Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (114 page)

Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

BOOK: Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter
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didn’t keep him waiting. The plush lips of her vagina parted and he watched as
his cock slid back into her exquisite sex.

thrusts were faster this time. She bounced on his cock, her lovely round tits
swaying as she rocked back and forth. Ripples travelled along the lovely smooth
flesh of her ass as she smacked down on his cock again and again.

weakness and nausea from before had gone. Terry started to move his body back
against her, tentative at first, but growing bolder until his legs were locked
straight and he started to thrust upwards, bouncing her weight on top of him,
starting to catch up to her pace. The force of their motions sent tremors
rippling through the bed until the mattress began to squeak.

laughed at the sound and thrust even harder. Nicole rocked up and down on him,
riding him as if he was an untamed stallion. He was bursting with energy. The
tiredness, the weakness, was gone. His cock plunged back and forth into her
moist pussy, their two bodies coming together with slapping squelches.

wasn’t long before Terry was feeling his balls start to boil over, but this
time they felt full, not like a bubbling saucepan, but much more, powerful like
a volcanic geyser about to erupt and send boiling water high enough to shower
the angels in heaven. He groaned and thrust up with a mighty heave, almost
catapulting her off his body entirely before she came back down, taking his
cock all the way inside her, her pussy tightening around it as he spurted cream
into her warmth.

pussy gripped him, forming a soft fleshy seal that engulfed his cock entirely.
Muscular pulses rolled up his shaft as her sex sucked on him with the same
hunger as a mouth. He groaned as more and more spurts of his juice jetted out
of his cock to be sucked up by her warm body.

time the aftermath didn’t leave him feeling drained and empty. He felt vital,
as strong as a bull. It took him only a moment to recover his breath before he
sat up and flipped her onto her back, her black wings flowing out beneath her
like sable satin sheets.

he was on top and jackhammering his cock into her wet sex. He gripped her
luscious ass and slid her closer to him so he could thrust deeper and deeper
into a warmth that throbbed and pulsed around his cock like the beatings of a
molten heart.

it all Nicole remained impassive, her face as self contained as polished marble
and equally enigmatic even as her delicious pussy gushed warm juices over his
groin. She smiled up at him and pouted her bright red lips like a porn actress,
but she still seemed totally composed. In control. Always in control.

felt wild. His balls throbbed again and he drove his cock as deep into her
pussy as it would go. Her vagina clamped tightly around him and muscular pulses
tickled up his shaft as she milked more seed out of his balls.

Terry wasn’t done. He felt like he had the vitality of a marathon runner. Maybe
more. There was strength in his arms he’d never possessed before. His muscles
were coiled springs, bursting to the brim with energy. Even after two powerful
orgasms he wasn’t about to end their frenzied fucking.

bed had become too small for them so they abandoned it. He bent her over the
dresser and thrust into her silken sex, reveling in power he’d never before
felt in his legs. This was life; true heaving, sweating, grunting, pounding,
joyful life and it thrilled him to feel it after spending so long barely
keeping out of death’s clutches.

tail slithered across his chest before descending in a lascivious loop around
his buttocks. Hands flat on the wall she pushed back at him with equal force as
he thrust deep into her dripping sex. He reached around her body and clasped
both of her breasts, feeling her erect nipples dig into his palms.

He was coming again.

pussy contracted around him with a suction almost hard enough to yank him off
his feet. The walls of her pussy clamped tightly around his cock and pulled at
it with strong muscular contractions. Terry grunted as he let go another
powerful geyser of semen into her convulsing insides. She held him there,
gripped tightly by her vagina, as she milked pulse after pulse of sperm from
his body until his knees started to wobble and his ankles felt like they were
made out of spaghetti.

pulled herself off his juice-slimed cock and span in his arms until she was
facing him.

turn,” she said with a throaty growl before throwing him back onto the bed.

was pouncing even as he lifted his head up off the sheets. He took in the lithe
curves of her body as she arced through the air, full breasts bobbing beneath
her. She landed on him like a bird of prey, black wings folded behind her. Her
hands pinned his wrists to the bed as she straddled him.

extra vitality didn’t matter. She was in control now.

slammed her hips down on him, engulfing his still erect cock down to the base with
one smooth gulp. She was warmer inside, much warmer and growing warmer still, a
total contrast to the pale skin of her body.

calmness had gone. Instead Terry stared up at a face filled with wild passions,
dark and unfathomed. Her lips were stretched taut, baring long fangs, as she
growled and snarled with animal desire. She rode him faster and harder than any
human woman could ever be capable of. Terry gave up trying to keep up and
instead lay back as the force of her unquenchable passion roared through his
body like wildfire.

was looking at the true her, the part she’d only now released from the cage
locked inside her. It was like staring onto her naked soul, or whatever passed
for one. She was no less beautiful, but it was a dark and terrible beauty.

hoped she wouldn’t kill him.

arched her spine, threw back her head and gave a wild cry. Her wings stretched
wide behind her, wide enough for the tips to brush the walls on either side.
She slammed him down into the mattress, forcing his cock deep into the furnace
heat of her vagina. Her muscular walls closed tight around his cock, like a
fleshy vice. No escape, her grip said, ever.

exploded within her, the orgasm more powerful than any other he’d experienced
this night. Her warm sex clenched around his shaft and sucked and stroked him
with consummate skill. He wasn’t stopping this time. Terry groaned in ecstatic
bliss as a series of steady pulses bubbled up his shaft, each growing in
intensity as she pumped more juice out of his balls than he ever believed he
could produce.

my pussy really suck you,” Nicole said.

sat above him, her full breasts thrust upwards and outwards. She stared at him
over the twin peaks of her luscious chest. Terry writhed beneath her in
orgiastic torment, tremor after blissful tremor tearing through his body.

leaned over him and clasped the side of his head with her black-clawed hands.
She held him still and stared down at him with her abyssal black eyes. Those
black pools sucked him in like a tar pit, dragging him down into a darkness
that had no bottom or end. Her wings rose up and blotted out the light
entirely. Her pussy formed a cushioned vice around his cock and he felt her
whole body tense and flex as she sucked him. She was gulping down his life,
swallowing him one orgasm at a time, and Terry didn’t want it to end, even
though it must and it would end with his death.

blinked and the savage passion in her face flickered and was blown out like a

she said.

pussy released him and that irresistible, terrible, rapturous suction passed.
The violence of his ejaculations faded and the flow of semen into her body
slowed to a dribble. Her face was once again as calm and perfect as a flawless
sculpture. She got off him and lay next to him on the bed, head resting against
his. One of her wings folded across their perspiring bodies like a soft sheet.

best part about loaning out stolen life essence is fucking it back out of the
person you lent it to,” Nicole said.

you have left some?” Terry said. The familiar weakness had returned to his body
and the memory of the strength and vitality he’d felt was fading to the quality
of a dream.

shook her head sadly. “Living off the essence of others is the blackest,
foulest magic. It would extend your existence, but it would be a corrupted
shadow of your life.”

much as he longed to feel that raw vibrant life rushing through his veins
again, he understood. A shadow of a shadow was no existence at all.

is my client fully satisfied?” Nicole said, putting her arms around and
cuddling him.

Terry replied. A dazzling array of emotions were spinning through his mind. It
would take him a long time to fully process what had happened this night. “What
are you?” he asked.

smiled enigmatically.

perfect date for a warm summer’s night,” she replied.

Terry said.

good to let the wild side out once in a while,” Nicole murmured.

get the feeling you don’t get to do that very often,” Terry said.

can’t afford to,” Nicole replied. “My kind are powerful, but they are few and
the humans are many. If I gave my instincts full rein eventually your kind
would hunt me down and kill me.”

traced a finger over the elaborate black whorls and symbols covering her skin.
“This isn’t here for decoration, is it?”

a reminder,” Nicole said, her face cryptic again. “I think of it as an
instruction manual to help me become the being I wish to be.”

suppose I’m a good test,” Terry smiled. “It’s not a great loss if you
accidentally suck me dry.”

usually more tender,” Nicole said. “I hope I didn’t scare you.”

it felt more real,” he said, “if that makes any sense.”

lay on the bed, enfolded in her warm arms and covered by her soft wing. There
was a question he had to ask.

you carried on,” he asked, leaving unspoken what that would mean for him,
“would it hurt?”

Nicole said. She lightly breathed in his ear. “I would give you the sweetest,
tenderest end.”

think I understand why Dr Pratchett told me to ring you,” Terry said.

Pratchett told me about this young patient of his,” Nicole said. “A brave young
man who’d lived his whole life with a rare, incurable condition. A young man
who’d endured many painful and debilitating treatments and yet still found
energy to cheer up the other children on the same ward. A young man who’d grown
into an adult despite many medical experts predicting he wouldn’t survive
beyond his twelfth birthday. Dr Pratchett told me about this young man and said
it would be a pity if such a decent young man never got to experience the
simple pleasures so many take for granted.”

lightly kissed him on the cheek.

it what you want?” she asked.

lay back and stared at the ceiling. It was black. The walls were black. His
furnishings were antique and gothic. It was hard to avoid becoming obsessed
with death when you were forced to contemplate it every day, Terry thought.

told me I was unlikely to live past my twelfth birthday. Most children grow up
and find out Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny are only make believe; for
me it was my future,” Terry said sardonically. “My parents loved me a great
deal, but in their eyes I always saw that fear, the knowledge that one day
they’d have to bury me.

didn’t,” he said with traces of black humor. “In the end I buried them. Plane
crash,” he added. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be joining them soon. I got past my
twelfth birthday, then my thirteenth, then my fourteenth...but the nineteenth
is a year too far. There are no treatments left.”

paused in thought.

it’s not what I want,” he answered. “Not yet.”

listened, her head resting on her elbow.

like summer,” he said. “We know it won’t last forever. We know one day the
leaves will fall from the trees and winter will come. I could spend my life
worrying about the coming winter or I could enjoy every precious day of
sunshine. I can walk. I can talk. I can think. It’s still summer and I want to
savor every last day.”

leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

what I thought,” she said.

got up and slid off the bed, a beautiful girl that was so much more.

know the right time,” she said. “Then I’ll come for you.”

you,” Terry said. “It’s a comfort to know the end will be nothing to fear.”

walked to the door, her black wings folded behind her back. At the door she
turned and blew him a kiss. Even though she was on the other side of the room,
Terry still fancied he could feel traces of her perfumed breath brushing against
his lips.

stolen life essence,” Terry asked. “I probably shouldn’t ask where it came

* *
* *

opened the door to the store cupboard and gave a loud shriek as a large naked
body toppled out. She stepped aside as the body—

was Neil

bonelessly forward to land on its face with a thud. An eye, glazed over, stared
into space with cow-like stupidity.

* *
* *

smiled, the twin points of two long fangs resting against her plush red lips.

still not quite the being I wish to be,” she said. “Occasionally I have moments
of weakness.”



M.E. Hydra

E. Hydra has been writing his own special brand of twisted horror erotica under
the pseudonyms manyeyedhydra and Many-Eyed Hydra for a number of websites since
2007. He has an unhealthy fascination with dark seductresses and other
mistresses of the night–fueled no doubt by the many horror movies he
watched during a misspent youth–and these feature heavily in his stories.
When it comes to writing about his exotic creations he's a firm believer that
the femme fatale should at least give their victim good sex before the bad
things start to happen. And bad things inevitably do happen...



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