Expert Witness (26 page)

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Authors: Anna Sandiford

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Over the years, I have learnt an enormous amount through my training, experience and anecdotal information. However, forensic science, just like any other area of science, has an enormous body of research behind it. There are just too many relevant articles to list them all but those to which I have referred either directly or generally are listed below.


Adams, D. 1985.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
, Pan Macmillan, London and Sydney.

Barni, F., Lewis, S., Berti, A., Miskelly, G. & Lago, G. 2007. Forensic application of the luminol reaction as a presumptive test for latent blood detection.
, 896–913.

Baselt, R. 2001.
Drug Effects on Psychomotor Performance,
Biomedical Publications, Foster City, California.

Bass, B. & Jefferson, J. 2003.
Death's Acre: inside the legendary ‘Body Farm',
Time Warner, London.

Brown, A. 2006. The use of forensic botany and geology in war crimes investigations in NE Bosnia.
Forensic Science International,
, 204–210.

Caddy, B. (ed) 2001.
Forensic Examination of Glass and Paint,
Taylor & Francis, London.

Copperfield, D. 2007.
Wasting Police Time: the crazy world of the war on crime,
Monday Books, Great Britain.

Coulson, S. A., Gummer, A. B. & Triggs, C. M. 2001. Glass on clothing and shoes of members of the general population and people suspected of breaking crimes.
Scientific and Technical,
, 39–48.

Crichton, M. 2006.
HarperCollins, New York.

Forrest, A. 1986. The estimation of Widmark's factor.
Journal of the Forensic Science Society,
, 249–252.

Garrett, G. & Nott, A. 2001.
Cause of Death: memoirs of a Home Office pathologist,
Robinson, London.

Garriott, J. (ed) c.2003.
Medical-legal Aspects of Alcohol,
Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, Inc., Tuscon, USA.

Gill, J., Williams, J., Jackson, S., Lininger, K. & Robinson, G. 2009. Pleistocene megafaunal collapse preceded novel plant communities, and enhanced fire regimes.
, 1100–1103.

Grant, B. & Dawson, D. 1997. Age at onset of alcohol use and its association with DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence: results from the National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiological Study.
Journal of Substance Abuse,
, 103–110.

Gullberg, R. G. & Jones, A. 1994. Guidelines for estimating the amount of alcohol consumed from a single measurement of blood alcohol concentration: re-evaluation of Widmark's equation.
Forensic Science International,
, 119–130.

Jones, A. 1993. Disappearance rate of ethanol from the blood of human subjects: implications in forensic toxicology.
Journal of Forensic Sciences,
, 104–118.

Jones, A. c.2003. Disposition and fate of ethanol in the body. In:
Medico-legal Aspects of Alcohol.
(ed J. Garriott), Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company Ltd, Tucson, USA.

Jones, A., Jonsson, K. & Kechagias, S. 1997. Effect of high-fat, high-protein, high-carbohydrate meals on the pharmacokinetics of a small dose of ethanol.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,
, 521–526.

Kalant, H. 2005. Effects of food and body composition on blood alcohol levels. In:
Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology
(eds V. R. Preedy & R. Watson), Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 87–101.

Kaufman, H., Wiegand, R. & Tunick, R. 1987. Teaching surgeons to operate — principles of psychomotor skills training.
Acta Neurochirurgica,
, 1–7.

Keyes, M. 1997.
Rachel's Holiday,
Penguin, London.

Lambert, J. A., Satterthwaite, M. J. & Harrison, P. H. 1995. A survey of glass fragments recovered from clothing of persons suspected of involvement in crime.
Science and Justice,
, 273–281.

Latta, N. 2005.
Into the Badlands and Beyond: unveiling the predators among us,
HarperCollins, Auckland.

Lee, H., Palmbach, T. & Miller, M. 2001.
Henry Lee's Crime Scene Handbook,
Academic Press, London.

Lekskulchai, V. & Rattanawibool, S. 2007. Blood alcohol concentrations after ‘one standard drink' in Thai healthy volunteers.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand,
, 1137–1142.

Lieberman, D., Venkadesan, M., Werbel, W., Daoud, A., D'Andrea, S., Davis, I., Mang'Eni, R. & Pitsiladis, Y. 2010. Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners.
, 531–535.

McQuillan, J. & Edgar, K. 1992. A survey of distribution of glass on clothing.
Journal of the Forensic Science Society,
, 333–348.

Nelson, D. F. & Revell, B. C. 1967. Backward fragmentation from breaking glass.
Journal of the Forensic Science Society,
, 58–61.

Neufeld, P. & Coleman, N. 1990. When science takes the witness stand.
Scientific American,
, 46–53.

Pounds, C. A. & Smalldon, K. W. 1978. The distribution of glass fragments in front of a broken window and the transfer of fragments to individuals standing nearby.
Journal of the Forensic Science Society,
, 197–203.

Pratchett, T. & Gaiman, N. 1991.
Good Omens
. Corgi, Reading, England.

Roach, M. 2003.
Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers,
Penguin, London.

Roberts, C. & Robinson, S. 2007. Alcohol concentration and carbonation of drinks: the effect on blood alcohol levels.
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine,
, 398–405.

Rockerbie, D. & Rockerbie, R. 1995. Computer simulation analysis of blood alcohol.
Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine,
, 137–141.

Roine, R., Gentry, R., Lim, R., Helkonnen, R., Salaspuro, M. & Lieber, C. 1993. Comparison of blood alcohol concentrations after beer and whiskey.
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research,
, 709–711.

Sapir, G. 2007. Qualifying the expert witness: a practical voir dire. In:
Forensic Magazine
, February/March.

Seidl, S., Jensen, U. & Alt, A. 2000. The calculation of blood ethanol concentrations in males and females.
International Journal of Legal Medicine,
, 71–77.

Stowell, A. R., Gainsford, A. R. & Gullberg, R. G. 2008. New Zealand's breath and blood alcohol testing programs: further data analysis and forensic implications.
Forensic Science International,
, 83–92.

Stowell, A. R. & Stowell, L. I. 1998. Estimation of blood alcohol concentrations after social drinking.
Journal of Forensic Sciences,
, 14–21.

Walls, H. & Brownlie, A. 1985.
Drink, Drugs and Driving,
Sweet & Maxwell, London.

White, P. (ed) 2004.
Crime Scene to Court: the essentials of forensic science,
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England.

Widmark, E. 1932.
Die theoretischen Grundlagen und die praktische Verwendbarkeit der gerichlich-medizinischen Alkoholbestimmung (English translation, 1981),
Urban und Schwarzenberg, Biomedical Publications, Berlin.

Wiltshire, P. & Black, S. 2006. The cribriform approach to the retrieval of palynological evidence from the turbinates of murder victims.
Forensic Science International,
, 224–230.

Winek, C., Wahba, W. & Dowdell, J. 1996. Determination of absorption time of ethanol in social drinkers.
Forensic Science International,
, 169–177.

Wu, K.-L., Chaikomin, R., Doran, S., Jones, K., Horowitz, M. & Rayner, C. 2006. Artificially sweetened versus regular mixers increase gastric emptying and alcohol absorption.
The American Journal of Medicine,
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Yelland, L., Burns, J., Sims, D., Salter, A. & White, J. 2008. Inter-and intra-subject variability in ethanol pharmacokinetic parameters: effects of testing interval and dose.
Forensic Science International,
, 65–72.

t's been a long road and I thank my mum and my gran for their contributions along the way. I know what I'll be like when I'm 89, because I look and sound like my mum, who looks and sounds like her mum. Patch, Baa and John have also been good influences, even if they're not aware of it.

I also thank all the people (there are a lot of them and they know who they are) who have taught me on this journey, including all the geological-, scientific-, anecdotal-and life-experiences. I thank Nick Powell for pointing me onto this career path in the first place and also John and Kathy Manlove who have kept me here despite enormous challenges. Mark Horrocks and I keep each other on the forensic pollen path and he's taught me a lot, including how to identify New Zealand pollen grain. It's debatable if I've taught him as much, but I like to think so.

I also thank Jason for letting me be who I am and for everything that we have gained together.

Finally, Lorain Day and HarperCollins for giving me this opportunity to write. I've enjoyed it; it's a cathartic experience and I thoroughly recommend it.


First published in 2010
This edition published in 2011
by HarperCollins
(New Zealand) Limited
PO Box 1, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140

Copyright © Anna Sandiford 2010

Anna Sandiford asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.

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National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Sandiford, Anna, 1970-
Expert witness / Anna Sandiford.
ISBN 978-1-86950-875-3
ISBN: 978-0-7304-9933-6 (epub)
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Forensic sciences—New Zealand. 2. Forensic scientists. 3. Criminal investigation.
I. Title.
363.250993—dc 22

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