Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (89 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

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Indigo Blue

Wynter O’Reilly


69690002, Indigo Blue, also known as The Black Widow. You are charged with the
assassination of thirteen men. Four were members of the Kaori Alliance. How do
you plead?”

client pleads guilty your honor. As per our conditions with the court, she will
undergo reassignment and become a pleasure slave.”

this how you wish to plead?”

sighed, like she had a choice it was either this or termination. “Yes, your
honor, I plead guilty per the court’s conditions.”

well.” The judge turned to the guard flanking her on either side. “Take her to
the reassignment facility.”

saluted then led her out to a waiting police cruiser. Placing her in the back,
the guards got in the front. Laughing and making raunchy comments about her as
they took off.

honestly didn’t give a kendio’s behind what they thought. As long as she got
away from Afton and the Union. She’d been their slave long enough. Leaning back
on the seat she sighed and watched the huge silver buildings whiz by. Soon the
car slowed and stopped in front of one of the many identical buildings.

guards helped her from the car. One stopped before they entered the building.
“I gotta ask, is it true? You actually fucked Senator Jenoir to death.”

Senator had a bad heart. I over stimulated it, that’s all.”

the guards laughed. “Sure you did.”

her arms they led her into the shiny building. Only to stop again at the
reception desk. “Prisoner 69690002 for reassignment.”

droid behind the desk tapped some random keys on the keyboard. Two other droids
came out of the double doors behind the desk, she was then turned over to them.
Indy walked down the hall between them, pausing again, a door slid open and she
was ushered inside. A man inside looked up at her and gestured for her to get
on the table in the center of the room. Once she was laying down the cuffs were
removed as was her clothing.

The man said looking her over with a critical eye. “We don’t have to worry
about doing too much reconstruction.” He cupped her breasts. “Perhaps we’ll
bump you up a size larger.” His hands slid over her stomach and hips. “Trim the
hips just a bit…” Stepping back he grinned, rubbing his hands together. “You
won’t stay in cryo long. “


my dear. After your surgery and we put in the new chip you’ll go into cryo till
you're bought.”


moved around her again, this time running his hands through her hair. “It’s too
bad I have to change your hair color to conform with slave statues.”

did she care, it wasn’t her natural color anyway.

tipped her head back so she had to look him in the eyes. “Hmm, yes. I got it.”

over to the controls he pressed a series of buttons. “I don’t usually do this,
but you will be my masterpiece.” He turned the screen toward her. “This is what
you’ll look like.”

looked up at the screen. The woman on it looked like her, bigger chest, thinner
hips, deep blue hair, which matched her eyes.

you like?”

nodded, wishing he’d just do it already.

He smiled coming back over to her with a needle. “The next face you see will be
your new master.”


Captain, airs breathable. We can lose the suits.”

Sean Casey removed his helmet. “You guys know your jobs. Get to it.” He watched
his crew scatter.

few minutes later his radio crackled. “Captain I think you should come take a
look at this. We’re in the cargo bay.”

is it?” Sean asked, walking toward the cargo area of the ship.

you gotta see it to believe it.”

his eyes Sean made his way to where his crewmen stood. “So what’s…” He trailed
off. Laying on the floor of the cargo bay was a cryo unit, kneeling he wiped at
the name plate on the front. “Indigo Blue, Pleasure Slave 69690002.”

over his shoulder, Harley his gunner said, “please say we can take her aboard.”

ran his hand over his chin, scratching at the stubble. For some reason the name
Indigo Blue set off warning bells. Yet the blue balls from being in deep space
with the only women around being, either married or a seventeen year old, over
rode them. He nodded. “Get her and anything else useful on board and let’s get
the hell outta here.”


followed as they carried the entire cyro unit over to his ship. “Erin get the
Doc,” he called as they set the unit on the floor of the ship.

spry young woman bounded up the stair to the upper deck, where the medical area
was. The rest of his sparse crew gathered around the cryo unit.

long she been on there?”

shook his head. “Don’t know. Ain’t no date on the unit. But judgin’ from the
dust awhile.”

what’s the emergency.”

got us a pleasure pop, Doc. Think you can thaw her out.”

the ship’s doctor knelt down next to the unit. “Can we get her up to the med

a corner boys.”

* *
* *

couldn’t help shivering, she was freezing. Why did they keep these freaking
hospitals so cold? Blinking, she tried to open her eyes, it was too bright. And
why couldn’t she move her arms or legs? She tried to sit up but her body just
wouldn’t respond.

don’t try to move. You're still defrosting.”

What the hell? Then it came back, taking the fall, making the deal, the
reassignment, and finally the cryo unit. She squinted into the light, moving
her jaw and tongue to see if she could at least try to talk.

boought me?”

voice came from her other side. “According to the log no one would buy you.
Even after being reassigned they were too afraid. So they put the Black Widow
on a cargo ship headed for the outer ring and forgot about you.”

closed her eyes, well what had she expected. It wasn’t like they’d wiped her
memory. They’d just put in a chip to control her. Wait one stinking minute if
she’d never been bought then the chip hadn’t been activated, so she was free.

her eyes again, she tried to find the source of the voice but couldn’t quiet
focus her eyes. “Where am I?”

abroad the Diala. That man shining a light in your eyes is Doctor Kyle Eaton.
I’m the ship’s captain, Sean Casey.”

licked her lips, she could slowly feel the control of her arms and legs
returning. “What do you intend to do with me?” Blinking, Indy waited for the
Captain to come into focus.

haven’t quite figured it out yet. See having someone with your talents on board
would be nice, but on the other hand… rumor has it you can kill a man with a

well if you had lips laced with Laxtico, you could kill a man with a kiss too.”
Indy shifted, pulling the blanket around her. She still couldn’t shake these
damn chills.

blurry figure on her left nodded. “True. So here’s the deal, I’ll let you stay
on, but the first wind of trouble you’re gone.”

nodded, rubbing her eyes. When she opened them she was finally able to make out
the room and the two men standing in it. The one to her left she assumed was
the captain, he had to stand six something with shaggy dark brown hair, dark
eyes. She had learned to read people, as part of her training, but apparently
that part of her brain was still frozen because she couldn’t read this man.

other man had close cropped blond hair, pale blue eyes, and stood a head or so
shorter than the captain. He slowly moved a bio-scanner over her. “You’re
status is good, but I want to keep you here just a little longer.” He looked up
at the captain. “She needs some rest.”

that Indy burst out laughing. “Sorry, it’s just I’ve been asleep for…” She
looked up at the men.

to the log, three years.”

for three years, she’d been a floating popsicle in deep space.

Chapter 2

can join them. They don’t bite, well Harley might, but he’s had his shots.”

looked up to find the Captain standing next to her. She gave him a slight
smile. “That’s ok.”

you sure?”

nodded, looking back to the game of Apatab the crew was playing. From what she
could tell the whole premise was to get the ball through the metal circle using
any means necessary. She winced as Harley was shoulder out of the way by Clair,
and took a header into a pile of creates.

it always this rough?”

It’s the best way for them to get out their stress and aggression way out here.
It’s either this or sex.” He chuckled when she gave him a slight glance.
“Notice Chloe and Kyle don’t take part?” She nodded. “That’s cause they’re the
only ones getting any out here.”

said they were married.”

hmm.” He knelt down next to her. “Listen, we’re landing on Midori in the next
couple days. If you’re gonna stay on as part of the crew you’re gonna need some
decent clothes. I’ll spot you some credits to get something that fits, Chloe
and Erin can take you shopping.”

do you want in return?”

work it out.” He winked. “Listen, I want you to buy at least one outfit that’s
fittin’ a pleasure slave. If the UIA stop us then I’ll have to claim you as
mine. Since you still have the chip.”

nodded. “What’s the UIA?”

stood. “The Universal Imperial Authority. They won the war against the Kaori
Alliance after four of the members were murdered. When the people found out it
threw the Alliance into civil war and the UIA just walked right in.”

stomach turned, as claws of guilt crept over her skin. She swallowed. “Would
you excuse me Captain?” He didn’t answer before she took off to her quarters.

* *
* *

ya do to her?”

wanted to smack himself on the forehead, he’d just stuck his foot in his mouth
up to his hip. “Son of a…” He shook his head. “Never mind, just play your game.”

up the stairs he headed for the crew quarters. How could he have forgotten who
he was talking to? Knocking on Indigo’s door, he waited for an answer. When he
didn’t get one right away, he pushed the button to the open the door. It
whooshed to the side and he stepped inside.


Captain.” She came out of the personal area of the quarters, wiping her mouth
with the back of her hand.

you all right?”

residual sickness due to being frozen.” She sank down on the bed.

He shifted suddenly uneasy. “I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean it was your

no need to apologize. I know what I was made to do. If it caused the loss of
the War… I’m sorry.”

didn’t know what to say to that. He cleared his throat. “I don’t know if it
matters but the only ones who know, or remember, who you are is me and the doc.
So I’m sure nobodies goin‘ to blame you.”

just shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I did what I could to rectify it.” She
sighed. “You don’t want to hear about it I’m sure.

she’d peaked his interest, the news had said that the Black Widow had killed
key members of the Alliance and that she was being punished. He moved closer
sitting on the edge of the bed. “Ah, If you don’t mind sharing. See I’ve been
trying to wrap my head around why you got off with a slap on the wrist.”

they deactivated my original slave chip I gave up Afton, the leader of the
Union who had been my master. He’d commanded me to… do what I did.”

were a slave of the Union.” She nodded. “The UIA is lead by the heads of what
used to be the Union.”

that makes more sense. Afton had me take out the four key members, then let me
take the fall. While the Alliance was weak the Union made their move.” She
shook her head again. “I was expendable.”

looked at her. How could someone talk like that about themselves? And so matter
of factly. Well he wasn’t going to stand for it on his ship. Sean reached over
catching her chin and making her look at him.

are not expendable. And I won’t listen to any one talk like that.” He looked
into her wide eyes a deep blue like the night sky. Impulsively he kissed her
and was surprised by how responsive she was. Her soft lips yielded to him,
parting slightly and he took advantage dipping his tongue inside. Hers readily
played with his, dueling passionately.

back he looked down at her. “Please tell me that wasn’t the pleasure chip.”

smiled. “The chip hasn’t been activated. That was all me.”



and Indy have been getting kinda close lately, Captain.” Harley muttered, while
they were checking the cargo before setting down in Madori.

Sean looked over the crate at him.

me and the boys were just wondering if it was serious or if we still have a

pulled a strap into place with a bit more force than needed. “It’s up to her.
She’s a free woman, and can make her own choices.”

but…” He trailed off as Sean gave him a drop the subject look.

* *
* *

giggled as they boarded the Diala. “I can’t believe all those tiny sheer little

can’t believe how much they wanted for them. It seemed the less material the
higher the price.” Erin added.

take it from the babble that Indy got the required outfit,” Sean said, walking
toward them.

just say if the UIA boards us. Kyle is being blindfolded before coming down.”
Chloe grinned at them then headed for the upper deck.

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