the clubhouse and rub up against my man. Not my fault you got between me and her.”

To my surprise, Sledge appeared chagrined and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was still passed out when she decided to go hit the kitchen.”

The memory of the skank trying to cop a feel on Beach while I made him and some of the brothers breakfast at the clubhouse still made me bristle. “She’s lucky you stepped in.”

He grinned then shook his head. “Don’t I know it.”

Beach, who’d been talking to the bearded man while Sledge and I bitched at each other, moved up behind me and slid my cute hair over to the side, kissing my neck lightly. “I think it’s fuckin’ hot when you fight over me.”

“I know you do, weirdo.”

“I think it’s hot too,” Sledge said with a dirty grin. “When that chick at the party three weeks ago ripped off your top while you were fighting, I ’bout came in my pants.”

Groaning, I stared at the sky. “Why are you always around at my worst moments?”

“I’m a lucky bastard,” Sledge replied with an unrepentant grin. “Somehow your clothes just seem to melt away around me.”

“Watch yourself,” Beach growled as his hands landed in a possessive grip on my hips.

Sledge nodded and raised his hands. “No offense meant, but your old lady is fun to get riled up and none of those situations were my fault. In fact, I believe I should be the offended party here. You’ve exposed me to your private life without my consent. I think I’ve been violated. I feel so dirty…wash me, Mommy.”

“You sick asshole,” I said through gritted teeth while the vibrator began to pulse against my clit. Shit. So damn good.

“What was that? You’re lookin’ a little flushed,
. You need to go inside and cool down?” He studied me then his eyes widened. “You’re turned on…holy shit, I think you might come.”

“Am not!” I screeched, unable to control the pitch of my voice while Beach toyed with my body, a satisfied look on his face that made me wild for him.

Laughing, Beach pulled me up against him and the feel of his erection pressing into me had me stiffening. It was either pretend I was a statue or twerk like Miley Cyrus on Ecstasy while moaning like the wanton slut Beach turned me into. I couldn’t help it, he totally indulged my every fetish, and I repaid the favor. In spades.

Memories of some of the rather exotic role-play we’d done raced through me and I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip hard enough to hurt.

He placed his hand around my throat, gripping me lightly in a clearly possessive move that let everyone watching us know I was
. “What can I say? I’m blessed with a woman who has a hungry pussy. Always wants my dick.”

“What?” I yelled, or tried to yell. Fucker turned the vibrator up to high and the last part of that word came out in a croak.

Running his hands up into my hair, he pulled my head back and proceeded to kiss me long and deep, my body already throbbing from the delicious torture in my panties. I nipped at his tongue, still pissed about his hungry comment—yuck—and angry that he was getting me so wound up in public. True, it was now just Sledge in the immediate area, but there were people hovering all around us, waiting to catch Beach’s attention. He was well loved and respected as their president, and that meant everyone felt they could talk with him about every little bit of bullshit under the sun. If it wasn’t for the Enforcers running interference, we’d be mobbed with people right now, even while we were trying to kiss each other’s faces off.

As much as Beach loved his brothers, he loved me more, and my safety meant they didn’t approach my man when I was around unless they had permission.

Abruptly his hold on me loosened and I sagged slightly when I realized I’d been leaning into his grip as he shouted over my shoulder, “I’m off-limits for the next hour.”

Laughing, his dark eyes twinkling in a way that would make any woman take notice, Sledge nodded. “Got it. You go have fun, Prez, don’t forget I put some extra rulers in your bedside table.”

I flipped Sledge off as we left, which only made him laugh harder.

“Beach,” I protested as we barged our way through startled-looking people, “wait—we need to eat.”

In response, he turned up the vibrator to a level that had me making a startled shriek that drew even more attention to us. “Oh, I plan on eating, and feeding
all the dick you can take.
home and he’s in the mood to play.”

I blinked at him, my body shuddering as the effects of his words and that darned vibrator were reducing me to non-thinking state. Oh fucking hell, that meant I wasn’t going to be able to walk without wincing tomorrow. Little electrical darts of pleasure seemed to speed through my body as he slowed the wonderfully evil device humming away between my legs to a level that let me breathe.

My clit was so swollen, each step brought me closer to orgasm. A light sweat broke out on my brow and adrenaline flooded me, along with the need to fuck. It felt so good to press my thighs together and squeeze the humming device harder against me. I bet I could come like this if I had just a little bit more stimulation. Someone called out in greeting to us as we passed, but I ignored everyone but the man clutching my wrist in a possessive grasp that made me breathless.

Beach dragged me up the two flights of stairs leading to the third level, barking at men we passed that he’d shoot anyone stupid enough to disturb him. I got more than one smirk, and envious looks from the women, thrown my way as he dragged me to his private room.

The moment we were inside, I relaxed, taking in the décor of the room Beach had let me redesign. I’d decluttered it from the crap that had piled up over the years, then selected some of his favorite mementos to display around the room. One of my personal favorites was the huge blown up black-and-white picture of the Iron Horse MC back when Beach’s grandpa had been president, complete with dramatic but tasteful lighting. His blonde-haired, Bettie-Davis-looking grandma stood next to her husband, who bore a striking resemblance to my man, his hard gaze holding the camera as he silently dared anyone to fuck with him.

Even though the picture was taken in the 1940s, the men captured forever in that moment on film could have been partying downstairs right now. Yeah, their hair styles were different and the clothes outdated, but these men all held the same predatory stare and wordless arrogance as the current group of Iron Horse MC brothers. Somehow in this photo, they’d managed to capture a little bit of the wild spirit of these men, and I marveled again at the history of the club that I was an integral part of now.

I was the president’s old lady and I felt more pride about that than any other title I’ve ever held.

The rough scrape of Beach’s weathered hands on my shoulders had me cuddling back into him, not realizing I’d moved to stand before the image.

With the vibrator now purring softly against my sensitive pussy, the feel of Beach’s lips on my neck, giving me those bone-meltingly soft kisses, gave me goose bumps. “You love this picture, don’t you, baby.”

“I do.” My voice came out in a husky whisper.

“Mmmm.” His teeth nipped at the side of my throat and I couldn’t help but offer myself to my
with a big smile. “Much as I love watchin’ you get lost in the past, I got plans for
mi riena
in the present.”

Turning in his arms, I laced my hands behind his neck and toyed with his hair. “I really missed you. Like a lot. Our bed feels so empty without you.”

Pain flashed through his eyes and I felt bad for souring this sweet moment between us. Before I could apologize, Beach placed his finger on my lips. “I missed you too. Swear this shit is gonna be over soon, just a little bit longer, and we’ll finally be able to just fuckin’ chill. Gonna take you down to the island and kick everyone except the maid and the chef off. Then I’m gonna live inside your sweet body until you can’t remember what it’s like to not have me between your thighs.”

“That sounds lovely.” Lying my head against his chest, I ran my fingers along the edges of his thick leather vest, the heat of his body warming me. “I don’t like you being so busy, but it’s okay, really it is. I’m fine. It’s not like I’m ever really alone, even when you’re not here. The other old ladies are over at our place, or I’m visiting friends. And don’t forget Marley is staying in that condo you own at the bottom of the hill leading to our house. I’ve seen her every morning and evening since she’s been her. She even stayed later than she originally intended because you were gone so I got extra Marley and Scottie time, which is always a win.”

“Not the same as havin’ your man home in your bed. I know that, and wish I didn’t have to be away from you for a minute, but shit I’m dealin’ with right now is too important to trust to someone else.”

A tiny part of me resented the fact that I knew he wouldn’t tell me why he had to be away from me, or what he was doing that kept him awake at night. He worried, a lot, and his tension had begun to seep into me. It made me more aware of the world around me and had me looking for enemies around every corner even though I was better protected than I’d ever been in my life…except when I was at my dad’s place out in Nowheresville, Texas. I know Beach couldn’t tell me because what he was doing was most certainly illegal, and there was an unspoken oath among the Iron Horse MC brothers to not discuss certain shit with their old ladies.

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